The Fifth Column - Analysis, Commentary, Sedition show

The Fifth Column - Analysis, Commentary, Sedition

Summary: From their enclave in midtown Manhattan, Michael Moynihan (Vice), Matt Welch (Reason), and Kmele Foster (Freethink) dissect the news, interrogate guests, and question just about everything. The topics are broad, the insights are deep, and the jokes are off color. Reform the system, or burn it to the ground? They discuss... @wethefifth

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  • Artist: Michael Moynihan (Vice), Matt Welch (Reason), and Kmele Foster (Freethink)
  • Copyright: Copyright 2018 - All rights reserved.


 057 w/ Thad Russell “ComeyGate Metastasis, Completely Settling This NATO Business” - The Fifth Column | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:50:47

“The most important Fifth Column History… In fact, the most important podcast all week.” - Thad RussellThe apeirogon-like ComeyGate scandal careens into its second week. Rumors seem to be the only thing emanating from Washington DC these days (for better or worse), and not-so-quiet-just-above-a-whisper speculation about impeachment can be heard all over Capitol Hill.Plus, Thad and Moynihan get into it, again. And the guys finally fix this whole NATO business once and for all, sort of. Kmele krushes kampus racism, and Thad knows an uncomfortably large number of Irish racial epithets.

 056 “James Comey Gets Sh**canned, Julian Assange is Still at Large” - The Fifth Column | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:57:17

Is former FBI boss James Comey's unexpected and unceremonious termination a Nixonesque attempt to bury the Russian narrative once and for all... Is it just the latest salvo from a calculating monster with totalitarian asperations... Or maybe the Trump regime is just about as inept as it seems... PLUS:- Clapper: "You ain't no got'damn journalist, Julian!" Assange: "You's a liar!" - What's this about Sea World!? Sounds Gross. - And Comey may be out, but we'll always have James Taylor (FTW)

 055 w/ Jamie Kirchick “Obamacare: Repealed & Reloaded, Europe May Be A Goner” - The Fifth Column | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:41:01

Moynihan is late; Matt went to a cocktail party; Kmele needs a date for Guardians of the Galaxy; and Jamie Kirchick (author, “The End of Europe”) drops by with dire predictions about the fate of the European Project. Meanwhile, Obamacare is dead (long live Obamacare). Plus: Spurious allegations, police shootings, and "the N-word."

 054 “100 Days of Pretty Awful, Media Bubbled, Passion of the Nerds” - The Fifth Column | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:42:27

A review of the first 100 days of the Trump Presidency: Controversy, failures, do-overs and general incompetence. Plus: Media bubbles and consequence. And that time the streets were filled with brave, angry, nerds…

 053 w/ Michael Weiss “The MOAB Doctrine: Technically, Bombing Stuff is A Strategy” - The Fifth Column | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 02:12:56

From their enclave in midtown Manhattan, Michael Moynihan (Vice), Matt Welch (Reason), and Kmele Foster (Freethink) dissect the news, interrogate guests, and question just about everything. The topics are broad, the insights are deep, and the jokes are off color. Reform the system, or burn it to the ground? They discuss... @wethefifth

 052 w/ Eli Lake “Kinda Bombing the Sh*t Out of ‘Em Right Now, Something About Susan Rice ” - The Fifth Column | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:40:28

We knew things were heating up in Syria, but it was still a bit of a shock when Tomahawk missiles started flying all over the place. Fortunately for all involved, Eli Lake was on hand to explain the inner workings of Multi-dimensional Hungry Hungry Hippos (it'll make sense, honest)... and to provide a bit more context for that ‘Susan Rice Unmasking’ story he kinda* broke… And it’s our birthday!

 051 w/ Rep Thomas Massie “Trump Care Postmortem, Protesting Putin, Two Painful Years in Yemen” - The Fifth Column | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:39:30

Rep Thomas Massie swings by to provide a first person account of the failed Ryan/Trump health care bill. Plus: The prospects for Trump's Tax reform agenda and the intersections of 'economic nationalism' and libertarianism. Protesting Putin. And the two year anniversary of America's adventure in Yemen.

 050 “Health Care Pileup, Burn All The Paintings, Donna Brazile’s Kinda Sorry” - The Fifth Column | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:45:48

Health Care Reform, Trump’s Long Game, New York Real Estate Woes & Casual Racism, Burning All the Paintings, Multiple Beers and A Tall Bottle of Johnny Walker Black. Fifty episodes in (sort of) and this is what it's come to. We couldn’t be more proud.

