Unbelievable show


Summary: 'Unbelievable?' engages in fundamental questions on Christianity with the intention to openly discuss different opinions between Christians and non-believers. http://unbelievable.podbean.com/feed/

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 Is Heaven for real? Randal Rauser vs Hemant Mehta - Unbelievable? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:21:14

Randal Rauser says we are wrong to imagine heaven as clouds, harps or a never-ending church service. In his new book What on Earth do we know about Heaven? he unpacks the Biblical view of heaven as a 'renewed earth'. Hemant Mehta, known online as The Friendly Atheist, explains why he believes heaven is a projection of our desires and nothing more. They discuss the evidence, whether heaven and hell are a divine carrot and stick, and if there is a heaven would an atheist want to be there? This programme is brought to you in partnership with www.christianheritage.co.uk For Randal Rauser http://randalrauser.com/ For Hemant Mehta http://friendlyatheist.com For more faith debates visit www.premier.org.uk/unbelievable Join the conversation: Facebook and Twitter Get the MP3 podcast of Unbelievable? http://ondemand.premier.org.uk/unbelievable/AudioFeed.aspx or Via Itunes You may also enjoy: Unbelievable? 23rd April 2011 - Rob Bell defends 'Love Wins' - debate with Adrian Warnock on universalism. Unbelievable? 16th February 2013 - I just believe in one less god than you... Randal Rauser & Ralph Jones. Unbelievable? 21st July 2012 - Atheist convert to Catholicism Leah Libresco & Hemant Mehta

 Ryan Bell discusses his ‘year as an atheist’ with Matt Flannagan - Unbelievable? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:20:46

Ryan J Bell is a former pastor who has decided to try being an atheist for a year. He explains why and interacts with New Zealand apologist Matt Flannagan. We also hear from Bentley Browning & Simon Capes at the conclusion of their atheist-Christian Faith Swap. This programme is brought to you in partnership with www.springharvest.org For Ryan J Bell http://www.yearwithoutgod.com For Matt Flannagan http://www.mandm.org.nz For more faith debates visit www.premier.org.uk/unbelievable Join the conversation: Facebook and Twitter Get the MP3 podcast of Unbelievable? http://ondemand.premier.org.uk/unbelievable/AudioFeed.aspx or Via Itunes You may also enjoy: Unbelievable? 11 January 2014 - The Christian & Atheist Faith Swap

 The Experience of God - David Bentley Hart & Richard Norman - Unbelievable? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:21:18

David Bentley Hart is a renowned Eastern Orthodox scholar of religion who presents three approaches to the existence of God in his new book "The Experience of God". He debates whether only God can explain 'being, consciousness and bliss', with atheist philosopher Richard Norman. This programme is brought to you in partnership with www.christianheritage.co.uk For 'The Experience of God' http://yalepress.yale.edu/book.asp?isbn=9780300166842 For Richard Norman http://www.kent.ac.uk/secl/philosophy/staff/norman.html For more faith debates visit www.premier.org.uk/unbelievable Join the conversation: Facebook and Twitter Get the MP3 podcast of Unbelievable? http://ondemand.premier.org.uk/unbelievable/AudioFeed.aspx or Via Itunes You may also enjoy: Unbelievable? 20th July 2013 - Peter Kreeft debates the argument from desire with Richard Norman Unbelievable? 14th January 2012 - Is our Mind more than Matter? Keith Ward vs David Papineau

 Gays, the Gospel and the Church - Justin Lee & Ed Shaw - Unbelievable? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:19:36

Justin Lee is a gay Christian. In his book Unconditional he describes his struggle to reconcile his sexuality with his evangelical faith and how he believes the church should respond to LGBT people. Ed Shaw is a church leader who is also same-sex attracted. Unlike Lee he believes that celibacy is the only biblical option for those who are gay. They discuss their experiences growing up, how the Church treats gay people, the biblical issues and their view of celibacy. This programme is brought to you in partnership with www.christianheritage.co.uk For 'Unconditional' (Torn) http://www.amazon.co.uk/Unconditional-Rescuing-Gospel-Christians-Debate/dp/1444745417 For Living Out http://www.livingout.org For the interview with Ed, Sean & Sam in Christianity Magazine http://bit.ly/18C47dj For more faith debates visit www.premier.org.uk/unbelievable Join the conversation: Facebook and Twitter Get the MP3 podcast of Unbelievable? http://ondemand.premier.org.uk/unbelievable/AudioFeed.aspx or Via Itunes You may also enjoy: Unbelievable? 27th July 2013 - A Different Kind Of Coming Out - Ed Shaw, Sean Doherty & Sam Allberry Unbelievable? 19th January 2013 - Steve Chalke on his new gay affirming stance

