The Self Indulgent Podcast show

The Self Indulgent Podcast

Summary: A show highly influenced by the golden age of radio. Listen every week for funny conversations, arguments, call ins, reoccurring bits, pranks, stunts and disgusting behavior. Some things you dont want to miss out on: Craigslist pranks, Trolling other Shows, The Salvia Challenge, Major Listener Involvement. Dont miss an episode

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  • Artist: Shaun Lewin
  • Copyright: Copyright © 2011 Shaun Lewin. All rights reserved.


 Ep 150 The Phases of Porn | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

No guest today everyone. Josh is very happy with how the Orange County Improv Fest went. The guys go through porn phases. Josh's daughter is having trouble in school. Eric Holerbach calls in to represent all the pot heads on 420 and talks about his new web series Damien Shadows thats on Funny or Die. According to Shaun and Josh's Sociology teachers in college, if you're white, you're automatically racist. Scotty Lew calls in talks about being called racist. The guys breakdown a Youtuber by the name of Danny Christ. Danny claims the Boston Marathon Bombers stole his plan B. Shaun and Josh argue about Green Day and Bob Dylan. To wrap up the show, Andy T's news! Man purchases Poodle and it ends up being Ferret on steroids Man gets impatient at drive thru then decides to threaten car in front of him with gun Josh is afraid of Danny Christ

 Ep 149 Randy!!!!! | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:41:24

James Stebick and Randy Hammonds sit in on today's show. Randy's having issues with his band lately. Shaun's upset that Randy hasn't practiced his massage therapy on him. The guys listen to a clip of Randy Skyping in 50 episodes ago where something was wrong with his audio settings and it sounded like he inhaled helium. James doesn't like being the leader of Cherry Spitz. James talks openly about how being the leader can sometimes end or change friendships and talks about friend Ify quitting the team recently. Everyone listens to some voicemails and some perverts have left some voicemails for Randy. A guy on Reddit takes credit for Shaun's craigslist bit. The guys take some Facebook questions. James defends his penis size. Shaun's ashamed of how he used to dress. The guys breakdown some youtube clips from a very angry guy named Steve Chevalier. To wrap up the show, Andy T's news! 19 year old steals trailer and blames zombies 21 year old man goes to dentist to get 3 teeth removed and ends up getting all of them removed (323) 617 3647

 Ep 148 Private Butt Butt | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Carl Entner guests on the show today. Shaun's water has been turned off and Josh is unable to shit up his bathroom. Carl talks about how much he disliked being on The Carl and Josh show. Carl says his life has been better since he quit the show. Carl and Josh argue back and forth. Josh thinks Carl is a contrarian. Carl thinks Josh is an asshole. Carl's girlfriend gave him a hilarious pet name. Josh and Carl argue some more. Carl thinks Josh rewrites history. Carl gets paranoid about Josh kicking him off his improv team. Josh thinks Carl doesn't like him. The guys take some Facebook questions. Shaun pulls pranks on people. Shaun hands out a Fuck You to two people on his improv team. Carl does a Woody Allen impression to his girlfriend right after sex. Carl shows us his Stitch impression. Carl applied to be a fireman and was ridiculed by the instructors during his physical test. To wrap up the show, Andy T's news. Guy pulled over for texting with two phones Guy threatens suicide on Facebook and then fights cops when they show up at his home (323) 617 3647

 Ep 147 The Boring Room | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Andrew "Rocky" Balboa joins us this episode. Josh has to go to an open house with his daughter and she drew a picture of his patchy beard. Shaun and Josh argue about their beards. Rocky talks openly about finding out he had testicular cancer and how he dealt with it. Rocky talks about having to masturbate in a doctors office to bank his sperm. Rocky shows the guys his one testicle and Josh is disgusted. Rocky and his girlfriend are trying not to have sex until marriage. Rocky talks about his new podcast, The Way I See It. The guys take some Facebook questions and Eric Hollerbach attacks Josh via FB question. Shaun plays some clips from Eric Hollerbach on his podcast (The Highway Diaries) attacking Josh. Andy T gets a compliment. The guys break down some audio from a wigger on youtube called Young Brisco. To wrap up the show, Andy T's news. Man gets caught smuggling 42,000 pounds of munster cheese Bangladore India using cardboard cut outs of cops to scare people

