The Solopreneur Hour Podcast with Michael O'Neal show

The Solopreneur Hour Podcast with Michael O'Neal

Summary: Michael O'Neal chats with other unemployable icons and successful gamechangers to learn how to take your skills and hobbies and turn them into a business. Nominated As "Best New Show of 2013" by Stitcher Radio, Our range of guests takes us from comedy, to acting, to the NFL, to UFC and MMA, to Top Music Stars, to Millionaires, to Business Experts, to Real Estate moguls, and everything in between. Guests like James Altucher, Adam Carolla, Hines Ward, Sam Jones, Tucker Max, Jonathan Fields, Derek Halpern, Pat Flynn, Amy Porterfield, John Lee Dumas, Chris Ducker, Chris Brogan, Guy Kawasaki, Mike Johnston, Rich Franklin, Jack Canfield, Michael Gerber, and many more, these casual conversations contain tons of action-inducing content wrapped up in an entertaining candy shell. We talk crypto, NFT, entrepreneurship, small business, podcasting, authorship, and more!

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 51:The Importance of Loving What You Do – with Dan Norris | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:18:23

For episode 51, I chatted with the ever-evolving and driven Dan Norris, fellow podcaster and solopreneur. We talk Gary Vaynerchuk, Howard Stern, and Neil Patel…among many other great topics. Dan’s solopreneur background includes currently being the co-partner of WPCurve, a company that provides unlimited small fixes to your WordPress site for a small monthly fee of $69. Prior to WPCurve, Dan built and sold a web site business and learned tremendous lessons along the way; he even built a business in 7 days! In our interview he talks about that fun project, plus giving away business ideas as content, and working at things he loves to do (and things he doesn’t love). In this show you’ll hear Dan’s full commitment to building the most successful solopreneur lifestyle possible. In his words he said, “I won’t accept any situation in life until I’m successful.” And to him success equates to owning a business that doesn’t need his time & attention 12+ hours a day, something all of us as solopreneurs can relate to. He also gives his thoughts on fascinating subjects like: * The magic formula for engagement with your audience. * What it takes to be a great interviewer and who the best are right now. * Is patience a virtue or a liability for solopreneurs * Do you really need to find a niche? * How to avoid failure all together. As someone who has successfully built and sold a business, Dan has genuine wisdom to share and he gives a ton of his knowledge in this episode! If you're looking to connect with him, he’s on Facebook and Twitter: Resources from this episode: Crush It (See resources section for link)

 50 : Shift Your Business, Shift Your Life In the Next 48 Days w/ Dan Miller | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:08:35

The milestone of episode 50 is here Soloists and I'm thrilled to share it with you. I brought on my new friend Dan Miller, owner and operator of the insightful and successful 48 Days online community and podcast.  Dan is a former radio jock turned podcaster, author and coach. He gave up hosting a very high profile radio show when he saw the way the world was responding to online media. He left the show behind to start his own venture: 48, a place devoted to helping people create work they love. Part of his 48 Days offerings include a weekly podcast; he values the authentic connection and intimacy podcasts create with his audience. On our show Dan talks about the path of the solopreneur. Having held only one "real job" in his entire adult life, Dan truly understands the solopreneur aspirations. He knows what it's like to see the possibility of time and financial freedom, and to be ruined for all employment thereafter. He has walked his talk, and that's one of the reasons his podcast, his community forums and his events are so sought-after. In this episode he shares his walk and his talk including: * Why systemizing is so critical to everything you do as a solopreneur. * How you can change your life in the next 6 months with this one simple action. * Why saying "no" is the key and the strategic question Dan asks himself before saying it. * Why Dan fears NOT changing far more than he fears change - and why all thriving solopreneurs feel the same way. * The ONE key to your entire solopreneur career. This and nothing else can make or break you. Whether you have a podcast or not, Dan's insights and time-tested wisdom will continue to usher you on your solopreneur path. If you feel stuck in a rut or are unsure of what to next or how to make your next move, take a listen and you'll hear what you need to guide you. If you're looking to revolutionize your next 48 days, find him on Facebook and Twitter: Resources from this episode: David and Goliath: Underdogs, Misfits, and the Art of Battling Giants

