The Social Strategy Podcast: Online Business | Social Media Strategy | Networking | Vernon Ross show

The Social Strategy Podcast: Online Business | Social Media Strategy | Networking | Vernon Ross

Summary: Vernon Ross from The Social Strategy Podcast reveals the stories behind the most innovative and successful leaders in digital marketing, coaching and business on how you can create a social media strategy that takes your efforts to the next level.

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  • Artist: Vernon Ross: Entrepreneur, Author, Social Media Strategist and Relationship Building Expert
  • Copyright: Copyright © Social Strategy Podcast 2013


 Farnoosh Torabi on Why She Makes More Ep37 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 54:07

                            Do you know what sets high achievers apart from average achievers? I've noticed there's a certain importance that's placed on doing “the work” as Steven Pressfield says in the War of Art.  As Farnoosh says in this wonderful conversation you also have to know your trade. You may have seen Farnoosh on CNBC on Financially fit or on the Today show, Fox, WSJ and many others including Morning Joe (One of my Favorites) Ethics and determination and hard work has a much to do with why she make more and in this podcast you're going to learn: * How Farnoosh positioned herself to learn from the best in the publishing industry before she wrote her first book. * The power of setting your intention and stating it to the people you come in contact with. * What “doing the work” really means and how it helps Farnoosh set herself apart. * The key elements you need when pitching the media. and so much more Click here to Tweet This “Don't be afraid to Shamelessly ask for help” via @Farnoosh & @rosspr One of the qualities of success we talk about in the podcast is not just doing the work you have for the thing you do well but also doing the work for the people that you're working with to make things easier for them especially when you're benefitting from it. Now I have to explain this a bit because we're not talking about doing others work for them.  We are focused on when you're going after something like pitching a story for a major news site or even a guest post on a blog.  You of course are doing the leg work for what your part but also take into mind how to benefit the other person and if you can do something that's going to make the process easier for them then you should in fact do “that thing” whatever it is. We do actually talk her new book When She Makes More – 10 Rules for Bread Winning Women Here's a great clip from Morning Joe talking more about the book. Resources we mentioned: Connect with Farnoosh Website – Twitter- Tweet Farnoosh Facebook – Connect on Facebook   Books: When She Makes More – 10 Rules for Bread Winning Women You’re So Money – Farnoosh Torabi Psych Yourself Rich – Farnoosh Torabi War of Art – Steven Pressfield [ez_box title=”Help Us Spread the Word” color=”grey”] If you enjoyed this episode of the Social Strategy podcast, please head over to iTunes, leave a rating, write a review and subscribe. And if you listen on Stitcher, please click here to rate and review this show [/ez_box] Don't know how to leave a review watch this video:

 Do Something Scary Ep 36 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 5:51

“Do one thing every day that scares you” Is a quote from First Lady Eleanor Roosevelt.  What does it make you think about? For me it's making sales calls.  What about you what scares you?  We all have that thing we hate doing that we know makes us grow but hate practicing.  Now I know a couple episodes about the confines of fear, but this is different.  Today we're talking about growing and doing something daily that forces you to grow. Everytime I pick up the phone or send an email related to sales and in particular to highly influential people it's scary, but I make the call.  I know that by doing this is helps me to grow as a trusted advisor. So my change for you today is to do one thing today that scares you TODAY!  Once you do report back in the comments below, on social media or email me and tell me how you challenged yourself and if you grew.  If you didn't or couldn't stretch past were you are right now and do that “scary” thing tell me about that as well, because I want to help you get past that block. Check out my motivation for today's episode in the links below. Success Magazine –  Get Success Every Month   Featured Artist: Singleton Singleton was so generous to give me permission to use their music on this podcast so make sure to check them out. Also like them on Facebook: Like Singleton on Facebook

 Declaring Your Personal Power Ep 35 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 5:26

