The Paterson Podcast show

The Paterson Podcast

Summary: Get Clarity and Focus on What Matters

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 094: Living Your LifePlan: Your Thinking Wavelength | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 16:44

In this conversation we are talking about the Thinking Wavelength, something we explored in depth in episodes 55-60. Today we explore what it looks like to stay intentional within the spaces around us. The Thinking Wavelength is a tool invented by Tom Paterson, helping to reveal how we think and engage with the people and activities around us. It impacts every domain of life. “The gamut runs from concrete thinking to more abstract thinking,” comments Stephen. “We all find ourselves most comfortable within one of those territories. Identifying what space we occupy, as a Grinder, Minder, Keeper, Finder, or Conceiver, helps us to know how to relate in different spaces...However, the approach is to not just identify my Thinking Wavelength number but to estimate my comfort with knowing that number. My number can reveal how I am already thinking, living and operating in the world… but do I approve of it? Why or why not? From there we can begin to explore where that thinking aligns or is at tension with the domains of our life." Of course, one of the realities of any assessment or self discovery tool is that it can make us feel like we are boxed in. “None of us want to be put in a box.. but it’s useful to realize that there’s texture,” adds David. “The way we manage and engage our Thinking Wavelength in an ongoing way is by paying attention to the circumstances and relationships around us, and noticing how we are showing up in these spaces in relation with the way we think.” For more on managing your Thinking Wavelength, listen in! And if you’d like to explore this tool in depth, feel free to circle back to the Thinking Wavelength Mini Series in episodes 55-60

 094: Living Your LifePlan: Your Thinking Wavelength | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 16:44

In this conversation we are talking about the Thinking Wavelength, something we explored in depth in episodes 55-60. Today we explore what it looks like to stay intentional within the spaces around us. The Thinking Wavelength is a tool invented by Tom Paterson, helping to reveal how we think and engage with the people and activities around us. It impacts every domain of life. “The gamut runs from concrete thinking to more abstract thinking,” comments Stephen. “We all find ourselves most comfortable within one of those territories. Identifying what space we occupy, as a Grinder, Minder, Keeper, Finder, or Conceiver, helps us to know how to relate in different spaces...However, the approach is to not just identify my Thinking Wavelength number but to estimate my comfort with knowing that number. My number can reveal how I am already thinking, living and operating in the world… but do I approve of it? Why or why not? From there we can begin to explore where that thinking aligns or is at tension with the domains of our life." Of course, one of the realities of any assessment or self discovery tool is that it can make us feel like we are boxed in. “None of us want to be put in a box.. but it’s useful to realize that there’s texture,” adds David. “The way we manage and engage our Thinking Wavelength in an ongoing way is by paying attention to the circumstances and relationships around us, and noticing how we are showing up in these spaces in relation with the way we think.” For more on managing your Thinking Wavelength, listen in! And if you’d like to explore this tool in depth, feel free to circle back to the Thinking Wavelength Mini Series in episodes 55-60

 093: Living Your LifePlan: Your Heart | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 18:41

This week we return for part two of the mini-series on Living Your LifePlan, taking time to explore the Heart and the invitations within. “We often talk about the Heart as mysterious, because life is mysterious and the Heart is constantly just experiencing life,” comments Stephen. "The mind understands things by wanting them to make sense, by bringing order to what might be chaotic… but the Heart, the Heart isn’t trying to make sense of the world. The Heart is asking ‘does this thing really matter in life?’” "A lot of times we hear the phrase to 'follow your passion,’ but with the Heart there is this invitation to follow your compassion… to follow the thing that your heart already deeply pulls you into,” adds David. It’s important to pause and ask questions that help us identify where our Heart feels at ease. Where do you sense you are most allowed to be your true self? What makes your heart come alive? As we dive into these questions, we get to start unpacking the Heart; identifying where we feel confident and secure, and exploring the longings that lie beneath the surface. They say that ‘the Heart points the way.’ If you’re curious to learn more about the heart or evaluating which direction to go, listen in for more!

