The World of Phil Hendrie show

The World of Phil Hendrie

Summary: Phil Hendrie's historic improvisational genius goes to work everyday in this divinely hilarious satire of the modern media. And that's only part of what's really going on here. Get a hold of this top shelf entertainment from one of the acknowledged masters of comedy and social satire.

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  • Artist: Phil Hendrie
  • Copyright: All rights reserved by Siempre, Inc.


 Episode #682: The New Phil Hendrie Show | File Type: audio/x-mpeg | Duration: 01:05:22

Chris Norton fills in for August Selsen on the "August Selsen Sexual Exploration Hour". He brings on his buddies Justin Butterman and Dave Cavenan, who has a slight problem that threatens his friendship with the guys. Then for the BSP Classic Hour, from July 11 2000, Dave Oliva reviews the LAPD's recruitment process and says it's gonna take a lot more money for him to become a cop. Go beyond the podcast with a Backstage Pass to the official Phil Hendrie Show website. Receive up to $150 in free digital CDs when you sign up! With a Backstage Pass, you'll receive the daily podcast completely ad-free along with the daily pre-show commentary with Phil and the daily BSP Classic Hour. You'll also receive access to our vast 20,000+ hour comedy archives, the exclusive Saturday BSP-Only show, the exclusive BSP-Only Classic Podcast, our daily HD webcast, character clips, Lions football archives, weekly chats with Phil, and much more! Join our BSP family today! You won't regret it.

 Episode #681: The New Phil Hendrie Show | File Type: audio/x-mpeg | Duration: 00:46:36

Jay Santos of the Citizens Auxiliary Police is in to announce new "operating procedures" in the wake of Maddy Haddigan once again calling him a "fairy". Father James McQuarters plays takes of himself doing color commentary of Gaelic Football. Howard and Lydia discuss Brett Easton Ellis "following" Howard on Youtube. Then for the BSP Classic Hour, from July 7 2004, Chris Norton says that pharmaceutical companies should be making an oral antibiotic for syphilis. Go beyond the podcast with a Backstage Pass to the official Phil Hendrie Show website. Receive up to $150 in free digital CDs when you sign up! With a Backstage Pass, you'll receive the daily podcast completely ad-free along with the daily pre-show commentary with Phil and the daily BSP Classic Hour. You'll also receive access to our vast 20,000+ hour comedy archives, the exclusive Saturday BSP-Only show, the exclusive BSP-Only Classic Podcast, our daily HD webcast, character clips, Lions football archives, weekly chats with Phil, and much more! Join our BSP family today! You won't regret it.

 Episode #680: The New Phil Hendrie Show | File Type: audio/x-mpeg | Duration: 00:32:02

Phil rolls out a Bob Bakian, Sky Boy, Sky Baby Marathon... Then for the BSP Classic Hour, from July 7 2003, Bobbie Dooley says that couples who meet over the Internet or at bars are losers and are scraping the barrel, so she's planning an event to help them meet successful individuals. Go beyond the podcast with a Backstage Pass to the official Phil Hendrie Show website. Receive up to $150 in free digital CDs when you sign up! With a Backstage Pass, you'll receive the daily podcast completely ad-free along with the daily pre-show commentary with Phil and the daily BSP Classic Hour. You'll also receive access to our vast 20,000+ hour comedy archives, the exclusive Saturday BSP-Only show, the exclusive BSP-Only Classic Podcast, our daily HD webcast, character clips, Lions football archives, weekly chats with Phil, and much more! Join our BSP family today! You won't regret it.

 Episode #679: The New Phil Hendrie Show | File Type: audio/x-mpeg | Duration: 00:28:57

Margaret has a sore throat as Phil drags the crew into the studio at 4am. Special guest William Cummings talks about his meditation technique called the Dynamic, which is essentially screaming when you're angry. Art Griego, aboard a plane going to San Francisco, tries to tell Phil about the investigation into the Egypt Air crash but the other guy in first class gets scared hearing it. Then for the BSP Classic Hour, from July 9 2002, Bobbie Dooley had an elderly woman in her HOA who used an air conditioner that was against the rules, so they padlocked the breaker off and she ended up dead. Go beyond the podcast with a Backstage Pass to the official Phil Hendrie Show website. Receive up to $150 in free digital CDs when you sign up! With a Backstage Pass, you'll receive the daily podcast completely ad-free along with the daily pre-show commentary with Phil and the daily BSP Classic Hour. You'll also receive access to our vast 20,000+ hour comedy archives, the exclusive Saturday BSP-Only show, the exclusive BSP-Only Classic Podcast, our daily HD webcast, character clips, Lions football archives, weekly chats with Phil, and much more! Join our BSP family today! You won't regret it.

