The Solopreneur Hour Podcast with Michael O'Neal show

The Solopreneur Hour Podcast with Michael O'Neal

Summary: Michael O'Neal chats with other unemployable icons and successful gamechangers to learn how to take your skills and hobbies and turn them into a business. Nominated As "Best New Show of 2013" by Stitcher Radio, Our range of guests takes us from comedy, to acting, to the NFL, to UFC and MMA, to Top Music Stars, to Millionaires, to Business Experts, to Real Estate moguls, and everything in between. Guests like James Altucher, Adam Carolla, Hines Ward, Sam Jones, Tucker Max, Jonathan Fields, Derek Halpern, Pat Flynn, Amy Porterfield, John Lee Dumas, Chris Ducker, Chris Brogan, Guy Kawasaki, Mike Johnston, Rich Franklin, Jack Canfield, Michael Gerber, and many more, these casual conversations contain tons of action-inducing content wrapped up in an entertaining candy shell. We talk crypto, NFT, entrepreneurship, small business, podcasting, authorship, and more!

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 95: The Power of Surrounding Yourself with Success | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:20:18

SoloLab - Masterminds and the Power of Groups 0 One of the greatest pleasures I get from this podcast is the people I get to connect with and the friendships we create. I recently attended an event in Arizona hosted by our friend Nick Unsworth, and a few of the people in SoloLab were also in attendance. In episode 95, I sat down with them to record this podcast and talk about the power of masterminds, the power of groups and the necessity of attending events. More About This Show If you’ve been listening to the podcast for awhile, you’ve heard me talk about (even rant about) the importance of coaching, events and mastermind groups. One of the keys to being a successful solopreneur is surrounding yourself with like-minded people and people who are going to support you on your journey. There are enough challenges on the solopreneur road, naysayers don’t need to be another one. And one of the best ways to rectify that is to attend events like mastermind groups, conferences and networking meetings. On this show, the four of us talk about why we’ve said yes to our paths, where we are on our paths and just how much we all get out of being around other positive, like-minded people. You'll also discover things like: * What fear is REALLY a signpost for. * The truth about making the transition from a regular job to time freedom. * When to outsource - and WHAT to outsource. * What’s at the crux of a successful brand and its message. * How life conspires to support you when you say "yes", even when you don't know how. As solopreneurs, we have to be okay with people not “getting” us and what we’re up to. The quartet on this episode all agreed this is true, and because of that, we all must attend events and connect with each other to create our own support systems. Each of us has faced different hurdles when we’ve said yes to our personal path, but we’ve also witnessed doors opening when we’ve least expected them to. We’ve all learned the value of taking action, pivoting from wherever you are to wherever you want to go and knowing your vision is going to come true. At the core of this show is really the message of following your path, following your passions and being true to yourself, no matter what. Episode Resources Chris Cerrone's podcast Steve de la Torre's podcast Dr. Christine's podcast Dr. Christine on Twitter Connect with other Unemployables on Facebook The Solopreneur Hour on Twitter SoloLab Episode 24 with JJ Collier Episode 76 with Dr. Paul BSW USA (15% discount with promo code solohour) The Four Hour Body Would You Help Spread the Word About the Podcast? I’d be forever grateful if you helped share the podcast.  Click here for a pre-populated tweet to help spread the word to your friends on Twitter.  THANK YOU! Feedback on the Podcast

 94: Joel Comm – From Gamer to Online Business Pioneer | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 56:46

