Yogaland Podcast show

Yogaland Podcast

Summary: Andrea Ferretti spent more than a decade as an editor at Yoga Journal interviewing inspiring yoga teachers, creative thinkers, and wellness experts. Now, on Yogaland, Andrea talks to insightful people about all things related to yoga and the path of self-awareness. From how yoga is being used in schools, to how it rewires our brains, to nitty gritty anatomy advice, to the simple ways it helps us navigate emotions. Yogaland is a dose of weekly inspiration that focuses on creating a happy, healthy, meaningful life. Support this show


 4 Yoga Sequencing Challenges (And How to Fix Them) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:55:14

When it comes to sequencing, there are a few things that trip yoga teachers up time and time again. Jason’s back on the podcast today to talk about several of the mistakes he’s made himself through the years and how he’s shifted his approach to sequencing to overcome these challenges. Show notes: Support this show  See for privacy and opt-out information.

 Why sequencing is a modern yoga teacher's most important skill | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:49:09

Ninety minutes is a really long time to stand in front of a group and talk, no matter how much you know about the topic! That's why having a clear plan is key for yoga teachers. (Because, as Jason points out, if you don't have some sort of plan, you'll either go off on random tangents or run out of things to say.)  Today, Jason shares how he plans his yoga class sequences so his students are engaged and learning something meaningful every time. Plus, he addresses one of the most common objections yoga teachers give for not planning (creativity) and why he believes having a structure actually gives teachers more room to be creative, not less. Show Support this show  See for privacy and opt-out information.

 Your students are not your brand ambassadors | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:51:19

What do you hope to teach your students when you teach yoga? Is it to make shapes with their bodies? How about your teacher trainees -- is it to memorize and repeat your sequences and study only with you? This week, Jason shares the foundational values that inform his educational style, namely helping students become clear, critical, and independent thinkers that value context and understand different perspectives. Teaching this way means that you welcome questions, you allow a diversity of opinions, you encourage students to -- gasp! -- have more than one teacher or modality, and yet you still hold a container for so that your teaching is clear and accessible. ⁠ Show notes: Support this show  See for privacy and opt-out information.

 The Sutras, Part III - Three Approaches to the Eight Limbs of Yoga | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:06:35

Today, we return to Patanjali's Yoga Sutra and Jason shares three models for applying the eight-limb path to life -- The Step-by-Step Model, The Integrated Model, and The Single Limb Model. Plus, stay tuned until the end of the episode to hear 5th anniversary messages from listeners! Show notes: Support this show  See for privacy and opt-out information.

 5 years of Yogaland (and counting!) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:49:46

Can you believe we've been podcasting about yoga for 5 years!? For this special anniversary episode of Yogaland, Jason and I reflect on lessons we’ve learned through the years and the things that have surprised us most about our podcasting. Thanks for being a part of the journey. Show notes: Support this show  See for privacy and opt-out information.

  The Neurobiology of Trauma + Yoga with Sarah Kadel | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:49:49

I'm so happy to have Sarah Kadel on the podcast today. Sarah is an Austin-based yoga teacher who is serving as a mentor teacher in Jason’s online advanced teacher training this year. I wanted to share her story with you because I think the world needs to hear her message about how yoga can be so helpful for those who have suffered with trauma in their lives.  Sarah shares: * How yoga helped her understand and move past addiction * What the newest body of research says about the neurobiology of trauma * Helpful tips for yoga teachers who hope to make their classes trauma-informed or more friendly for students with all types of trauma * What to look for (and what to avoid) when you are looking for a trauma-informed yoga teacher Show notes: Support this show  See for privacy and opt-out information.

 Yoga, Chai and a Dog | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:57:42

Today Jason and I are talking with Archna Mohan and Deepak Mohan, the hosts of the wonderful yoga podcast, Yoga, Chai, and a Dog, We touch on some of the things we have in common: podcasting, yoga, and what it's like to work with your spouse. We also ask a lot of questions about some areas where we differ. They share how yoga isn't something they "learned" growing up in India--it was just a part of their culture and a way of life. Deepak explains why he considers himself a non-yogi. And Archna talks about her background in the health and fitness industry and opens up about what it's like being a South Asian yoga teacher in the U.K. Show notes: Support this show  See for privacy and opt-out information.