 Episode #678: The New Phil Hendrie Show | File Type: audio/x-mpeg | Duration: 00:49:08

Phil welcomes everyone back from the 4th weekend. General Shaw is angry over what he calls "the drinks & phonies who claim to love the country but are blowing themselves up like amateurs and don't know how to display the flag properly." Dave Oliva joins the show the show but gets lost in a description of his screwy classes at LA Canyon College. Later, Bud tries to get Dr Jim Sadler on the air to discuss Jupiter probe Juno, but calls him too early and winds up insulting him when Sadler fakes computer sounds with his voice and General Shaw busts him. Then for the BSP Classic Hour, from July 6 2001, RC Collins says that the drinking age should be lowered to 16. Go beyond the podcast with a Backstage Pass to the official Phil Hendrie Show website. Receive up to $150 in free digital CDs when you sign up! With a Backstage Pass, you'll receive the daily podcast completely ad-free along with the daily pre-show commentary with Phil and the daily BSP Classic Hour. You'll also receive access to our vast 20,000+ hour comedy archives, the exclusive Saturday BSP-Only show, the exclusive BSP-Only Classic Podcast, our daily HD webcast, character clips, Lions football archives, weekly chats with Phil, and much more! Join our BSP family today! You won't regret it.

 Episode #677: The New Phil Hendrie Show | File Type: audio/x-mpeg | Duration: 01:06:09

It's a 4th of July spectacular featuring some famous classic clips. First up it's Skippy and Frank who welcome special guest President Clinton on the 4th of July. Then Dave Oliva says that Americans need to stop making themselves terrorist targets on July 4th, so he wants Americans to cancel fireworks displays and pray to Allah. And closing, Steve Bosell has heard about the Homeland Security terror alert for July 4th, so he's barricaded himself and his family in a shelter. Then for the BSP Classic Hour, from July 6 2000, Pilot Art Griego believes John Kennedy Jr. purposely crashed his plane into the ocean because of the incessant bickering of the two women in the back seat. Go beyond the podcast with a Backstage Pass to the official Phil Hendrie Show website. Receive up to $150 in free digital CDs when you sign up! With a Backstage Pass, you'll receive the daily podcast completely ad-free along with the daily pre-show commentary with Phil and the daily BSP Classic Hour. You'll also receive access to our vast 20,000+ hour comedy archives, the exclusive Saturday BSP-Only show, the exclusive BSP-Only Classic Podcast, our daily HD webcast, character clips, Lions football archives, weekly chats with Phil, and much more! Join our BSP family today! You won't regret it.

 Episode #676: The New Phil Hendrie Show | File Type: audio/x-mpeg | Duration: 00:42:15

Pastor William Rennick and Clara Bingham kick things off with the a recap of Bill Clinton's recent visit with Loretta Lynch, Larry Grover discusses the Miss Teen USA pageant removing the swimsuit portion of the competition, and Dave Oliva closes things out with the Google Earthquake news. Then for the BSP Classic Hour, from July 1 2004, Bobbie Dooley says the reason women get divorced is because they don't offer their bodies unconditionally and don't courtesy flush. Go beyond the podcast with a Backstage Pass to the official Phil Hendrie Show website. Receive up to $150 in free digital CDs when you sign up! With a Backstage Pass, you'll receive the daily podcast completely ad-free along with the daily pre-show commentary with Phil and the daily BSP Classic Hour. You'll also receive access to our vast 20,000+ hour comedy archives, the exclusive Saturday BSP-Only show, the exclusive BSP-Only Classic Podcast, our daily HD webcast, character clips, Lions football archives, weekly chats with Phil, and much more! Join our BSP family today! You won't regret it.

 Episode #675: The New Phil Hendrie Show | File Type: audio/x-mpeg | Duration: 00:42:10

Today, Boyd "Sky Baby" Sweetan is revealed. Jay Santos is "jerkin gherkin" over a neighbor kid's girlfriend. RC Collins is working on a new book about airline mishaps called "Getting Sucked Out." Then for the BSP Classic Hour, from June 17 2003, Paul Tubby Lane is a NASCAR promoter who says they're courting homosexuals now since they have money, and NASCAR doesn't want to be affiliated with dumb rednecks. Go beyond the podcast with a Backstage Pass to the official Phil Hendrie Show website. Receive up to $150 in free digital CDs when you sign up! And this month only, the first 250 people to sign up for an Annual Backstage Pass will receive a free personalized voice-message from Phil, done as the character of your choice! With a Backstage Pass, you'll receive the daily podcast completely ad-free along with the daily pre-show commentary with Phil and the daily BSP Classic Hour. You'll also receive access to our vast 20,000+ hour comedy archives, the exclusive Saturday BSP-Only show, the exclusive BSP-Only Classic Podcast, our daily HD webcast, character clips, Lions football archives, weekly chats with Phil, and much more! Join our BSP family today! You won't regret it.

