Episode #674: The New Phil Hendrie Show

The World of Phil Hendrie show

Summary: Phil talks to Bob Green of Frazier Foods, who's golfing with Frank Grey, about his making amends with the gay community after he drunkenly sang "Happy Trails" at a gay pride parade. Also Stephen Bosell, Father James McQuarters, and Jeff Dowdder... Then for the BSP Classic Hour, from June 26 2002, Bob Green is a CEO who says that even though he's letting 1000 employees go after cooking the books, no one is sympathetic to his suicide threats. Go beyond the podcast with a Backstage Pass to the official Phil Hendrie Show website. Receive up to $150 in free digital CDs when you sign up! And this month only, the first 250 people to sign up for an Annual Backstage Pass will receive a free personalized voice-message from Phil, done as the character of your choice! With a Backstage Pass, you'll receive the daily podcast completely ad-free along with the daily pre-show commentary with Phil and the daily BSP Classic Hour. You'll also receive access to our vast 20,000+ hour comedy archives, the exclusive Saturday BSP-Only show, the exclusive BSP-Only Classic Podcast, our daily HD webcast, character clips, Lions football archives, weekly chats with Phil, and much more! Join our BSP family today! You won't regret it. http://philhendrieshow.com