 049 “Is GCHQ Wiretapping the Hell Outta That Thang?, Maddow’s ManBearPig Exclusive” - The Fifth Column | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:33:09

Did the Brits actually wiretap his building? And look, he’s ‘good people’, but we’re gonna have to talk about this, ‘sources say’ stuff… Whoa — she's got his tax returns! BUT, before we get to that crucial story, take a look at this Oort Cloud of speculative rambling: Did those planes just HAPPEN to be on the same runway? Well, what about those Yachts? They’re both on the ocean… they’re both in front of a Caribbean island… How do you explain that? How does that just happen? And how about that house in Florida!? Did you know he bought it at a low price and sold it for a higher price… to a Russian!? And if I just keep asking questions in a suspicious tone, do you think anyone will notice how lame a scoop a  pair of pages from Trump’s tax return is?

 048 “Ok, We Need to Talk About Russia, Worse Than Iraq, Non-troversies” - The Fifth Column | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:36:54

It's an active week in Washington as the Trump administration takes a few mulligans. The Travel/Muslim Ban is revealed, Congress debates the deeply unpopular health care reform-reform proposal, and the administration teases a new trillion dollar infrastructure slush fund. The steady diet of (real and imagined) scandal, controversy, and leaks hasn't let up either. And while the national press is outraged over one ridiculous conspiracy theory and infatuated with another, almost no one is paying attention to the slow-motion cataclysm in the middle east... a situation that could get very bad, very fast. Kmele's a misogynist. Moynihan is in the building. And Welch is in the back of a cab (then the airport terminal)... and Katie Halper stops by, but it's complicated. (Recorded: March 7st, 2017)

 XXX w/ Dr Henry Louis Gates, Dr George Yancy “Race, History, and Identity” - The Fifth Column [Special Dispatch] | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:34:07

[Special Dispatch] "Two Conversations About Race, History, and Identity” Kmele hijacks the podcast stream for a pair of conversations about race, philosophy, what history and filmmaking have in common, why he hates when people call his wife a 'beautiful black woman and his beef with Black History Month. WITH:Dr. Henry Louis Gates Professor and Director of the Hutchins Center for African and African American Research at Harvard University"Africa’s Great Civilizations” (PBS) 2017,  "Finding Your Roots" (PBS) Dr. George YancyProfessor of Philosophy at Emory UniversityContributor to "The Stone" - (The New York Times) Kmele on Race and Related Topics in Various Other Contexts: “Oscars So Black”: “Reparations”: Kmele on “Race Pride”:  

 047 “Trump’s Not State of the Union, Patriots & Anecdotes, The End of Ideology” - The Fifth Column | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:49:13

"Presidential." "His Best Speech Yet." "Hey, What Happened To His Entirely-Too-Long Red Tie!?" ---- It's an all new Donald Trump. He's calm, composed, occasionally optimistic and his standard complement of half-truths, exaggerations, outright lies and impossible promises have been better calibrated and tightly scripted for maximum impact. In other words; could be he's finally getting the hang of this whole POTUS thing. Plus: 'How Code Pink Progressives Fell in Love With The War On Terror' --- 'Remembering Chief Petty Officer William “Ryan” Owens' --- 'Are You Seriously Gonna Talk Shit About HBCUs, Kmele!?' (Recorded: March 1st 2017)

 046 “Flynn Gets Fired, Incompetent Totalitarians, He Totally Called It” - The Fifth Column | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:35:54

The cascade of failures, missteps, scandal and controversy otherwise known as the Trump Administration has stammered into its fourth week of governance*. Michael Flynn -- Former National Security Adviser.... the man Previously responsible for reading, condensing and perhaps remixing POTUS's top-secret security briefings, has been kinda-sorta-shitcanned. There was high drama, people shouted and Kellyanne Conway, and there could* be huge* national security ramifications too. But there's something so much more important than all of that...

 046 w/ “Flynn Gets Fired, Incompetent Totalitarians, He Totally Called It” - The Fifth Column | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:35:54

The cascade of failures, missteps, scandal and controversy otherwise known as the Trump Administration has stammered into its fourth week of governance*. Michael Flynn -- Former National Security Adviser.... the man Previously responsible for reading, condensing and perhaps remixing POTUS's top-secret security briefings, has been kinda-sorta-shitcanned. There was high drama, people shouted and Kellyanne Conway, and there could* be huge* national security ramifications too. But there's something so much more important than all of that...

 045 w/ Damon Root “When Everything’s a Crisis and Everyone’s a Nazi…” - The Fifth Column | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:50:37

POTUS is at war with the courts, with the press, and on account of it's leaking like a sieve, he's kinda at war with his own administration. Reason's resident legal aficionado Damon Root stop by to expound on the legal wrangling over the immigration ban, the tension between the executive and judicial branch, and there's some stuff about Waco, Devos, Black History Month and Axel Rose too.


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