Alonzo Bodden: Who's Paying Attention show

Alonzo Bodden: Who's Paying Attention

Summary: A weekly audio podcast giving you Alonzo Bodden's unique comedic take on what's going on in the world.

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 Alonzo Bodden: Who's Paying Attention? #20 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:41:57

1- You Didn’t Build That , in context with the truth2- Repub convention, if you build it we will come and laugh3- Small Businessman built it with money from government contracts4- Paul Ryan learned it with social security money5- Mia Love built it with 10 bucks6- Rush says Obama manipulated hurricane, I thought only THOR could manipulate hurricanes, maybe Storm from Xmen7- Hurricane heads for Tampa and could end in Ryan’s hometown I guess God wants to meet them8- Gov Jindal stays home, to ask for more federal money9- Apple Computer is gangsta Samsung is Apple’s bitch10- Smoking pot lowers IQ and memory, I think11- Texas judge says Obama re election will lead to civil war12- Mississippi combats teen pregnancy with less education13- Man eaten by grizzly bear he was photographing14- notice the link between topics 10-14 Aug 30, 2012

 Alonzo Bodden: Who's Paying Attention? #19 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:41:16

1- Niall Ferguson says Obama must go, of course he says it with ½ truths but he did say it 2- Numerous rebuttals to Niall Fergusen from Harvard grads, journalists economists etc etc etc 3- Jan Brewer is at it again, when will we fence of her own country so she can be crazy and angry by herself 4- Alabama checking kids immigration status, hey you, 3rd grader, where’s your ID? 5- Oklahoma Valedictorian diploma held because she said hell, I say get the hell out of OK 6- Akin, Ryan , legitimate rape , forcible rape vs illegitimate unforced rape and of course women’s magic wombs 7- Condi joins Augusta, you go girl, bring oprah to lay a round won’t you 8- Houston the coolest city in America? Maybe I’ll take my talents there 9- Device unable to detect kids in hot cars Aug 22, 2012

 Alonzo Bodden: Who's Paying Attention? #18 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:21:41

Micheal Phelps greatest ever Gabby Douglas and her hair Ryan Lochte TMI Usain Bolt USA B ball and of couse HOOTERS Aug 08, 2012

 Alonzo Bodden: Who's Paying Attention? #17 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:11:47

LIVE: In Other News Recorded uncut at Icehouse Pasadena Rated R Jul 25, 2012

 Alonzo Bodden: Who's Paying Attention? #16 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:32:44

1- Romney at NAACP convention 2- Romney calls out Obama on outsourcing 3- Olympic uniforms made in China, speaking of outsourcing 4- Condi Rice for VP, or not 5- Obama doesn’t need tax cuts , where is my trickle down? 6- Rick Perry says he’ll turn down Obamacare, he’ll just pry for help 7- Confidence in religion at all time low. Don’t blame Jesus 8- Drive up alcohol. Theres a texas law that might need work 9- Blake griffin signs for 95 million and hurts knee, hello Clipper jinx 10- Bring back Awkward Black Girl, wake up networks Jul 16, 2012

 Alonzo Bodden: Who's Paying Attention? #15 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:27:41

1- Fireworks cancelled across America2- Roberts on Obamacare. No one hated more for decision since LeBron3- Mitt to repeal Obamacare and replace with nothing4- Eric Holder in contempt of congress, nevermind5- Record heat wave not global warming, just a little God6- Jet Blue pilot not guilty, just insane7- BET awards same old same old8- Clippers acquire a Kardashian9- Florida man masturbating while driving Jul 05, 2012

 Alonzo Bodden: Who's Paying Attention? #14 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:32:22

•    Supreme Court Upholds Az immigration•    Roberts court will undo every right from Warren Court•    Obama immigration kids can stay•    Sea level rise Damn Left wing science•    Romney says good news is bad news•    Reagan is my favorite liberal•    Common sense in Texas?•    Father kills child molester Yep that’s how you do that•    Microsoft Surrface tablet excites both Zune owners•    Florida idiot feeds gator his hand Yep that’s how you do that Jun 27, 2012

 Alonzo Bodden: Who's Paying Attention? #13 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:44:58

1-    Supreme Court Approval low2-    Obama Campaign stalled3-    Obama misspoke? Nope Screwed up4-    68% against Health care law but want benefits of health care law5-    Romney can't spell6-    GOP blocks equal pay bill. Wonder if their women senators get paid equal?7-    Bloomberrg for pot against soda8-    Summer jobs up9-    30 is new 20 40 is new 30 60 is new 40 dead is new 6010- Texas abstains from sex ed and has a baby over it11- Rick Warren Bible says Be Thin Jun 26, 2012

 Alonzo Bodden: Who's Paying Attention? #12 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:37:19

