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The American Interest

Summary: Policy, Politics & Culture

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  • Artist: The American Interest
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 Episode 16: Nigeria's Missing Girls and Ukraine's Chocolate King | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 0:00

Relevant Reading: Nigerian Chief of Defense Staff Responds to Critics of the Military Ambassador John Campbell U.S. Military Engagement in the Hunt for the Nigerian School Girls, Its Size and Meaning Ambassador John Campbell Bravo, Ukraine, Bravo! Lilia Shevtsova Good evening, TAI podcast listeners! Please accept our apologies for posting this weeks episode on a Tuesday; yesterdays Memorial Day holiday has us running a day behind. That said, weve got a real treat for you this week. First, host Richard Aldous speaks with Ambassador John Campbell, the Ralph Bunche Senior Fellow for Africa Policy Studies and former ambassador to Nigeria from 2004-2007. The two discuss Boko Harams kidnapping of hundreds of Nigerian schoolgirls, and what this event means for the regions Islamist revival, US involvement in the continent, and President Goodluck Jonathans reelection hopes. Then, Richard and Lilia Shevtstova speak for a second time, today discussing Sundays elections in Ukraine, and what the ascension of the so-called king of chocolate to the Ukrainian presidency means for Kievs future vis-a-vis Moscow. Be sure to subscribe to the podcast on iTunes. You can follow our host, Richard Aldous, on Twitter @RJAldous, and John Campbell @JohnCampbellcfr.

 Episode 15: The Devil Went Down to Georgia | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 0:00

Relevant Reading: Georgias Fifth Column Stirs Michael Cecire Good evening, podcast listeners! This week, host Richard Aldous speaks with Michael Cecire about his new essay on the TAI feed. The two discuss Moscows hope for exporting its Orthodox-Nationalist ideology to its southern neighbor, Georgia, and what this might mean for the West. They also discuss whether or not Georgia should be admitted in to NATO. Be sure to subscribe to the podcast on iTunes. You can follow our host, Richard Aldous, on Twitter @RJAldous, and Michael Cecire @mhikaric.

 Episode 14: Europe's Gas Problem | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 0:00

Relevant Reading: By All Means Necessary: How Chinas Resource Quest is Changing the World Elizabeth C. Economy and Michael Levi An Energy Weapon vs. Russia? Michael Levi Good afternoon, podcast listeners! Youve got a fantastic opportunity set before you, as this week host Richard Aldous speaks with energy expert Michael Levi from the Council on Foreign Relations. The two discuss the energy component of Europes Russia problem, and what—if anything—the US can do about it. Before youre done, youll hear about whether Israel has a role in shoring up European energy security, and Moscows other options for selling its bountiful reserves of natural gas (hint...its an energy-hungry customer to Russias east). Be sure to subscribe to the podcast on iTunes. You can follow our host, Richard Aldous, on Twitter @RJAldous, and Michael Levi @levi_m.

 Episode 13: Humanitarian Interventions and the Right's Struggle with Inequality | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 0:00

Relevant Reading: A Model Humanitarian Intervention?: Reassessing NATO’s Libya Campaign Alan J. Kuperman The Right Wrestles with the Inequality Debate Walter Russell Mead Good evening and happy Cinco de Mayo, TAI podcast listeners! Weve got a real treat for you this week. First, host Richard Aldous talks Libya and Syria with Alan Kuperman, Associate Professor of Public Affairs at the LBJ School of Public Affairs at the University of Texas, Austin. The two discuss the fiasco that was NATOs intervention in Libya, and contrast the decision to overthrow Qaddafi with the restraint being shown by the West in confronting Assad in Syria. Then, Walter Russell Mead comes on the show to discuss his recent essay on the troublesome issue of inequality for the right, and the historical roots of the modern-day divide between establishment and Tea Party Republicans. Make sure to subscribe to the podcast on iTunes, and follow our host, Richard Aldous, on Twitter @RJAldous.

 Episode 12: American Oligarchy and Inequality | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 0:00

Relevant Reading: Testing Theories of American Politics: Elites, Interest Groups, and Average Citizens Martin Gilens and Benjamin I. Page The Left-Liberal Narrative Walter Russell Mead Happy Monday, listeners! This week, host Richard Aldous speaks with Princeton University Professor Martin Gilens, lead author of a recent study that found that average citizens have virtually no influence in American politics, and that American policy only reflects the interests of the middle-class when those interests are shared by the economic elite. Richard then discusses the current state of the inequality debate with Walter Russell Mead, looking at its historical roots to understand how Americas political parties have shaped narratives around the contentious issue. Make sure to subscribe to the podcast on iTunes.

