Prophecies Of The End Times show

Prophecies Of The End Times

Summary: Bringing you world events from a biblical perspective, and how they shape our world. Reporting on the soon return of Jesus Christ, the end times and the last days we live in. Are you a born again believer in Christ? If not, your time is running out very quickly...

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 BREAKING>>>Assange Interview.."Donald Trump will not be permitted to win" | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1686

In this exclusive interview with RT Television, Julian Assange informs the world regarding Hillary Clinton's corruption and the plans of the US Election controllers who will not allow Donald Trump to win in a rigged election.

 The Revelation Chapter 14 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 3163

Revelation Chapter 14 The Victory of the Lamb and His Followers Chapter 14 brings to a conclusion the material found in the section of chapters 12 through 14. Chapter 12 deals with the important characters of the period, chapter 13 with the wicked rulers of the period, and chapter 14 with the ultimate triumph of Christ. All of this material is not chronological but prepares the way for the climax which begins in chapter 15. Chapter 14 consists of a series of pronouncements and visions assuring the reader of the ultimate triumph of Christ and the judgment of the wicked. Much of the chapter is prophetic of events that have not yet taken place, but which are now impending. The chapter begins with the assurance that the Lamb will ultimately stand in triumph on Mount Zion with his followers, and it concludes with a series of pronouncements of judgments upon the wicked.

 Prophecy News and Updates 11/1/2016 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 4463

Palestinians Declare War On The Balfour Declaration Israel Greatly Concerned Over Quality, Quantity Of Russian Weaponry In Region Will Obama Delay Or Suspend Election If Hillary Is Forced Out? Aleppo could be 'bombed into smithereens', warns John Kerry Sessions: 'Critical alert,' 817,740 illegals crossed last year Pastors, They're Coming After You! CNN makes a spectacle out of a virgin selling her virginity…

 The Revelation, Chapter 13 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 3747

13. The Beasts and the False Prophet The Emergence of the Beast out of the Sea (13:1-2) 13:1-2 And I stood upon the sand of the sea, and saw a beast rise up out of the sea, having seven heads and ten horns, and upon his horns ten crowns, and upon his heads the name of blasphemy. And the beast which I saw was like unto a leopard, and his feet were as the feet of a bear, and his mouth as the mouth of a lion: and the dragon gave him his power, and his seat, and great authority. In the first ten verses of chapter 13, a character is introduced of central importance to the events of the great tribulation. This passage is first of all a revelation of the revived Roman Empire in its period of worldwide dominion, but more especially this paragraph directs attention to the evil character who exercises satanic power as the world dictator. The revelation is introduced by the expression “And I stood upon the sand of the sea,” which in some versions is included in the last verse of chapter 12, instead of the first verse of chapter 13.

 The Revelation Chapter 12 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 5539

Our continued bible study of the book of Revelation Chapter 12, with special commentary by Scottie Clark of Eternal Rhythm Flow Ministries. Listen and watch Scottie Clark on Youtube with his teachings on Feast of Trumpets, Revelation 12, and much more.

 Special Edition - World War 3 with Russia Imminent? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 6694

Our special edition of the events that have taken place since July, 2016 that indicate a imminent war with Russia How the Church is asleep during the election and while massive military build up spells war for America. How the Election is being used as a smoke screen Nato and US Intelligence compromised by Turkey The strategic maneuvers that Russia is using against US and Nato Turkey and Russia alliance sets the stage for Gog and Magog Why it is vital NOW to become a born again believer in Christ..

 The Revelation Chapter 11 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 2426

We continue our study of the book of Revelation Chapter 11 Careful students of the book of Revelation will probably agree with Alford that chapter 11 “is undoubtedly one of the most difficult in the whole Apocalypse.”208 A comparison of many commentaries will reveal the widest kind of disagreement as to the meaning of this chapter. Even Alford attempts to spiritualize the city, the temple, and the events portrayed in this chapter. The guiding lines which govern the exposition to follow regard this chapter as a legitimate prophetic utterance in which the terms are taken normally. Hence, the great city of 11:8 is identified as the literal city of Jerusalem. The time periods are taken as literal time periods. The two witnesses are interpreted as two individuals. The three and a half days are taken literally. The earthquake is a literal earthquake. The seven thousand men who are slain by the earthquake are seven thousand individuals who die in the catastrophe. The death of the witnesses is literal as are their resurrection and ascension. These major assumptions provide an intelligent understanding of this portion of prophecy even though the possibility of difference of opinion on the part of the reader is taken for granted in some of these judgments. Chapter 11 of the Revelation continues the parenthetical section beginning in chapter 10 and extending through chapter 14. With the exception of 11:15-19, introducing the seventh trumpet, the narrative does not advance in these chapters and various topics are presented. In chapter 15, the chronological developments continue as the contents of the seventh trumpet, namely, the seven vials, are manifested. In 11:1-14 there is a continuation of the same subject as in chapter 10.

