Solartopia Green Power & Wellness Hour show

Solartopia Green Power & Wellness Hour

Summary: Harvey Wasserman embraces your views with a Solartopian vision of the people’s politics, ecology, holistic health and much more.

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  • Artist: Progressive Radio Network
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 Solartopia Green Power and Wellness Hour – 02.11.16 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:59:08

HOW DO WE PREVENT ANOTHER STRIP FLIP ELECTION THEFT IN 2016?We are joined by MIMI KENNEDY, BOB FITRAKIS ANGELA WATTERS to seek out ways to stop the White House and the rest of our government from again being stolen yet again by election fraud.The need to verify your own voter registration, to safeguard exit polling, to monitor electronic vote counts and much more are what we discuss here.  Mimi from Progressive Democrats of America, Bob from and Angels from Reader Support News fill a completely packed hour on this critical topic.We cannot afford the thefts of governorships in Wisconsin and Alabama to keep happening, or the thefts of the White House as in 2000 and 2004, and much more to continue to happen.Get to the core of it in this hour with these great experts.  We will continue to work on it as we fight our way to a truly democratic Solartopia the only way we can….with legitimate, reliable democratic elections…..

 Solartopia Green Power and Wellness Hour – 02.04.16 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:57:56

ELECTION THEFT IN IOWA, NEW HAMPSHIRE AND BEYOND?  We are concerned about the reported outcome of the Iowa caucuses and what that might mean for the general election.  With the great GREG PALAST and BOB FITRAKIS, and with READER SUPPORTED NEWS reporter SCOTT GALINDEZ we explore what really happened with the vote count there.We also ask the $64 trillion question:  CAN BERNIE WIN IN A “STRIP FLIP” ELECTRONIC SELECTION?  We look the impact of stripping the voter rolls and flipping the vote count from the 2000 and 2004 presidential thefts for George W. Bush, and see what the implications might be for 2016.  It’s not a pretty picture. 

 Solartopia Green Power and Wellness Hour – 01.28.16 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:59:01

NUKE WASTE IN WISCONSIN vs. SOLAR POWER IN CALIFORNIA:  We begin in Wisconsin with KEVIN KAMPS of BEYOND NUCLEAR who tells us that the absurdly corrupt legislature in Wisconsin is trying to repeal a 33-year ban on atomic reactor construction.  Of course, Wisconsin’s Kewaunee reactor just shut for economic reasons, and there’s zero chance new reactors will be built there without 100% taxpayer subsidies.  But Kevin’s excellent article on this is at and he tells us why stacking more nuke waste along the Great Lakes is patently insane.We then hear breaking news from PAUL KANGAS and the CALIFORNIA PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION which has just approved a 15 cent fixed rate for homeowners to collect on electricity pumped into the grid from the solar panels on their rooftops.  With thousands of Californians sending green power into the system we may soon see DIABLO CANYON and other nukes following Kewaunee into the nuke dump pile.  Paul explains how California now joins Maine in paying a firm, fixed rate for decentralized renewable production and paving the way to SOLARTOPIA!!!

 Solartopia Green Power and Wellness Hour – 08.11.15 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:58:52

TOWARD A NON-NUCLEAR NEW ENGLAND!To hear about SHUTTING NUKE POWER especially in New England we are joined by three great activists:  SHEILA PARKS, DIANE TURCO and DEB KATZ.All three have been fighting for years to close some of the world’s worst reactors.Deb is a founder of the CITIZENS’ AWARENESS NETWORK which has been at the core of the successful movement to shut Vermont Yankee.  As she points out, New England activists have won major victories not only at VY, but at Maine Yankee, Connecticut Yankee, Yankee Rowe, Seabrook 2, Millstone 1 and more.Diane is hard at work shutting the Pilgrim reactor, south of Boston, where devastating health issues have arisen.  Boston-based public health researcher RICHARD CLAPP was among the first to prove a clear connection between reactor radiation releases and rising cancer rates.Sheila has continued to work on the moral and ethical questions around nuclear power, the TPP and healthy food.  Her work in the Boston area includes organizing a speech in Waltham Friday, August 14 ( ).  See you there…and in a Solartopia New England!

