The Paterson Podcast show

The Paterson Podcast

Summary: Get Clarity and Focus on What Matters

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 152: What we’re reading: Leonardo da Vinci | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 19:20

Although known by many as an artist, Leonardo da Vinci’s creativity was grounded in a scientific method and practice. Elegantly oscillating between the left and right hemisphere of the brain, da Vinci masterfully integrate the curious and critical mind in order to harness the genius of his creativity. Join us for today’s episode as we look to harmonize the scientific and artistic mind as we approach creative innovation to today’s presenting issues.

 151: What we’re reading: Leadership Is An Art | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 18:20

Although his plan to be a doctor was interrupted by World War II, Max De Pree returned from service in the Army to found Herman Miller and develop a philosophy of leadership focused on the integration of employee care and business success. Join us on today’s episode as we marvel at the wisdom of a man leading organizations 35 years ago, and why his leadership style survived the test of time.  

 150: What we’re reading: Essentialism | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 18:58

Tom Paterson said that "Success is not unlimited opportunity, but focused possibility." He was articulating the power of focus; the power of saying 'yes' to the right things and 'no' to the wrong things. That discipline is hard. Greg McKeown gives us inspiration and tools to live the life of the Essentialist. As Greg reminds us, "if it isn't a definite yes, then it's an easy no." Join us this week as we explore Greg's book, Essentialism.  

 149: What we’re reading: The Boutique | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 21:45

Greg Alexander has committed his professional life to helping owners of small service firms close the gap on scalability. In today’s episode, David and Stephen draw from Alexander’s book The Boutique and discuss the challenges small start-up firms face in preparing to scale.

 148: What we’re reading: Man’s Search for Meaning | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 21:50

In this short series, we'll be exploring some books and ideas that are helping leaders and teams around the world. Viktor Frankl's seminal book, Man's Search for Meaning, is one of the most impactful books of the last 100 years. Frankl shares from his own experience of being held captive in the Nazi concentration camps, and talks about his work creating the theory of logotherapy (a therapeutic approach to help us find meaning). In this book, Frankl speaks to us about taking responsibility for our own lives, living with tension, and allowing success to "ensue" rather than it being something we pursue.

 147: Rebecca Bender, From Trafficked to Triumphant | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 41:22

Rebecca Bender is the CEO of the Rebecca Bender Initiative, and the Founder of Elevate Academy. She is also the Executive Producer of the upcoming Showtime Show, Coercion, inspired by her own story. Rebecca was trafficked for 6 long years. In her book, “In Pursuit of Love” she shares her journey from enslavement to escape, and to now leading Elevate Academy, an organization dedicated to supporting Survivors of human trafficking on their journey of healing and recovery. Here at the Paterson Center, we've partnered with Elevate, to bring free copies of LifePlan Launch to Survivors, to help many more Survivors step fully into the purpose they are created for.

 146: Powerful Purpose | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 21:57

Powerful Purpose is about choosing to live with meekness and humility in your authentic purpose, rather than living in the pressure of a purpose that is not yours to own. Our purpose is intended to be a labor of love, and not a labor of striving, or a labor of people-pleasing, or a labor of fear. Powerful Purpose is therefore where love is the driving force.Too often we are driven by the results, or the fame, or the money. We're driven by our need for affirmation and applause. But these needs can sometimes keep us from living our most powerful lives. This week, we wrap our series on power by considering the power of the purpose within each of us, and explore how we can live that out more authentically.

 145: Power and Pause | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 21:42

In today’s episode David and Stephen introduce the power of pause – the power found within the stillness of life that proves to enhance and support the activity of it.

 144: Power and Performance | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 24:54

In today’s episode David and Stephen explore the relationship between your power and your unique privilege and responsibility to elevate the voice and opinion of others around you.

 143: Powerful Teams | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 22:01

How do we build powerful teams? How do we empower others? What is possible when we move forward together, as one? As Stephen reminds us on this week's podcast, "Where could we possibly get, together, if we were able to actually celebrate even the degree of influence, and power, and ability that you have to begin with?" It can be easy to think of power as something that is scarce. Something we have to claw our way after, to bring it within our own grasp. But in building powerful teams, we find the gift of empowering others. We find the gift of giving up a life of striving, and choosing a life of service and support. That kind of posture takes us to places of impact we never could get to alone.

 142: Power & Powerlessness | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 20:56

There may be places within your life, or your leadership, where you feel powerless right now. Where you feel like your power has been lost, or even taken away. This week on the Paterson Podcast we're investigating the power within each of us, and considering how to use that power for great good.

 141: Unearthed: Pause. Notice. Wonder | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 21:54

In an age filled with endless noise and distraction vying for your attention and energy, it’s become increasingly difficult to protect the space in your day to renew in a truly replenishing way. Join us this week on the Paterson Podcast as we consider the inner and outer noise of our life. As we review the outer-noise of our environments that obscure our full engagement and productivity, and the inner-noise of our life that - when managed - offers the intermittent renewal we need to live healthy and sustainable lives.

 140: Unearthed: Replenish | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 22:34

So often, we only recognize the value of rest and replenishment when we're on the other side of burnout. When everything has shut down. When we've reached breaking point. The encouragement, then, is to be intentional today. Before everything falls apart. Before we find ourselves exhausted and stuck. The invitation is to consider all that you need to do and to practice, to show up in every arena of life filled up. Consider your own Replenishment Cycle. What are those 4-5 Replenishers in your life, that keep you replenished Physically, Intellectually, Emotionally, and Spiritually?

 139: Unearthed: Buried Treasure | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 26:55

Deep work. Over a long period of time. In community. That's what it can look like to really uncover all of the talent and heart that is buried inside of us. This week on the Podcast, we're talking about what it means to do that deep work ourselves, and to commit to it for many years. We consider what it looks like to surround ourselves with those who will encourage us on (especially when it's really hard).

 138: Unearthed: Tribe | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 22:33

We all need people in our lives who can spur us on towards good. This week on the Podcast, we're talking about what it means to surround yourself with people who will encourage you. People who will call you into more. People who will challenge you into greatness.


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