 Episode #674: The New Phil Hendrie Show | File Type: audio/x-mpeg | Duration: 00:57:07

Phil talks to Bob Green of Frazier Foods, who's golfing with Frank Grey, about his making amends with the gay community after he drunkenly sang "Happy Trails" at a gay pride parade. Also Stephen Bosell, Father James McQuarters, and Jeff Dowdder... Then for the BSP Classic Hour, from June 26 2002, Bob Green is a CEO who says that even though he's letting 1000 employees go after cooking the books, no one is sympathetic to his suicide threats. Go beyond the podcast with a Backstage Pass to the official Phil Hendrie Show website. Receive up to $150 in free digital CDs when you sign up! And this month only, the first 250 people to sign up for an Annual Backstage Pass will receive a free personalized voice-message from Phil, done as the character of your choice! With a Backstage Pass, you'll receive the daily podcast completely ad-free along with the daily pre-show commentary with Phil and the daily BSP Classic Hour. You'll also receive access to our vast 20,000+ hour comedy archives, the exclusive Saturday BSP-Only show, the exclusive BSP-Only Classic Podcast, our daily HD webcast, character clips, Lions football archives, weekly chats with Phil, and much more! Join our BSP family today! You won't regret it.

 Episode #673: The New Phil Hendrie Show | File Type: audio/x-mpeg | Duration: 00:52:16

Don Berman thinks the story of a regular guy named Ronald McDonald being shot (non-life threatening) in front of a Sonic is real funny... till he tries explaining it to Dickman. Mavis Leonard, on her way to Wendy's, talks about Chipotle making a comeback. And Deane Wheeler has changed the name of "Go With It" to "I Like It Like That" with new lyrics. It still sucks. Then for the BSP Classic Hour, from June 20 2001, Art Bell announces that aliens are draining California's electricity and they want to have sex with Art to repopulate the world. Go beyond the podcast with a Backstage Pass to the official Phil Hendrie Show website. Receive up to $150 in free digital CDs when you sign up! And this month only, the first 250 people to sign up for an Annual Backstage Pass will receive a free personalized voice-message from Phil, done as the character of your choice! With a Backstage Pass, you'll receive the daily podcast completely ad-free along with the daily pre-show commentary with Phil and the daily BSP Classic Hour. You'll also receive access to our vast 20,000+ hour comedy archives, the exclusive Saturday BSP-Only show, the exclusive BSP-Only Classic Podcast, our daily HD webcast, character clips, Lions football archives, weekly chats with Phil, and much more! Join our BSP family today! You won't regret it.

 Episode #672: The New Phil Hendrie Show | File Type: audio/x-mpeg | Duration: 00:52:16

Phil and the panel have "Game of Thrones" fan Dr Ron Tarner on the show to discuss cast "diversity." Bobbie Dooley recites a poem she's written called "I Go Like Hell." And Vernon Dozier debates coaching with Kevin Baxter, who's also a straight man pretending to be gay to help his hair-style business. Never mind. Just listen. Then for the BSP Classic Hour, from June 26 2000, Margaret Grey believes that Mike Tysons "ear biting" comments were very African & Phil welcomes Brass Villenhueva who claims he instigated the recent Staples Center riot. Go beyond the podcast with a Backstage Pass to the official Phil Hendrie Show website. Receive up to $150 in free digital CDs when you sign up! And this month only, the first 250 people to sign up for an Annual Backstage Pass will receive a free personalized voice-message from Phil, done as the character of your choice! With a Backstage Pass, you'll receive the daily podcast completely ad-free along with the daily pre-show commentary with Phil and the daily BSP Classic Hour. You'll also receive access to our vast 20,000+ hour comedy archives, the exclusive Saturday BSP-Only show, the exclusive BSP-Only Classic Podcast, our daily HD webcast, character clips, Lions football archives, weekly chats with Phil, and much more! Join our BSP family today! You won't regret it.