Are you living at the highest level of joy and conscientious you're capable of? Is your life an expression of your true self?  If not why not? Over the past few days I've been considering both of these questions in my own life and I would have to answer no to both.  Although I'm working toward a this type of life I've not gotten there yet so of course I asked why.  for me and maybe even you we don't ever make a “Conscience Choice” to declare our personal power and claim what is rightfully ours That's freedom.  Now I'm not talking about reckless abandon and walking away from everything you're working on or that you've worked for.  I'm talking about living how you want an on your own terms emotionally.   Freedom isn't about not having responsibility or selfishly pursuing only the things you want to work on.  It's claiming your right to be happy and joyful and fully awake in the moment! If you want to change the quality of your life you have to take back control of your life. Remember back when you were in grade school in those very early grades you know kindergarden and first grade when you were excited during attendance just waiting for the teacher to call your name so you could say “Present” or “Here”  It's time to do that in your life, It's time to raise your hand and declare to yourself,  “I'm here! I'm present” This past week I've been reading The Motivation Manifesto and going through the course.  If you're not familiar with the work it's from author, speaker and high performance coach Brendon Bruchard and so far it's one of the best books I've read to date.  Brendon goes deep into claiming back your personal power and making declarations.  There are nine total declarations in the book and each one will take you on a journey of self-discovery that will challenge you and I feel could change your life. Early last week I sent a couple of email about the book giveaway which is actually ending soon so that you could also take advantage of  the  free book and course.  Many of you did but I know that many of you didn't. Well it's not too late and you still have time to sign up for your copy here In the interest of full disclosure I don't make any commission from you ordering this book via my link.  You do have to pay $7 shipping, but this is a hard bound actual book so the shipping is just that shipping.  My motivation is for you to also have a transformation in your life and to claim back your personal power.  [ez_box title=”Help Us Spread the Word” color=”grey”] If you enjoyed this episode of the Social Strategy podcast, please head over to iTunes, leave a rating, write a review and subscribe. And if you listen on Stitcher, please click here to rate and review this show [/ez_box] Don't know how to leave a review watch this video: How to leave a review on iTunes or Stitcher Featured Artist: Singleton Singleton was so generous to give me permission to use their music on this podcast so make sure to check them out. Also like them on Facebook: Like Singleton on Facebook

 Standing in Service of Others Ep34 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 4:04

This past week I asked a question at the end of an email. It was simple really, but a powerful question that causes you to reflect on what you're doing and why you're doing it. The question was:  Are you standing in the service of others or just serving yourself at the cost of others? The response was amazing so I wanted to give you a little break down of why I asked that question.  All too often in the online / offline business space we get wrapped up in the “making money” aspect of the business.  You know sales funnels, email list, lead capture and the list goes on.  However I think it's vital that you reflect on your business and if you're serving others with your marketing or just serving yourself. Now I'm not one of those money is bad people.  Afterall we are in business to make money and lots of it, but it doesn't mean that you can't be serving at the same time. So I'll follow that question up with another one.  What's your bigger mission? If you don't have one develop a mission that's bigger than yourself. For example if you want to build a list of 1000 email subscribers to your website that's great!  Now ask yourself why do I want 1000 subscribers? What value are your offering them other than a free pdf or audio download.  Get clear on what you want for them and why you want it for them. Are you helping them get to the next level in business, showing a new productivity tip that's going to help them be more efficient therefore giving them more time to work on their business and not in their business?  It could be your tips and advice is going to allow them to spend more time with their family which in turn could mean they will not miss important moments because they're stuck working. So standing in the service of others could actually help you change the lives of the people you're marketing to.  Now that my friends is powerful and that is having a bigger goal than just yourself.  

