Ron Paul Liberty Report show

Ron Paul Liberty Report

Summary: Podcast by Ron Paul Liberty Report

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 CIA's Morell Cozies Up To Clinton - Looking For Work? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:19:28

Former Acting CIA Director Michael Morell took to the New York Times over the weekend to tell the readers that he "...ran the CIA" and now he's endorsing Clinton. But a look into hyper-hawk Morell's career trajectory tells a great deal about what is really wrong with Washington. Careers are made and so are fortunes by constantly finding new "threats' to justify more military spending. Today's program is joined by guest Philip Giraldi, a former career CIA officer. Be sure to visit for more libertarian commentary.

 Iran Executes Scientist/Spy - What's Hillary's Role? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:20:13

Did Hillary's carelessness with her emails have anything to do with the execution of a purported US asset in Iran? And what about that $400 million - was it a ransom or just standard US operating procedure? Be sure to visit for more libertarian commentary.

 Myth-Busters: The Big & Bloated Bond Bubble | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:17:17

We've lived through the illusionary "good times" of the Nasdaq and housing bubbles. They were followed by inevitable and heart-wrenching crises. Well the government and Federal Reserve have created another major bubble in government bonds. Today on Myth-Busters Ron Paul takes a look at how it came to be, what we can expect, and how we can protect ourselves. Be sure to visit for more libertarian commentary.

 McCain's Nightmare - Dr. Kelli Ward For US Senate | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:18:38

Sen. John McCain (R-AZ) has spent the better part of three decades promoting wars overseas and the decimation of our civil liberties at home. The powerful Senator seemed unstoppable, until now. We'll chat with Dr. Kelli Ward in today's show to see why she wants to send McCain into retirement. Be sure to visit for more libertarian commentary.

 Should The IMF Director Be Fired...And Does It Matter? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:18:49

An internal IMF investigation found that Managing Director Christine Lagarde mishandled the Greek crisis, making sure the banks were bailed out and the Greeks given austerity. She faces a slap on the wrist if found guilty. The scandal brings again to light the fact that international organizations like the IMF serve the world elite, not the 99 percent. Be sure to visit for more libertarian commentary.

 Libya War Escalates - Congress AWOL | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:17:52

The Obama Administration announced yesterday that it was launching a new bombing campaign on Libya. This time it is all about attacking ISIS in Libya, which was not there before the destabilization caused by the 2011 US bombing. The White House claims the 9/11 authorization gives him authority to start another war. Congress...are you there? Be sure to visit for more libertarian commentary.

 Capt. Humayun Khan: Sacrifice Or Victim? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:18:44

The recent political blow-up over the parents of Capt. Khan, killed in the Iraq war, appearing at the Democratic convention to criticize Republican nominee Donald Trump completely misses the point, as usual. Who really makes a sacrifice and who are the victims of a bad policy? Be sure to visit for more libertarian commentary.

 Myth-Busters: The Fed's Role In The Oil Boom & Bust | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:21:02

The Federal Reserve has subjected us to a constant economic roller-coaster ride. By artificially suppressing interest rates, they create illusory economic booms. Those illusions must always be shattered by an accompanying crisis and bust. Lives are destroyed, families are ruined, and the economy lies in shambles. The widespread suffering is totally unnecessary. Ron Paul leads the way on today's edition of Myth-Busters! Be sure to visit for more libertarian commentary.

 Just Who Is The War Party? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:15:03

When former defense secretary Leon Panetta pushed war and conflict at yesterday's Democratic convention an amazing thing happened: he was drowned out by the audience chanting "no more war!" There is a war camp in both parties, but is the peace camp getting the upper hand? Be sure to visit for more libertarian commentary.

 The Amazing Story of Charlie Brown | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:12:07

Forty years a slave, once Charlie Brown was freed after the Civil War he built one of the largest business empires in south Texas. More on this amazing rags to riches story as Ron Paul travels on location to speak with Mr. Brown's great-grandson. Be sure to visit for more libertarian commentary.

 A Tipping Point for Liberty | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:14:22

How can we fight back against an encroaching government that increasingly views us as the enemy? The first step is to get ourselves informed. One great way to get started is by reading Ron Paul Institute Senior Fellow Adam Dick's new book, A Tipping Point for Liberty: Exposing and Defeating Leviathan Government. Adam joins the Liberty Report to discuss his new book. Be sure to visit for more libertarian commentary.

 Can Bombs Win War on ISIS? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:19:32

We have just dropped our 50,000th bomb in the war against ISIS in Iraq and Syria. What progress has been made? Can ISIS be defeated the way we are doing it? Vietnam has some lessons for how to lose a war. Be sure to visit for more libertarian commentary.

 Myth-Busters: The Rickety European Union | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:18:15

We often hear from neocon warmongers in America that they desire a Europe that is "whole, free, and at peace." What's in it for the warmongers? Is Europe "free" and "at peace"? Was it necessary to combine nations of different languages, cultures, and regional identities into a political creation known as the EU? Ron Paul gets to the truth on today's Myth-Busters! Be sure to visit for more libertarian commentary.

 The 28 Pages - Finally Revealed | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:20:30

After some 14 years the classified 28 pages of the Senate report on 9/11 have finally been released, albeit in redacted form. Founder of Brian McGlinchey joins the Liberty Report to explain how public pressure led to the release...and what the pages mean. Be sure to visit for more libertarian commentary.

 The Problem With Socialism | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:21:51

Are we all socialists now? Economist Thomas DiLorenzo joins the Liberty Report to discuss his powerful new book on socialism and its sudden re-emergence on the political stage. Be sure to visit for more libertarian commentary.


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