2 Keto Dudes show

2 Keto Dudes

Summary: 2 Keto Dudes is all about the Ketogenic lifestyle. Science. Recipes. Stories. Join Carl Franklin and Richard Morris on their continuing journey from metabolic syndrome and type 2 diabetes to wellness.

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  • Artist: 2 Keto Dudes
  • Copyright: Copyright © 2016-2024 by 2KETO, LLC


 Ideal Body Weight | File Type: audio/mp3 | Duration: 01:05:00

Is being overweight dangerous? Is overweight in and of itself a marker for disease? For anyone who has used a LCHF (low-carb, high-fat) diet to get healthy, the answer is obviously no. So, how much body fat is too much, or for that matter, too little? Carl Franklin and Richard Morris explore these and other questions around body weight on this week's episode of 2 Keto Dudes.

 Inspiration | File Type: audio/mp3 | Duration: 01:09:00

Need some inspiration? Carl Franklin and Richard Morris interview R Kevin Scharmen, an army veteran who survived a nasty accident which left him badly burned. He tells the story, and what led him and his family to the ketogenic lifestyle.

 Protein Controversy | File Type: audio/mp3 | Duration: 00:54:00

Richard Morris puts forth a hypothesis that explains three controversies surrounding protein. 1) How much protein should we eat? 2) If you fast do you lose muscle mass? 3) If you eat protein does it turn into sugar in your body? Experts disagree about the answers to these seemingly simple questions. Richard has done the math to explain how they are all correct under the right circumstances. This is a very technical discussion, but there is practical guidance that comes out of it, if indeed Richard is correct. As of this recording, it's just a hypothesis. More study and more input is required. Errata: Richard referred to a minimum requirement of 51g of glucose being required to run the brain, the actual figure should be 50g - he made a rounding error in his spreadsheet. The math in the post on our blog is all double checked and (hopefully) free of rounding errors. 50g of glucose, from the glycerol released by burning 500g of fat, which requires that Angus Barbieri ask his body to deliver 3850 kCal of energy, and have at least 123.23 lbs of body fat.

 Femail! | File Type: audio/mp3 | Duration: 00:53:00

Richard Morris and Carl Franklin hand over the mics this week to Brenda Zorn and Kim Howerton, both admins on the 2 Keto Dudes Facebook group. Brenda and Kim are here to talk about the unique challenges that women face around the ketogenic way of life. Hormones, periods, PCOS, fertility, pregnancy, menopause, weight loss, and more. This is the first of what we hope will be many more 2 Keto Dudes shows where Brenda and Kim talk about these issues in depth. Errata: The podcast that Kim refers to that discussed how women lose weight slower than men is a lecture by Dr Robert Cywes at the Cape town LCHF conference - see the show notes. Also, Carl said that if a mother eats a high carb diet while pregnant the baby may have a predisposition toward insulin sensitivity. He meant insulin resistance. Also, many people thought Brenda said "Dr. Fung says women shouldn't fast." She was actually echoing the myth that Fung refers to that women should not fast. She may have not chosen her words correctly, but that was her intent, to refer to the myth pointed out by Dr. Fung.

 Paying It Back | File Type: audio/mp3 | Duration: 00:53:00

Richard Morris and Carl Franklin discuss ways in which we can give back to our local community after having healed ourselves. Carl talks about a dinner/lecture he held for 6 local people at his house, they talk about Ketofest 2017, and bring up the idea of getting a bunch of newcomers - who might need a kick start - together for a retreat. Richard suggests writing a blog. Speaking of blogs, the dudes have put up a new one at blog.2keto.com where they are posting on a regular basis, and hope you will share their posts on Facebook, Pinterest, or just with your friends.

 Tom Naughton, Fat Head | File Type: audio/mp3 | Duration: 01:08:00

Carl Franklin and Richard Morris interview the one and only Tom Naughton, software guy turned comedian turned Netflix star. His documentary, Fat Head, was first made in response to the movie 'Supersize Me' in which a perfectly healthy man ate 3 meals a day at McDonalds for 30 days to see what would happen to him. The results weren't good. Tom's response was to prove that he could also eat McDonalds' food for 30 days and stay healthy, even lose weight. During the process of making the film he learned about low-carb high-fat eating, ketogenic diets, and the like. Nowadays Tom is an advocate for the ketogenic lifestyle and is still poking fun at the ignorance that abounds in the world of health and nutrition. Eratta: Richard and Carl both mentioned that Beverly's husband who had the late night low glucose event could have eaten a small bit of fruit to get his blood sugar up. However, Andrew in our forum suggested a better option. A spoonful of coconut oil goes directly to you liver to be burned for energy, and if your insulin is low the fat will be partially burned, releasing ketones. Ketones support your brain's need for energy, meaning if you have circulating ketones then low glucose does not necessarily mean that your brain is running out of energy. Also, we incorrectly tallied Tom's quiz score at 5 out of 10. He actually only got 4 out of 10 correct. Maybe that's a good thing!

 Ted Talks (Dr. Ted Naiman) | File Type: audio/mp3 | Duration: 00:58:00

Richard Morris and Carl Franklin talk to Dr. Ted Naiman about his experiences treating over 1000 patients suffering from metabolic syndrome with a ketogenic diet and exercise techniques. The conversation goes in many directions. As for the highlights, Ted contributes to the discussion of how much protein we need to eat, and talks about the importance of adding gradual exercise to your lifestyle for maximizing your metabolism. Great show!