 093: Living Your LifePlan: Your Heart | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 18:41

This week we return for part two of the mini-series on Living Your LifePlan, taking time to explore the Heart and the invitations within. “We often talk about the Heart as mysterious, because life is mysterious and the Heart is constantly just experiencing life,” comments Stephen. "The mind understands things by wanting them to make sense, by bringing order to what might be chaotic… but the Heart, the Heart isn’t trying to make sense of the world. The Heart is asking ‘does this thing really matter in life?’” "A lot of times we hear the phrase to 'follow your passion,’ but with the Heart there is this invitation to follow your compassion… to follow the thing that your heart already deeply pulls you into,” adds David. It’s important to pause and ask questions that help us identify where our Heart feels at ease. Where do you sense you are most allowed to be your true self? What makes your heart come alive? As we dive into these questions, we get to start unpacking the Heart; identifying where we feel confident and secure, and exploring the longings that lie beneath the surface. They say that ‘the Heart points the way.’ If you’re curious to learn more about the heart or evaluating which direction to go, listen in for more!

 092: Living Your LifePlan: Your Talents | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 20:16

This week we dive into a new mini-series on living your LifePlan. Pursuing our life purpose is incredibly fulfilling and life-giving, but it can also be really hard and challenging at times. This series is designed to help you live a life of purpose; equipping you with fresh tools, insights, and approaches to help you manage and live out your LifePlan to the fullest. In this first conversation in the series, Stephen Milburn joins David Mitchell for a conversation about the unique core talents that lie within each of us. Becoming aware of one's talents is only the first step in the journey; talents are meant to be stewarded and cultivated. But how do we invest in our talents so that they can be used for greater contribution in the world around us? "A formational way to grow [a talent] is to recognize that the talent you are employing with your family, at work, and in your community, etc... is young; it’s something you are just beginning to understand and sometimes you’ll apply a talent and it might not look like a talent… it might looks messy... it might fail. That's why it's important to understand or return to a beginner’s mind," comments Stephen. "There’s a beautiful joy and freedom that comes from discovering our own unique talents… but the invitation is greater than that; we get to turn our eyes to the rest of the world, and to our loved ones, and realize that there is talent everywhere… Just like in a treasure hunt, all around us there is talent waiting to be uncovered," David tell us. For more on how to identify, cultivate, and discover talent in yourself and others, listen in!

 092: Living Your LifePlan: Your Talents | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 20:16

This week we dive into a new mini-series on living your LifePlan. Pursuing our life purpose is incredibly fulfilling and life-giving, but it can also be really hard and challenging at times. This series is designed to help you live a life of purpose; equipping you with fresh tools, insights, and approaches to help you manage and live out your LifePlan to the fullest. In this first conversation in the series, Stephen Milburn joins David Mitchell for a conversation about the unique core talents that lie within each of us. Becoming aware of one's talents is only the first step in the journey; talents are meant to be stewarded and cultivated. But how do we invest in our talents so that they can be used for greater contribution in the world around us? "A formational way to grow [a talent] is to recognize that the talent you are employing with your family, at work, and in your community, etc... is young; it’s something you are just beginning to understand and sometimes you’ll apply a talent and it might not look like a talent… it might looks messy... it might fail. That's why it's important to understand or return to a beginner’s mind," comments Stephen. "There’s a beautiful joy and freedom that comes from discovering our own unique talents… but the invitation is greater than that; we get to turn our eyes to the rest of the world, and to our loved ones, and realize that there is talent everywhere… Just like in a treasure hunt, all around us there is talent waiting to be uncovered," David tell us. For more on how to identify, cultivate, and discover talent in yourself and others, listen in!

 091: Science, Faith, & Wonder, with Oxford Professor Andrew Briggs | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 44:50

Today we are joined by Andrew Briggs, Professor of Nano-materials at the University of Oxford. That means he's an expert in some pretty remarkable fields, such as understanding quantum technologies. In this conversation, we explore Andrew’s own story and some of the awe-inspiring discoveries he has worked on. We talk about how his Christian faith informs his work as a scientist and, vice versa, how his work as a scientist informs his faith. We also dive into Andrew’s recent experience with the Paterson LifePlan process and how it helped him gain clarity on his unique purpose. Andrew comments, "If there is something I don’t understand, there’s an almost physical pain that drives me on until I do understand it. It’s an integral part of curiosity for me. And I think that’s the true source of awe and wonder." On the purpose of science and how science connects back to human flourishing and well-being, Andrew shares, "The more we want to contribute to the flourishing of others, the more inseparable it is from the material world in which we live. The tool, the God-given resource for engaging with the material world, we call that science. And out of science we are able to develop the technologies that put human care into practice.” For more of Andrew’s story, thoughts on awe, wonder and scientific discovery, listen in