 Ep 146 Suing Panasonic | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:39:44

Manny Ortiz and Frank Estrada join us today.  Shaun let Josh borrow a video game and he couldn't play it because it was too scary. Josh had to leave Life of PI because it was too scary. Frank talks about comedy and what its like working in customer service. Frank talks about being married. Manny was on an episode of We the People with Gloria Allred. Manny discusses how he got into comedy. Manny has to go to anger management and had to stay in jail for 4 days. Listener Cassie left a voice mail and airs out some of Matt Appledoctors sexual preferences. The guys take some Facebook questions. Shaun tries to avoid an argument about Green Day. Super fan Dieckmann calls in and has some suggestions for stunts for the death pool. Shaun brings some clips of a guy named jaceykimmatra from Youtube. Jacey is pissed off. Shaun also brings an Eminem remaster about Mom's Spaghetti. To wrap up the show, Andy T's news! Dad that owes on child support posts pictures of himself with a lot of money on Facebook Woman banned from a dollar store comes back with kids and tries to pepper spray employees Guy stages mugging to impress girl he's on a date with (323) 617 3647

 Ep 145 Invasion of the Penis Snatchers | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:40:21

Matt Apodaca and Ify Nwadiwe from Candy Dinner sit in on the show today. Ify claims he started the the nickname Appledoctor but Shaun argues he didn't. Matt saw a little girl call the other little girl the N word. Ify and Matt have been called racial slurs before. Matt has become a man and got a girlfriend since last being on the show. Ify likes to film himself having sex so he can work on his form. Josh made awkward joke on stage recently. Ify hypothetically cuckolds Shaun. Ify likes to read the comments in Porn videos. Ify's girlfriend has walked in on him masturbating. Josh is jealous of Matt and Ify's friendship. Shaun tries to touch Josh's junk. Ify wants to dance with Matt's mom. Ify thinks California pizza is better than Chicago and New York. Ify explains his glasses in great detail. Everyone takes Facebook questions. Josh and Ify squash their beef. Erik Wargo has a suggestion the show's death/relationship pool. To wrap up the show Andy T's news. Penis snatching on the rise in Africa Woman suing McDonalds because son found used condom and ate it (323) 617 3647

 Ep 144 Arson & Sex | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:41:18

Alex Foster joins the show today. Shaun's annoyed at the beginning of the show. Josh is upset Shaun didn't get him water before the show started. Josh moved this past weekend and his wife offended people looking for day laborers. Alex asks if Shaun and Josh are getting a divorce. Andy T turned 28 this past week. Josh had an interesting experience at a strip club when he was 19.  Shaun has super low expectations of most minimum wage workers. Alex has a temper and went off on a comic at an open mic and feels bad about it afterwards. Shaun gives out a Fuck you to a Newport Beach Police Department. Alex looks like a little kid in Home Depot. The guys take some Facebook questions. Everyone hates PETA. Alex can't stand Eric Hollerbach. Austin Floyd leaves a voicemail about the Death Pool. Andy T gives his picks for the death/relationship pool. To wrap up show Andy T's News! Kid suspended from school for carving a pastry into the shape of a gun Couple has dispute on beach which ends with arson and sex

