OPTIMIZE with Brian Johnson | More Wisdom in Less Time show

OPTIMIZE with Brian Johnson | More Wisdom in Less Time

Summary: OPTIMIZE with Brian Johnson features the best Big Ideas from the best optimal living books. More wisdom in less time to help you live your greatest life.

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 +1: #315 Expecto Patronum! | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 06:34

Continuing our Harry Potter theme, let’s explore how to deal with dementors in your life. Recall that dementors are big, ugly, wraith-like creatures that feed on and suck all the happiness out of you. And, if they’re feeling really feisty, they’ll give you a kiss that sucks your soul right out of you. (Yikes!) 

 +1: #310 The 2nd Arrow | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 03:44

In No Mud, No Lotus, Thich Nhat Hanh tells us that suffering is a part of life. You can’t create a beautiful lotus flower without some stinky mud. As he says, lotuses don’t grow in marble. And… You can’t create a happy, flourishing life without some suffering. That’s just how it is. We need to embrace that reality.

 PNTV: The Art of Connection by Michael Gelb | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 17:50

Michael Gelb is one of the world’s leading creativity teachers. He’s also a qi gong and aikido master who wrote one of my favorite books: “How to Think Like Leonardo da Vinci.” In this book, he teaches us the art of creating connection.

 +1: #305 Spiritual Farts | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 03:37

​​In our last +1, we explored the analytics of American farting behaviors and compared that to the even more prolific Facebook-liking behaviors. (Laughing.) Today, we’re going to explore the subject of farts a little more.​ ​​A particular, shall we say, spicy variety of farts.​​ Spiritual farts. ​​Yes, spiritual farts. ​​What are spiritual farts, you ask?

 PNTV: Wired to Create by Carolyn Gregoire and Scott Barry Kaufman | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 17:07

This book started out as a blog post by Carolyn Gregoire based on Scott Barry Kaufman’s work that went viral: 18 Things Highly Creative People Do Differently. Scott is one of the world’s leading creativity researchers. Carolyn is a senior writer at the Huffington Post. Together, they wrote a great little book on the mysteries of the creative mind.

 PNTV: The Happiness Track by Emma Seppala | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 16:21

Emma Seppälä is the science director of Stanford’s Center for Compassion and Altruism Research and Education. She also has a popular blog called Fulfillment Daily. In this great little book, she walks us through the latest scientific research on everything from resilience, willpower and compassion to positive stress, creativity, and mindfulness.

 +1: #300 Play Well the Given Part | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 04:20

Epictetus told us that we don’t always get to pick the position we have in life. Our job is to make sure we play that role well.

 Abundance 101 (Intro) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 08:35

I created 25 classes before we got to money/wealth/etc. That was deliberate. (Virtue for the win!) And… It was fun to create this class and share my thoughts on how to create true wealth. First idea? We’ve gotta remember that the Ultimate Currency/the reason we do *anything* is to be Happy. Therefore, we want to run our pursuit of material abundance through that lens.

 PNTV: Head Strong by Dave Asprey | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 16:57

Dave Asprey is a fascinating guy. He’s a professional bio-hacking machine whose publicly-stated goal is to live to 180. We covered his last book called The Bulletproof Diet and our kitchen’s pantry is filled with a bunch of his Bulletproof products. In this book, he unveils his best bio-hacks for, as the sub-title suggests, “activating untapped brain energy to work smarter and think faster.”

 + 1: #295 Newton's First Law: Fine Print | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 04:18

In our last +1 we talked about Isaac Newton and his First Law of Motion. Recall the basics: An object at rest will stay at rest. An object in motion will stay in motion. Today I’d like to look at the fine print of that Law. Let’s dust it off and read the whole thing again. 

 PNTV: The As If Principle by Richard Wiseman | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 17:54

William James once said: “If you want a quality, act as if you already have it.” In this book, Richard Wiseman, Britain’s official professor in “the Public Understanding of Psychology” walks us through the astonishing array of research that proves what he calls the “As If Principle.” Big Ideas we explore include an exploration of the fact that feelings follow behavior, how to make yourself happy, the paradox of rewards, and how to create a new you.

 PNTV: Trying Not to Try by Edward Slingerland | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 13:56

Edward Slingerland is one of the world’s leading experts on both ancient Chinese thought AND modern cognitive science. This book is a melding of those two realms. It’s a truly fascinating read. I read it in a day and felt like I was spending the day hanging out with a brilliant thinker—getting privileged access to twenty years of deep thinking. If you’re into ancient wisdom and modern science I think you’ll love the book as much as I did.

 PNTV: Smarter Faster Better by Charles Duhigg | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 12:08

Charles Duhigg is a Pulitzer Prize-winning NY Times journalist (and Harvard MBA) who wrote the best-selling book The Power of Habit in which he walked us through the science of building better habits. In this book, he walks us through the science of being productive so we can be smarter, faster and better at everything we do. It’s a great book packed with fascinating stories and practical applications.

 +1: #285 How Are You Intelligent? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 03:44

In our last +1, we had fun hanging out with your Genius.  Recall: EVERYONE in ancient Roman times was said to have their own guiding spirit, or “genius” that helped them rock it. That reminds me of Sir Ken Robinson. In The Element, he tells us that our whole concept of “intelligence” is backward. Rather than ask, “How intelligent are you?” we SHOULD be asking “HOW are you intelligent?”

 PNTV: Breathe by Belisa Vranich | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 15:41

Breathing. It’s obviously important. And... I’m beginning to realize *just* how important it is. In fact, breathing properly is quickly becoming my #1 fundamental. Belisa Vranich is a clinical psychologist and one of the world’s leading experts on how to breathe right.


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