 Solartopia Green Power and Wellness Hour – 08.04.15 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:58:45

California's DIABLO CANYON Nuclear Power Power Plant is surrounded by at least a dozen earthquake faults.  Legendary lead attorney JOHN GEESMAN of the ALLIANCE 4 NUCLEAR RESPONSIBILITY explains why it needs to shut as soon as possible, and how that might actually happen.Geesman is an extremely articulate, focused expert on Diablo whose in-depth knowledge and legal acumen have been significant underpinnings of the opposition for many years.In this full-hour interview he explains the origins of the now-infamous report by Dr. Michael Peck, a Nuclear Regulatory Commission safety expert, warning that the reactors cannot withstand a likely quake.  Nearly all the nearby fault lines have been discovered since the reactors were built.Geesman also explains critical water issues that could arise within state regulatory network that could lead to Diablo being shut.These two nukes could irradiate all of North America.  Don’t miss this core discussion about how we might turn them off.  NOW!!!

 Solartopia Green Power and Wellness Hour – WHY HILLARY CAN’T WIN—PART 3 – 07.28.15 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:59:46

For the third and final show of this series we're again joined by world-renown election protection expert BOB FITRAKIS to discuss what we can expect in the presidential and other elections of 2016.The answer is clear:  we can expect the unexpected.In particular, given the fact that the nation's electronic voting machines---and thus the ultimate vote count---are in the hands of the GOP, HILLARY CLINTON would need a VERY substantial majority to be able to claim the White House.The only visible way that could happen at this point would be for DONALD TRUMP to run as a third party candidate, siphoning off votes from the Republicans as did ROSS PEROT in 1992.  That was how BILL CLINTON got into the White House then, and it may be Hillary's only chance now.We also talk about how Ohio Governor JOHN KASICH illegitimately won election in 2010, and how the GOP stole the US Senate in 2014.This will all be part of Bob Harvey's upcoming WHY HILLARY CAN'T WIN.  Listen now, see it soon!!!

 Solartopia Green Power and Wellness Hour - WHY HILLARY CAN’T WIN—PART 2 - 07.21.15 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:57:38

World-renowned election protection expert BOB FITRAKIS joins us again from central Ohio to further explore the electronic challenges facing any non-Republican candidate for president and other office in 2016.  The safe assumption that Hillary Clinton will be the Democratic nominee makes it incumbent upon us all to explore how the election is likely to be stolen.  Our experience with mainstream Democrats like Ms. Clinton, Al Gore and John Kerry indicates that as in 2000 and 2004, they are likely to do nothing to expose the obvious manipulation and theft of our voting process.  So as members of the Green Party, Dr. Fitrakis and HarveyW discuss the various steps that could be taken to protect the process in 2016. Harvey was a plaintiff and Bob the lead attorney in the successful King-Lincoln-Bronzeville federal lawsuit that exposed much of what had been done to steal the 2004 election.  In this series we prepare for the next round of battle in an electoral system that is yet again on the brink of being bought, rigged, lynched and flipped.  

 Solartopia Green Power and Wellness Hour - WHY HILLARY CAN’T WIN - 07.14.15 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:59:24

World-renowned election protection expert BOB FITRAKIS joins us in Solartopia to analyze the history of election theft in the US and to explain why Hillary cannot get elected in 2016.The reason is simple: the electronic voting machines are rigged.This first of two shows outlines the rise of electronic voting and its intimate links to the Bush family, dating back to the 1988 election which Bush One stole first from Bob Dole, then from Mike Dukakis.We track the progress of electronic voting machines through the thefts of 2000 and 2004.If you believe in democracy and your blood doesn’t boil while listening to this, check your pulse.

 Solartopia Green Power and Wellness Hour - 07.07.15 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:56:59

ATOMIC POWER and the BIRTH OF GREENPEACE!KEVIN KAMPS joins us from BEYOND NUCLEAR to fill us in on the latest developments in the fight to shut the atomic reactor business.  With nuke owners begging legislatures in Illinois and Ohio for bailouts, and for help in dealing with radioactive waste, this “too cheap to meter” technology never looked more bankrupt.Then GREENPEACE co-founder REX WEYLER talks to us about stricken singer JONI MITCHELL.  And about the rise and current prosperity of one of the world’s great environmental organizations.  It’s always a joy to talk to these two great activists.  JOIN US!!!

 Solartopia Green Power and Wellness Hour - 06.10.15 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:55:20

PAUL KRASSNER, America's pioneer investigative satirist, takes us partway through his astonishing career.  We begin with a violin concerto alone on the stage of Carnegie Hall at age 6. Paul spins us through how he scratched an itchy leg with his other foot, drawing the laughs that would define his career.We meet him at MAD Magazine and carry through the founding of The Realist, American's first adult satirical periodical.   We meet Lennie Bruce, Allen Ginsberg, Abbie and Anita Hoffman, Jerry Rubin, Tom Hayden and a host of those who've shaped our nation.We also take an LSD trip on the witness stand of the Chicago 8 Conspiracy Trial, and much more.At 83, Paul is a national treasure.  Be sure to hear the beginnings of his amazing story, which we will continue at a later date….