For episode 94, I have the privilege of welcoming the hilarious Joel Comm,  a true pioneer of the early days of Internet marketing, as well as a New York Times best-selling author, mobile app inventor, solopreneur and podcaster. I very recently met Joel at a post-SMMW party, and I was thrilled when he agreed to be on the show. His background is in internet marketing and today he’s widely known for his social media expertise as well as being the inventor of the infamous (and highly profitable) iFart app! In this episode, Joel shares his sense of humor as well as his personal highs and lows, and how he has successfully steered his career throughout his 18+ years of solopreneurship. More About This Show Joel found early success as a mobile DJ, his first solopreneur endeavor. His success grew when he later turned his love of gaming into a software review magazine, the Dallas/Fort Worth Software Review. That magazine led to even more success in the online world including his book The Adsense Code and other dot com endeavors. But like almost everyone from the dot com era, Joel experienced his share of setbacks and disappointments. In this show, he shares how he came back from the dot com bubble burst. One of the key takeaways you’ll hear is how he has pivoted when necessary over the years, a quintessential solopreneur attribute. You'll also discover things like: * BSOS: what is it and do you have it? * Joel's first internet marketing success: hear the details on how it happened. * The lessons he learned from his stint at Barnes & Noble. * What does Joel believe is the most effective social media platform of 2014? * Fan pages vs Facebook groups: what's the best avenue to generate community and, ultimately, leads? * One of Joel's proudest achievements - what is it? In this episode, Joel and I talk a lot about his techie love of computers, gaming and the numerous puns you can create about the iFart app. Joel is a wise and funny man who has been in the same trenches every solopreneur must dig through, and he’s made the most of every experience he’s had in life. From a stint with Barnes & Noble during a personal and professional sabbatical, to producing and hosting the world’s first competitive Internet reality show, Joel has explored his many passions and talents in the solopreneur world. He’ll be the first to admit which of those explorations have been successful monetarily and which have not, but at the heart of them all is one thing: a growth opportunity. It was a pleasure and an honor to have him join The Solopreneur Hour and I look forward to sharing our chat with you! Show Our Sponsor Some Love! Get Yourself a $3.49 domain name from Godaddy with the Promo Code “solo349″ Episode Resources Joel's web site Joel on Facebook Joel on Twitter Go Daddy iFart app Joel's mom's blog SoloLab Would You Help Spread the Word About the Podcast? I’d be forever grateful if you helped share the podcast.  Click here for a pre-populated tweet to help spread the word to your friends on Twitter.  THANK YOU! Feedback on the Podcast If you have any suggestions for upcoming shows or a question for an upcoming episode,

 93: Pat Flynn – His Evolution Before Our Eyes | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:11:06

Being memorable to your audience is one of the keys to any successful solopreneur endeavor. Whether you’re on the mic for your podcast or writing a blog entry or sharing a YouTube video, the content you offer and the way you offer has to get people talking about you and sharing it with their circles. And Pat Flynn is a master at being memorable. From his Smart Passive Income blog and podcasts to his speaking gigs, Pat is transparent, funny and gets people thinking in new ways. In episode 93, Pat makes his second visit to the show to talk about being memorable and much more. More About This Show After meeting at Blogworld in 2013, Pat and I became friends. He’s a fellow podcaster and a fellow San Diego resident; he’s also one of the two influences that led to the creation of TSH. If you’re new to the show or just new to the Internet and don’t know Pat’s story, you can hear all about him on his first appearance on The Solopreneur Hour. Having Pat return gave us a chance to dive deeper into his current successes, what he’s doing to expand his reach and what he sees as the keys to creating and keeping your podcast at the top. You'll also discover things like: * The art of the callback in comedy and in business. * Should we ever feel like we are "there"? * What would Pat do with $1,000 in 30 days? * How to get your podcast to the top, according to Pat. * Why he never reads his interviewee's books before they are on his podcast. * What's his opinion on advertising on podcasts? Not only is Pat one of the nicest guys I’ve ever met, he is also transparent and honest, especially when he shares about his path to his present day status. He puts his audience’s needs first and understands it is only what they think that truly matters. Like any great teacher, Pat learns as much or more from teaching and giving to his audience, as they learn from him. As you listen to this show, you’ll hear how he feels a sense of responsibility and commitment to his audience. He is committed to providing value, and not just earning quick cash because of his level of influence. It’s because of that focus and intent, that he has become a mega-watt solopreneur success. Episode Resources Pat's Smart Passive Income web site Pat's podcast Pat on Facebook Pat on Twitter Pat's first appearance on the show About Pat Pat's Food Truck site Conversioncast podcast Social Triggers Ask Pat Speakpipe Jaime Tardy on the show Would You Help Spread the Word About the Podcast? I’d be forever grateful if you helped share the podcast.  Click here for a pre-populated tweet to help spread the word to your friends on Twitter.  THANK YOU! Feedback on the Podcast

 92: Music, Mysticism and Solopreneurship with Stuart Davis | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:16:38

