The Fifth Column - Analysis, Commentary, Sedition show

The Fifth Column - Analysis, Commentary, Sedition

Summary: From their enclave in midtown Manhattan, Michael Moynihan (Vice), Matt Welch (Reason), and Kmele Foster (Freethink) dissect the news, interrogate guests, and question just about everything. The topics are broad, the insights are deep, and the jokes are off color. Reform the system, or burn it to the ground? They discuss... @wethefifth

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  • Artist: Michael Moynihan (Vice), Matt Welch (Reason), and Kmele Foster (Freethink)
  • Copyright: Copyright 2018 - All rights reserved.


 024 “A Deplorable Basket of Aleppo, Hacked Email and Conspiracy Theories” - The Fifth Column | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:13:32

We had to MacGyver the hell out of this weeks dispatch. It's almost as if someone was trying to stop us... (Just asking questions here). Aleppo, Baskets of 'Deplorables', More Hacked Emails, Hillary's Flu-Ghazi... or is it a Trumpian Putanist plot (JUST ASKING QUESTIONS)... Excuse the less then amazing audio. Recorded via Skype from three different cities over internet connection and microphones of variable quality.

 023 w/ Andrew Kirell “Trump’s Mexican Day trip, Hillary’s Alt-Right Syndrome” - The Fifth Column | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:13:50

Colin Kaepernick rides the pine (which makes sense on many levels). Donald Trump visits Mexico. Hillary Clinton squares off with the AltRight. A few things remain unclear: Will our heroes ever get around to the oft promised discussion of 'private prisons'? Will Welch learn to properly operate the clock in the studio? Will Mexico pay for the wall? Will Moynihan finally learn how to 'Dab'? Andrew Kirell of the Daily Beast sits in for the hour.   "What a Time to Be Alive" is an above average album, "Views" was disappointing. If you've got a problem with the cover art on Young Thug's latest project, keep it to yourself.

 022 w/ Buck Sexton “NSA Hacks, The ISIS Blame Game” - The Fifth Column | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:07:29

When Buck Sexton sits in for the hour there's a good chance the conversation will turn to foreign policy. As it turns out, that's exactly what happened and despited promises to the contrary, it pretty much stayed there. We did manage to establish a new (as in "first ever" and "only") Official Beer of the Fifth Column, so that's something. Other highlights: It's Moynihan's Birthday... Pretty sure Matt is drunk... and Kmele managed to pretzel Paul Krugman, Isis, Obama Care and the War in Iraq into a single metaphor -- fair chance he's drunk too. Special thanks to Hard Knocks Brewing for the evenings libations.   Hard Knocks Brewing, The Official Beer of the Fifth Column Podcast.

 021 w/ Michael Malice “The Best-Worst Case for Trump/Hillary, Charter Schools are Super Racist” - The Fifth Column | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:14:02

Moynihan is off this week, appears he had obligations related to something he's describing as "his real job". We don't know what that's supposed to mean but it sounds illegal. Author and Observer columnist Michael Malice fills the empty chair for am hour and change, shouts things into the mic and generally enriches our regular rhetorical intercourse. Up for discussion this week: Gary Johnson's diminishing (but not completely exhausted) prospects for getting into the presidential debates. Matt Welch tell's a story that could get people locked up and/or deported. Charter schools are super racists, duh. That revenge porn of you, it may not be so bad after all. And the best possible (indirect) arguments FOR Trump/Hillary.

 020 “Olympic Twerking, Obama’s Drone War Playbook, The Clinton Foundation, Ferguson: Two Years Later” - The Fifth Column | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:05:16

Episode 20: The most discursive and 'intrupty' installment to date, but never worry, they always stick that landing (that's an Olympics reference). This Week: - Obligatory Olympics Banter - Malia Obama twerks and tokes at Lalapalooza - Gary Johnson and Jill Stein, Lose in Court, But Kinda Win, Maybe... - Clinton and Trump Dazzle the American Electorate With More Email Scandals, Assassination Plots and the Appearance of Generalized Political Corruption - The Justice Department is Unimpressed with the Baltimore City Police Department - The White House FINALLY Releases It's Drone War 'Playbook' - Where else can you get all that in sixty mins? You're welcome.   The noble, just and righteous crusade to replace Olympic Badminton with Olympic Twerking starts here. Moynihan, Welch and Foster discuss (and bravely lead the charge)...

 019 “How to Survive a Nuclear Holocaust, Welch-splaining Nato, Kmele’s BLM Dust Up ” - The Fifth Column | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:10:55

The Conventions are over, Welch, Moynihan and Foster are back in Gotham and it feels like Autumn in August. Still, Trump related anxieties have managed to reach new levels of 'OH-MY-GOD'; will his ascension to the presidency result in a nuclear conflict, the dismemberment of NATO, Armageddon, or garden variety disappointment & dishonesty? What's so great about NATO? And what's this about a contingent of Black Lives Matter protestors moving into the park adjacent to Kmele's apartment?   Welch, Moynihan and Foster discuss...