 Solartopia Green Power And Wellness Hour - 05.26.15 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:58:26

OIL DISASTER IN SANTA BARBARA!!!EARTHQUAKE MELT-DOWN AT DIABLO NEXT?We talk with BECCA CLAASSEN and DR. JERRY BROWN of the World Business Academy in Santa Barbara about the latest catastrophe from King CONG (Coal, Oil, Nukes, Gas) as tens of thousands of gallons of oil spill onto pristine California beaches.For years the region's citizens fought off shore drilling there.  Now, exactly what they predicted has happened---a pipeline company has spewed its crude all over the beaches and into the ocean, killing marine life and harming our planet with still more poisons.Meanwhile, the company's owners go scott-free.At the same time new revelations about earthquake faults surrounding Diablo Canyon have upped the ante on those shaky reactors' license.  Amidst chaos and death, we grow ever closer to shutting that horrific power plant.Listen how from these two great activists, as we struggle to save the eco-systems without which we cannot survive.  

 Solartopia Green Power And Wellness Hour - 05.19.15 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:58:40

A NUKE-FREE SOUTH PACIFIC and the END TO ATOMIC POWER in California and elsewhere is the domain of JIM HEDDLE and MARY BETH BRANGAN of the Ecological Options Network of Bolinas, California ( Beth and Jim tell us first of their award-winning documentary on the resistance of the people of Palau against the incursion of the US nuclear military into their South Sea paradise.  For their troubles, EON was blacklisted by the Reagan Administration but has persevered over the years and is now at the forefront of documenting the fight to end atomic energy in California and make it a Solartopian reality.EON continues to document the fight to deal with the radioactive waste from the thankfully shut San Onofre reactors, and to force Diablo to obey the law on issues of water quality, seismic safety and fire protection ( their brilliant insights and rich history, Jim and Mary Beth's EON operation both documents and makes history (, and we're honored to hear them tell us how.  

 Solartopia Green Power And Wellness Hour - 05.12.15 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:58:04

Yet another EXPLOSION AT INDIAN POINT has threatened the entire New York/New England region with a RADIOACTIVE APOCALYPSE.Another transformer has yet again blown up at Entergy’s rogue reactors on the Hudson River some 40 miles north of Manhattan.More than $8 TRILLION worth of damage could have followed along with more HUMAN DEATH AND INJURY than could ever be calculated.Long-time expert activists SUSAN HITO SHAPIRO, GARY SHAW and JUDY ALLEN give us a Solartopian hour’s worth of absolutely essential information on this catastrophe that nearly happened but still lurks in the balance at these unlicensed, unmanageable and unconscionable atomic reactors that YOU can help shut down RIGHT NOW!!!!

 Solartopia Green Power and Wellness Hour - 02.03.15 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:58:57

DON'T FRACK/NUKE OUR EARTH!!! Our Solartopian airwaves light up with DAVID BRAUN and LINDA SEELEY, long-time veterans of the No Nukes and Anti-Fracking movements.David has helped organize the successful campaign that's banned fracking in New York while Linda has worked with the Mothers for Peace of San Luis Obispo that's helped rid California of all its nuke power reactors with just the two at Diablo Canyon lingering on, now under increasingly powerful grassroots attack.Together they explore the spirit and politics of WINNING an EARTH that is FREE OF FOSSIL/NUKE DESTRUCTION, a Solartopia where our children and theirs can survive and thrive.And together we proclaim an upcoming conference, and the joys of a combined movement powerful enough to get us to Solartopia.  Don't miss this beautiful, inspiring green-powered ode to our Mother Earth!. 

 Solartopia Green Power And Wellness Hour - 01.20.15 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:56:58

SHUTTING DIABLO CANYON will be the focus of a major conference in San Luis Obispo this coming weekend.  We're joined by LINDA SEELEY, JIM HEDDLE MARY BETH BRANGAN who are at its core to talk about how we finally close two reactors that could irradiate the entire nation.The conference details are posted at  We discuss in this radio session the key issues of earthquake vulnerability, economic obsolescence, the need for cooling towers and much much more, leading up to what we hope will be a successful grass roots campaign that will rid our Earth once and for all of these dangerous and deteriorating reactors.Join us on the radio to get briefed, and then in the campaign in California or wherever else your nearest nuke might be.  The clock is ticking on all these reactors and the time to shut them is now.


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