Ron Paul Liberty Report show

Ron Paul Liberty Report

Summary: Podcast by Ron Paul Liberty Report

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 The Facebook Facedown | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:16:56

Facebook was rocked recently by a whistleblower from within the organization who reported pressure to suppress conservative and libertarian stories from its trending news section. The scandal has snowballed, with even Congress getting involved. Now, Facebook leaders are meeting with a selection of conservatives to try and smooth things over. Are there deeper issues at play here? Be sure to visit for more libertarian commentary.

 NDAA 2017: Military Industrial Complex Wins, People Lose | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:17:18

Congress will vote on the 2017 military spending bill this week. Despite all the talk of sequestration and the need to "rebuild the military," the military industrial complex can look forward to another huge injection of money. Does this huge budget keep us safe? Or does it keep the Beltway bandits rich? Be sure to visit for more libertarian commentary.

 Myth-Busters: Here Comes The Debt King | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:26:25

How prophetic that Donald Trump, who says that he "loves debt" and is "the king of debt," wants be president of a bankrupt America. Debt is an important issue, and Ron Paul goes to work on dispelling the many myths that surround it. Check out today's edition of Myth-Busters! Be sure to visit for more libertarian commentary.

 America's War For The Greater Middle East | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:28:28

Prof. Andrew Bacevich joins the Liberty Report to discuss his new book on the 30 year US war in the greater Middle East. Why are we losing and is there a better way? Be sure to visit for more libertarian commentary.

 Another Needless US/China Clash In South China Sea | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:13:48

For the third time in seven months a US naval warship has crossed into territory claimed by China in the South China Sea. This time the ship was buzzed by Chinese fighters. The US claims it is keeping sea lanes open, while the Chinese claim the US is meddling in regional issues in which it does not belong. Where is the conflict heading? Be sure to visit for more libertarian commentary.

 US Escalation in Afghanistan: A "Recipe For Disaster' | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:17:42

A new Pentagon report on the US attack on a hospital in Kunduz, Afghanistan is shedding light on the complete lack of a strategy in Afghanistan even as the US begins ramping up its military presence and activities there. Be sure to visit for more libertarian commentary.

 Trump's Wall vs Kerry's Open Border - Is There A Libertarian Option? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:15:44

Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump wants to build a wall to keep foreigners out and Secretary of State John Kerry calls for a "borderless world." Isn't there a better option? Be sure to visit for more libertarian commentary.

 Myth-Busters: How Government Messes Up Market Prices | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:22:05

Prices are the lifeblood of a market economy. They convey important and valuable information that everyone uses to make decisions on how to allocate resources. Prices alert us to the supply and demand of any particular item or service in the economy. It's crucial that prices be accurate so that the best and most rational decisions can be made. In order to be accurate, prices must be left alone. When government intervenes, it turns accurate information into lies. It distorts how resources are allocated, creating massive imbalances in the economy. Then in a vicious cycle, government seeks to correct its previous meddling with even more interventions. In this episode of Myth-Busters Ron Paul makes the case for getting government out of our economic lives! Be sure to visit for more libertarian commentary.

 Are Young People Really Going Socialist? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:15:06

The surprising success of the Bernie Sanders campaign --particularly among the youth -- has us wondering whether that failed experiment from last century, socialism, is really making a comeback. Should we remain hopeful that the freedom movement is alive and growing? Be sure to visit for more libertarian commentary.

 Mandatory Draft Registration: A Victory For Women? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:17:22

Forcing young women to also register with Selective Service is, among some, being touted as some sort of victory for gender equality. Is forcing women into involuntary servitude for the state something a free society should take pride in? Where are those making the larger philosophical point that if we do not own our own bodies and time and lives, what kind of liberty do we have? Be sure to visit for more libertarian commentary.

 Torture: Stopping Terrorism...Or Is It Terrorism? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:17:11

Torture is back in the news, with a recent poll suggesting that a large majority of Americans supporting the practice if it will prevent a terrorist attack. Presidential candidates are ambiguous at best about the topic. Is torture going to make a comeback just a few years after the nation recoiled in horror at revelations such as Abu Ghraib and the CIA's vast waterboarding program? Be sure to visit for more libertarian commentary.

 'Green Zone' Breached: Iraq Falling Apart? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:14:54

Over the weekend a militia supporting Shia cleric Muqtada al-Sadr breached the "Green Zone" protecting the Iraqi government and foreign embassies in Baghdad. They are protesting ongoing corruption among Iraq's US-backed leaders. Lawmakers fled and a state of emergency was declared. Is this the beginning of the end for post-"liberation" Iraq? Be sure to visit for more libertarian commentary.

 Myth-Busters: Trump's Foreign Policy Blunders | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:19:01

This week, Donald Trump gave a much talked about foreign policy speech. Predictably it was littered with errors, myths, and contradictions. Ron Paul shines the light of truth on a handful of them. Don't miss this edition of Myth-Busters! Be sure to visit for more libertarian commentary.

 iPhone Ruse: FedGov Now Demands Backdoor To All Devices | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:17:10

It started as a request to help catch the San Bernardino mass-shooters, but the FBI request for iPhone decryption has experienced massive mission creep. Not only is the federal government demanding access to hundreds of other encrypted devices, but a new bill in the Senate would essentially give the federal government a backdoor to virtually every encrypted device on earth. What are the implications for a free society? Be sure to visit for more libertarian commentary.

 What Do The Swiss Know That We Don't? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:16:01

Their president(s) are mere figureheads, they resoundingly rejected the minimum wage yet workers are among the highest-paid in the world, they still value protection of personal banking information despite the US onslaught, and they hold strong to the principle of armed neutrality and non-intervention in world affairs. Why do the Swiss, despite their problems, seem to "get it" where we in the US do not? Today's guest, Global Gold's Claudio Grass, helps us understand. Be sure to visit for more libertarian commentary.


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