 49: Ryan Skelly: Facebook Ads for THOUSANDS of Likes on your Page | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:33:32

What an episode this is! Soloists… get your Evernote ready for this one. My friend Ryan Skelly and I talk about what it takes to make it in business. He is in full agreement with Gary Vaynerchuk's philosophy "You can't scale caring." He also reiterates something Adam Carolla said when he visited The Solopreneur Hour, the value of over-delivering to your clients in the early stages of your learning curve. Ryan and I don't stop there. We also dive headlong into the nitty-gritty of Facebook advertising success. He is the self-admitted left-brained partner of another Solopreneur Hour co-host, Shane Johnston. The dynamic duo are true Facebook ads ninja experts and in this show Ryan spills his secrets. Growing up as a football and basketball player and being raised by a self-employed father, Ryan saw early on the hustle it takes to make it in the real world. He learned quickly you've got to log your time to become a success in anything you do. After spending some time working for others, including his dad, he reconnected with his former UConn college buddy, Nick Unsworth. And after seeing Nick crush it online, Ryan joined in one of Nick's webinars. He was blown away by all of Nick's incredible content. He took his newfound knowledge, struck out on his own and it was full-speed ahead from there. One of the keys to his success along the way has been investing in himself, like he did when he purchased Nick's webinar. As Ryan says in the show, "…when you invest in yourself, crazy sh*t happens." And that crazy sh*t led him to his now Facebook ninja partner-in-crime Shane Johnston. As you listen to the show you'll get an earful of just how passionate Ryan is about Facebook. He gives you the down-and-dirty details on: * Why business is no longer built on sell, sell, sell but give, give and give. * The step by step breakdown of what a sales funnel is and how it works with your Facebook advertising. * Why you should be transparent in everything you, including everything you do for your clients. * How deep to niche your Facebook advertising - including how to advertise to just ONE person! * The three keys to finding and marketing to a specific target audience on Facebook Whether you have a successful Facebook page, or want to have a more successful Facebook page or are just starting your page, this is the episode you've been waiting for. Get your Evernote open, get your pen & paper out or whatever it is you take notes with, get it ready and turn it up. Then hit repeat, you'll want to hear this content a few times just to let it all sink in. Love what you heard from Ryan Skelly? Of course you did.  Check him out here: Resources from this episode: WestJet Christmas Miracle:

 48: Abel James – Business, Music, Nutrition, & Being A Renaissance Man | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:16:56

Food is obviously a vital part of our day. But have you considered that your eating choices could be slowing you down in your business? Abel James joins me to talk about all that and more in episode 48. He’s got a great podcast where he’s interviewed Tim Ferriss, Lewis Howes, and many more notables. Successful solopreneur and fellow podcaster Abel James of chat about our backgrounds in music and how musicianship has influenced our solopreneur careers, the impact nutrition has had for both of us, and the lost art of being Renaissance Man. From an early age, Abel has been a hustler and an innovator. As he says in this podcast, he didn't grow up with much money so he had to create it "from nothing". His foray into internet marketing came in the late 90s, and he hasn't looked back since then. His early start came via buying & selling on eBay, and today he creates podcasts, books and apps, including launching an app ranked #6 (ahead of the popular "Angry Birds"). Listen in as Abel and I share invaluable ideas on: * Why it's so vital as a Solopreneur to model yourself after people who are socially, morally and ethically responsible * His sure-fire tips for getting healthy without denying yourself. * The value in living as a Renaissance man or woman and why it's become a lost art. * Why saying you don't have time for something is a cop out. * The number one way to set yourself apart from everyone else. I had a blast with this show. Abel and I have jam-packed this episode with tons of value - and lots of laughs. It's clear Abel is a man who walks his talk from the way he eats to the way he runs his solopreneur endeavors. I need your help! Please Nominate the Solopreneur Hour as the "Best New Podcast" for the 2013 Stitcher Awards You can vote every day until December 22.  Thanks! Ready for more of Abel's stellar abs, easy-to-use nutrition and great business sense? Connect with him Soloist style on Facebook and Twitter: CLICK THIS LINK TO TWEET ABEL SOME PROPS Resources from this episode: The 4-Hour Body: An Uncommon Guide to Rapid Fat-Loss, Incredible Sex, and Becoming Superhuman Guide to Farmer's Markets around the US: Fat Burning Man iTunes App

