Soul Freedom :: Francie Winslow (Encore)

Don't Mom Alone Podcast  show

Summary: It is “for freedom that you have been set free”.<br> Perhaps you have professed faith in the work Christ has done on your behalf and how you have been set free from the penalty of sin. But what about freedom from your soul wounds?<br> I’ve learned this past year that our spirits can be saved and secure but our souls (will, emotions, and thoughts) can be bound up in pain and shame. Our minds can be filled with lies that influence our emotions and our actions. All this can be happening while believing in Jesus and accepting His free gift of salvation.<br> Christ came to free us from what entangles us.  To heal our brokenness. To bring us out of hiding. To repaint all those hurtful memories. To restore us to full intimacy with Him.<br> My hope? That today’s podcast will begin to set a few ladies who listen free. If you feel a wall between all God has to offer and what you are receiving, then I pray that wall will be smashed to smithereens.<br> Please welcome, <a href="">Francie Winslow</a>, to the podcast today. She reminds us that Christ came to heal the brokenhearted, which includes the most devout believers. Even in the midst of serving others we can be a mess and in need of the freedom He offers.<br> She also gives tips on how to free our children from lies they believe and how to lead them to the truth found in God’s word.<br> Show Notes:<br> –Isaiah 61:1 “He has sent me to bind up the brokenhearted, to proclaim freedom for the captives and release from darkness for the prisoners.”<br> –Psalm 10 The evil one preys on the innocent<br> –Galatians 5:1 “For freedom Christ has set us free…”<br> –1 John 4:18 “There is no fear in love. But perfect love drives out fear…”<br> –Victory Over the Darkness: Realizing the Power of Your Identity in Christ by Neil Anderson*<br> –Steps to Freedom in Christ: A Step-By-Step Guide To Help You by                                                                                                             Neil Anderson*<br> –Experiencing Healing Prayer: How God Turns Our Hurts into Wholeness by Rick Richardson*<br> *Amazon affiliate links<br> Lastly I have a printable I’ve made of the 5 steps Francie mentions for healing your spiritual “root system”. <a href="">Click here </a>for a PDF version of the picture below.<br> <a href=""></a><br> If you have any questions for Francie, please comment below (or if reading via email <a title="gcm ep 4 francie winslow" href="" target="_blank">click here</a>).<br> <br> How to listen to the podcast:<br> 1.Listen on the blog. Click through to <a title="gcm" href="" target="_blank"></a> and click the play button at the beginning of this post.<br> 2. Listen on your smartphone, iPad or iPod Touch – There are a lot of great podcasting apps. Apple has a<a href="" target="_blank"> free one</a> (that I mentioned) in the app store, there is also one called <a href="" target="_blank">Downcast</a>. It allows you to search for shows, subscribe to them and even speed up the audio. If you don’t have an iDevice, you can listen via <a title="stitcher" href=";refid=stpr" target="_blank">Stitcher</a>.<br> 3. Subscribe to the Podcast – access the podcast in iTunes (<a title="podcast" href="" target="_blank">Click here</a> to access via iTunes). You can also search for it on your smartphone app (like the ones listed above) an...