Don't Mom Alone Podcast  show

Don't Mom Alone Podcast

Summary: Heather MacFadyen, mother of four boys, connects you the listener with people and resources to help you feel less alone. Consider it an invitation to "withness".

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  • Artist: Don't Mom Alone Podcast
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 Recovery for Life Lynn Hoffman Ep 129 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 2351

Recovery for Life Lynn Hoffman Ep 129

 Debunking Spiritual Leadership Myths :: Jen Wilkin {Ep 128} | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 49:47

You desire your children to walk with God. But how do you lead them to that place? Is that only your husband’s job? What if you are a single mom or functionally single mom? What about your role as a leader in your faith community? Should women leaders be gentle and quiet? Today’s guest is Jen Wilkin, author of “None Like Him” and “Women of the Word”.  She debunks some myths we believe about spiritual leadership, inside and outside of the home. Her desire is for women to be grounded in the truth of God’s Word. To study with both their hearts and their minds. To know God and who He is. Then from knowing Him and His character see how He crafted us uniquely and our high worth in His eyes. In this episode Jen and I chat about spiritual leadership. How we can expand the definition of what we think that means. How leading our children changes over the years. How her own single mom prayed fervently for her and for God to grow big in her life. We also discuss how to be a spiritual leader in your community. How to manage that responsibility with humility and boldness. And how women need to not just see cute Instagram posts but know who God is from His Word. Jen is not afraid to do some paradigm shifting. Her words in this episode reassured me in a few areas of misbelief I held. I know it will also free a lot of husbands to operate from their strengths and not be crushed under a burden they were never meant to carry. Connect with Jen: Featured Sponsor: Jelly Telly JellyTelly is the only streaming video app designed specifically for kids where God is real and His Word is true. Co-developed with VeggieTales® creator Phil Vischer. Instantly stream hundreds of hours of safe, affirming videos and movies for kids about God, the Bible, and faith. Available on iOS, Android, and Kindle. Popular shows include: VeggieTales, Hillsong Kids, the Jesus Storybook Bible and MANY more! Check them out at here. Make sure you use the special discount code for GodCenteredMomPodcast listeners mentioned at the beginning of this week’s show. What we chat about: * Jen’s young mom journey with three kids in four years. * The need for accountability and structure in studying the Bible as a young mom. * How the Wilkins describe leading children spiritual–the differences over the years. * Tips for the woman who is spiritually leading her children. * Expanding the definition of “spiritual leader” in the home. * Jen’s journey of spiritual growth with a single mom. * Self-reflection asking “Am I stepping on people? Limiting the contribution of others?” * How to be a woman in spiritual leadership/ministry. * What do you do if women think you are more “spiritual” than them. * How to be grounded in the Word and not cute, Instagram posts. * What does it mean that God is transcendent. Links Mentioned: * Revolutionary Parenting by George Barna** * When Dad Doesn’t Disciple by Jen Wilkin

 Debunking Spiritual Leadership Myths Jen Wilkin Ep 128 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 2987

Debunking Spiritual Leadership Myths Jen Wilkin Ep 128

 Soulful over Frantic :: Shauna Niequist {Ep 127} | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 40:25

Myths I believe motivate the life I build. On this week’s episode, author Shauna Niequist, shares the myths that pushed her into a hectic life she no longer wanted. Myths like “doing more makes you more”, “being busy makes you happy”, and “the payoff from work will fill your soul.” Shauna shares her own story of learning to listen to her soul and build the life that brings the love she longs for. She shares some helpful spiritual disciplines to remove frantic from your day. Like her interview in episode 65 (find it here) Shauna brings real, vulnerable truth to guide us to God’s best. “A lot of us don’t want to admit our actual limitations. I wanted people to believe I was tough, strong and capable. And I proved that to the detriment of my life, health, soul.” If you are looking for more help and direction, check out Shauna’s new book: “Present Over Perfect: Leaving Behind Frantic for a Simpler, More Soulful Way of Living” ** (Amazon affiliate link) Featured Sponsor: Jelly Telly JellyTelly is the only streaming video app designed specifically for kids where God is real and His Word is true. Co-developed with VeggieTales® creator Phil Vischer. Instantly stream hundreds of hours of safe, affirming videos and movies for kids about God, the Bible, and faith. Available on iOS, Android, and Kindle. Popular shows include: VeggieTales, Hillsong Kids, the Jesus Storybook Bible and MANY more! Check them out at here. Make sure you use the special discount code for GodCenteredMomPodcast listeners mentioned at the beginning of this week’s show. Connect with Shauna: Site :: Twitter :: Instagram :: Facebook :: Pinterest What we chat about: * The myths Shauna believed which led her to a life she no longer wanted. * Admitting your limitations to bring your best self. * Tips to go from frantic to soul-full. * How Shauna prioritizes the discipline of silence. * What the code phrase “fire escape” means for their family. * Shauna’s experience with a spiritual director. * How to use centering prayer in shifting your core beliefs about God. Links Mentioned: * Before You Quit with Nicki Koziarz Ep 121 * Father Thomas Keeting — Centering Prayer How to listen to the podcast: 1.Listen on the blog. Click through to and click the play button at the beginning of this post. 2. Listen on your smartphone, iPad or iPod Touch – There are a lot of great podcasting apps. Apple has a free one (that I mentioned) in the app store, there is also one called 