 47: Find Your Swing™ Episode 4, with Dawn Marrs (dot com) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:02:16

It's that time again! Another month has passed (I know, I know...sorry about that.) and we're back with an episode of "Find Your Swing". In these shows, you, our fearless soloists, send us your questions about how to put your talents, skills and passions to  use. Together with the talented and uber-bad ass Dawn Marrs, we make every attempt to answer your questions with ideas and suggestions on how to fire your boss and live the life of a successful solopreneur. So many of you wrote in that we now have two shows worth of great questions! We hope to publish the second one shortly,  but for now let's dive into the nuggets from this episode: Topics we cover in this show: * We debate whether to hone in on a particular niche or let your audience come to you - and what it means for your business. * The safe and simple nutritional plan for injury recovery and ideal health. * Is it ethical to teach people to become locksmiths? What does it mean for you? * Why any musician can and should follow in the footsteps of successful giants like Mike Johnston. * The benefits of mastermind groups and why every solopreneur needs to be in one. * What would your next step be if you earned as much in your first month of your solo biz as you had in your previous year of working for The Man? We advise one such listener. * The tips we give a PGA pro on leveraging his current relationships for his future Soloist endeavors - are there relationships in your life you are overlooking? * Why you should always ask, even when you think the answer's going to be no. This episode was a fun, informative session for us, and we hope it is for you too. We love getting your questions, learning about you and helping you Find Your Swing™. To send us your questions or comments for future Find Your Swing episodes go to and drop me a line. Ready for more of Dawn's wit and wisdom? Connect with her on Facebook and Twitter: Resources from this episode: - Stitcher Awards (link to Best New Podcast) Dawn's Academy - LINK J, J, J, Right Hook - LINK Isagenix - LINK? Social Media Ninja Tactics LINK

 46: Turning Your Website Into a Sales Machine, With Alex Harris | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:14:20

Today a website is as necessary as a company phone number; you really don't have a business until you have a website. Despite being so common, websites are one of the most fundamental, yet most-often underutilized tools in a solopreneur's toolbox. Having a website that “converts” is the most important trait a website can have, and most of us have sites that don’t do a very good job at that. In episode 46,  Alex "The Optimizer" Harris prepares you to change all that. He joins us to share his plethora of knowledge about website optimization. By trade, Alex is a web designer, and has been a very successful one for 11 years. He specializes in marketing optimization: taking a web site, making it more user-friendly for greater customer satisfaction and greater profits. In this episode, he dives into the nitty-gritty of how to make your website work for you and your customers. He can share all of this because he walks his talk: he is a solopreneur who recently began a podcast on marketing optimization. Now every week he brings on experts and together they discuss the details of fine-tuning your site for the biggest ROI. And he did the same for The Solopreneur Hour. He digs into topics like: * Why you should stop learning and get going right NOW. * What is matched messaging and why you should care. * The two key ingredients to a successful client relationship on the web. * UVP, clarity and consistency: why your site MUST have all three (and what they are). * Why testimonial videos are absolutely key - yet so few people are utilizing them. This show is a real-life lesson on web site and marketing optimization. Alex is the teacher and he takes us to school as he relates his years of experience in easy-to-use suggestions and recommendations. If you have a web site, want to create a web site or just want your web site to generate more money for you then you absolutely must listen to this show. In fact, Alex has generously offered a free review to the first 20 solopreneurs who drop him a note at You don't have to opt-in, just give him your info and get ready! He won't hold anything back when he reviews your site - and you'll thank him for it. To reach out to him and thank him Solopreneur-style, find him on Facebook and Twitter: Resources from Episode 46: Don't Make Me Think: A Common Sense Approach to Web Usability, 2nd Edition Jab, Jab, Jab, Right Hook: How to Tell Your Story in a Noisy Social World

 45: Rosie Tran – What Stand Up Comedy Can Teach Every Solopreneur | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:20:48