He’s been described as an “avant-garde pop mastermind” and one of the most unique and endearing live acts in America today. And he’s our guest for episode 92, my friend and one of my favorite fellow musicians, Stuart Davis. Stuart typifies solopreneurship: he’s a musician, a TV host, and a painter. He’s also one of the most learned and yet knowledge-hungry people I’ve met. To describe him fully, you have to be willing to expand your own awareness of labels like "Buddhist", "philosopher", and "artist". There's a reason he's been called the Twisted Mystic. More About This Show Before he was the Twisted Mystic, Stuart was simply a kid who loved music. From a young age, he would spend 6 or 7 hours a day learning instruments and the fundamentals of music. He was consumed by his love for it. In his early 20s his passion came to fruition when he was invited to play at the Guthrie Theatre in his hometown of Minneapolis, which is the equivalent of playing Red Rocks in Colorado. If neither of those examples give you a perspective, just know they are both places musicians would love to play. From his time in Minnesota, Stuart followed his love for music  to Boulder, Colorado where we met and played together.  He is one of the most eclectic, intelligent and musically-inspiring artists I’ve had the privilege to play with. And in episode 92, he shares what has shaped his career and who he is today. The finer details of this show include: * Can we ever fully realize our true genius? * Embrace discomfort from early on? * The X then Y factor: what Stuart has learned from this and how it runs parallel to your journey * One of the pinnacle moments of his early music career * What keeps him saying yes? Stuart’s eclecticism has broadened his life from being a musician to today living in Amsterdam where he raises his daughters on a boat and expresses his artistic side through painting, music, and any other medium that strikes his fancy. In this show, you’ll hear what books, teachings and experiences have influenced his desire to expand his creative repertoire as well as the fascinating story behind how he met his wife (who is Ken Wilber’s former wife). I brought Stuart on the show not only because he’s a brilliant musician, but also because he’s a solopreneur at heart. He says yes to opportunities, even when he’s afraid and he embraces the ups and downs and winding turns of solopreneurship. He tells us what has kept him true to himself along the way. Show Our Sponsor Some Love! Get Yourself a $3.49 domain name from Godaddy with the Promo Code “solo349″ Episode Resources Stuart's web site Stuart's TV show Stuart on Facebook Stuart on Twitter The Guthrie Theatre Go Daddy Would You Help Spread the Word About the Podcast? I’d be forever grateful if you helped share the podcast.  Click here for a pre-populated tweet to help spread the word to your friends on Twitter.  THANK YOU! Feedback on the Podcast If you have any suggestions for upcoming shows or a question for an upcoming episode, leave a comment below. If you enjoyed this podcast, I’d be extremely grateful if you would take a second and 

 91: Creating Your Own Niche with Ailis Garcia | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:15:50

Ailis (pronounced Eye-lease) Garcia was brought up to understand the importance of hard work and fierce dedication. As the daughter of Cuban parents, drive was instilled in her as well as the discipline to go after what you want the most, and keep going until you get it. More About This Show Although young in age, Ailis Garcia has accomplished much. She’s the TV host of Dodger Nation and spearheaded the Trojan Tailgate TV show. She also interned with Kim Lyons, who encouraged her to follow her passion for fitness, health and well-being. The combination of those things led Ailis to form her own enterprise, The Strong Movement, while becoming a professional TV host. In episode 91, she and I talk about everything from salsa dancing to hosting/broadcasting to fashion. She’s a veritable fountain of experience and exuberance. The finer details of this show include: * The origins and the mission of The Strong Movement * What it’s like being the only female at a sports press junket. * The correlations between TV hosting and being a solopreneur. * Was she taken seriously in her profession? * The importance of having input from accomplished professionals in your field. Ailis’ journeys are truly solopreneurial: so often, she hasn’t known HOW she was going to accomplish something, just that she was going to accomplish it. You’ll hear how she has set out on a mission without knowing anything beyond her next step - and yet she’s always reached her end goal. I enjoyed having Ailis on the show and look forward to hearing your takeaways - leave a comment below. What did you learn and what are you going to do from now on thanks to Ailis? Episode Resources Ailis' site Ailis on Facebook Ailis on Twitter JJ Collier, Episode 61 Lori Harder on Episode 03 Would You Help Spread the Word About the Podcast? I’d be forever grateful if you helped share the podcast.  Click here for a pre-populated tweet to help spread the word to your friends on Twitter.  THANK YOU! Feedback on the Podcast If you have any suggestions for upcoming shows or a question for an upcoming episode, leave a comment below. If you enjoyed this podcast, I’d be extremely grateful if you would take a second and leave me a review and rating over on iTunes.  Your taking a minute to do this allows me to help more people with this podcast, so I really appreciate it (once on that page, simply click on the “View in iTunes” button to leave your review — thanks very much!) 