 018 “The DNC Takes Philly , Ted Cruz’s Dad Takes Grassy Knoll” - The Fifth Column (Updated) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:06:06

The Fifth Column's presidential convention coverage continues. Matt Welch phones in from the convention floor in Philadelphia, Moynihan convalesces in New York after a harrowing Republican convention and Foster dabs his brow compassionately with a damp cold cloth.   On The Agenda This Week:   The DNC has developed it's own 'damn email' problem; somehow it involves Russians and a pair of geriatric US presidential candidates.   Trump and Sander's convention speeches are analyzed for an all together different sort of plagiarism; painting by numbers.   Black Lives Matter Moms (pronounced "blim') take center stage at the DNC and thoughts on Europe's worsening terrorism problems. (Updated)

 017 “A Very Trump Convention, Ted Cruz Jujitsu” - The Fifth Column | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:54:31

Welch and Moynihan from the Floor of the RNC Convention... What could possibly go wrong? No more description. You listen, you find out!

 016 “Rumors of Race Wars and POTUS’s Solipsistic Eulogy” - The Fifth Column | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:47:05

  A trifecta of highly charged police involved shootings dominate the headlines; what are the odds that resulting media coverage and political rhetoric are substantive, fact-based and solutions oriented?  And what is President Obama going on about?  Plus: Which member of the triumvirate was roughed up for backtalking the cops? Will Barbra Boxer accept Welch's VERY indecent proposal? And, perhaps most importantly, when is carrying around a bottle of wine in a Ziplock bag filled with ice not dignified and respectable? Probably when you refuse to share.   Foster, Welch and Moynihan discuss...

 015 “Trump’s Star, Hillary’s Email, Jonah Lehrer’s Comeback” - The Fifth Column | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:13:59

What is Kmele hiding in Greece? Why is Donald Trump taking advantage of Hillary Clinton’s email lawbreaking by doubling down on the Star of David? And what on earth is the man who contributed to the downfall of pop-science journo-fabulist Jonah Lehrer doing giving the guy a second chance? Also: Chilcot Report, Tony Blair, Iraq regrets, over-classification, and just how many drinks constitutes “a couple” over at Vice News. Foster, Welch and Moynahan discuss...

 014 w/ Virgina Postrel “Brexit, Benghazi, The BET Awards” - The Fifth Column | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:10:11

What does your dimwitted brother-in-law actually know about Brexit? What actual difference does this Benghazi report make? And finally, will the well monied and influential attendees of the Black Entertainment Television Awards ever overcome their hateful adversaries and obtain actual freedom? Those do sound like very long odds. Producer's Note: The episode is brought to you by the letter 'B' and the word 'Actual'. Foster, Welch and Moynahan discuss... and the glamours Virgina Postrel drops by.

 013 “Islamic [REDACTED] and OJ Simpson: Trial of the Millennium” - The Fifth Column | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:09:54

What's the most [REDACTED] ever to [REDACTED]? Can someone really be 'completely brilliant' and 'wrong about virtually everything'? Will we ever get tired of talk'n bout OJ? In a baseball cap and shorts, is Matt the spitting image of Dennis the Menace? Yes. Foster, Welch and Moynihan discuss...  

 012 “Terrorism, Gun Control and Magical Thinking” - The Fifth Column | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:08:56

What do Harry Potter, Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton have in common? Is it still 'politicizing the tragedy' if everyone's doing it?   When responding to acts of terrorism, is it best to:   A) Employ oversimplification, generalized suspicion and hastily drawn conclusions B) "Act erratically and blindly lash out at everything"   Foster, Welch and Moynihan discuss...  

 011 w/ Anthony Fisher “Penultimate Primary, Shut Up Racist and Remembering Ali” - The Fifth Column | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:12:04

What the hell happened to Matt? How awful was Bernie Sanders week and why does he hate women? Why you got to be all racist?   Foster, Welch and Moynihan discuss… Anthony Fisher (Reason / The Week) drops by.

 010 w/ Thaddeus Russell “The Strip Tease Convention, #MehTrump and Russell v Moynihan” - The Fifth Column | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:06:23

Will Johnson & Weld make it to the presidential debate stage? Just who is this French fellow -- is he really running for POTUS and why's he omitting all the best bits from his Game of Thrones write-ups?   Is there any city more remarkable then Orlando, Florida? Yes.   Plus: "It's not dodging when Bernie does it!" and "Russel vs Moynihan: This time it's personal". Foster, Welch and Moynihan discuss... Thaddeus Russell ( drops by. 


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