Just as a great Solopreneur makes their success look effortless so too does a great comic.  In episode 45 stand-up comedian and fellow podcaster Rosie Tran and I have an insightful and funny chat about the similarities in a stand-up comedian's journey and a solopreneur's journey to that place of making it look easy. Some say solopreneurs are born, not made, and yet others believe anyone can be a solopreneur; the same arguments can be made about comedians. Rosie proves the latter to be true. She never dreamt of going into stand-up until a former boyfriend dragged her to comedy open mic nights because he wanted to be a comedian. At first she grudgingly went along to support him, but when he encouraged her to write material for him, a new path was forged. Eleven years later she has since opened for well-known comedians such as Lisa Lampanelli, Gilbert Gottfried and Russell Peters. She recently created her own podcast, Out of the Box, ( where she interviews everyone who thinks "outside of the box" and bucks the mainstream way of living. During those eleven years she learned invaluable lessons, lessons which solopreneurs can take to heart and remember along their path. Nuggets like: * Take the feedback you get, tweak it and gather more feedback. Eventually you'll hit your mark. * If you haven't eaten **it, you're not a real comedian (nor are you a real a solopreneur). In other words take your lumps, it's part of your experience and it fortifies you. * It takes time, experience and wisdom to find your voice and, as we say on the Solopreneur Hour, to find your swing. * Overcoming the "cute girls aren't funny" audiences she encountered and how you can overcome any kind of mentality others throw at you. This episode is a hilarious discussion about comedy, comedians and putting yourself out there doing what you love. Rosie is a laugh-a-minute who shares tales from the comedic trenches and what it's like to be a female in a male-dominated industry. Can't get enough of Rosie's humor? Find her on Facebook and Twitter too, give her a Soloist virtual high-five! CLICK HERE TO TWEET AND TELL ROSIE SHE ROCKED IT! Resources from this episode:  (NSFW)

 44: Leslie Samuel – Cash in On Your Passion | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:06:32

You've heard it time and time again on The Solopreneur Hour (and probably other places as well): find and follow your passion, whatever it is. In episode 44 Leslie Samuel, anatomy professor and internet marketer, shares his passion and unbridled enthusiasm for teaching. Like most successful solopreneurs, Leslie loves to learn something, then share it with others. What's unique about Leslie is his particular niche: biology. Most of us would probably find biology boring and dry but he has made it fun, lively and engaging. His visitors regularly leave him comments saying he has taught them in one video what they couldn't learn from hours of lectures and textbooks! But biology isn't the only thing he loves. Being the solopreneur he is, he took the innate joy that gets from teaching and helping others, and he uses the site to teach people how to blog about their passions and make money doing it. In this episode you'll clearly hear his fun-loving, joyful personality come through, as well as his hustle, a trait all successful solopreneurs share. He lives for having fun and taking action, owning the belief that "flawed action is better than no action." You'll also learn from this episode: * Why it is so important to give, give, give and give some more to your audience * The value in following what brings you joy * Why not to take yourself too seriously wherever you are in your journey * The trait successful solopreneurs and entrepreneurs all share - what it is and why it's so vital * Why hustle and action matter FAR more than "getting it right" This episode is a fascinating dive into the importance of passion, embracing whatever it is that lights you up, and taking action. Leslie has succeeded by investing in himself, sharing his knowledge and always giving to others because he wants to give, not because of the dollar signs attached. Leslie is sure to make you laugh and put a smile on your face while you learn, it's what he has done to become so successful as a teacher and as an internet marketing solopreneur. Ready for more of Leslie's joie de vive? Share the Soloist love with him on Facebook and Twitter: Show Leslie some twitter love by CLICKING THIS LINK. Resources from this episode: Learning with Leslie podcast - Get your FREE Audiobook at New Media Expo (The Podcasting and Blogging "Superbowl". A must-attend for anyone interested in blogging or podcasting.)