 Virtual Crash How Chris Ducker Found Freedom Through Outsourcing Ep33 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 36:06

“It's like hitting a brick wall at 180 miles per hour, You know” That's what Chris Ducker shared with a small group of us that were out for beignets and coffee. It was shocking to hear the author of Virtual Freedom share that story.  It was eye opening to hear how even a successful entrepreneur could get caught up with “superhero syndrome” Click here to Tweet This “If you want to build your business you have to run it you can't be stuck inside it” via @ChrisDucker & @rosspr You know trying to do everything in your business even the things that aren't part of your skillset.  Chris really digs into that in our conversation. In this interview we talk about: * How to overcome Superhero syndrome. * What it takes to build a successful team and a successful company culture. * Why letting go is one of the best things you can do for your business * How writing out your goals is key to your success.   Links Mentioned in the Episode: Virtual Staff Finder – Location 63 – Co-Working Space  Entreprenure on Fire –      [ez_box title=”Help Us Spread the Word” color=”grey”] If you enjoyed this episode of the Social Strategy podcast, please head over to iTunes, leave a rating, write a review and subscribe. And if you listen on Stitcher, please click here to rate and review this show [/ez_box] Don't know how to leave a review watch this video: How to leave a review on iTunes or Stitcher Featured Artist: Singleton Singleton was so generous to give me permission to use their music on this podcast so make sure to check them out. Also like them on Facebook: Like Singleton on Facebook

 Down the Rabbit Hole of Doubt Ep32 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

You're rocking it and just had that thing you've been waiting for happen but then all of a sudden you get this feeling like you are just not ready. Ever had that happen?  That's doubt and it usually comes in right when things are about to start going good for us. I think this feeling hits us to keep us safe from taking on too much.  If doubt had a cousin I would say her name would be fear.  Both try to keep you from reaching past your current self and achieving more in business and in life. At times the people we're surrounded with may also help you go further down that rabbit hole of doubt where you don't just consider and reconsider your choices and that next big hurdle you're about to climb they may recall other past attempts of failures that add even more negative feelings that feed doubt even more pushing you down even deeper. This is how you fight doubt and inch by inch climb out of that rabbit hole.  First you start with knowing your value and stating it out loud.  Nothing feels better than a little self recognition and affirmation. I know that may sound a little foo foo for some of you but thats just doubt telling you that you don't need do stuff like that. The next thing would be to understand and either tell yourself again out loud that you've given your time, paid your dues and this is your time to have success in your life. It's powerful to think it but it has even more power to state it. So try this the next time you're feeling doubtful about a recent win or when you start wondering why did you start that project, make that call or get into that business.  I think you will find the things I mentioned will help you push past those fears and achieve success.  

 Breaking Out Of The Confines of Fear Ep 31 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Fear grabs you and won't let go. This happens most often when you're starting something new.  Wouldn't you agree? There are plenty of people that will tell you to push past the fear, be fearless!  Soldier on!  Well you won't get that from me.  In my experience I embrace my fear to keep in in check. Stay with me on this.  So you have this feeling and it starts in the pit of your stomach.  It's like that time you had to get on stage for the first time, or talk about something that was uncomfortable or you just miss hitting another car in traffic.  Yes that feeling!  Do you feel it? Fear was designed to keep us alive and keep us aware.  Without fear we wouldn't know when danger was close.  Embrace the feeling and allow it to become your barometer so you know that what you are about to do is worthwhile and that's you're doing something that takes you outside of your comfort zone. Breaking free of the confines of fear mean that embracing that fear and despite your feelings that tell you that you're not ready or that you're not good enough you take that next step, open that door or speak into that mic and communicate your greatness. Tune in every Monday for an episode of Mindset Monday. Here's a bit of of bonus for you.  Life happens and you can't always get the things done that you need to get done when you want to do them.  That happened with very episode.  i record these normally on Sunday but this week that didn't happen.  It's ok though because you are still going to have the show and hopefully my message today helps you with your Tuesday! I do have to say I was a bit afraid to put this out late but better you have it than not so I acknowledged my fear and took action. The Ben Howard song I mentioned in the show  

 A Year of Greatness with Patrice Washington Ep30 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 57:43