 Calvinism vs Molinism - William Lane Craig & Paul Helm - Unbelievable? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:20:25

If God ordains the future, can humans have free will? Are people predestined for salvation? And what does the Bible say on the matter? William Lane Craig is a Christian philosopher and leading proponent of Molinism, a view of divine sovereignty that seeks to reconcile God's fore-ordination with human free will. Paul Helm is a leading Calvin Scholar. He defends the view that God predestines the future, limiting human freedom. For William Lane Craig http://www.reasonablefaith.org For Paul Helm http://paulhelmsdeep.blogspot.co.uk/ For more faith debates visit www.premier.org.uk/unbelievable Join the conversation: Facebook and Twitter Get the MP3 podcast of Unbelievable? http://ondemand.premier.org.uk/unbelievable/AudioFeed.aspx or Via Itunes You may also enjoy: Unbelievable? 1 Aug 2009 - James White and Roger & Faith Forster debate predestination Unbelievable? 18 Oct 2011 - William Lane Craig vs Stephen Law - Does God exist?

 The Christian & Atheist ‘Faith Swap’ - Unbelievable? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:21:06

Two friends, Bentley Browning (the Christian) and Simon Capes (the atheist) are both comics. They tell Justin about the religious role reversal they are undertaking and why they decided to do it. Bentley will be stopping prayer, Bible reading and going to church, while Simon will be taking them all up. We also hear from Jake Warren an atheist who made a film about living with evangelical Christians, and Heather Tomlinson a journalist who became a Christian from a secular background. This programme is brought to you in partnership with www.christianheritage.co.uk For the Faith Swap blog www.facebook.com/faithswap For Heather Tomlinson in 'Why I Am Not An Atheist' http://www.amazon.co.uk/Why-I-am-Not-Atheist/dp/178191270X For Jake Warren's documentary 'Hey Jesus, I'm Looking For You' http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MpU4l9Mt3WE For more faith debates visit www.premier.org.uk/unbelievable Join the conversation: Facebook and Twitter Get the MP3 podcast of Unbelievable? http://ondemand.premier.org.uk/unbelievable/AudioFeed.aspx or Via Itunes You may also enjoy: Unbelievable? 10th November 2012 - The Atheist Prayer Experiment Results Show With Tim Mawson Unbelievable? 27th October 2012 - Comedy & Christianity Marcus Brigstocke & David Robertson

 Was Jesus just a… Rabbi? David Lister & David Instone-Brewer - Unbelievable? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:21:02

The second of three shows debating the identity of Jesus. Orthodox Rabbi David Lister talks to New Testament scholar David Instone-Brewer. They discuss the rabbinic credentials of Jesus and why they differ on whether he was the messiah of the Jews. This programme is brought to you in partnership with www.springharvest.org & www.thegodquestion.tv For more resources on the Bible TV series http://www.premier.org.uk/thebible For Rabbi David Lister http://www.edgwareu.com/about/rabbi For David Instone-Brewer http://www.tyndale.cam.ac.uk/index.php?page=david-instone-brewer For more faith debates visit www.premier.org.uk/unbelievable Join the conversation: Facebook and Twitter Get the MP3 podcast of Unbelievable? http://ondemand.premier.org.uk/unbelievable/AudioFeed.aspx or Via Itunes You may also enjoy: Was Jesus the Messiah of the Jews? Rabbi Jonathan Romain vs Stephen Pacht Jesus & Jewishness: are they compatible? Rabbi Shmuley Boteach & Michael Brown debate

 Was Jesus just a… Prophet? James White vs Yusuf Ismail - Unbelievable? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:22:06