1- Motorcycle travels, The South’s beautiful and confusing 2- Politics as usual. Obama attacks Bain Capital Romney attacks jobs numbers 3- John Bolton, Bush UN ambassador, says Bush left Obama a mess 4- Donald Trump still a birther 5- Mia Love Black woman mormon repub mayor from utah goin for congress 6- Artur Davis former black Alabama congressman switches to repub 7- Dems drop the ball on Scott Walker recall in Wisconsin 8- Clinton poses with porn stars 9- Mark Zuckerbrook down to 14 billion, Dropped from top 40 list 10- Levi Johnston broke 11- Snickers says eat chocolate before sex 12- Stand your ground in Phoenix Jun 06, 2012

 Alonzo Bodden: Who's Paying Attention? #11 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:33:40

TOPICS INCLUDE: 1- Trayvon Martin had weed in system 2- Florida Shoot first learn law later 3- Four Tons of Marijuana found off coast of OC 4- This is your brain on FOX 5- Joe Arpaio leads Az Sherriffs race 6- Romney not going to Disagree with Rick Scott on drug testing 7- Debt limit showdown , again 8- JP morgan loss could be 3 billion 9- 90 million for NY penthouse 10- Equal pay for WNBA? Stop laughing they are serious 11- Illinois Miniature horses as service animals May 24, 2012

 Alonzo Bodden: Who's Paying Attention? #10 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:31:38

TOPICS INCLUDE: Mothers Day Obama on Gay Marriage Avengers opens at 200 million Shaq gets PHD Shaq gets PHD Woman sued for sending text message to driver San Diegans want to fine banks for neglecting foreclosures Women paying alimony you asked for equality SIRI says Nokia phone better This is what happens without Steve around Truck nuts lead to jail stay Stupid is as Stupid does May 16, 2012

 Alonzo Bodden: Who's Paying Attention? #9 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:43:11

Topics Include: 1 -Obama visits Afghanistan repubs say he’s using getting Bin Laden for political gain   2 -Obama launches FORWARD campaign   3 -Obama vs Romney will be boring Yes, and that’s a good thing although a lil Santorum or Cain would make it fun   4 -ATT CEO says offering unlimited date for Iphone was big mistake and loses sleep over imessage   5 -GM pays no income taxes since bankruptcy   6 -Stephen King Tax me for F**ks sake   7 -Hate crimes on the rise, I hate hate crimes   8 -Billboard likens Global Warming believers to Unabomber   9 -Phil Mushnick from NY post says Brooklyn Nets should be called New York Niggers because of Jay Z ownership also call cheerleaders bitches and ho’s   10 -Az Gov Jan Brewer to Defund Planned Parenthood   11 -Welch former CEO of GE says women must over deliver to get ahead no programs of diversity etc   12 -Stand your ground and Marissa Alexander Black woman shot violent lover/husband and she sin jail   13 -African Americans come out against NC anti Gay marriage AFTER overhearing comment   14 -Tennessee passes anti Gateway sex bill . No Hugging or we’ll sue   15 -Octomom bankrupt   16 -Spirit Airlines to charge 100 carry on fee – they sell 9 dollar tickets   17 -Clippers up 3-0 Knicks almost done May 12, 2012

 Alonzo Bodden: Who's Paying Attention? #8 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:44:58

Topics Include: Joel Ward, Derrick Rose, Heat destry Knicks, Housing hit rock bottom?, Romney says borrow money from parents, GM CEO needs more money, Worker Productivity, Dan Savage, Thinking undermines faith, Zimmerman collects $200K, Obama and Kimmel kill at press dinner, Dutch ban tourist weed - no more tourism. May 01, 2012

 Alonzo Bodden: Who's Paying Attention? #7 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:34:13

Topics Include: Antonio Cromartie Reality Show, Metta World Peace suspended 7 games, TED and R-Rated with weed smoking teddy bear, Hunger Games is replaced by Think Like A Man at #1, President using executive powers, AZ immigration law goes to Supreme Court, More Mexicans leaving US than entering, WalMart brbery in Mexico, Voting laws could hurt Obama, Gingrich may exit presidential race, Senator Orin Hatch forced to fight for his job, Happiness costs $50k/year, down from $75k. Apr 26, 2012

 Alonzo Bodden: Who's Paying Attention? #6 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:25:03

Topics Include: Tax Day, Secret Service Prostitutes, Hillary Rosen vs. Ann Romney Work vs. Home, Romney says 92% of jobs lost under Obama were women's jobs, Women focus of NRA convention bring on "Bra Holster", Ted Nugent at NRA: "If Obama reelected this time next year I'll be in jail or dead", Tupac hologram at Coachella, Kim Kardashian wants to be mayor of Glendale in 5 years. Apr 19, 2012


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