 Ep 143 Ballsack A-Bomb | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

No guest today.  The show is starting to us a multi cam system and Andy T is running the tech. Andy's not really excited for his birthday but Josh and Shaun hope he gets a Bday BJ for all his hard work. Josh is really concerned with how he looks on camera. Josh's wife tried to have sex with him while at his place of business. Shaun's girlfriend listened to the show recently and wasn't happy about some of the things he admitted to. The guys take some Facebook questions. Shaun shows Josh his balls. Josh and Shaun argue about Green Day and Bob Dylan. Both guys feel they need to have the final word in the argument. James Stebick sent in a drawing of his penis to dispute the recent allegations. Josh attacks Eric Hollerbach. After the break, the guys have a death/divorce pool which will end with a wheel of stunts for the loser. To wrap up the show, Shaun talks about his new job and a guy from his old job is trying to get him involved in multi level marketing. (323) 617 3647

 Ep 142 When Two Become One | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:33:10

Amber Kellog joins us today.  Everyone talks about hecklers and people getting in fights at comedy show.  Amber talks about pregnant emotions, pregnant sex and almost dying while giving birth. Josh cried over Dr Drew.  Shaun once stumbled across a friend's dad's pee porn.  Amber has a history of ex boyfriends staring at her through her window after they break up. Amber's been craving mustard. Josh's ex-husband left a voice mail.  Everyone takes some Facebook questions. Friend of the show, James Stebick's penis size becomes a topic of discussion. Shaun's plumber is a conspiracy theorist. To wrap up the show, Andy T's news! Police station notifies mom of sons death via Facebook Man posted video of himself plowing snow on cars Guy shoots girlfriend in the butt on valentines day Steven Tyler claims he spent over 20 million on cocain (323) 617 3647

 Ep 141 Super Race | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:33:31

Cate Gary and Robert Tran sit in on the episode today.  Cate had 50 pizzas last night.  Robert finally lost his virginity and cried right after.  Cate and Robert insult each other's comedy during sex. Cate thinks half asian people are a super race. Cate thinks all men want a finger up their ass. Shaun has brought clips of Keith Carey making fun of Robert Tran. Robert lays into Keith. Josh's wife Kristie calls in and confirms some of the stories that Josh has been telling. Everyone else thinks Josh threatened her into it. Kristie's disappointed by Josh's marriage proposal. Kristie wants to film Josh's penis and put it on youtube. Robert had his worst experience on stage recently.  Cate talks about her worst set ever.  Some guys from craigslist have left some cuckolding messages. Everyone takes some Facebook questions and to wrap up the show, Andy T's news! Chubby Checker is suing a penis measuring app by the same name 73 year old man robbed bank because he felt more comfortable in prison Man breaks out of hospital steals 2 cars and 2 horses Follow Robert on Twitter @RobertTran04 Robert Stand Up: Brea Improv March 19th Follow Cate on Twitter @CateGary Irvine Improv March 2nd (323) 617 3647

 Ep 140 You’re a Lucky Man | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Evan Cassidy joins us this episode.  Evan's constantly sleep deprived but it hasn't stopped him from hitting the stage over 80 times this year.  Evan's kind of a hypochondriac and thinks something's wrong with his balls.  Josh bombed horribly at an open mic.  Evan talks about some crazy experiences doing stand up.  He once saw a blind man attack a comic.  Graham calls in and complains about Hollerbach's appearance last week.  The guys listen to voicemails from Hollerbach, a listener annoyed with Hollerbach and listener Serenity.  Shaun couldn't fall asleep last night and attempted to knock himself out by masturbating.  Shaun has brought some disgusting cuckolding clips and makes everyone sick to their stomach.  To wrap up the show, everyone takes some Facebook questions and Evan does some impressions of people on the show. See Evan at the Brea Improv Tuesday Feb 19th Follow Evan on twitter @McEvanMcCassidy (323) 617 3647