 Soulful Over Frantic Shauna Niequist Ep 127 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 2425

Soulful Over Frantic Shauna Niequist Ep 127

 Stay in Your Hoop :: Vela Tomba {Encore} | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 31:35

By “your hoop” meaning your emotions, your choices, your attitude, etc. Because the only person you can control is you. Recently, our small group started attending a recovery program. One week I learned about the damaging affects of “co-dependency”. Relationships can be destroyed through a lack of concern with your own emotions/actions and an over-care and concern with others’ emotions/actions. Their happiness = your happiness. A few years ago, my pastor’s wife, Vela Tomba, introduced me to the example of “hula-hoop-o-logy”. She even wrote a series about it on the blog (read the series here). Then I brought her on the podcast to share more. Vela has been married to Neil for more than 30 years, is the mom to three grown girls and grandmother to one adorable granddaughter. She served with Campus Crusade for Christ (Cru) before staying home full-time. Honestly? Her thoughts on this topic have helped all (absolutely all) my relationships. In this episode we discuss: * What it means to stay in your “hula hoop” * Why we need to stay out of others’ hoops * How to transition our children from our hoop (birth) to their own (jr. high-college) * Physical hoop issues vs emotional hoop issues * Whether or not it is a mom’s job to make her kids happy * Interacting with husband in light of “hula hoop-o-logy”–reflective listening * Handling a variety of relationships with this mindset–>adult children & their spouses; grandchildren; extended family * Difference between hula-hoops and “Boundaries” * A Christian’s responsibility to non-believers in relation to hoops Show Notes: * Campus Crusade for Christ (Cru) * “Boundaries” by Henry Cloud & John Townsend * “Father of the Bride”  Do you struggle with staying out of others’ hoops? Which relationship challenges you the most? Featured Sponsor: Kids fighting? Want a little peace and reconciliation in your home? (raising my hand. . .okay both hands!) Join me and check out Jim & Lynne Jackson’s awesome Sibling Conflict Online Course.  Their fabulous peace process will help you guide your children in conflict resolution and increase connectedness in your home. ***LOCAL EVENT*** If you live in the Dallas/Ft. Worth area, you should sign up to come hear Andy Crouch speak about “What Rules Your Heart–The Journey from Image Making to Image Bearing” at our church, Northwest Bible Church, Wed. Aug. 31st and Thurs. Sept. 1st from 6:30 – 8:00pm. For FREE! (ticket costs donated by the Recovery for Life program). Sign up here to save a spot.

 Stay In Your Hoop Vela Tomba Encore | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1894

Stay In Your Hoop Vela Tomba Encore

 When to Have “The Talk” :: Mary Flo Ridley {Encore} | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 45:18