 43: Don’t Let Your Past Dictate Your Future, with Vasavi Kumar | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:11:00

As a solopreneur, adversity is something nearly all of us are familiar with - but what do we do with it? Do we play the blame game or do we channel it into a greater cause, a greater purpose and gift in our lives? In episode 43, Vasavi Kumar shares how she has done the latter. As an author, coach, and freedom strategist, Vasavi has dealt with decades of difficulties. From growing up in an ultra-conservative Hindu home, to a diagnosis of bipolar disorder in college, Vasavi has embodied the phrase: I was born ready.  Listen as she shares her experiences, and the wisdom they have taught her. You'll be struck by her willingness and commitment to find the lesson in every challenge, and not only the lesson but the strength and GIFTS of that lesson. She has been, and continues to be, unwilling to fall victim to any experience, event or circumstance. Instead, she hustles like her life depends on it with every action she takes. She truly walks her talk; she is transparent, honest, and doesn't sugarcoat anything. She talks about her early college years, her drug and alcohol addictions and hypersexuality. And she has shaped her life and her offerings to the world around the belief that in all adversity there is knowledge, wisdom and a gift. Things you’ll learn from this conversation: * The only two things any solopreneur must do to succeed. * The secret to successful "shameless self-promotion" * How to "fake it til you make it" like she did * Her "secret formula" to success * Why she treats everyone - no matter how "big" or "small" they are - with kindness and fairness Throughout this episode you’ll hear how Vasavi has taught herself to not to be a victim, and how to take 100% ownership of everything in her life, including her own happiness. And you'll find a path to creating your own happiness just as she has done. Love what you heard Vasavi cookin' on this episode? Give her some Soloist love on Facebook and Twitter: Resources from this episode: Vasavi's Book: Succeeding In Spite of Everything Episode 25 on Branding Vasavi Featured on VH1 Basketball Wives:

 42: How to Make Your Weakness Your Strength – with Mike Johnston | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:44:06

Despite being one of the most well-renowned drummers in the world, Mike Johnston always had a fear of doing drum solos. This fall, he was asked to do a solo in front of 1000 of the most educated and accomplished drummers in the world. Preparing for this challenge not only changed his drumming life, but how he views business as well. Listen to this episode to learn what a drum solo can teach us about being a Solopreneur.  To hear more about Mike's background, check out episode 20.  In this episode Mike and I talk about his passionate commitment to his personal brand, the lengths he recently went to to maintain the integrity of his brand while being featured on the cover of DRUM magazine - and why it's important for ANY solopreneur to embody that same level of commitment. We also get into tackling and overcoming fear: there's the proverbial 900 lb gorilla that EVERYONE faces wherever they are in their lives. For Mike it was doing a live drum solo for the elite crowd of PASIC. And there are many lessons woven into his drum solo tale that all of you can take to heart: * No matter how successful someone is they too have a 900 lb gorilla: it could be leaving their comfortable 9-5 to strike out on their own or giving a speech in public or performing a drum solo for their peers. * The steps to take in facing that gorilla and successfully defeating it. * Why you don't need to reinvent the wheel to be a success. * Why it works when you find what you're comfortable with and follow it. Throughout this episode you'll hear Mike's commitment to not just drumming but to personal excellence in all he does. You'll hear how deeply passionate he is about providing value for people that helps them and not focusing on how much money something will bring in. He genuinely cares about making a difference for others in their drumming and their lives. It's clear his commitment to others' success has been the key to his success. As you listen ask yourself: how can I relate this to my business? Then hear the invaluable wisdom Mike drops. This episode features stories about drumming: those stories provide  lessons about life and business as a solopreneur. One of those lessons is something we talk about here A LOT: find what you love, learn everything you can about it doing it and surround yourself with people who will support you every step of the way. And once you've mastered your craft, give back and show others how to do the same successfully. After you listen and enjoy, connect with Mike Johnston on Youtube, Twitter, and Facebook Links mentioned on the show: Mike's PASIC Drum Solo Talking Funny: 

 41: Giving Gratitude with Michael O’Neal | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 7:25

Happy (American) Thanksgiving everyone.  I’m so grateful for every one of you.  Thanks for being part of this whole thing. Michael (and Dexter)

 40: Shane Johnston – DOMINATE Facebook Ads for Fun & Profit | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:08:57