 90: How Transparency Boosts Business with Wes Chapman | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:10:50

Remember when you could walk into your local supermarket and the cashier made polite conversation with you, maybe even remembered you if you were a regular customer? Remember what it was like to actually connect with a human being when you called a business?  According to our guest for episode 90, the only businesses that are going to succeed in 2014 are the ones who do just that: connect on a human level. More About This Show Rejoining us for our 90th episode is our friend, mega-successful entrepreneur and podcaster, Wesley Chapman. If you missed his first appearance or just want to refresh your memory about Wes, you can hear all about him here. Wes recorded with us in Studio 86 to talk about authenticity, vulnerability and his new endeavor, "A Human Project". We even discovered Wes is a Star Trek nerd! Star Trek aside, the bulk of our conversation was about how businesses are going to succeed in 2014 by becoming real again. It's time for businesses to get human. We as consumers have evolved beyond the hype, the hoopla and the BS that has permeated marketing messaging over the last decade or two. People are wise and savvy now; the consumer is dictating how businesses are run, not the other way around any longer. As consumers we want vulnerability and authenticity. When we as customers know what's at your core and what fuels your business, then and only then will we make a purchasing decision. It all boils down to being real, being human with your market. And Wes Chapman is leading the charge with his company, A Human Project. Wes believes in the power of connection and the importance of highly honed soft skills in communication; how you present yourself and how you interact with actual humans will go a long way to determining the success of your business. The finer details of this show include: * Believe in what you already know - it's enough to create a GREAT business * How does Wes continue to be successful and what does he say for the future of entrepreneurship and solopreneurs? * Do you need to be super high tech to be successful in 2014? * What's the most powerful mktg strategy? * How not to be part of the "Ask Me How" brigade * What Wes has to say about branding and its importance to your business As Wes shares in this show, the more human you are and the more authentically you communicate, the more people are going to connect with you. Eventually that connection builds trust and they become your most loyal clients who buy whatever it is you’re offering. But first comes the authenticity and the connection, then the trust and then the purchase. Whether you’re podcasting, blogging, using social media or creating videos in 2014, it all begins with vulnerability and authenticity. You’ve got to tell the world who you are and why you’re doing what you’re doing. Wes’ advice on how to do this? Take a look at your business and figure out how you can become more human. If you take that context and create your marketing, your messaging and the foundation of your company, that’s when you’ll find true success in the marketplace. Show Our Sponsor Some Love! Get Yourself a $3.49 domain name from Godaddy with the Promo Code “solo349″ Episode Resources Wesley's personal web site A Human Project Wesley's A Human Project on Facebook Wesley on Twitter

 89: How Branding Is The Cornerstone Of Your Business with Re Perez | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:16:52