                            Today is a very special occasion as The Social Strategy Podcast is having our first repeat guest ever! No other guest would be more fitting of this title other than my good friend, Patrice C. Washington, whose credentials include nationally recognized featured columnist, television commentator, #1 bestselling author, speaker and leading authority on personal finance known as the “Money Maven” and entrepreneurship. Patrice is also the finance voice of the Steve Harvey Morning Show with between an 8 to 10 million listener audience and was recently named editor at large for Black Enterprise online. She has been featured by national brands such as NBC, The Huffington Post, Upscale Magazine…the list goes on. In this episode we talk about: * Her current endeavors including her upcoming international speaking engagement in the Middle East ( Podcast Exclusive She hasn't announced this anywhere! ) and how she spoke it into existence. Major 3 City Tour! * An insightful discussion about the power of words and the possibilities it can bring and what hard work and sacrifice (not luck) can bring you. * How she established and nurtured relationships with the Huffington Post and Black Enterprise without being pushy (sleazy) and all the opportunities networking had brought her way, * All about her amazing experience in having Lisa Nichols as her coach, why investing in yourself can be a total game changer, and the impactful changes that Lisa introduced in her personal life and career including changing her language and giving her a blueprint for business. * How being transparent about her story and being open to sharing her truth became the changer in her business and help to skyrocket her success. * Details about her upcoming The Power of Success tour with heavy-hitters who she admires: Tony Robbins, Steve Harvey, Lisa Nichols and John C. Maxwell. * The brief but significant interaction she had in meeting Oprah and how it changed her view of excellence and service in an organization.   Tweet This “Don't use people for what they have, if you want to share something, do it genuinely” via @SeekWisdomPCW Listen Here: Also Patrice shares her tips for speakers, authors and coaches on how to land speaking opportunities: * Make sure that you open and available for speaking opportunities via social media, * Emphasize that you are not just a writer, but also a speaker * The correct approach and appropriate subject lines to use in making follow up emails. * Why you have to keep trying and approaching opportunities until you get them. * Take immediate radical action when you see an opportunity. There's so much value in this episode I'm sure you're going to love it! Connect with Patrice: * Real Money Answers – * Book the Money Maven – * Facebook – * Twitter – * YouTube – 

 Mindset Monday The Power of Now Ep01 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 5:36

                  What can you do right now in this minute to change your direction? Have you ever said to yourself that one day I would like to be whatever “Fill in the blank _____________ You have something you want to become in this lifetime.  Do you know that right now in this moment you have the ability to become that?  It’s just a matter of shifting your mindset. Everyday you have 1440 opportunities to dedicate one minute of effort towards your ambitions.   So if you took the morning off to sleep in you don’t have to worry about that because you still have hundreds of opportunities to make something happen. Recognize the power in that, you are always choosing What will you choose to do right now in this moment? Yes this is new and every Monday I'll be doing a short from show on Mindset issues that face entrepreneurs and us all.  Each episode will be between 5 to 10 minutes long and and cover at least one topic.  Much of the topics that I cover in my upcoming group coaching program. So enjoy the new episode and let me know what you think in the comments and by leaving a rating and review.  

 Disrupting Podcast Movement with Evo Terra Ep28 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 42:03

                            Is podcasting a movement or not? I had to ask that very question of Evo after his keynote and I disagreed with him.  I thought absolutely podcasting is a movement!  So of course I searched for Evo afterwards to hash out this difference of opinion. After all there were 600 plus people attending a conference about podcasting!  Truly this has to be what disruption truly is about. Right? Would you like to understand disruption at it's core?  Are you or your podcast disrupting anything or challenging convention in any way?  In this podcast we dig a deep into this interesting subject and challenge you to consider what disruption to an industry truly means. Listen to the podcast and then let me know if you think podcasting is a movement. Resources Mentioned: * Chief Disruption Officer | Big Bounce * President | Evo's Website: Shout Outs! Ringr Well Kept Wallet Deacon Hayes Podcast Shout Out Shay Harms Cerrone Show Chris Cerrone & Laci Expoential You Nida Kasmi Solohour – Michael O'Neal Savvy Sexy Social – Amy Smit    [ez_box title=”Help Us Spread the Word” color=”grey”] If you enjoyed this episode of the Social Strategy podcast, please head over to iTunes, leave a rating, write a review and subscribe. And if you listen on Stitcher, please click here to rate and review this show [/ez_box] Don't know how to leave a review watch this video: How to leave a review on iTunes or Stitcher Featured Artist: Singleton Singleton was so generous to give me permission to use their music on this podcast so make sure to check them out. Also like them on Facebook: Like Singleton on Facebook

