Ron Paul Liberty Report show

Ron Paul Liberty Report

Summary: Podcast by Ron Paul Liberty Report

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 Schizophrenia! US Now Says Yemen NOT Iran Proxy War | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:21:03

In a sudden "about face," the Trump Administration now claims that Iran is NOT behind the Houthis in Yemen. Has Washington suddenly decided to recognize reality? Not likely. More likely is that the US is trying to help the Saudis out of a lost war. Meanwhile, hundreds of thousands of innocents were killed in the Saudi war of aggression with US support. Will anyone answer for it?

 Forget Impeachment! Washington Unites Behind Massive Military Bill! | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:19:28

As usual, when it comes to the warfare/welfare state there is no rancor in Washington. All the pretend acrimony between Republicans and Democrats is thrown out and consensus is magically reached. This week another massive military spending bill was approved by both parties - even as we learn about a trillion dollars being wasted in Afghanistan. The empire chugs along...

 The Afghanistan War Revealed: An 18 Year, Trillion Dollar Lie! | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:21:28

For 18 years, US government officials - from the generals up to presidents - have knowingly lied to the American people about the Afghanistan war. As billions were being flushed away or stuffed into the pockets of corrupt officials, the news for those of us back home was always good! We're "making progress." Now, thanks to 2,000 documents recently released as a result of a FOIA request, we know the truth. Will anyone be held accountable for this monstrous, murderous lie?

 Weekly Update --- Congress is Trump’s Co-Conspirator Against Liberty | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:04:42

Ron Paul on the real abuse of power in Washington...

 Why Are Central Banks Panicking? Global Crisis Ahead? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:18:53

Actions always speak louder than words. The word is that it's sunshine and rainbows for the U.S. economy. The actions of The Fed and central banks around the world say otherwise. They're all acting as if a global financial crisis is approaching. Ron Paul discusses -- along with a personal anecdote about the late Paul Volcker.

 Katy Bar The Door! -- The Fed's Inflation Is Coming! | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:19:52

It looks like the Fed's throwing in the towel and is willing to accept higher consumer prices. Aren't we lucky? The damage has been done. The Fed has inflated the money supply to astronomical levels, and they keep creating hundreds of billions more out-of-thin-air. When it shows up in higher prices, it shouldn't surprise anyone.

 Trump Sends 14,000 Troops For War on Iran. Will it be Enough? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:18:39

So much for getting out of endless wars! President Trump has announced that he is sending 14,000 more US troops to the Middle East and may even send more. The reason is the manufactured "Iran threat" that Trump continues to delude himself over. Neocons are thrilled. So are Saudi Arabia and Israel, who would love nothing more than to have the US fight and die in their wars. But what about America first?

 Desperate For An Enemy, NATO Turns To China | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:15:34

The celebration in London of NATO's 70th year has ended with a renewed purpose: the "challenges" posed by China. NATO is a military alliance, but the attendees were careful to point out that they do not view China as an enemy. So what is the point?

 'Brain Dead' NATO At 70 - Time To Pull The Plug? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:21:26

French president Macron caused a stir last month by stating that NATO is suffering from brain death. At this week's NATO summit marking 70 years of the Alliance, Trump and Macron are clashing. Why is it so hard for NATO to find a purpose? Is this a sign that finally, 30 years after the Cold War, it's time to end the anti-Soviet alliance?

 Weekly Update --- Fight Another 'Terror War' Against Drug Cartels? There's A Better Way! | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:04:14

The 50-year US war on drugs has been a total failure. The 20 year “war on terror” has likewise been a gigantic US government disaster. So what to do about two of the greatest policy failures in US history? According to President Trump and many in Washington, the answer is to combine them!

 Military Pollution: The Hidden Costs Of War | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:22:46

President Trump's dropping of the "Mother of All Bombs" in Afghanistan is just the latest example of how the US war machine is delivering a scorched earth to those "liberated" by the US military. Already the environmental and health damage from that one bomb has destroyed the lives of many innocent civilians. There are millions more where that came from.

 Ron Paul Classic: My Battle Against The Fed | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:42:54

We hope you enjoy Ron Paul's speech from the 2010 Mises Institute Conference at Jekyll Island, Georgia.

 Thanksgiving - Myth vs. Truth | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:11:15

Thanksgiving - Myth vs. Truth by Ron Paul Liberty Report

 Against The Left - With Lew Rockwell | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:15:46

Lew Rockwell joins Ron Paul in the studio for a very special edition of the Ron Paul Liberty Report! Leftist ideas - beginning in the French Revolution - have been a source of murderous and violent events. Get your copy of Lew's latest book 'Against The Left' on Amazon:

 Should Navy Seal Gallagher Be Punished...Or Honored? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:18:39

President Trump's robust intervention on behalf of Navy SEAL Eddie Gallagher has drawn widespread criticism, even and especially among members of the military. Should he be honored with the right to keep his status as a SEAL, as Trump contends, or does military discipline demand that war crimes be punished?


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