It may be sooner than you think. . . and more than just a one time conversation. “The talk” is more like an on-going dialogue starting when your kiddos questions begin. After hearing today’s guest, Mary Flo Ridley, share at a MOPs program years ago I felt equipped to know when and how to teach my boys about “the birds & the bees”. Today Mary Flo shares how to help your kids develop healthy attitudes and behaviors about sex. Mary Flo is not a medical doctor and does not claim to be an expert. But she has been teaching on this topic for 30 years, has three grown children and is a fellow mom. I don’t know about you but usually I’d rather learn from another mom, any day. Through a simple step-by-step program, Mary Flo helps answer the questions: * What should we call “private parts”? * If I teach them the names, how do I keep them from repeating them in public or teaching their friends? * How do I become the one my kids go to with questions about sex? * How early should I talk to my kids? * What exactly should I say? Her answers will most likely surprise you. But once you hear the rationale you can’t deny how right she is. “These conversations should be simple, straight-forward, and to the subjects that children are curious about–their own bodies, how babies are born, and how babies are made. They have a natural curiosity about these things, and I want to capture those moments instead of running from them.” -Mary Flo Ridley Here’s a little video clip with another thought when considering, “How soon should I talk to my child about sex?”: (if reading via email, click here to watch the video) I hope our podcast helps equip you and removes dread regarded a singular “talk”. May an open dialogue begin between you and your kiddos that will last through adolescence.  To learn more, definitely check out Mary Flo’s books in the links below. Connect with Mary Flo: Blog :: Instagram :: Facebook Show Notes: * “Simple Truths : A Simple Natural Approach to Discussing Sex with your Children” by Mary Flo Ridley * “God’s Very Good Design” by Mary Flo Ridley How to listen to the podcast: 1.Listen on the blog. Click through to and click the play button at the beginning of this post. 2. Listen on your smartphone, iPad or iPod Touch – There are a lot of great podcasting apps. Apple has a free one (that I mentioned) in the app store, there is also one called Downcast. It allows you to search for shows, subscribe to them and even speed up the audio. If you don’t have an iDevice, you can listen via Stitcher. 3. Subscribe to the Podcast – access the podcast in iTunes (Click here to access via iTunes).

 Pain’s New Future :: Natasha Metzler {Encore} | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 34:50

Your pain hurts. Her pain hurts. I may not understand either of your circumstances, but I’ve experienced pain too. Division happens when we focus on comparing one pain as worse than another. But we come together when we listen and hear the horrible hurts we’ve each endured. And connect on how that pain affected our hearts. Maybe it’s a lost job or a troubled child or discrimination or a sick parent or loneliness. . .whatever it may be, you are grieving and you may wonder if God cares. And if He does care, where is He in the midst of your sadness? My hope is that today’s podcast guest, Natasha Metzler, will give you fresh perspective on what God knows about pain, what breaks His heart and the promises He makes. I “met” Natasha the moment we started recording the podcast. A mutual friend suggested I interview her and, boy, am I glad I did. Brilliant. Natasha Metzler shares her story of continued infertility, a season of depression, and what she learned about God from reading the Bible in 28 days. Natasha is wise, godly woman with a message of hope for anyone experiencing pain. She also gives you words to encourage someone you may know going through a painful situation. You can find Natasha’s encouragement regularly at and Kindred Grace. She has also written two books (links in the show notes). UPDATE! In the Spring of 2014 after we first recorded this episode, Natasha and her husband adopted an 8 year old girl from Guatemala. (read more of that story here). Very, very cool how God saw Natasha’s pain and gave it a new future even in the details. This year the Metzler family adopted another child. . .an 8 year old boy! Connect with Natasha: Blog :: Facebook :: Twitter Show Notes: * Francie Winslow * “Pain Redeemed” book * “The Thing about Dairy Farmers” book * The story of Natasha adopting her daughter from Guatamala * The hard story of the adoption that ended differently than expected How to listen to the podcast: 1.Listen on the blog. Click through to and click the play button at the beginning of this post. 2. Listen on your smartphone, iPad or iPod Touch – There are a lot of great podcasting apps. Apple has a free one (that I mentioned) in the app store, there is also one called Downcast. It allows you to search for shows,

 Pain's New Future Natasha Metzler Encore | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 2089

Pain's New Future Natasha Metzler Encore

 When to have the talk Mary Flo Ridley Encore | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 2718

When to have the talk Mary Flo Ridley Encore

 Soul Freedom :: Francie Winslow (Encore) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 41:17