 5 Top LinkedIn Job Strategies Ep27 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 29:31

                    Five top strategies job seekers must use on LinkedIn. You may be asking or thinking that you've heard it all before about using blah,blah to do this or that on LinkedIn right? Well my friends that's not the case today!  I have a surprise for you and I think you're going to like it because on this podcast and in the video below you're going to hear how I use LinkedIn to gain trust, build friendships, secure new business and too many things to name. So What Makes My Advise Different? C'mon Vern, You may be saying to yourself.  “I know you're a little different in your approach but can you really be that much different than what I've heard before?  Well to put it bluntly YES!!  I'm pretty sure that no one is teaching about LinkedIn the way I do or who can produce results like I can. Here's what you're going to learn today: * A 2 Minute Tweak that will get you noticed above 30 percent more right now. * The focused action you can take to shorten the time you spend browsing through job after job. * One of the most effective ways to build relationships fast * The Mindset shift you have to make when looking for a job using LinkedIn And of course so much more! Check out the video below and leave your feedback.  If you're on the go just listen to the podcast and come back to the video later for the pretty pictures. Connect with me online: Get in touch with me quick using Twitter @rosspr Schedule some Time to Chat  [ez_box title=”Help Us Spread the Word” color=”grey”] If you enjoyed this episode of the Social Strategy podcast, please head over to iTunes, leave a rating, write a review and subscribe. And if you listen on Stitcher, please click here to rate and review this show [/ez_box] Don't know how to leave a review watch this video: How to leave a review on iTunes or Stitcher Featured Artist: Singleton Singleton was so generous to give me permission to use their music on this podcast so make sure to check them out. Also like them on Facebook: Like Singleton on Facebook

 Publishing Passion and Passive Income with Rachel Rofe Ep26 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 58:45

Have you ever had to ask for a day off from work? Of course you have.   How did it make you feel being an adult and having to ask someone else's permission to spend time with your family? I can tell you how it made Rachel Rofe feel.  It sucked and she never wanted to allow anyone from that point on to determine her future.   Rachel had dabbled on ebay in her spare time but found massive success through promoting an ebook she was promoting mostly via Craig's List.  Fast forward and she hasn't looked back since.   Rachel has published over 40 books (several best sellers) to date on Amazon Kindle, numerous digital products and even has a couple of physical products. Listen Now  Set Goals and Work Backwards Rachel's success is amazing and of course it's not typical but with hard work and planning she's built a multiple six figure income with the freedom to travel and live wherever she wants.   One of Rachel's secrets to success is starting with a big goal in mind then working backwards. Breaking each step down into smaller bite sized focused actions until she meets her goal. Listen Now Tweet This! “Taking action is true but, you need to take Focused Action to achieve your goals via @RachelRofe with @rosspr  Also learn: * Why achieving Best Seller status in Amazon isn't a big deal.  Rachel shares why. * How to set goals or what you want and follow through on them. * One thing you could do today to start earning a passive income. * Write a Book with out ever writing one word. * Learn how Amazon will tell you what your next book title should be, and if it's going to sell. Resources Mentioned: Create a great book outline – Just Retweet –  Transcription Services –  Remember Tell Tara you heard about her from Rachel Contact Rachel Rofe Online Tweet on Twitter – Tweet Rachel Rachel Rofe Online – Rachel Rofe Connect with Rachel –  Facebook Connect with Rachel –  Google +  [ez_box title=”Help Us Spread the Word” color=”grey”] If you enjoyed this episode of the Social Strategy podcast, please head over to iTunes, leave a rating, write a review and subscribe. And if you listen on Stitcher, please click here to rate and review this show [/ez_box] Don't know how to leave a review watch this video: How to leave a review on iTunes or Stitcher Featured Artist:

 Superfast Success with James Schramko Ep25 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 49:02

  James Schramko from Super Fast Business left a $300,000 a year job working for Mercedes to do affiliate marketing but only after he matched his salary.  His success in affiliate marketing was based on how he had attained success in sales at Mercedes Benz.  Selling is essential for any successful business and like it or not you have to learn the art of selling to have any real level of success. Often people say “I don't like sales” or it's too hard to sell things. James approached it from a different angle.   He decided to be helpful instead of just going for the biggest profit.  He educated his customers and did what was in the best interest of the customers first which is what sets him apart from your average “Sales Person”. Do what others aren't doing We touched on something really interesting that proves out some of the details I've noticed in my conversations with successful business owners like James.  They don't follow the crowd. In the podcast I asked James about the three video launch method and what he thought.  I think the answer will surprise you.  Listen Now I've noticed a pattern If you've been listening to the podcast for any length of time you're going to notice something about people like James.  There'a pattern and a method to how they go about life.   Do you want to know what their secret is?     Tweet This! “If you pursue your pain you're going to find the rewards, that's were most people won't go.” via @JamesSchramko with @rosspr  The secret is focused work and massive action Millionaires tend to work longer, smarter and more consistently than other people around them.  As I mentioned above they don't follow the crowd and do what others are doing and they make their own rules. Listen Now Also learn: * One of the best business models you can start today. * How to determine your effective hourly rate. It's Shocking jump to 35min in to Listen Now * The free tool you an use to determine where you're waisting time at online. * Why you should be consider letting go of activities that don't directly result in profit * Learn how James generated over $100,000 with his first 1k customers with no product of his own. (Hint this is the expert method I've mentioned before) * Why you need to own the racecourse – You make the rules when you own the course Resources Mentioned: Track what you're spending your time on – Rescue Time Daily dollar Activities – Listen to this episode to understand this concept. Contact James Online Twitter – Tweet James Jame's Website – SuperFastBusiness Connect with James on Facebook  Show Sponsor Duda Mobile is a sponsor to the show!  Click the Link Below to Check them out, but take note this deal only last until July 31st then it's gone!! Create a responsive website today at DudaMobile. Save $20 on an annual DudaOne subscription at DudaMobile with code ross20! [ez_box title=”Help Us Spread the Word” color=”grey”] If you enjoyed this episode of the Social Strategy podcast, please

 Eliminate Negative Self-Talk with Shauna Mackenzie Ep24 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 57:50

I don't deserve to be happy.   I can't think of one thing I like about myself. Have you ever said these things to yourself, or have you ever heard your friends say something like this?  You don't have to feel this way. If you have children you never want to hear negative self-talk like this which is how I came across my next guest.   I saw a new Twitter peep show up in my timeline and like always I check out who they are and what makes them interesting.  In looking at Shauna's timeline I noticed a tweet about a video about a movement aptly named Stop the Madness. Stop the Madness is a movement that's working toward putting an end and limiting negative self-talk.  What was so moving about the video was it was all little girls saying these things that were very out of character for little children but very moving because you understand these messages can get to them in the ways we see ourselves and let our children hear us speaking to others about the way we feel.  Powerful stuff! So with that I had to have my next guest Shauna Mackenzie on to share the story of how the video got created but also to share the details on how she but an amazing six figure business in impression management and image consulting.   Specifically we get into: * How Shauna realized what happens when you don't ask or recognize what your audience wants, and how to fix it. * Why even though she was successful she rebranded her company * When it's time to bring in a team to help you expand and grow your business * How raising your prices and niching down can double your business. * Eliminating the negative self-talk and how that can empower you. * The importance of building a flexible brand.   Tweet This! “Either you make it work or you don't, Not even a don't! You make it work!” @rosspr via @MsShaunaMack   It's all about the Pivot For so many of us we tend to repeat the same answers to our customers over an over again.  Shauna got burned out and decided to create her own information product.  She priced it at a reasonable amount and emailed her very small and targeted email list. Would you believe that even after a successful launch of her first product that her second product even though packed with valuable content that was growing her email list like crazy her second attempt at up leveling her product wasn't converting and was pretty much a horrible failure.  What's so great about this failure is that Shauna decided to not just give up but to pivot and really look at what her target audience was looking for. You're going to have to listen to the podcast to hear the rest of the details from this amazing entrepreneur. The Amazing Video We Talked About Personal Thoughts I hope you had a chance to watch the video because I think we have been presented with a great opportunity to affect change in the lives of our girls.  As a dad I can't tell you how many times I've seen the importance not give to girls sports in the school systems both public and private.  I've seen how the negative self-talk can really have an impact on us and on our girls.   I believe this movement can make a difference if you and I start making an effort to get the word out about it. Please share the video or this post with as many people as you can.  I really think that someone will see it and it could change the way they see themselves or plant the seed that they can do better and be bette...