Welcome to Episode 40! Visiting with us this week is Facebook advertising consultant extraordinaire Shane Johnston. Shane and I met at Nick Unsworth's Life on Fire weekend in San Diego a few months ago. We instantly bonded over our mutual passion for helping people grow their businesses. Shane has helped some of the most successful solopreneurs launch their campaigns via Facebook advertising. He has worked with such noteworthy clients as Amy Porterfield, Pam Hendrickson, and Nick Unsworth.  In fact, one tip he offered me led to 5,000 likes for my fan page. This guy is the real deal! In this episode he shares stories about growing up on an island in northern Canada where his dad taught him the all-important lessons: "Every job deserves to be done well." and "Find out what people want and give it to them." Shane took these lessons to heart and applied it to every endeavor he tackled from his own lawn-cutting business in his pre-teen years to creating a $100 million project under then-GE CEO Jack Welch to building his own present-day successful Facebook marketing campaigns. Additional insights Shane and I talk about are: * The true definition of hustle * How to turn "likes" from your fan page into buying customers on your list * The 80/20 rule of Facebook ads * The 3 steps for a successful Facebook campaign * Why using any other marketing outlet besides Facebook is like digging a well when you're thirsty - instead of putting your cup under Niagara Falls Throughout the show, Shane shares his passion and deep wisdom for seeing the value in every situation. Through every experience and lesson he has learned in his life it's clear Shane has sought to bring his very best to the table and to deliver what others want most of all. You'll hear his intelligence, versatility and focus as he talks about how to establish yourself, create a relationship and educate your audience no matter what niche you're in. This episode is a great look at the ins and outs of podcasting and about what it takes to create a successful podcasting business. Before you do ANY advertising on Facebook listen to this show - it could save you countless dollars and any solopreneur's most valuable commodity: time. Show Shane Some Solopreneur Love! Connect with him on Facebook: If you really love what you heard from Shane get even more wise words from him here, totally FREE: You'll discover what he does to be so successful with his Facebook campaigns with mind maps, videos and REAL case studies. Did I mention it's FREE? Check Out These Other Valuable Resources: Malcolm Gladwell: Solo Lab launches on Monday Dec 2nd:

 39: Building Passive Income, 5 Bucks at a Time, with Darren Roebuck | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:10:07

My buddy Darren Roebuck ( and I have been playing music together for over 15 years.  We were in a band called “Bambi’s Apartment” for 5 years in 1998, he on the bass, me on the drums. We toured all over the country together, and played lots of great shows. Darren is a mega-talent, with loads of hustle.  He’s good at just about everything he does, because he really focuses on getting better at everything. He’s also got an incredible voice, and that’s what led to this conversation. A few helpful links: The workout me and John Lee Dumas are doing: Darren’s Voiceover Fiverr Page: A lot of great quotes in this one:  "unhappiness is unhealthiness” "happiness is worth SO much more than money" “every opportunity is a good one” Tips for building business on Fiverr: * Perception is reality. * Look great.  Well lit photos.  Good sound on your video. * Make people want what you offer. * Offer something reasonable for your 5 bucks * learn the art of the upsell Books (Besides The Five Recommended) Secrets of the Millionaire Mind (Get it FREE at Everything I Know About Business I Learned from the Grateful Dead: The Ten Most Innovative Lessons from a Long, Strange Trip

 38: You’re Probably in Sales, But Don’t Realize It | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 58:13

Sales. Yea, you read that right. The dreaded “S Word”. We are indoctrinated to think that, by default, being in sales is “cheesy”. It’s that kind of thinking that keeps us from achieving the goals we really want to achieve with our finances, and our overall lifestyles. In this solo show, I break down the sales cycle…and how you’re probably in it, whether you realize it or not!

 37: Jerry Rocco – A Game Changer for Facebook Marketing with 22 Social | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:15:19

Jerry Rocco has followed a circuitous path to becoming a solopreneur, but he, like me, committed to the lifestyle.  Listen in as we talk mountain biking, living in Boulder CO, the reason NOT to build a regular website, and why audiobooks (Get your free audiobook at are so badass. Sololab™ Officially launching December 2, Cyber Monday! 


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