 Hunger and Nutrition Movies | File Type: audio/mp3 | Duration: 00:50:00

Carl Franklin and Richard Morris discuss a few of their favorite movies on the subject of nutrition. Following that, the conversation turns to hunger, the difference between real hunger and carb cravings, and strategies for helping you recognize the difference. They also answer questions about keto without a gall bladder, and as usual, provide a couple killer keto recipes. Errata: Richard said that the body makes carboxylic acid to lower the bodies pH, but it is carbonic acid (H2CO3) that is made in respiratory system and the concentrations managed by your kidneys.

 Mad as Hell | File Type: audio/mp3 | Duration: 01:14:00

This week, Carl Franklin and Richard Morris get angry about how the medical establishment hasn't evolved along with science. We KNOW the chain of events that leads to type 2 diabetes (T2DM). Not only do we KNOW how to reverse it, but we knew in the 70's! Why after all this are most doctors still clueless about how to treat it? Richard tells the story of Dr. Gary Fettke, an Australian doctor who removes diabetic feet. He has been treating his patients with a ketogenic diet, and in 2014 was silenced by the establishment. He is not allowed to talk to his patients about nutrition. If that wasn't maddening enough, an interview with Ivor Cummins reveals the diabetes research by Dr. Joseph Kraft in the 70's. Kraft discovered a method for detecting T2DM 20 years before a diagnosis. His research was effectively ignored. The good news is that you can leverage Kraft's research to figure out your risk of diabetes right now with a simple blood test. We're mad as hell, and we're not going to take it anymore! Also, Ivor does use a profane phrase (GD) toward the end of his interview. We left it in for effect. Errata: Richard said that of the 54 Randomized Controlled Trials (RCTs) testing low carb vs low fat, that 43 showed that low carb was better, and 26 were significant. The reality is that 47 of those 54 showed that low carb was better and that 27 were significant.

 The Obesity Code with Dr. Jason Fung | File Type: audio/mp3 | Duration: 01:10:00

Carl Franklin and Richard Morris talk to "The Fastmaster," Dr. Jason Fung about intermittent fasting (IF), extended fasting (EF), diabetes, insulin, metabolism, and doing the simplest thing that works. A word of warning - Dr. Fung uses salty language for emphasis. Obesity and diabetes are epidemic, we all agree. Dr. Fung focuses on insulin and insulin response rather than on carbs as being the only thing that raises insulin. In his clinic, he has hundreds of patients that are all controlling their insulin, and therefore their diabetes. Fasting is one of the most effective methods that they use.

 Cooking | File Type: audio/mp3 | Duration: 01:23:00

Carl Franklin and Richard Morris talk about the importance of cooking for yourself. They give their short list of must-have kitchen gear, and also offer cooking techniques for those who don't have a lot of time. This is a fairly long show, jam-packed with tips and techniques to help you get healthy and have more fun in the kitchen! Carl argues that investing time and money in cooking is an investment in your future - analogous to medical expenses. Errata: W mentioned that Muscle weighs more than fat. That's not precisely correct. Muscle is really more dense than fat. 1 litre of muscle weighs more than 1 litre of fat, but it is equally true to say that 1lb of fat takes up more space than 1lb of muscle. So, if you aren't losing weight on the scale grab a tape measure and see if you have lost inches around your belly - that's fat loss and/or muscle gain.

 Epic Successes | File Type: audio/mp3 | Duration: 01:02:00

Carl Franklin and Richard Morris consider a few epic success stories, including an amazing story from Kassie and Dustin Ewers, a couple who recently both went Keto. Kassie took a bold step that we're not sure any one of us would take. Was she victorious? Of course she was! You'll have to listen to the podcast to get the rest of the story! Errata: Richard mentioned that insulin concentrations of endogenous insulin at the portal vein is 10x greater than at the periphery. The actual value is 3-10 times and a paper explaining the consequences of using exogenous insulin that has to be at hyperinsulinemic levels at the peripheral vessel walls is linked in our show notes.

 Keto on a Budget | File Type: audio/mp3 | Duration: 00:45:00

Richard Morris and Carl Franklin discuss the many ways "going keto" can save you money, and how to stretch your cash when less is available.

 Non-Scale Victories | File Type: audio/mp3 | Duration: 01:05:00

Carl Franklin and Richard Morris ask the 2KD community to relate their NSVs (Non-Scale Victories) or all of the benefits of a ketogenic diet they've noticed other than weight loss. The results may surprise you. The dudes also announced Ketofest 2017, an idea to hold a ketogenic lifestyle festival in July of next year. If you're interested, go to ketofest.com and get on the mailing list. ErrataL Carl mentioned that a ketongenic diet is specifically good for Rheumatoid arthritis(RA), in fact of the two markers tested it only lowered one, but fasting was shown to lower both. So it may well be that fasting, which we know is easer if you are adapted to a ketogenic diet, is your best strategy to deal with RA.

 Being Brenda Zorn | File Type: audio/mp3 | Duration: 00:59:00

Carl Franklin and Richard Morris interview Brenda Zorn, who's been eating keto since 2014, does intermittent fasting and extending fasting, and also lifts weights while fasted. She talks about the many disease markers that have disappeared since going keto, how this way of eating has helped her overcome depression, and how she has yet to reach a limit when lifting weights. She's a true inspiration! Brenda is also an admin in our Facebook group at fb.2keto.com, and runs her own private group, Keto Ninjas.


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