Episodes show


Summary: A podcast where a woman from the right and a woman from the left accessorize the news with a fresh perspective. Sarah Stewart Holland and Beth Silvers bring a nuanced perspective to discussions about politics and current events.


 Special Episode the morning after Dallas | File Type: Unknown | Duration: 18:23

The morning after the tragic events in Dallas we struggle with how to move forward in the face of anxiety and fear.

 Special Episode: Facebook Live on Clinton Emails and Alton Sterling | File Type: Unknown | Duration: 00:18:23

Since we're together at Podcast Movement, we shared some quick thoughts on the Clinton email investigation and the tragic death of Alton Sterling. You can find the video on our Facebook page.

 Incredible Action: Erin Miller and the Recognition of WASPs | File Type: Unknown | Duration: 26:23

We're speaking at Podcast Movement in Chicago this week, so we are thrilled to have two great interviews to share with you. In this episode, we talk with Erin Miller about her amazing journey to have her grandmother, Elaine Danforth Harmon, buried at Arlington National Cemetary. Harmon, a Women Airforce Service Pilot during World War II, wanted her service recognized as it would have been if she were a man. Erin and her family organized and advocated, leading to the unanimous passage of a bill that allows WASPs to be buried at Arlington. We are inspired by Erin's action and honored to share her story. In The Pearls, Beth shares her essay, Humanity First, on terrorism following the harrowing attacks in Bangladesh and Iraq this week. Finally, in the Heels, we reflect on Independence Day and the privilege and responsibility of participating in a democracy.

 The Briefcase: Unanswerable Questions | File Type: Unknown | Duration: 30:18

Sometimes a nuanced take on issues means admitting that you don't have easy solutions, fully formed opinions, or satisfying answers. In this episode, we discuss our thoughts and questions about the Istanbul attack, the Benghazi reports, Brexit, and the Dump Trump movement.

 Brexit and the Unthinkable Materializing | File Type: Unknown | Duration: 54:22

The sit-in is over (and there is no bill and indeed a break), Donald Trump is introducing conversations on faith into the race, and George Will is no longer a Republican. As if that's not enough, the UK voted to leave the European Union. We talk about it all and what it means for our politics and our polling here in the States. In The Heels, we talk about summer movies, the trailer for Hillary Clinton's America, and what is happening in our national political dialogue.

 The Briefcase: The Supreme Court, Freddie Gray, #NoBillNoBreak | File Type: Unknown | Duration: 00:43:02

We recorded before the shocking news from Britain and we could still barely keep up. We talk about recent Supreme Court decisions affecting affirmative action and President Obama's immigration plans, as well as the verdict in the Freddie Gray case and #NoBillNoBreak.

 The Decriminalization of Sex Work | File Type: Unknown | Duration: 00:46:43
Unknown file type. Enclosure URL IS: - http://traffic.libsyn.com/pantsuitpolitics/Episode_36.mp3

We're feeling bogged down by the current headlines and decided to turn to something different - if not exactly uplifting. After discussing several international headlines in the Pearls, we're turning our attention to the growing movement to decriminalize prostitution. In the Heels, Sarah shares her thoughts (but not spoilers!) on Season 4 of Orange Is The New Black

 The Briefcase: Grief, Laws, and the Unraveling of Donald Trump | File Type: Unknown | Duration: 00:32:09

In this episode, we discuss the aftermath of the Orlando tragedy, Chris Murphy's filibuster, and efforts to enact stricter gun laws. We also discuss how Donald Trump seems to be sabotaging himself. Show Notes: Our Episode on Guns Sarah's Hopelessness Filibuster Trump Boosted, Clinton Hurt By Coverage

 Progress Made and Progress Lost: Politics and Rape Culture | File Type: Unknown | Duration: 46:33

Pantsuit Politics Family: We recorded this episode early Sunday morning before much was known about the tragedy at Pulse in Orlando.  We will attempt to discuss more about the complexities of this act of terror, hate crime, and mass shooting at another time.  For now, our hearts are with every person impacted.  We are emotionally drained this week.  In the Pearls, Sarah gets to celebrate the nomination of Hillary Clinton and President Obama's and Elizabeth Warren's endorsements.  We then sadly turn our attention to violence in Tel Aviv and Orlando.  We applaud the bravery of two Texas valedictorians who used their platforms to discuss our broken immigration system. Then, in The Suit, we discuss the Stanford case as a starting point for talking about rape culture and how we move forward.  Finally, in The Heels, we talk about Made in America and how our lives are becoming history.

 The Normalization of Donald Trump | File Type: Unknown | Duration: 00:57:34
Unknown file type. Enclosure URL IS: - http://traffic.libsyn.com/pantsuitpolitics/EPISODE_33.mp3

With the news that Paul Ryan has endorsed Donald Trump, Beth and Sarah struggle with the acceptance of Donald Trump as a "regular" nominee. We also talk about the UCLA shooting and Trump University. We also spend The Heels talking about our favorite concerts!

 The Briefcase: Worn Out | File Type: Unknown | Duration: 00:28:09

In this episode of the Briefcase, we try to bring a little nuance and a whole lot of grace to the Clintons and the Cincinnati Zoo incident. We also talk about the idea that "a vote for a third party is a vote for Hillary Clinton." Spoiler alert: Beth strongly disagrees. Show Notes: Shaming is Easy; Mourning Is Hard Did it Have to Be So Hard? Sarah's Been Cheated On Don't Fall For the Lesser of Two Evils

 Polite Company: We Should Talk Politics | File Type: Unknown | Duration: 00:56:38

Inspired by a message from our listener, Lindsay, this episode tackles how to talk through political disagreement. Beth discusses the importance of engagement and some tips for hearing and understanding others in The Suit. First, in the Pearls, Beth talks about the Libertarian Party's convention, the State Department IG report on Hillary Clinton's emails, Memorial Day, and President Obama's historic visit to Hiroshima. In the Heels, Beth talks about her new obsession with Alone on The History Channel. Since Sarah is enjoying some family time this week, we conclude with an interview with Chris Chidzick, a PredictIt data analyst on how political prediction markets work.

 The Briefcase: Politics Ain't Easy | File Type: Unknown | Duration: 00:33:15

In this episode of the Briefcase, we tackle some of the more provocative subjects we've discussed lately. We start by discussing feedback on our birth episode from Michael and Ashley. Then, we discuss your reactions to our "Double the Partisans" episode, which takes us into a discussion of Hillary Clinton's "likeability," as prompted by David Brooks.

 Double the Partisans, Double the Fun | File Type: Unknown | Duration: 00:43:42

With Memorial Day around the corner, we invited some friends to the Pantsuit Politics virtual kitchen table. Our friends Loree (a Democrat, who briefly felt the Bern but now is #WithHer) and Stephen (a #NeverTrump Republican) join the discussion in the Suit. We talk about the likely nominees for both parties and how the general election might shake out. In the Pearls, we discuss the tragic Egyptian Air crash and Congress's failure to pass a budget, and we wrap things up by talking about our disdain for swimsuits.

 The Briefcase: Bernie and Beyond | File Type: Unknown | Duration: 00:22:48

The Democratic Party seems far from unifying after a contentious Nevada state party convention. Donald Trump seems to have a long and complicated history with sexist behavior. Oklahoma seems to have forgotten a little decision called Roe v. Wade. But on a positive note... it also seems Sarah is on her way to becoming the next Paducah City Commissioner! Also, Walk With Us: How The West Wing Changed Our Lives is FINALLY here! Get your copy today!


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