Muslims believe that Jesus was a prophet, but not the Son of God as Christians believe. James White is a US Bible Scholar and Yusuf Ismail is a Muslim scholar from South Africa - they debate the issues. This programme is brought to you in partnership with www.springharvest.org & www.thegodquestion.tv For more resources on the Bible TV series http://www.premier.org.uk/thebible For James White's review of his S Africa debates www.aomin.org/ For White and Ismail's debates http://confessingbaptist.com/3-new-james-white-debates-just-posted-video-from-his-october-trip-to-africa/ For Yusuf Ismail http://www.ipci.co.za/ For more faith debates visit www.premier.org.uk/unbelievable Join the conversation: Facebook and Twitter Get the MP3 podcast of Unbelievable? http://ondemand.premier.org.uk/unbelievable/AudioFeed.aspx or Via Itunes You may also enjoy: Which is more trustworthy - The Bible or Koran? Christian James White debate Muslim Adnan Rashid Unbelievable? 26 Mar 2011 - Did Jesus die on the Cross? Islam debate

 Richard Dawkins debates Old Testament morality - Unbelievable? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:21:46

Richard Dawkins has described the God of the Old Testament as (among other things) a "capriciously malevolent bully". The world's best known atheist joins Justin Brierley to discuss the morality of the Old Testament in light of the Bible TV series airing in the UK on Channel 5. Rabbi Josh Levy and Christian lecturer Chris Sinkinson discuss with Dawkins whether the events of the Old Testament are historical and how to interpret the so-called "terror" passages. What about the story of Sodom and Gomorrah, or of Abraham nearly sacrificing Isaac? On YouTube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p5_0Fx_RICI This programme is brought to you in partnership with www.springharvest.org & www.thegodquestion.tv For more resources on the Bible TV series http://www.premier.org.uk/thebible For Richard Dawkins http://www.richarddawkins.net For Chris Sinkinson's book Time Travel to the Old Testament http://www.ivpbooks.com/9781844749041 For Rabbi Josh Levy http://bit.ly/1cqxwG2 For more faith debates visit www.premier.org.uk/unbelievable Join the conversation: Facebook and Twitter Get the MP3 podcast of Unbelievable? http://ondemand.premier.org.uk/unbelievable/AudioFeed.aspx or Via Itunes You may also enjoy: Unbelievable? 12 Dec 2009 - Dawkins Debate on Atheist fundamentalism Unbelievable? 8 Oct 2011 - Old Testament Grill-a-Christian with Peter J Williams

 Was Jesus just a…zealot? Reza Aslan vs Anthony Le Donne - Unbelievable? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:25:46

Reza Aslan is the author of the bestselling book Zealot which claims Jesus was a political revolutionary and not the peace loving Messiah of the Gospels. He debates with New Testament scholar Anthony Le Donne who has written a scathing review of Aslan's book. This programme is brought to you in partnership with www.springharvest.org & www.thegodquestion.tv For more resources on the Bible TV series http://www.premier.org.uk/thebible For Reza Aslan http://rezaaslan.com/ For Anthony Le Donne http://historicaljesusresearch.blogspot.co.uk/ For more faith debates visit www.premier.org.uk/unbelievable Join the conversation: Facebook and Twitter Get the MP3 podcast of Unbelievable? http://ondemand.premier.org.uk/unbelievable/AudioFeed.aspx or Via Itunes You may also enjoy: Unbelievable? 18 August 2012 Did Jesus Exist? Bart Ehrman •Unbelievable? 15 December 2012 Did Jesus Exist? Richard Carrier vs Mark Goodacre

 Darwin’s Doubt - Stephen C Meyer & Charles Marshall debate ID - Unbelievable? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:27:00

Stephen C Meyer is the world's leading Intelligent Design proponent. His new book Darwin's Doubt claims that the Cambrian fossil record, which saw an "explosion" of new life forms in a short space of time, is evidence for ID. Evolutionary biologist Charles Marshall of the University of California, Berkeley has written a critical review of the book. He debates Meyer on whether Darwinian evolution can explain the diversity of life in the Cambrian rocks. For Meyer & Darwin's Doubt http://www.darwinsdoubt.com/ For Charles Marshall's review http://www.sciencemag.org/content/341/6152/1344.1.full For more faith debates visit www.premier.org.uk/unbelievable Join the conversation: Facebook and Twitter Get the MP3 podcast of Unbelievable? http://ondemand.premier.org.uk/unbelievable/AudioFeed.aspx or Via Itunes You may also enjoy: Unbelievable? 21st September 2013 - John Lennox vs Lawrence Krauss debate Science, the Universe & The God Question Unbelievable? 19 November 2011 - Signature in the Cell - Stephen Meyer vs Keith Fox

 Is the Mormon Church having a crisis of faith? Unbelievable? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:20:48