It is “for freedom that you have been set free”. Perhaps you have professed faith in the work Christ has done on your behalf and how you have been set free from the penalty of sin. But what about freedom from your soul wounds? I’ve learned this past year that our spirits can be saved and secure but our souls (will, emotions, and thoughts) can be bound up in pain and shame. Our minds can be filled with lies that influence our emotions and our actions. All this can be happening while believing in Jesus and accepting His free gift of salvation. Christ came to free us from what entangles us.  To heal our brokenness. To bring us out of hiding. To repaint all those hurtful memories. To restore us to full intimacy with Him. My hope? That today’s podcast will begin to set a few ladies who listen free. If you feel a wall between all God has to offer and what you are receiving, then I pray that wall will be smashed to smithereens. Please welcome, Francie Winslow, to the podcast today. She reminds us that Christ came to heal the brokenhearted, which includes the most devout believers. Even in the midst of serving others we can be a mess and in need of the freedom He offers. She also gives tips on how to free our children from lies they believe and how to lead them to the truth found in God’s word. Show Notes: –Isaiah 61:1 “He has sent me to bind up the brokenhearted, to proclaim freedom for the captives and release from darkness for the prisoners.” –Psalm 10 The evil one preys on the innocent –Galatians 5:1 “For freedom Christ has set us free…” –1 John 4:18 “There is no fear in love. But perfect love drives out fear…” –Victory Over the Darkness: Realizing the Power of Your Identity in Christ by Neil Anderson* –Steps to Freedom in Christ: A Step-By-Step Guide To Help You by                                                                                                             Neil Anderson* –Experiencing Healing Prayer: How God Turns Our Hurts into Wholeness by Rick Richardson* *Amazon affiliate links Lastly I have a printable I’ve made of the 5 steps Francie mentions for healing your spiritual “root system”. Click here for a PDF version of the picture below. If you have any questions for Francie, please comment below (or if reading via email click here). How to listen to the podcast: 1.Listen on the blog. Click through to and click the play button at the beginning of this post. 2. Listen on your smartphone, iPad or iPod Touch – There are a lot of great podcasting apps. Apple has a free one (that I mentioned) in the app store, there is also one called Downcast. It allows you to search for shows, subscribe to them and even speed up the audio. If you don’t have an iDevice, you can listen via Stitcher. 3. Subscribe to the Podcast – access the podcast in iTunes (Click here to access via iTunes). You can also search for it on your smartphone app (like the ones listed above) an...

 Soul Freedom Francie Winslow Ep4Encore | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 2477

Soul Freedom Francie Winslow Ep4Encore

 Resolving Sibling Conflict :: Jim & Lynne Jackson {Ep 126} | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 54:43

“They just keep fighting!” Summer, for us, means lots of unstructured time together as a family. Which is great. . . until it’s not. Perhaps you can identify. Maybe you see yourself in one of the following situations: Situation #1 – The kids are fighting – again! The harder you try to make it stop, the worse it seems to get – and the kids seem more and more resentful. Situation #2 – One minute they love each other and the next minute they’re arch enemies. The older they get the louder and angrier it gets. You hate the way this affects everyone’s mood, including your own. Situation #3 – Time-outs, required apologies, and firmness temporarily curb the fighting, but it soon comes back with more intensity. Situation #4 – Your young kids are beginning their rivalry and you worry where it’s heading if you don’t learn some better strategies.  (copied from Sibling Conflict Online Course description). Jim & Lynne Jackson from are back to equip us in training our children to solve conflict well. And instead of just wishing they would “just stop fighting”, to recognize the gospel work of guiding our family to reconciliation. Jim & Lynne have been on the show before sharing their fabulous 4-layer framework for discipline that connects (Listen here to Episode 80 & 81). And again helping connect in any situation (Ep 98). Today, they are talking us through The Peace Process. A simple but effective way to guide our kids to a lifetime of reconciled relationships. Here’s their great graphic with the four steps moving us from “crazy mountain” to peaceful reconciliation (Click here to print your own copy): Conflict is inevitable. Instead of just getting frustrated and annoyed, I’ve found having a plan to reconnect hearts and train empathy so helpful. I also loved all the phrases Jim & Lynne modeled to use as we guide our children through the process. Here are some of my favorites (I’ll be bookmarking this page and referring to often): * “Sounds like y’all are having a hard time. Do you need my help or are you able to work it out on your own?” * “Solving brains won’t work until we’re calm. Why don’t we each find a comfortable place. How long do you need? 5 min? 10 min? Then we’ll come back together to work this out.” * “Did you hear that? How does she feel? Do you like that what you did made her feel that way? You two are listening to each other. How does that feel?” * “Your big feelings are a gift. And they are an even greater gift with you can use them to help understand other’s big feelings.” * “What’s going on? What was important to each person? How have you solved this problem before? Would you like to think of ways to solve the problem or do you want me to help give you choices on how to solve it?” * “Are there four things you could say that are kind and true about that person?” Lastly, if you need more help learning how to guide your kiddos through the peace process, check out Jim & Lynne’s new 

 Resolving Sibling Conflict Jim & Lynne Jackson Ep 126 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 3282

Resolving Sibling Conflict Jim & Lynne Jackson Ep 126


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