 Episode #671: The New Phil Hendrie Show | File Type: audio/x-mpeg | Duration: 00:51:30

Phil and the panel talk to Vernon Dozier and Ted Bell about big league hockey in Vegas, the Nevada Werewolves. And Bobbie Dooley complains about the boaters on Buttner Lake. Then for the BSP Classic Hour, from June 24 2004, Margaret Grey owns a few rental properties and won't rent to single mothers. Go beyond the podcast with a Backstage Pass to the official Phil Hendrie Show website. Receive up to $150 in free digital CDs when you sign up! And this month only, the first 250 people to sign up for an Annual Backstage Pass will receive a free personalized voice-message from Phil, done as the character of your choice! With a Backstage Pass, you'll receive the daily podcast completely ad-free along with the daily pre-show commentary with Phil and the daily BSP Classic Hour. You'll also receive access to our vast 20,000+ hour comedy archives, the exclusive Saturday BSP-Only show, the exclusive BSP-Only Classic Podcast, our daily HD webcast, character clips, Lions football archives, weekly chats with Phil, and much more! Join our BSP family today! You won't regret it.

 Episode #670: The New Phil Hendrie Show | File Type: audio/x-mpeg | Duration: 00:48:22

It's "Pete Bone Will Not Be Denied," everyone's favorite, strident, know-it-all, pain-in-the ass talk show host! And today, we're taken into his increasingly bizarre and fantastical world and meet his announcer Jim Pawed or Pawn or Prawn or Pawned or something. Then for the BSP Classic Hour, from June 19 2003, Jay Santos and the Citizens Auxiliary Police will be in bookstores to make sure that Americans conform by buying Harry Potter books, otherwise their actions are suspicious. Go beyond the podcast with a Backstage Pass to the official Phil Hendrie Show website. Receive up to $150 in free digital CDs when you sign up! And this month only, the first 250 people to sign up for an Annual Backstage Pass will receive a free personalized voice-message from Phil, done as the character of your choice! With a Backstage Pass, you'll receive the daily podcast completely ad-free along with the daily pre-show commentary with Phil and the daily BSP Classic Hour. You'll also receive access to our vast 20,000+ hour comedy archives, the exclusive Saturday BSP-Only show, the exclusive BSP-Only Classic Podcast, our daily HD webcast, character clips, Lions football archives, weekly chats with Phil, and much more! Join our BSP family today! You won't regret it.

 Episode #669: The New Phil Hendrie Show | File Type: audio/x-mpeg | Duration: 00:57:56

It's time for Gene Gebell's Country USA Show as Gene rolls out country favorites and recounts story after story of how and why he got his ass beaten severely by some of America's great country artists or their assistants! Then for the BSP Classic Hour, from June 24 2002, Bobbie Dooley doesn't want her neighbors sunbathing with her because they're hideous. Go beyond the podcast with a Backstage Pass to the official Phil Hendrie Show website. Receive up to $150 in free digital CDs when you sign up! And this month only, the first 250 people to sign up for an Annual Backstage Pass will receive a free personalized voice-message from Phil, done as the character of your choice! With a Backstage Pass, you'll receive the daily podcast completely ad-free along with the daily pre-show commentary with Phil and the daily BSP Classic Hour. You'll also receive access to our vast 20,000+ hour comedy archives, the exclusive Saturday BSP-Only show, the exclusive BSP-Only Classic Podcast, our daily HD webcast, character clips, Lions football archives, weekly chats with Phil, and much more! Join our BSP family today! You won't regret it.

 Episode #668: The New Phil Hendrie Show | File Type: audio/x-mpeg | Duration: 00:36:41

Phil fights off a scratchy throat from a cold which means the panel is doing the same. Jim Sadler's "Elmer Fudd" sounding podcast is mocked by Phil. Doug Dannger, gay man and gay journalist, rips "Independence Day Resurgence" to shreds. Then for the BSP Classic Hour, from June 21 2001, Vernon Dozier thinks that people need to show more respect for Disney and all they have given us. Go beyond the podcast with a Backstage Pass to the official Phil Hendrie Show website. Receive up to $150 in free digital CDs when you sign up! And this month only, the first 250 people to sign up for an Annual Backstage Pass will receive a free personalized voice-message from Phil, done as the character of your choice! With a Backstage Pass, you'll receive the daily podcast completely ad-free along with the daily pre-show commentary with Phil and the daily BSP Classic Hour. You'll also receive access to our vast 20,000+ hour comedy archives, the exclusive Saturday BSP-Only show, the exclusive BSP-Only Classic Podcast, our daily HD webcast, character clips, Lions football archives, weekly chats with Phil, and much more! Join our BSP family today! You won't regret it.


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