Ep 149 Randy!!!!!

The Self Indulgent Podcast show

Summary: James Stebick and Randy Hammonds sit in on today's show. Randy's having issues with his band lately. Shaun's upset that Randy hasn't practiced his massage therapy on him. The guys listen to a clip of Randy Skyping in 50 episodes ago where something was wrong with his audio settings and it sounded like he inhaled helium. James doesn't like being the leader of Cherry Spitz. James talks openly about how being the leader can sometimes end or change friendships and talks about friend Ify quitting the team recently. Everyone listens to some voicemails and some perverts have left some voicemails for Randy. A guy on Reddit takes credit for Shaun's craigslist bit. The guys take some Facebook questions. James defends his penis size. Shaun's ashamed of how he used to dress. The guys breakdown some youtube clips from a very angry guy named Steve Chevalier. To wrap up the show, Andy T's news! 19 year old steals trailer and blames zombies 21 year old man goes to dentist to get 3 teeth removed and ends up getting all of them removed www.cherryspitz.com www.selfindulgentpodcast.com (323) 617 3647