When someone says branding, what do you think of? Do you immediately think logo, like the famous Nike swoosh? Or do you think of the way you feel when you're behind the wheel of your favorite car, or the way you feel when you step inside a Ralph Lauren store? Branding goes beyond a logo; at its core, branding is about how you feel when you interact with a company. Joining us to talk about all this and more is my fellow San Diego resident and brand consulting expert, Re Perez. Re is the creator and brand strategist behind many incredible brands, including our friend Nick Unsworth's Life on Fire brand. More About This Show Re Perez has a long history of branding from his early days of graphic communications at NYU to his recent business, Branding for the People. He knows the ins and outs about what makes a brand an actual brand - and not just a company with a nice-looking logo. And in episode 89, he shares his insights and vast knowledge on how to create that perfect brand for your business. Re believes that if you look at branding solely as your logo, you diminish the full potential of what a brand can and is meant to do. We also talk at length about the necessity of a creative brief, what it is and why it is one of the most vital tools you can have in your back pocket when you're creating your brand and your visual identity. The finer details of this show include: * How a simple word creates an entire picture: the library effect. * The location ninja lesson and why it's important for your brand. * Why it took me 3 months to get 8 words, and why it was worth the wait. * What's the first step in building your brand? * Why business cards are dead - unless they do this one thing. Truly, when you pinpoint your brand, people get what you're up to instantly. And one of the fastest ways to create that strong brand is with a strong creative brief. Re breaks down the components of a creative brief and how to accurately convey your message in each section. He also stresses the same message David Roth did when he was on the show and that's to answer this one question: "What feeling do you want to give people with your business?" When you find the answer to that question, you've taken an important step in discovering the who, what and why of your brand. To help you in your branding process, there's an example of a creative brief in the resources section below. Find it, fill it out and share in the comments section what you discovered! Show Our Sponsor Some Love! Get Yourself a $3.49 domain name from Godaddy with the Promo Code “solo349″ Episode Resources Re's site Re on Facebook Re on Twitter Creative Brief example Life on Fire (Re's branding) David Roth Fiverr Nomad Fire and Adjust SoloLab GoDaddy Would You Help Spread the Word About the Podcast? I’d be forever grateful if you helped share the podcast.  

 88: How To Think Like A Millionaire with Jaime Tardy | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:20:58

Imagine making your living by interviewing people like Michael Hyatt, Clay Collins, Dane Maxwell and other successful millionaires. What would be different about your life? In episode 88, Jaime Tardy tells us exactly what it’s like and how it’s impacted her life. More About This Show Ever since she can remember, Jaime Tardy has been fascinated by being a millionaire. For her, it wasn’t about the actual monetary value; it was about the process and what it would take to make a million dollars. By the young of age 22, she was on her way: she had a great-paying job with an expense account…but also with incredibly long hours. Within a few short years, she was exhausted and absolutely dreaded Monday mornings. She decided there was a better way; she was going to find something she loved to do, enjoy her life and THEN make a million. That’s when the concept of “Eventual Millionaire” came to her. She jumped on the domain name and began the journey that led her to today’s success. The finer details of this show include: * How the Eventual Millionaire brand came about. * Is $1 million enough for retirement? * True Grit: what it is and why it matters to your success. * Why you should ask someone who has successfully done what you are doing. * Coaching vs mentoring: what does she think the differences are? And when do you need each? Jaime's solopreneur hustle began early on: she sold books to earn some money as a child, she had the usual lemonade stand, etc. She took that same hustle and applied it to her idea for the Eventual Millionaire. Like all great businesses, EM began as a mere idea. With dedication, hard work and “true grit”, her persistence paid off. Today she has appeared in such notable media outlets as CNN and Yahoo’s Homepage. Jaime and her story are the embodiment of the solopreneur’s progression. Episode Resources Jaime's site Jaime on Facebook Jaime on Twitter Jaime's husband Get Rich Slowly True Grit, the Ted Talk Eventual Millionaire Scrivener, what Jaime uses to write with GoDaddy Would You Help Spread the Word About the Podcast? I’d be forever grateful if you helped share the podcast.  Click here for a pre-populated tweet to help spread the word to your friends on Twitter.  THANK YOU! Feedback on the Podcast If you have any suggestions for upcoming shows or a question for an upcoming episode, leave a comment below. If you enjoyed this podcast, I’d be extremely grateful if you would take a second and leave me a review and rating over on iTunes.  Your taking a minute to do this allows me to help more people with this podcast, so I really appreciate it (once on that page, simply click on the “View in iTunes” button to leave your review — thanks very much!) MP3 Download Right-click here to download the MP3 of this episode

 87: Jennifer Paige – Behind The Scenes Of A Mega Pop Star | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:27:47