 091: Science, Faith, & Wonder, with Oxford Professor Andrew Briggs | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 44:50

Today we are joined by Andrew Briggs, Professor of Nano-materials at the University of Oxford. That means he's an expert in some pretty remarkable fields, such as understanding quantum technologies. In this conversation, we explore Andrew’s own story and some of the awe-inspiring discoveries he has worked on. We talk about how his Christian faith informs his work as a scientist and, vice versa, how his work as a scientist informs his faith. We also dive into Andrew’s recent experience with the Paterson LifePlan process and how it helped him gain clarity on his unique purpose. Andrew comments, "If there is something I don’t understand, there’s an almost physical pain that drives me on until I do understand it. It’s an integral part of curiosity for me. And I think that’s the true source of awe and wonder." On the purpose of science and how science connects back to human flourishing and well-being, Andrew shares, "The more we want to contribute to the flourishing of others, the more inseparable it is from the material world in which we live. The tool, the God-given resource for engaging with the material world, we call that science. And out of science we are able to develop the technologies that put human care into practice.” For more of Andrew’s story, thoughts on awe, wonder and scientific discovery, listen in

 090: Wealth, Stewardship & Identity: A Conversation with Andrew Doust | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 42:47

Today we are exploring identity, contribution, and purpose with Andrew Doust, who dedicates his talents to helping families flourish. As founder of Plenitude Partners, Andrew advises families globally, helping them to break the cycle which destroys families and their wealth. With Kore Venture, Andrew is leading the development of programs that enrich and prepare families to steward wealth well. Kore Venture takes inheritors of wealth on a journey of identity, purpose, and impact. It’s inspirational and transformative work. Currently, Andrew lives in Dubai with his wife and three children and we are honored to share his story and insights with you today. “When it comes to the question of stewardship, many of us start at the wrong place,” comments Andrew. "Let’s say it’s the stewardship of wealth or a business. Often times preserving this becomes our goal; we feel somehow that actually the passing on of wealth, a legacy, family foundation, or whatever is what matters. We feel we must make sure it’s kept safe and continues and that becomes our goal. But why does that matter? Because, I believe, the bigger question to ask is what’s the purpose of what you have? In Kore Venture we ask three questions that really get to the heart of stewardship: 'Who are you and who do you want to become?,' 'What do you want to contribute in the world? And last, the question that many people start with, 'What do I do with what I have?’" On identity and relationships Andrew shared, "The truth is, the foundation of flourishing is not wealth; it’s clear identity and relationships. Identity is not formed in isolation, it’s formed in relationship; we find out who we are and who we want to become in relationship. My goal is to help people, whatever stage of life they are in, flourish and thrive in their relationships. If we can do that,  and do it really well, whatever money they have in their hands will be much more useful to the world, making a greater positive impact in the world." For more of Andrew’s story, listen in!

 090: Wealth, Stewardship & Identity: A Conversation with Andrew Doust | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 42:47

Today we are exploring identity, contribution, and purpose with Andrew Doust, who dedicates his talents to helping families flourish. As founder of Plenitude Partners, Andrew advises families globally, helping them to break the cycle which destroys families and their wealth. With Kore Venture, Andrew is leading the development of programs that enrich and prepare families to steward wealth well. Kore Venture takes inheritors of wealth on a journey of identity, purpose, and impact. It’s inspirational and transformative work. Currently, Andrew lives in Dubai with his wife and three children and we are honored to share his story and insights with you today. “When it comes to the question of stewardship, many of us start at the wrong place,” comments Andrew. "Let’s say it’s the stewardship of wealth or a business. Often times preserving this becomes our goal; we feel somehow that actually the passing on of wealth, a legacy, family foundation, or whatever is what matters. We feel we must make sure it’s kept safe and continues and that becomes our goal. But why does that matter? Because, I believe, the bigger question to ask is what’s the purpose of what you have? In Kore Venture we ask three questions that really get to the heart of stewardship: 'Who are you and who do you want to become?,' 'What do you want to contribute in the world? And last, the question that many people start with, 'What do I do with what I have?’" On identity and relationships Andrew shared, "The truth is, the foundation of flourishing is not wealth; it’s clear identity and relationships. Identity is not formed in isolation, it’s formed in relationship; we find out who we are and who we want to become in relationship. My goal is to help people, whatever stage of life they are in, flourish and thrive in their relationships. If we can do that,  and do it really well, whatever money they have in their hands will be much more useful to the world, making a greater positive impact in the world." For more of Andrew’s story, listen in!

