Solartopia Green Power & Wellness Hour show

Solartopia Green Power & Wellness Hour

Summary: Harvey Wasserman embraces your views with a Solartopian vision of the people’s politics, ecology, holistic health and much more.

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  • Artist: Progressive Radio Network
  • Copyright: Copyright 2012 Progressive Radio Network. All rights reserved.


 Green Power and Wellness - 1/14/14 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

NO MORE WAR in Solartopia with the great DAVID SWANSON of WAR IS A LIE fame. David Harvey talk about the impending---but stoppable---war on Iran and the horrific disasters that range from Korea to Vietnam, central America, Iraq, Afghanistan and so much more. David reads one of his classic passages about the coming of World War I. For all who care about peace on Earth, this is a show to hear.

 Green Power And Wellness - 12/23/13 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

ELECTION THEFT and the MURDER OF MICHAEL CONNELL, plus potential GOP Presidential nominee John Kasich and FRACKING come to us with Dr. BOB FITRAKIS. Bob is editor and publisher of and my long-time co-author of a half-dozen books on election protection and much more. Hear all the latest from America's most crucial swing state on the current governor who would be president and the ever-murkier murder of the man who may have stolen the 2004 election, not to mention the radioactive glories of fracking and the end of food stamps for some 130,000 hungry Ohioans.

 Green Power And Wellness - 12/16/13 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Dr. Christopher Busby speaks of the radiation dangers from 3 Mile Island Chernobyl and Fukushima. Dr. Busby is one of the world's top experts on radiation and health. Yet his work is being attacked by a nuclear industry that does not want to hear the bad news. He explains the reason for the heightened death rate in California and the rest of the West Coast due to Fukushima. And much much more. If you are interested in the health effects of atomic power, don't miss this show.

 Green Power And Wellness - 12/09/13 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

DYING NUKE REACTORS ARE MORE EXPENSIVE THAT YOU THINK!!  Long-time activists DEB KATZ and SUSAN SHAPIRO discuss the amazing problems and expense involved with shutting down and decommissioning reactors like Vermont Yankee and Indian Point.  Getting the fuel rods out of the reactors and into their coffins is far more complicated than the industry wants to let on.  And that's just the start of it!

 Green Power And Wellness - 12/02/13 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

WIND POWER SUCCESS on Cape Cod and Martha's Vineyard as we talk nuts-and-bolts with happy turbine owners about their backyard machines. Chris Rawley & Ron Zweig in Falmouth describe their beloved "Dolly" which has been generating electricity for nearly five years. Mitchell Posin praises his two-year-old turbine as it towers over Chilmark's Allen Farm Sheep & Wool company, generating both juice and profits. And we explore the tribulations of two embattled Falmouth turbines as well as the Cape Wind Project, fully permitted and slated---despite Koch Brother opposition---to soon supply clean Solartopian green power throughout the region.

 Green Power And Wellness - 11/25/13 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Legendary activists MARGARET FLOWERS and KEVIN ZEESE talk with us about the endless crisis at Fukushima, including the on-going news blackout, criminal involvement in the labor force, and our petitions for a global takeover at the site. We then inspect the Trans-Pacific Partnership scam, with US negotiators trying to ram through a treaty that would gut democracy on both sides of our irradiated Pacific. This, too, can be stopped. Join these great Solartopians to find out how!

 Green Power And Wellness - 11/18/13 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

FUKUSHIMA and the fall of nuclear power with ARNIE GUNDERSEN and MICHAEL MARIOTTE fill this riveting hour as we get to the bottom of the Unit Four fuel pool. A long-time nuclear engineer, Arnie explains at much of the only reliable technical information about what's happening at Fukushima. Executive Director of the Nuclear Information & Resource Service since shortly after Chernobyl, Michael sorts through the realities of reactor operations and waste management at If you are at all concerned about our global future, don't miss this show.

 Green Power And Wellness - 11/11/13 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Media and nukes are our topic on a deep discussion with Rory O'Connor, as we fly from Fukushima to CNN and 3 Mile Island to CBS. Join this show to learn why the major media refuse to cover the health and safety aspects of nuclear power, and cannot face the catastrophe at Fukushima. Here, at least, you'll get the full story.

 Green Power And Wellness - 11/04/13 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Green Power And Wellness - 11/04/13

 Green Power And Wellness - 10/28/13 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

We go from FUKUSHIMA to FERMI to investigate the 1966 near-nuclear explosion in Monroe, Michigan, which almost forced the evacuation of Detroit. KEVIN KAMPS of BeyondNuclear fills us in about the on-going opposition to Fermi 3 and his two decades of superb campaigning for a nuke-free world.We then hear from DR. MURRAY SUSSER who has been treating LYME DISEASE, CHRONIC FATIGUE SYNDROM and other ailments with diet, chelation therapy, intravenous Vitamin C injections and other natural treatments. Based in West Hollywood, Dr. Susser's four decades-plus of medical practice have allowed him to produce some fascinating results with these devastating illnesses.

 Green Power And Wellness - 10/21/13 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

KEVIN ZEESE of MARIJUANA LEGALIZATION and the campaign against the TRANS-PACIFIC PARTNERSHIP joins us for a dense-packed hour of serious talk on Fukushima, cannabis and the perils of corporate-controlled trade agreements. Kevin's been a key activist since the early 1980s with NORML and, more recently, with the occupy movement and his excellent work on the TPP. A seasoned, impactful activist, Kevin is a true Solartopian. What he has to say is not to be missed.

 Green Power And Wellness - 10/14/13 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

FUKUSHIMA, OBAMACARE and the TPP trade agreement come to us from DR. MARGARET FLOWERS of Dr. Flowers has been at the center of the OCCUPY MOVEMENT and is now circulating a petition asking for a global takeover at Fukushima. An advocate of the single-payer health care system, Dr. Flowers helps lead the way for a sane, just, Solartopian future.

 Green Power And Wellness - 10/07/13 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

The truly great DR. HELEN CALDICOTT explains the killing power of radiation and the horrific dangers we face from the fallout at Fukushima, Chernobyl, Three Mile Island and your local nuclear plant. Speaking to us from Australia, Dr. Caldicott points out that radiation levels soared in Seattle after the Fukushima disaster, and that the health of 80% of the children downwind from Chernobyl has been compromised. Do not miss this critical discussion of what we all now face from the fallout of atomic energy, "peaceful" and otherwise.

 Green Power And Wellness - 09/23/13 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Green Power And Wellness - 09/23/13

 Green Power And Wellness - 09/16/13 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

The SUPERPOWER OF PEACE has stopped the war on Syria, at least for the time being. We celebrate this great victory with BOB FITRAKIS of and explore the world of difference the forces of peace have made over the decade since George W. Bush attacked Iraq. The truce may be temporary. But for now, let's celebrate!


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