When you were a kid, did you ever sing-along to the radio and dream of being a pop star? I'm betting more than a few of us did! My guest, Jennifer Paige, was blessed enough to live out that fantasy. She talks about her pop star experiences and shares the wisdom she’s gained during her professional musical career. More About This Show Our co-host for episode 87 is the beautiful and talented Jennifer Paige, famous singer, songwriter and performer. Many of you in the US will recognize her as the woman behind the #1 single “Crush”, although she’s had numerous hits around the globe. For those of you who have listened before, you know I love having singers, actors and comedians join the Solopreneur Hour because they get it: they get the necessity of the hustle. And Jennifer is unequivocally a hustler; she has been since she began dreaming of singing as a child. The finer details of this show include: * The art of the humble brag: when, where, and how to use it * Did she ever consider quitting? * Outsmarting your next step: getting to the next level, wherever you are at * Jennifer's solopreneurial journey from pursuing her childhood dream to "making it" * What musical dreams hasn't she fulfilled yet? Jennifer was a blast to have on the show; she was graceful, charming and open. She shared her most embarrassing moment - something she’s never talked about publicly before! And she was also very forthcoming about the lows and highs of working in the music industry as a solopreneur. It’s worth a listen to hear the parallels between her trials and victories as a professional musician and your odyssey as a solopreneur. Stay tuned til the end and you’ll hear a never-before-released song of Jennifer’s. If you like, you can download it at her web site. Show Our Sponsor Some Love! Get Yourself a $3.49 domain name from Godaddy with the Promo Code "solo349" Episode Resources Jennifer's site Undercover Karaokee with Jewel GoDaddy Would You Help Spread the Word About the Podcast? I’d be forever grateful if you helped share the podcast.  Click here for a pre-populated tweet to help spread the word to your friends on Twitter.  THANK YOU! Subscribe to the Solopreneur Hour Podcast Feedback on the Podcast If you have any suggestions for upcoming shows or a question for an upcoming episode, leave a comment below. If you enjoyed this podcast, I’d be extremely grateful if you would take a second and leave me a review and rating over on iTunes.  Your taking a minute to do this allows me to help more people with this podcast, so I really appreciate it (once on that page, simply click on the “View in iTunes” button to leave your review — thanks very much!) MP3 Download Right-click here to download the MP3 of this episode

 86: Rick Mulready On The #1 Social Media Strategy of 2014 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:11:53

What’s the one thing all the big brands are doing right now that you can, and should, do too? Facebook ads guru and our friend, Rick Mulready came on the show to give you the low-down on what's going on with Facebook advertising right now. More About This Show If you've missed Rick's previous visits to the Solopreneur Hour, he is the head honcho of Inside Social Media, a podcast devoted to helping small businesses take and apply lessons and tools the big brands are using. He was the person I went to when I needed advice on how to run my Facebook advertising campaigns. He's THE guy in this realm and it was an honor to have him on again. For episode 86, Rick joined the show; quite literally, he recorded in my studio.  We talked about his upcoming Facebook advertising product from inception to launch. We also dissected audio equipment, podcasting do’s and don’ts and how we keep up with the ever-changing landscape of social media. The finer details of this show include: * Whether you have to spend $200 a day on FB to be successful * The necessity of educating people about why they need your product * The do’s and don'ts of podcasting equipment * The strategy behind pacing out the content of your program: why Rick opted to go this route * Which CRM Rick likes and the benefits he sees * The one trick I use to connect with 4,000 people a year on FB With over 1.2 billion...yes that’s billion with a B…users on Facebook and 760 million of whom are active every day, there’s much to be said for tapping into such a large audience. Rick’s course, The Facebook Advantage: Automated Facebook Ads Made Simple, guides you through the tools and strategies he has tested and proven to reach the people you want to reach on Facebook. He’s designed this so you never have to wonder where your next lead or your next sale is coming from. You’ll simply turn on your Facebook faucet and voila’ your customers are coming to YOU. And in this episode, Rick gets into the hows and the whys of his course: how it came about and why he is providing it for you. Have a listen and check it out. Episode Resources Rick’s site Rick’s podcast Rick’s episode with Virgin Group Rick's course: The Facebook Advantage Join the Solopreneur Hour Facebook group Rick’s Facebook course True Detective Joseph’s audio Marantz Would You Help Spread the Word About the Podcast? I’d be forever grateful if you helped share the podcast.  Click here for a pre-populated tweet to help spread the word to your friends on Twitter.  THANK YOU! Subscribe to the Solopreneur Hour Podcast Feedback on the Podcast If you have any suggestions for upcoming shows or a question for an upcoming episode, leave a comment below. If you enjoyed this podcast, I’d be extremely grateful if you would take a second and leave me a review and rating over on iTunes.  Your taking a minute to do this allows me to help more people with this podcast, so I really appreciate it (once on that page, simply click on the “View in iTunes” button to leave your review — thanks very much!)