 089: Kat Cole, President & COO of FOCUS Brands, on Growing Cinnabon and Leading in Crisis | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 44:58

Today we are joined by Kat Cole, President & COO of FOCUS Brands. FOCUS is a $5B+ organization, and home to the likes of Cinnabon, Jamba Juice and Moe’s Southwest Grill. Kat joined the FOCUS team in 2010 as President of Cinnabon and successfully drove the multi-channel brand to record sales and growth. Previously, Kat was the Vice President of Hooters, the $800MM restaurant franchise, having joined Hooters as a server at age 19. In today’s conversation we explore Kat’s compelling and unconventional journey through life and business. Kat reflects how, “The word ‘leader’ doesn’t mean you’re always leading and you’re never listening and you’re never following… Later in life my ability to actually listen to my teams really showed up, helping me lead by being a receiver; taking in multiple people’s perspectives and then making it a more well-rounded decision that reflected the intelligence or the needs of the group.” On leading in times of crisis, Kat was adamant, "At times of crisis, the reason it’s a crisis is that it’s unexpected, unknown, uncertain, un-everything and clarity is what allows people to pause and say ‘It's ok. I’m gonna take a breath. I can do this.’ Otherwise you’re trying to take in thirty things and it just needs to get boiled down to one foot in front of the other... that's why clarity is so important." "For years I’ve practiced the Hotshot Rule: I think about someone I admire and what they might do in my role. I realize always very quick what an immediate action is, I take the immediate action, and then I tell my team. And every time I tell my team they literally say ‘What took you so long?’ because the people closest to the action know what the right thing to do is." For more on Kat's story, leadership, and action-centered processes, listen in! * Photo Credit: Patrick Heagney

 089: Kat Cole, President & COO of FOCUS Brands, on Growing Cinnabon and Leading in Crisis | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 44:58

Today we are joined by Kat Cole, President & COO of FOCUS Brands. FOCUS is a $5B+ organization, and home to the likes of Cinnabon, Jamba Juice and Moe’s Southwest Grill. Kat joined the FOCUS team in 2010 as President of Cinnabon and successfully drove the multi-channel brand to record sales and growth. Previously, Kat was the Vice President of Hooters, the $800MM restaurant franchise, having joined Hooters as a server at age 19. In today’s conversation we explore Kat’s compelling and unconventional journey through life and business. Kat reflects how, “The word ‘leader’ doesn’t mean you’re always leading and you’re never listening and you’re never following… Later in life my ability to actually listen to my teams really showed up, helping me lead by being a receiver; taking in multiple people’s perspectives and then making it a more well-rounded decision that reflected the intelligence or the needs of the group.” On leading in times of crisis, Kat was adamant, "At times of crisis, the reason it’s a crisis is that it’s unexpected, unknown, uncertain, un-everything and clarity is what allows people to pause and say ‘It's ok. I’m gonna take a breath. I can do this.’ Otherwise you’re trying to take in thirty things and it just needs to get boiled down to one foot in front of the other... that's why clarity is so important." "For years I’ve practiced the Hotshot Rule: I think about someone I admire and what they might do in my role. I realize always very quick what an immediate action is, I take the immediate action, and then I tell my team. And every time I tell my team they literally say ‘What took you so long?’ because the people closest to the action know what the right thing to do is." For more on Kat's story, leadership, and action-centered processes, listen in! * Photo Credit: Patrick Heagney

 088: Doing It Afraid with Blaine Hogan | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 52:14