Hanns Mattsson, a leader in the European wing of the Church of Jesus Christ of latter Day Saints recently went public about his doubts in the New York Times http://www.nytimes.com/2013/07/21/us/some-mormons-search-the-web-and-find-doubt.html?_r=0 Former Mormon Russ East discusses with Mormon historian Brian Hales the concerns of Mattsson over the legitimacy of the Book of Mormon and the character of the founder Joseph Smith. For more info on Utah Partnerships for Christ http://www.upfc.org For more info on Brian Hales http://mormonscholarstestify.org/793/brian-c-hales For more faith debates visit www.premier.org.uk/unbelievable Join the conversation: Facebook and Twitter Get the MP3 podcast of Unbelievable? http://ondemand.premier.org.uk/unbelievable/AudioFeed.aspx or Via Itunes You may also enjoy: Unbelievable? 28 July 2012 Mormon Dialogue pt 1 Joseph Smith & The book of Mormon Unbelievable? 28 Feb 2009 Mormon & Christian Dialogue - Robert Millet & Greg Johnson

 Debating the charismatic church & MacArthur’s Strange Fire - Unbelievable? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:20:01

US Bible teacher John MacArthur recently condemned charismatic Christians as unbiblical and unsaved at his Strange Fire conference. Reformed Blogger Adrian Warnock explains why John MacArthur has thrown the charismatic baby out with the bathwater, and why he believes in the continuing gifts of healing, prophecy and tongues. Doug Wilson, a reformed church leader in the US, reflects on the conference and explains why he believes the 'sign' gifts ceased with the closure of scripture. For Adrian Warnock http://www.adrianwarnock.com For Doug Wilson http://www.dougwils.com For Justin Brierley's Christianity Magazine article on Benny Hinn click here. For more faith debates visit www.premier.org.uk/unbelievable Join the conversation: Facebook and Twitter Get the MP3 podcast of Unbelievable? http://ondemand.premier.org.uk/unbelievable/AudioFeed.aspx or Via Itunes You may also enjoy: Unbelievable? 10 May 2008 The gift of tongues - faith or fake? Unbelievable? 17 May 2008 Todd Bentley and the Lakeland 'revival'

 Graphic abortion images - Anne Furedi vs Gregg Cunningham public debate - Unbelievable? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:44:52

Ann Furedi of the British Preganancy Advisory Service (the UK's largest abortion provider) debates Gregg Cunningham of the pro-life Centre for Bio-Ethical Reform. They debate the motion "This house believes that it is morally wrong for groups to approach women and display abortion imagery outside facilities which provide abortion services." The debate took place in London and was organised by Christian Concern. For more info www.christianconcern.com For more faith debates visit www.premier.org.uk/unbelievable Join the conversation: Facebook and Twitter Get the MP3 podcast of Unbelievable? http://ondemand.premier.org.uk/unbelievable/AudioFeed.aspx or Via Itunes You may also enjoy: Unbelievable? 4 May 2013 - Kermit Gosnell & the abortion debate - Dr Trvor Stammers & Dr Evan Harries Unbelievable? 23 July 2011 - Are there good reasons for abortion? Wendy Savage vs Madeleine Flannagan.

 Should the Church keep out of education? David Robertson vs Terry Sanderson - Unbelievable? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:20:56

The National Secular Society recently raised concerns that Christian groups were infiltrating RE lessons in order to evangelise at schools. Although their report was dismissed by the Department for Education, President Terry Sanderson explains why their concerns were raised after they received dozens of complaints from parents. Revd David Robertson of the Solas Centre For Public Christianity explains why he thinks the report is unsupported and scare-mongering. For the NSS report http://www.secularism.org.uk/religion-in-schools.html For the Solas CPC Education conference http://www.solas-cpc.org/events/ootsc-2013/ For more faith debates visit www.premier.org.uk/unbelievable Join the conversation: Facebook and Twitter For Unbelievable? The Conference video website http://www.premier.org.uk/apologetics Get the MP3 podcast of Unbelievable? http://ondemand.premier.org.uk/unbelievable/AudioFeed.aspx or Via Itunes You may also enjoy: Unbelievable? 26 Feb 2011 - RE and indoctrination in education - Mark Roques & Andrew Copson Unbelievable? 2 Aug 2008 Faith & School - do they mix? Faith & School - do they mix? Jan Ainsworth & Andrew Copson debate.


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