Alonzo Bodden: Who's Paying Attention show

Alonzo Bodden: Who's Paying Attention

Summary: A weekly audio podcast giving you Alonzo Bodden's unique comedic take on what's going on in the world.

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 Alonzo Bodden: Who's Paying Attention? #34 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:25:10

1- Guns. It's not video games it's the guns 2- Sheriff Joe needs a calender not a posse 3- Hypocrites Hall of Fame 4- Good luck RG3 abd Roll Tide 5- The NBA is playing. Before the all star break? 6- Hockey's back. You did know they were gone right? 7- Worst murder plot ever Jan 17, 2013

 Alonzo Bodden: Who's Paying Attention? #33 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:25:40

1-  South against everything 2-  Fiscal Cliff Congress and a bunch of nothing 3-  Bring back dueling gentlemen 4-  Assault weapon stops crime. Oops never happened 5-  Whew the rich got richer 6-  Al Jazeera vs Current TV vs Fox News 7-  Let's make up some news 8-  Dr Oz having a show is a miracle 9-  Dying for pictures 10- Oh no, they breed Jan 10, 2013

 Alonzo Bodden: Who's Paying Attention? #32 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:25:47

1 Newtown shootings President Obama, what are you willing to do   2 He has a knife I have a 32 ounce Louisville slugger   3 Shooting kid with loud radio isn’t standing your ground   4 Romney Wins   5 Raise tax on millionaires and pay for it with Medicare   6 Obama takes corporate donations Lets get some nascar sponsor decals   7 California’s crazy again, or at least stupid   8 Rob Parker real black? Nope Real stupid   9 The Bieb is going sitcom Dec 20, 2012

 Alonzo Bodden: Who's Paying Attention? #31 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:21:25

1- Vegas baby. Pacqaio Rodeo Mal Hall and George Wallace. What a party 2 Stand your ground defend your house stop the madness 3 Jan brewer flips Repubs flop the new Republicans love latinos. 4-Fiscal cliff. We're falling but don't worry it won't interrupt congressional vacations 5 Dow up unemployment down worlds not ending 6 Obama aid becomes lobbyist. Finally a democrat learning the corruption game 7 FOX news home of Sarah Palin calls Susan Rice incompetent. No seriously they did 8 War on Christmas? Just ask DMX and Rudolf Dec 13, 2012

 Alonzo Bodden: Who's Paying Attention? #31 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:21:25

1- Vegas baby. Pacqaio Rodeo Mal Hall and George Wallace. What a party 2 Stand your ground defend your house stop the madness 3 Jan brewer flips Repubs flop the new Republicans love latinos. 4-Fiscal cliff. We're falling but don't worry it won't interrupt congressional vacations 5 Dow up unemployment down worlds not ending 6 Obama aid becomes lobbyist. Finally a democrat learning the corruption game 7 FOX news home of Sarah Palin calls Susan Rice incompetent. No seriously they did 8 War on Christmas? Just ask DMX and Rudolf Dec 13, 2012

 Alonzo Bodden: Who's Paying Attention? #30 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:33:32

1-   1.  Obama says take fiscal cluff fight to twitter, wants a fair and balanced approach. I guess hes just gonna rub that in FOX news people 2-   2.  Voters more willing to compromise than congress people. Well most voters aren’t crooks paid by lobbyists so I’m not surprised 3-   3.  Jon Huntsman was biggest threat according to Obama campaign manager. No he wasn’t , Jon Huntsman is reasonable He never had a chance in republican primary 4-   4. War on women is womens fault FOX news says learn your place ladies , then you’ll be happy and you wouldn’t be voting for that socialist 5-  5.   Strike a Wal Mart, not happening 6-   6. New Black Friday tradition, count the Wal mart wounded Bet the over/under 7-   7. Stop the parade, We’re running out of helium Inflate balloons with Trumps hot air 8-   8. Notre Dame is unbeaten 9-   9. RIP Larry Hagman They finally got JR 10-10. Fl. woman arrested for riding a manatee.  Let me get this straight Florida, riding manatee illegal, shooting black teenager, we’re ok with that 11-11. Cop buys a homeless man a pair of boots Beautiful gesture, no joke.  Happy Holidays Nov 30, 2012

 Alonzo Bodden: Who's Paying Attention? #29 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:19:42

1-Happy Black Friday, I mean Thanksgiving 2-Republicans, shut up the reason you lost is Obama was better 3-You want to secede? Bye its been fun, screw off and play football against each other 4-Weed is legal Twinkies are bankrupt? Oh noooooo 5-Abandon kids football? OK, lets watch the fat teenagers show again 6-Hammer goes Gangam style , and hopefully shares some financial advice Nov 22, 2012