Today we are thrilled to share a conversation with Blaine Hogan. Blaine is a director and story teller. For nearly a decade, Blaine acted on television and in theaters across the country. He served as creative director at a mega church, and as a writer and director he has spent the last ten years creating short films, documentaries, and music videos - directing the likes of LeBron James and Lindsey Vonn. This conversation was raw and beautiful. We cover Blaine’s own journey, his craft, his sobriety, and how he helps others "exit the cave" and experience greater freedom. On acting and telling stories Blaine shares, “I exited my body into another character and thus learned how to tell other people's stories. But in retrospect I realize how often I was telling my own story… we all exit our bodies in different ways. We all have different ways to manage the pain." When we asked Blaine what he’s afraid will work, and what he’s afraid won’t work, he shared, “I’m afraid of freedom. I’m afraid that the goodness and grace and amazing, wonderful parts of life won’t work. But at the same time, while I am afraid that goodness won’t work, boy…. I am so afraid that it will. What will I do if goodness does work? … When our girls go to school we have this little mantra in our house as the girls get ready to leave: 'Be kind. Have courage. Fail. Be an encourager. Hogans do it afraid.' The fear of something not working, that’s fine. Just go do it. Commit to doing it afraid…Fear is never going away, so just commit to doing it afraid." Blaine's thoughts, experiences, and stories, from overcoming addition to directing LeBron James, are so full of authenticity. It's a conversation you won't want to miss.

 088: Doing It Afraid with Blaine Hogan | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 52:14

Today we are thrilled to share a conversation with Blaine Hogan. Blaine is a director and story teller. For nearly a decade, Blaine acted on television and in theaters across the country. He served as creative director at a mega church, and as a writer and director he has spent the last ten years creating short films, documentaries, and music videos - directing the likes of LeBron James and Lindsey Vonn. This conversation was raw and beautiful. We cover Blaine’s own journey, his craft, his sobriety, and how he helps others "exit the cave" and experience greater freedom. On acting and telling stories Blaine shares, “I exited my body into another character and thus learned how to tell other people's stories. But in retrospect I realize how often I was telling my own story… we all exit our bodies in different ways. We all have different ways to manage the pain." When we asked Blaine what he’s afraid will work, and what he’s afraid won’t work, he shared, “I’m afraid of freedom. I’m afraid that the goodness and grace and amazing, wonderful parts of life won’t work. But at the same time, while I am afraid that goodness won’t work, boy…. I am so afraid that it will. What will I do if goodness does work? … When our girls go to school we have this little mantra in our house as the girls get ready to leave: 'Be kind. Have courage. Fail. Be an encourager. Hogans do it afraid.' The fear of something not working, that’s fine. Just go do it. Commit to doing it afraid…Fear is never going away, so just commit to doing it afraid." Blaine's thoughts, experiences, and stories, from overcoming addition to directing LeBron James, are so full of authenticity. It's a conversation you won't want to miss.

 087: StratOp in Action with Jackie White and Todd Bolt | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 40:37

On today’s episode we are joined by Pastor Jackie White, the Founding & Senior Pastor of Church on the Rock, a multi campus church based in Lubbock, Texas. We’re also joined by Pastor Todd Bolt, Executive Senior Pastor at Victory Worship Center, a multi campus church based in Tuscon, Arizona. Todd is also a LifePlan and StratOp Guide with us here at Paterson. In today’s conversation, we explore StratOp in action: what it’s been like for Church on the Rock to be guided through the StratOp Process; how they've "made truth visible"; and their experience moving forward towards a vision with both strategy and execution. Whether we work in business, a church, or non-profit, this conversation contains lessons and wisdom for all of us. “The same [principle] is true for the vision of a church or a business… the vision has to grow. When the vision stops growing, you need to ask yourself what’s going on? Why have I not allowed the vision to grow? Sometimes we are resistant to change and we want everything to stay the same but that’s not healthy," comments Jackie. On conflict and tension on a team, Jackie told us, "There’s always going to be tensions and struggles, but it can be so healthy if you go into that struggle realizing you don’t have to feel insecure just because you disagree with me… we’re going to work through this and we are going to love each other at the end of it.” Todd adds, “Conflict, if done well, if done in a place of safety, produces a higher level of thinking and execution. Conflict solidifies culture and team; like Jackie’s team did, a team has to struggle and lean in to the tension. It’s always going to be there but let’s learn how to struggle and have the tension together as opposed to individually. When you can get a team to learn how to do that and to wrestle with the struggles and tensions of vision  together, that’s catalytic." Tune in to hear more insights and thoughts on vision, culture, and handling tension and conflict in healthy ways.


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