 EP 139 The Christmas Carol Treatment | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Eric Hollerbach sits in the guest chair today.  Eric is sick of the weather talk.  Eric attacks Josh for his bragging and brings "The Christmas Carol Treatment" to bring Josh down a notch.  Josh and Eric trade jabs back and forth.  Lauren left a voicemail of her free styling insults at Josh.  Eric keeps attacking Josh.  Eric brought a clip of Dieckmann and says he wants to extend the olive branch his way.  Eric talks about his new web series coming out.  Eric starts attacking Dieckmann.  Eric attacks Shaun for not having any medium shirts.  Eric thinks there's free energy machines in Area 51.  Shaun's grandma calls in and curses everyone out.  Shaun yells at Norton for critiquing the font on his Brea poster.  The guys take some Facebook questions.  Shaun resents animals and really wants to beat up a goose.  After the break, Eric has some theories about Fritz and attacks Dieckmann via rap battle.  Eric has some theories about Scientology.  To wrap up the show, Andy T's News!! Woman in airport caught with cocaine diaper Georgia Man suing State for not letting him have gay vanity plate

 Ep 138 I’m Fat | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:38:47

Graham Beightol sits in on the show today.  The show has a new theme song written by friend of the show Randy. The guys give love to friend of the show "Rocky" Balboa and Josh explains the Rocky curse.  Josh tells a story about a bum having a heart attack in front of his theatre. Everyone in California is spoiled when it comes to the weather.  Andy's wife leaves a message for Josh.  Graham is also annoyed by nerds that act like they know nothing about sports.  Shaun's room mate is disgusted by wrestling.  Andy T reads some Facebook questions.  The guys talk about the back room of video stores with the saloon doors.  Josh explains cuckolding and talks about when he hooked up with his girlfriends sister.  Josh cries at the Les Mis trailer.  Shaun and Josh are suspicious of Graham's trip to England.  Graham likes being called Graham cracker.  Graham and Shaun thought Josh clogged the toilet before the show.  Graham  loves Readers Digest.  Eric Hollerbach thinks Josh prepares his brags before the show.  After the break, everyone breaks down "The Clutch and Wiggle Experience" in the segment, "Your Podcast Sucks" and Shaun gets fired up.  To wrap up the show, Andy T's news! Naked carny does horrible things in family's home after being found on the roof. (323) 617 3647

 Ep 137 Two Things You Should Know About the Lewins | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:42:08

Dan Dorn guests on todays episode.  Shaun thinks Josh is bragging and doesn't believe him about his botched  circumcision.  The guys have horrible habits and discuss them extensively.  Scotty Lew calls in and shares his first masturbation method.  Dan talks about his dark sense of humor, losing his virginity to a dominatrix and getting $25,000 stolen from him by a girlfriend.  Lauren leaves a voicemail attacking Josh and he gets fired up.  Andy T reads some Facebook questions and wraps the show up with some news! (323) 617 3647

 Ep 136 Two Scoops of B Hole | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

James Stebick sits in the guest chair this episode.  Josh stunk up Shaun's bathroom AGAIN!  Andy T drank a lot the night before but feels fine.  Everyone hates hookah.  Josh once took 10 shots in one minute and just got really sweaty all night.  Josh and Shaun need a bigger penis in their porn.  Josh watches his friend's sex tape that ends horribly.  Shaun is still sending pictures of his balls to everyone.  The guys want some story in their porn.  The guys take a break to fix some technical difficulties.  After the break, its revealed that Shaun has a thing for black women.  The guys remember the old jingle, "Two Scoops of Butt Hole".  Josh has seen a hot midget.  The guys complain more about politics and the guys listen to a voice mail from Erik Wargo.  Someone left a voicemail for James and the guys listen to some dirty voicemails.  Shaun talks in his sleep and get perverted.  Josh told his wife he didn't love her while sleeping.  Andy T reads some Facebook questions and listener Lauren attacks Josh.  Josh talks about the possible future of The Carl and Josh show.  To wrap up the show, Andy T's news! Dad purchases Nintendo 3DS for son and ends up having porn on it. Drunk man duck taped to chair on plane. (323) 617 3647


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