 85: Allison Gryphon – Turning Devastating News Into Opportunity | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:05:31

Did you know the American Cancer Society estimates there will be over 1.6 million new cases of cancer diagnosed in 2014? How would you cope if you were one of those cases - or someone you loved was? Could you find opportunity in the diagnosis? Our guest for episode 85 did. Allison Gryphon was born in New York but was raised primarily in the Bay area before going to college in Los Angeles. After graduating, she worked her way through the production ranks in the film industry. In fact, she recorded this show with me, while she was on a project at Skywalker Ranch. From working on films like The Lone Ranger and Pirates of the Caribbean, Allison has devoted her life to making films. And from that devotion, she learned how not to take no for an answer and how to organize her way through any situation. And she believes all of that helped her not only cope with cancer, but to find the opportunity in it. We talk about the opportunity she saw in her cancer diagnosis, as well as and her thoughts on other topics, such as: * Seeing an opportunity and taking action on it * How to just show up and offer support for a friend and loved one in any scenario * The lesson in learning how to receive * The personal journey that is everyone’s life: why you should choose the organization and coach that resonates with your journey * The many faces of adversity as a solopreneur There are so many lessons for any solopreneur to learn from Allison and her battle with cancer. She transparently shares that battle in this episode, and how it helped her create a foundation and a personal documentary. Whether we’ve faced cancer directly or experienced it indirectly, Allison offers insights and hope in the struggle to defeat it. Show her your support via social media on Facebook and Twitter. Facebook Twitter Resources from this episode: The Why Foundation Allison's documentary Allison's IMDB page Vinnie Tortorich Natalie Sisson Skywalker Ranch Kevin Pearce, snowboarding accident documentary Native Americans, hair length and their armed forces service

 84: Jolene Manuel – Making A Living From Dating | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:02:43

Have you ever watched the show “The Millionaire Matchmaker”? Ever wondered what it’s really like to be a matchmaker today? In a world full of Tinder, The Bachelor and eHarmony, Jolene Manuel joined the show to give us the inside scoop on connecting people in the romance department and how she’s earned her stripes as a solopreneur. Jolene got her start in the matchmaking world through a company called “It’s Just Lunch”, a female-owned and operated business based out of Chicago that has now gone nationwide. After the company was bought out, she and the rest of the staff were all laid off. Like any great solopreneur, Jolene saw this as an opportunity to strike out on her own; she became an independent matchmaker with her own web site and podcast. Today she works individually with her clients, all of whom want to “outsource” their dating life. They turn to Jolene to find them potential matches; she takes the legwork out of dating for them. Although she’s new to being a business owner, Jolene has always been a hustler. Along the way she’s learned valuable lessons such as: * Why being the best version of yourself is so important for your life and your business * The similarities between dating and business: why failure is so critical to both * The ideal client and the ideal partner: you’ve got to know what you want in both before you’ll land either * How important coaching was to her initial success as a solopreneur * How she has mastered time management and how you can too * The necessity of the learning curve and how your experience helps others to shorten theirs I met Jolene through one of Nick Unsworth’s Life on Fire events and it’s been a joy to watch her grow her business and create a life she loves. Today she lives the ultimate solopreneurial lifestyle: she dictates what she does with her days and she loves every minute of it. There’s plenty of information in this episode that’s relevant to your business and future growth strategies, whether you’re single or happily hitched so be sure to have a listen. Be sure to connect with Jolene and show her some Soloist love on Facebook and Twitter! Facebook Twitter Resources from this episode: Jolene's web site It's Just Lunch JJ Collier Vinnie Tortorich Tinder Sexy Six 8 Steps to Becoming a Successful Solopreneur

 83: Vinnie Tortorich – Hollywood’s Angriest Trainer | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:22:39

