Prophecies Of The End Times show

Prophecies Of The End Times

Summary: Bringing you world events from a biblical perspective, and how they shape our world. Reporting on the soon return of Jesus Christ, the end times and the last days we live in. Are you a born again believer in Christ? If not, your time is running out very quickly...

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  • Artist: Prophecies Of The End Times
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 Faith..and Only Faith | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 5545

In order to truly hear from God regarding your must have faith...In order to truly be forgiven of your must have faith that he forgives order to move forward in your life, you must have faith he will place you on the right path and guide you..Faith and only Faith

 Apostle Timberlake... | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 3695

Listen to our brother Apostle Timberlakes message this evening from Blog Talk Radio..please leave your comments below regarding this message..

 The Abomination of Obamanation Part 2 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 10311

Part 2 of the episode of the Abomination of Obamanation

 The Abomination of Obamanation | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 10802

Our First 3 hour broadcast discussing the possible ramifications of the election of Barak Obama and our country..This is part 1, part 2 and perhaps part 3 will follow this evening.

 Signs of the TIMES we are in!!!!!!!! | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 4235

The Guest speaker this broadcast is: Trevor Davis from Sounding the Alarm. Revival Fire the host from Consuming Fire Radio Looking at the times that we are in and approaching. WE have to be ready at anytime for eternity. The question is are you ready for eternity?? It could take place at anytime. Jesus Christ is the answer to it all first believing in Jesus Christ, Repent of your SIN'S, ask Him to forgive you of them, make Him Jesus Christ the Lord over your LIFE.

 Aftermath of Sandy!! | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1491

What is this Nation going to do NOW after this great storm has HIT the nation? People are fighting in lines waiting on Gasoline and other things. So lets listen to what Evangelist Michale Parker has to say for the Lord says. Not leaning to our own understanding.

 How to Survive the END of the World!!!!! | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1650

ATTENTION PEOPLE THAT ARE OUT HEAR LISTENING TO THIS BROADCAST!!!!!!! It is time to stop living in your self centered life style. You are headed to HELL. I am talking to the so called Christians that think they know of Jesus Christ but don't really know Him at all, just going through the motions of life. You have to stand down your will and turn it over to Jesus Christ making Him the LORD over you. What links are you willing to go to change your life and get set free from the oppression of devils in your life. Time is running out.

 Signs of the End..September 2012 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 2119

This audio puts into perspective the things that have happened in Sept 2012..talks about Mormonism and Jehovah Witnesses..Jesus said that in the last days there would be earthquakes in diverse places. He also warned us of false religions that would stray from sound doctrine, and teach doctrines of men "itchy ears" doctrines telling them what they want to hear regarding the word of God, and not what the word of God truthfully states.. Visit our websites online for more information Coming soon..Dr Dave Lillard and The Home Church Online

 Gay Christians? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 2726

Can you be in a active gay relationship, and still be considered a christian? The bible tells us and explains how we are to understand why Gay relationships are a sin, just like adultery, fornication, and sexual immoral behavior.. Listen to this broadcast regarding why being gay can ultimately damn your soul to hell..

 Calling all Preachers of America... | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 2755

This episode, recorded August of 2010 is still ringing loud and clear today. Not many preachers in America know the real issues Americans face today...What is the real issue with America? 80% of the population states they are Christians, and we are the wickedest nation on earth..we cannot pray on Federal Government land, but its ok to kill babies before their born...and America's Preachers are asleep at the wheel....listen to this broadcast and comment below...wake up America, your Lord and God is about to return.....

 THE END IS NEAR!!!!!!! | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1776

This is a Consuming Fire Radio Broadcast with your Host (Revival Fire) talking on the things concerning events that are and will be taking place before His return. Again are you ready for His return? You think so but are you really ready? Let the Holy Ghost convict you of your sins and get right by Repenting of your Sins now.

 CHURCH STILL IN EGYPT JESUS COMING | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 4170

THis audio deals with the people that think they are ready for the return of Jesus Christ but are they really ready is the question. The question I am asking are you ready for His return? Or you just think that you are because you go to church and do good thing for Christ. No that will not get you prepare you or be ready for the rapture of the body of Christ. The only thing that will have you ready for His return is that you have surrendered your will and Life totally 110% over to His care not your care. Your care serving you will send you straight to HELL. Self centered lifestyle is from HELL serving Satan.

 Paul's Revelation of THE RAPTURE Part 1 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 5692

We begin this 5 part series of the Apostle Paul's revelation of the rapture, the events leading up to the rapture, and what actually will occur according to scripture at the time of the rapture. The Rapture, as many have been told, is the removal of the Church, the body of believers that have been found worthy to escape the coming Great tribulation know as the Time of Jacob's Trouble, and also referred to as the Bride of Christ..The old testament refers to it as The Gathering and the Greek text calls it HARPAZO..the snatching away, taken by force out of arms way of danger.This description is found in KJV Verse Count Matthew 2 John4 Acts2 2 Corinthians 2 1 Thessalonians 1 Jude1 Revelation 1 We also take a look at flase doctrines that have been produced over the centuries discrediting the rapture, scoffers, mockers, and what the bible tells us would happen just prior to the return of Christ.

 We are in the times of Noah right now | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1741

Does everyone take heed that we are in the same time frame as Noah? There are more people on the face of the earth now than what there was in Noah's time and it REPENTED GOD that He made man and beast. So now is the time to enter into the ARK that God has per-paired for us for safety which is Jesus Christ by surrendering over your Will and Life 110% to him.

 Alcohol and Drug Addictions part 1 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 5450

Consuming Fire Radio & Prophecies Of The Endtimes is affiliated with Fire Of The Holy Ghost Broadcasting Network. is the web-site. Take out the time and listen to this audio which is talking about Drugs & Alcohol Addiction in the body of Christ today in this generation that we are in, exposing it for what is truly is. WE are not going to CANDY COAT the gospel of Jesus Christ in any way straight out of the Word of GOD and let the Holy Ghost do His job which is convict people of their SINS so they can REPENT of their Sins. So listen and let the message minister to you. I am Revival Fire the Host of Consuming Fire Radio take care and God bless to you all In Jesus Name.


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