 The Sutras, Part 2: Defining citta, vrittis, and the gunas | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:46:18

Last week Jason shared the foundational concepts of purusha and prakriti. Go back and listen if you haven't yet! This week, we continue to talk through foundational concepts that Patanjali presents in The Yoga Sutra -- citta, vrittis, and the gunas. Jason defines terms and paints a picture of how they all fit together. And we also talk about how much we personally believe that Patanjali applies to our own lives. Shownotes: Support this show  See for privacy and opt-out information.

 The Sutras, Part I: Unpacking Purusha and Prakriti | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:36:51

Today is the first in a series of episodes where Jason shares the underpinnings of Patanjali. Most yoga students have heard their teachers reference Patanjali and the text that he is known for, The Yoga Sutra. But rarely do teachers have time to unpack this seminal text. For this episode, Jason shares the foundational concepts of purusha and prakriti and the samkya philosophy that informs Patanjali's worldview. Show notes: Support this show  See for privacy and opt-out information.

 Jason shares his six cores of yoga | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:51:06

Today, Jason shares his approach to the six cores in yoga -- the philosophical core, the traditional hatha yoga core, the respiratory core, the skeletal core, and the two muscular cores.  Show notes: Support this show  See for privacy and opt-out information.

 The Art of Deep Rest with Tracee Stanley | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:41:49

I think of today’s guest, Tracee Stanley, as the queen of Yoga Nidra. n this episode, Tracee shares about this the practice of deep rest and why it is so healing. She also offers some suggestions for how to experience those benefits more fully--like taking your practice outdoors and getting in touch with nature. We talk about everything from how to drop into Yoga Nidra if you’re prone to anxiety to what it was like to teach to Oprah and Gayle.  Shoe notes: Support this show  See for privacy and opt-out information.

 Body Positivity as a Practice with Amber Karnes | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:50:33

Amber Karnes -- the founder of Body Positive Yoga and the co-creator of the Accessible Yoga Training -- is my guest this week! Amber shares her story of how yoga has helped her change her relationship to her body, from one that was punitive to one that's more accepting and present. Amber offers so much insight and guidance in this conversation including: - How body positivity is not a linear path with an endpoint -- it's closer to recovering from addiction in that you are always in recovery - Resources for a "weight neutral" approach to health - The fatphobia that we may be complicit in when we bash our own bodies - Why behaviors are more important than body size - The vital question to ask ourselves every time we consume media  - The importance of doing body positive work while you are in community I'm so grateful to Amber for sharing the years of research and work she's done in this space. Show notes: Support this show  See for privacy and opt-out information.

 The Upsides of Online Teaching with Erin Jorich | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:34:15

Today’s guest is Erin Jorich, a yoga teacher from Minnesota who is also serving as a mentor teacher in Jason’s 300-hour teacher training this year. I really enjoyed learning more about her path from an MTV-taught dancer in her college years to becoming the talented yoga teacher she is today. I also found her perspective on the positive aspects of teaching yoga online refreshing. We agree that there’s something authentic and real about practicing with people who are in the comfort of their own homes--whether their cameras are on or off! Show notes: Support this show  See for privacy and opt-out information.

 Grief, Mr. Rogers, & Holding Space with Adam Hocke | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:46:20

This week, my guest is U.K. based teacher, Adam Hocke. Adam -- like Jack Workman in episode 221 -- is serving as a mentor in Jason's current online teacher training program. Adam is such a talented teacher in his own right -- balancing thoughtful and precise vinyasa yoga with his unique brand of warmth and humor. Adam and I spoke about many things but the common thread was one of my very favorite topics: emotions. He shared how yoga helped him through devastating grief, how he endeavors to incorporate self-compassion into vinyasa classes, and how he surrendered his role as a theatrical showman to become a yoga teacher who holds space for his students to feel their feelings and experience their own yoga. Show notes: Support this show  See for privacy and opt-out information.

 Tara Stiles on intuitive, unconventional yoga practice and teaching | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:58:47

This week, I’m talking to Tara Stiles, co-founder (with her husband Michael Taylor) of Strala Yoga in NYC. We cover a lot in this interview -- from how she started sharing yoga on YouTube 12(!) years ago to Strala's humble beginnings in Michael's apartment, to how it has grown and evolved into a practice that integrates Tai Chi, Traditional Chinese Medicine and Qigong. Equal parts artist and entrepreneur, Tara has carved her own path and followed her intuition to create a successful career and a vibrant community.  Show notes: Support this show  See for privacy and opt-out information.


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