From the swamps of Louisiana to the red carpets of Hollywood, our guest for episode 83 has seen it all. Vinnie Tortorich is best known for his success as a celebrity trainer, but he’s also a podcaster and author. In this episode, we talk about what it’s like when your significant other is a Bond girl (he is attached to the lovely Serena Scott Thomas), the hustle it takes to succeed in Hollywood or anywhere else today and Vinnie’s early days as a college athlete and model. We dug into some other great content too, topics like: * The origins of The Angriest Trainer podcast * The four ways to grow your audience online * The scientific definition of a calorie and do calories actually matter? * Has Vinnie ever been employable? * How he lands celebrity clients: it's not what you might think Vinnie’s blatant honesty and solopreneurial spirit shine in this episode. He’s not shy about expressing his opinions on the state of Americans’ health and why fad diets don’t work. It isn’t all health and fitness though; he also talks openly about why he believes some people don’t succeed as business owners and why others do. When I met Vinnie at NMX earlier this year, I knew he was someone I wanted on the show so I was thrilled we made it happen. If you loved having Vinnie on the show as much as I did, let him know! Click This Link To Tweet Vinnie Facebook Twitter This episode is brought to you by Godaddy. Get a domain name for only $3.50 by clicking the link below: Resources from this episode: Vinnie’s web site Vinnie’s Fitness Confidential book The Angriest Trainer podcast Serena Scott Thomas Tina Louise (aka Ginger from Gilligan's Island) Monty: Vinnie’s first book Anna Vocino’s web site Drew Avery Anna Vocino Adam Carolla’s Fund Anything campaign to save podcasts

 82: Natasha Wescoat: Building An Art Empire With Social Media | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:03:54

What can you learn from an artist who’s spoken at South by Southwest, written for Mashable and was featured in Gary Vaynerchuk’s “Crush It”? You’re about to find out. In episode 82, Natasha Wescoat joins the Solopreneur Hour to talk about her financial success as an artist using social media. This episode is a MUST-LISTEN for ANY artist or craftsman. Natasha’s early days with social media led her to discovering how to give value while leveraging her audience to make a profitable and healthy income as an artist. We also dive into what it was like to grow up in economically-challenged Detroit, as well as her time in a “religious extremist group”. Natasha was more than happy to share her how-to’s, like: * When to create a business for your art and the steps you should take * How to license as an artist * What she'd do right now if she was starting from scratch in social media * The importance of the story and the process of anything you create * The Crush It effect: what happened after her story was published in Gary V's book Natasha professes to have suffered from the belief that “I can do anything” and it shows in her artistic success. She has done what so many others have not: she’s made a thriving career as an artist. Natasha is a person who is truly committed to creating great art as well as helping other artists bring their creations to life. This show was a testament to that: there are real, actionable steps you can take right now for your business. Show Natasha Some Love on Twitter By Clicking This Link Facebook Twitter Resources from this episode: Natasha's Art Flickr Dropbox Crush It by Gary Vaynerchuk Natasha's Artist Academy SoloLab  

 81: Healthy Body, Healthy Business with Drew Avery | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:08:47

Do you think rippling muscles and vibrant health are only for the young? Our guest for show 81 proves otherwise. In this episode, fitness investigator and all-around health aficionado, Drew Avery joins us to talk nutrition, fitness and healthy aging. Over the last 15 years, Drew has  altered his body as well as his entire life through shifting his health, his habits and his mindset. Drew’s a friend of mine and I wanted him to talk about his personal experiences, his hands-on research and the importance of health in the life of a solopreneur. We get into details like: * The importance of cheating on a diet * How Drew adapts his eating habits when he's away from home * Drew's recommendations on what to look for in a protein shake * How often should you eat? * Does consuming sugar have the same effect on the brain as ingesting cocaine? We also talk about Drew’s experience on the Howard Stern show and what Howard’s really like, along with Drew’s tips on how to eat healthy without spending hours in the kitchen. Drew has devoted the last 15 years of his life to exploring how to eat for the maximum health impacts and I was thrilled he joined the show to talk about what’s he found. Like all great solopreneurs, he’s a very hands-on explorer so anything he recommends is something he’s tried himself. To dig into more scientific discoveries with Drew and to thank him for sharing his health expertise on the show, connect with him via Facebook and Twitter: Facebook Twitter Join The Solopreneur Hour Slimdown!  Resources in this episode: Drew Avery's web site The Four-Hour Body Join other Unemployables on the Facebook group Want to know more about Isagenix and having a healthy shake? Send me your info here Get Your $3.49 Domain Name from Godaddy


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