 Episode 11: Michael Mandelbaum on Globalization, New TAI Issue Out | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 0:00

Relevant Reading: The Road To Global Prosperity Michael Mandelbaum BRIC Bust? Michael Mandelbaum Good afternoon, dear listeners. On todays program, Richard Aldous sits down with Michael Mandelbaum, author of the new book, The Road to Global Prosperity, for a far-reaching discussion about the prospects for lasting peace in our time, the trouble the BRICs have been having lately, and whether NATO expansion into Eastern Europe was such a good idea. Richard also talks with TAI editor Adam Garfinkle about the just-released May/June issue, which you can find online, on Amazons Kindle, and at your nearest newsstand (if you in fact have one nearby). Well be featuring articles from the new issue on the homepage in the coming days and weeks. If you enjoy these podcasts, dont miss another episode: Subscribe on iTunes!

 Episode 10: Russia Looms over Ukraine While the West Dithers | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 0:00

Relevant Articles: Can Putins Strategy Be Countered? Walter Russell Mead Putin: The Mask Comes Off, But Will Anybody Care? Walter Russell Mead Good afternoon, listeners! Vlad isnt done with Ukraine, and the West doesnt seem to have a coherent strategy to counter him. In this weeks episode, Richard Aldous talks with Walter Russell Mead about what this means for Putins long-term vision for Russia and the worth of NATO, and the worst-case scenario of a Russian incursion in the Baltic states. Events in Ukraine—and their far-reaching geopolitical implications—are enough to make ones head spin. But fret not, for weve got the cure for what ails you, in a easily-digested 23 minute .mp3. Subscribe to the podcast on iTunes.

 Episode 9: The End of the Middle East Peace Process? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 0:00

Relevant Articles: The Powerless Peacemaker Aaron David Miller Bibi Trapped Aaron David Miller Has John Kerry hit an irresolvable impasse in the Middle East? This week, host Richard Aldous welcomes Aaron David Miller, Distinguished Scholar at the Wilson Center, to discuss perceptions and realities of the current incarnation of the Arab-Israeli peace process. Then Richard talks to Walter Russell Mead about the politics of Obamacare after the big enrollment number success, and the rise of the far right in Europe. Apologies for the late posting this week, dear listeners. Dont miss an episode due to our scheduling delays: subscribe to the podcast on iTunes!

 Episode 7: Obama's Trip to Europe and the Decline of Erdogan | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 0:00

Happy Monday, TAI readers! Weve got a real treat for you this week: host Richard Aldous talks with Henri J. Barkey, author of The End of Erdogan, and the two discuss Turkeys upcoming municipal elections, touching on the recent Twitter ban and the recent shooting down of a Syrian plane by a Turkish F-16. Then, Walter Russell Mead discusses the G7 response to Russian aggression in Ukraine. Subscribe to the podcast on iTunes.

 Episode 6: The Crimean Vote and Pakistan's Move Toward Saudi Arabia | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 0:00

Happy St. Patricks Day from The American Interest! In this weeks episode, host Richard Aldous speaks with Lilia Shevtsova about Crimeas recent referendum to secede from Ukraine and once again join Russia. Then, Richard and Walter Russell Mead discuss Pakistans increasingly cozy relationship with Saudi Arabia. Make sure to subscribe to the podcast on iTunes.

 Episode 5: Crisis in Crimea, Blue Civil War, and the Minimum Wage | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 0:00

Happy Tuesday from The American Interest! In this week’s podcast, Richard Aldous and Walter Russell Mead tackle some of today’s most pertinent issues, including the infighting of the Democrats in the Blue Civil War, a bigger picture view of the crisis in Crimea, and a new way to look at the minimum wage debate. Make sure to subscribe to the podcast on iTunes.

 Episode 4: Putin Turns the Screw in Crimea | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 0:00

This week, Richard Aldous and Walter Russell Mead talk about the news on everyones mind: Russias invasion of Crimea. The discussion ranges from the nuclear proliferation impacts the Wests response will have, to President Obamas handling of the rapidly developing situation, to what this might mean for Beijing. If youve been wondering about the larger geopolitical implications of Moscows aggression, look no further: theyre here, conveniently packaged for you to consume on your lunch break or your commute home. Subscribe to the podcast on iTunes.

 Episode 3: Ukraine's Historic Week, Income Inequality, and Social Mobility | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 0:00

In this weeks podcast, Richard Aldous talks with Walter Russell Mead about the next steps for Ukraine, and the chances of a Russian military intervention there. Closer to home, the discussion turns to the current state of income inequality and social mobility in America, and the role the state, churches, and local communities have to play in addressing these issues. Subscribe to the podcast on iTunes.

 Episode 2: Syria, Venezuela, Republicans, and the Pivot to Asia | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 0:00

Happy Presidents Day from The American Interest! In this weeks podcast, Richard Aldous and Walter Russell Mead discuss John Kerrys Syrian disaster, Venezuelan anti-government unrest, a possible GOP debt-ceiling win and Obamas forgotten pivot to Asia. Subscribe to the podcast on iTunes.

 Episode 1: Sochi, Putin and Russia's Ambitions | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 23:33

In this first episode of The American Interest Podcast, host Richard Aldous and Walter Russell Mead discuss Russias global ambitions with the Sochi Olympics as the backdrop.


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