 Alonzo Bodden: Who's Paying Attention? #28 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:37:09

1. Attn Old White Men New America includes everyone 2. Karl Rove must report loss to Cheyney, good luck with that 3. Racist Rants on Twitter How sad, future klansmen klan reduced to tweeting 4. Whos Better off than 4 yrs ago, gun sellers 5. Fiscal cliff my ass 6. Florida shouldn’t be allowed to vote, period , end of story 7. Weed wins Porn loses 8. Hurricane Sandy still kicking ass 9. Failure of Virgin America, we like our virgins cheap 10. George Lucas to give billions away , another liberal redistributes wealth 11. Gen Petraeus, love isn’t forever, emails are 12. Still no Hockey Nov 13, 2012

 Alonzo Bodden: Who's Paying Attention? #27 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:09:02

Short and Sweet PRESIDENT OBAMA HAS WON!!!! America got it right Big Bird is lookin for Romney Ted Nugent, Rush Limbaugh and Donald Trump have to leave PRESIDENT OBAMA HAS WON!!! Nov 07, 2012

 Alonzo Bodden: Who's Paying Attention? #26 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:27:36

1- Obama wins 3rd debate, no one cares 2- polls up ,polls down , here a poll there a poll everywhere a poll poll 3- Racism still prevalent in America in other news, water is wet 4- Women for Romney is like like cattle for burgers, I just don't get it 5-Romney says GOP supported Obama. Can I ride in your alternate reality machine Mitt? 6- 7.7 quake, Hurricane Sandy, maybe Mayans were right 7- Goldman sachs director in jail 8- US sues B of A for mortgage fraud  9- Lolo Jones to bobsled Tears freeze in winter 10 an apology for Trump Oct 29, 2012

 Alonzo Bodden: Who's Paying Attention? #25 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:28:59

1- 08 Obama is back. I think Michelle gave him a talking to 2- Obama won, or did he?once again Rt wing beautifully denies reality 3- Glenn Beck Jeans 1791 from back when blacks & women knew their place ahhh the good ole days 4- Amanda Todd dead Our collective shame of online bullying 5- Tig Notaro  tragedy + honesty = comedy Thanks for helping Louie CK 6-Lance Armstrong. Nike turns their back on a man with one nut. Shame Nike Shame Oct 20, 2012

 Alonzo Bodden: Who's Paying Attention? #24 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:16:39

Outline Biden whups some ass Funny VP Tweets. Call 911 Martha Raddutz a REAL moderator Obama. Pay Attention 5 dollars a gallon? Get more elves November Baseball? Evolution a lie from hell and other brilliant science Ep 24 is on YouTube Twitter @alonzobodden Facebook/alonzobodden Follow me Oct 12, 2012

 Alonzo Bodden: Who's Paying Attention? #23 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:23:10

Election vs coronation. Wake the f**k up Romney leads middle class Climate change Fox News and fairy tales Perry blames Satan so Obama must be Jesus Christian Right blames Obama so he must be Satan Califirnia cars don't need you Voter test,  Who's Honey Boo Boo? Twitter @alonzobodden Facebook/alonzobodden Oct 03, 2012

 Alonzo Bodden: Who's Paying Attention? #22 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:23:40

1- Romney Romney Romney. Obamas people say please keep talking 2- Paul Ryan and Values Voters still have time for hate 3-Rick Santorum say" we'll never get smart people" to a group of dumb people 4- Advice from Sam Jackson 5- teachers win and lose 6- hey dead guy, you can't park there 7- NY mayor says no to Big Gulp 8- tea Party ratings at new low. Thank god for congress 9- Amanda's so low Lindsey's mad about it Sep 22, 2012

 Alonzo Bodden: Who's Paying Attention? #21 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:36:59

1-Obama gets a bounce. He’s saving one job, his 2- Michelle Obama says don’t mess with my man 3- Clnton gives a speech so good we remember why he got BJ’s 4- You’re like Hitler, No, You’re like Hitler 5- Insult your opponent, nicely 6- Voter rights, we’ve progressed all the way to the 60’s, again 7- IBISWorld predicts people spending again. I dunno if theyre right but ladies, go buy some shoes 8- Repubs hate gay marriage less because it’s a family value? 9- Organic  Schmorganic 10- Keep your job because you like to eat don’t you? 11 RIP Michael Clarke Duncan. Gonna miss the Kingpin @AlonzoBodden Sep 12, 2012


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