 LIVE with Annette Bridges | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 9310

A False Peace is being declared.. Lives are being transformed, healings from drug and alcoholism, marriages being put back is your chance and your breakthrough to hear the word of God, and to hear his calling for your life...tune in

 Prophecy News and Updates 10/2/2016 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 7059

America going to hell in a hand basket..with Deplorables Obama's Agenda regarding PA and the possible veto at the UN Churches being censored, bathrooms required to accommodate Transgenders...a national report China hit's an unprecedented level of GDP ratio to debt...the untold story of the Kings of the East about to implode. Walid Shoebat gets irate with the Homosexual/Transgender Agenda What will your Church do if a Homosexual or a Transgender should visit? Jail time for Pastors who do not conform to new Transgender Rights.

 Revelation Chapter 10 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1891
 The Revelation Chapter 9 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 2458

The Fifth And Sixth Trumpets: The First And Second Woes The Fifth Trumpet: The Fallen Star and the Opening of the Abyss (9:1-2) 9:1-2 And the fifth angel sounded, and I saw a star fall from heaven unto the earth: and to him was given the key of the bottomless pit. And he opened the bottomless pit; and there arose a smoke out of the pit, as the smoke of a great furnace; and the sun and the air were darkened by reason of the smoke of the pit. The rising crescendo of judgments on the earth now introduces the first woe, a dramatic event described by John in the first twelve verses of this chapter. As the trumpet of the fifth angel is sounded, John records that he sees a star fallen from heaven having the key to the bottomless pit. Earlier in the book of Revelation, in connection with the sixth seal (6:12-17) and the fourth trumpet (8:12-13) record is made of unusual disturbances in the starry heavens. In chapter 6, the stars of heaven fall even as a fig tree casts her untimely figs, and heaven itself departs as a scroll when it is rolled together. In chapter 8, a great star from heaven described as “burning as it were a lamp” falls upon rivers and fountains of waters. In these instances it is probable that reference is made to material stars or fragments of them, and their falling on the earth is a form of divine judgment upon a wicked world.

 The Revelation Chapter 8 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 2558

This chapter opens with the announcement that the seventh seal is opened. This is the last of the seven seals marking the prophetic judgments of God. With the opening of the seventh seal the narrative is resumed from the close of chapter 6. Though simply introduced, the seventh seal is obviously the most important development up to this point. Contained in the seventh seal are all the subsequent developments leading to the second coming of Christ, including the seven trumpets and the seven bowls of the wrath of God. Scroggie, after a careful discussion of the chronological order of the book of Revelation, concludes: The trumpets, therefore, do not double back over all or some of the Seals, but lie under the sixth Seal, and proceed from it. For this reason it is equally incorrect to speak of the Trumpets as following the Seals. They do not follow, but are the Seventh Seal

 The Witness Project LIVE | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1987

Come and worship with us over at the Witness Project and Conference...get a blessing and favor from our Lord..late night Praise and Worship from the State of Florida

 The Revelation Chapter 7 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 2496

We continue Our study with Chapter 7 of the book of Revelation. In contrast to chapter 6 which seems to give the chronological sequence of major events of the great tribulation, chapter 7 does not advance the narrative but directs attention to two major groups of saints in the tribulation. The opening portion of the chapter pictures the 144,000 representative of the godly remnant of Israel on earth in the great tribulation. The latter part of the chapter describes a great multitude of martyred dead in heaven, those who died as a testimony to their faith from every kindred, tongue, and nation. The question has often been asked, Will anyone be saved after the rapture? The Scriptures clearly indicate that a great multitude of both Jews and Gentiles will trust in the Lord after the church is caught up to glory. Though the children of God living on earth at the time will be translated when Christ comes for His church, immediately a testimony will be raised up to the name of Christ through new converts among Jews and Gentiles. Though these are never described by the term “church,” they are constantly called saints, that is, those set apart as holy to God and saved through the sacrifice of Christ.

 LIVE with Prophetess Annette Bridges | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 9318

Conversation with Annette today is promised to bring to you NEW revelations concerning the return of Christ..are you BORN AGAIN? Tune In...


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