 Referrals Are about Relationships Ep23 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 27:47

  What Is a Quality Referral? Back in the Vic Tanny days. Huh?  What's a Vic Tanny Vern?   Well kids it's a health club you may know as Bally's, yes that Bally's.  Well getting back to the story about quality referrals.  When I worked there as a personal trainer the way you made most of your money, that is if you wanted to actually make money was to get referrals from members of the club.   Getting referrals wasn't a bad practice but it was the way in which we got them and the shear fact that we were on a quota system to get as many as we could every day.  We would almost chase members down asking for the phone numbers and contact info of any friend or family member the would be willing to sell-out so we could try to get them in the club.  For every 20 or so people you talked to about one would join.  Did we make money?  Yes but did we build relationships?  No! and that's because there wasn't much quality in our process. There is a real difference between a good referral that's going to help you reach your business goals and a weak referral that's not. Referrals are all about quality, not quantity, and you want to grow to understand this qualitative difference in order to learn how to develop better referrals.  Referrals Are about Relationships I'm pretty sure you think the above is a true statement right? Yes.  It's very true and I'll tell you why.  As I was telling a great group of business owners I was speaking to about building communities from their customer base the same goes for referrals.   The foundation of a quality referral is the relationship you have with your customer. You both need to understand each other. A customer or client who doesn't understand you or your business isn't going to be able to fully represent it to others. This won't get you referrals. By the same token, they need to feel that they fully trust you and can stand by you. They're vouching for you and to some extent their referral affects their credibility with their network and 9 times out of 10 that network is their family or friends. Good Communication Since it's all about the referrer (Your client /customer) understanding your business, it's essential and I would go so far as to say vital that you communicate the details about your business to these potential referrers in a way they can easily repeat. Tell your referrers exactly what you're looking for in an ideal customer. I've found it helpful helpful to say something like, ‘I really need more people like you.' If they can understand why your business appeals to them personally, this can help them identify others who would be good prospects.  It's personal and you've planted the seed that they're the perfect customer or client.  You're playing to their ego and they will work much harder to prove you right.  You just created an advocate! What’s in it for Them WIIFT (What's in it for Them) is a great approach when you start working the referral angle.  Back in my retail electronic sales days that's what we called it.  You have to know and communicate to your customer the real benefit of helping you by referring business. Do they get money off a service or earn points towards a future purchase?  That's of course up to you but people really get into earning prizes and the gamification of gathering referrals for a business they can believe in.  Have you ever gone into a retain store or someplace like that and as you're checking out they as you to join some program and pay $20 or more?  They usually follow up with you can earn “blah blah blah” you get it.  They lost you at $20!   Why did they lose you? They never actually had your interest so you have no reason to even listen to them.  They asked before giving and before earning your trust.  Yes they have your money but that's not the goal.


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Rosspr says:

Since it's my podcast I would love to hear what you all think :-) I think it's pretty amazing!