Progress Made and Progress Lost: Politics and Rape Culture

Episodes show

Summary: Pantsuit Politics Family: We recorded this episode early Sunday morning before much was known about the tragedy at Pulse in Orlando.  We will attempt to discuss more about the complexities of this act of terror, hate crime, and mass shooting at another time.  For now, our hearts are with every person impacted.  We are emotionally drained this week.  In the Pearls, Sarah gets to celebrate the nomination of Hillary Clinton and President Obama's and Elizabeth Warren's endorsements.  We then sadly turn our attention to violence in Tel Aviv and Orlando.  We applaud the bravery of two Texas valedictorians who used their platforms to discuss our broken immigration system. Then, in The Suit, we discuss the Stanford case as a starting point for talking about rape culture and how we move forward.  Finally, in The Heels, we talk about Made in America and how our lives are becoming history.