Hebrew Nation Online show

Hebrew Nation Online

Summary: This is the podcast version of the Hebraic roots radio show that is on the 1220 KPJC-AM radio station located in Salem, Oregon

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 Daily Audio Torah ~ Week of Aug 30, 2021 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 50:00

Audio reading: Deut 31:1-10, Job 40: 1-42:17, 2 Cor 5:11-21, Psalm 45:1-17, Prov 22:14 Audio reading: Deut 31:11-20, Ecc 1:1-3:22, 2 Cor 6:1-13, Psalm 46:1-11, Prov 22:15 I invite you in to Jacob’s tent where we dive in to the Word of God. Join me in this Journey through the entire bible in one year focusing on the biblical calendar, the feasts and the Torah reading cycle. In Matthew 4:4, Yeshua said these words: “Man shall not live by bread alone but by every word that proceeds out of the mouth of God.” Taking in the word of God every day is LIFE to our spirit and health to our bones! Visit us at our website: https//www.dailyaudiotorah.com

 DR HOLLISA ALEWINE – SHIR HASHIRIM Lesson 42: The Daughters Of Jerusalem | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 55:19

In this teaching Dr Hollisa Alewine covers a question concerning Proverbs 31, verses 16 and 18 in a pre-recorded lesson and study of Song of Songs. This is lesson 42.

 Mark Call – Parsha “Ki Tavo” teaching from Shabbat Shalom Mesa | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 2:23:47

Join Mark Call of Shabbat Shalom Mesa fellowship for parsha Ki Tavo, Deuteronomy/Debarim 26:1 - 29:8. The parsha begins with a description of the offering of Bikkurim, or "First Fruits," and continues with specific curses for things done in secret, culminating with the second of two powerful statements in the Torah of the "blessings and cursings." And there is a notable symmetry to blessings, and the first of the cursings, which are essentially mirror images. But that is where the pattern appears to end, because the curses for rebellion to Him then continue, and go on, and on, and on. Which may explain why there is a decided tendency in 'xtianity' to pretend they were "done away with" anyway, Here is the Erev Shabbat overview of the entire portion: https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/hebrewnation/wp-content/uploads/2021/08/28190858/SSM-8-27-21-Ki-Tavo-teaching-podcast-xx.mp3 There is another interesting aspect to the presentation of both blessings and cursings in the Bible as well. Perhaps the most famous outline of blessings in the Book comes from the very first recorded public address by the Messiah, generally known as the 'Sermon on the Mount," from Matthew chapter 5, which begins with what are often called the "Beatitudes." In the Sabbath Day teaching, Mark points out that, just as is the pattern in Scripture that the blessings come first, Yahushua begins His ministry the same way, outlining blessings. The curses, as He repeatedly outlines, are for explicit failure to 'not serve Yahuah with joy..." ...almost like they have to be EARNED. And can there be any doubt, by now, that they HAVE been? Ki Tavo: "Selected Curses" https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/hebrewnation/wp-content/uploads/2021/08/28211358/WT-CooH-8-28-21-Ki-Tavo-Selected-Curses-podcast-xx.mp3 The combined two-part podcast is here:

 Calming Harp Episode #34 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 28:00

In this episode, we share the last track from our Shalom Power Clip album. Shirley is reading scriptures that assure us of our Heavenly Father's healing touch in our lives. The music of the Psalms is closely associated with the healing because the music has healing qualities as well. Since David and the psalm authors have brought us this healing music included in the words of the Psalms, we can see that part of the inspiration from Abba is that He uses the music as one of the ways that bring us His healing in our lives. We pray that as you listen to this music and scripture, you will be encouraged and made whole. Blessings Produced by – Steve Rees – Harpist If you like what you hear please subscribe: www.youtube.com/peregrinnatti To find us on Social Media: Facebook https://www.facebook.com/peregrinnatti Calming Harp Page: https://www.facebook.com/Calming-Harp… If you would like to write a testimony of how this music has helped you email me at: steve@calmingharp.com To purchase CDs and MP3s go to our website: https://calmingharp.com/ To donate to the ministry of the Calming Harp: https://calmingharp.com/marketplace Steve Rees has been producing Harp Music from the Psalms of David for the past 20 years. He has discovered a connection between the Hebrew text of the Psalms and music notes that develop into chord progressions that form the basis for musical compositions that have been appreciated by thousands of followers. We invite you to join the many lives that have been positively affected by this wonderful music. #Harp #Peace #Music #Instrumental #Heavenly #Heaven #Psalms #David #Calming #Health #Sleep #Healing #528Hz #Frequency #

 Defining Biblical Love – PART 22 Works of the Aleph Tav | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 49:51

On this Episode 86 of Real Israel Talk Radio and Defining Biblical Love Part 22, let us continue with the series of statements that Paul makes  in 1 Corinthians 13 verse 7 saying that Biblical Love "believes all things."   Today, we'll take a closer look into the Hebrew letters giving us the word "et." These two letters in Hebrew will show us THE TRUTH of John 5:37-38 as this is linked to Hebrews 4:1-3, Exodus 15:11, Isaiah 9:6, and Hosea 5:11.  On this podcast, we will learn that reading scripture is no guarantee for salvation and deliverance. Rather, it is scripture that points us to the Savior who is found in the expression and meaning of the Aleph Tav (Greek: the Alpha and the Omega). Scripture shows us that it was the Aleph Tav who did his works of wonders (Hebrew: "payleh" - Pey, Lamed, Aleph in Isaiah 9:6) in the midst of the wilderness wanderings of the Hebrew nation after being rescued from their Egyptian bonds of slavery. In rejecting this Aleph Tav (Greek: Alpha and Omega), the Hebrew nation found itself merely hearing THE WORD but not doing THE WORD (see Ya'acov or James 1:22-25). This came to be the basis for a brief theological treatment as recorded for us in Hebrews 4:1-3, the very same message that Yeshua himself spoke about in John 5:39. All of this background gives us the packaging for Paul's lesson on biblical love in 1 Corinthians 13:7 that Love is All-Believing." We'll have a look at all this and so much more on today's episode of Defining Biblical Love and the Works of the Aleph Tav.

 Mark Call – Daily News Update Friday | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 49:47

News, insight, and commentary, surrounding the most important, infuriating, and, again, certainly very revealing -- events in the week ending Saturday, 28 August, 2021. The greatest military and diplomatic disaster in US history continued to get worse, as should have been expected. Which removes any remaining doubt about mere senile incompetence, or even gross criminal negligence. AmeriKa has been sabotaged from within. No remaining doubt about it.

 Drive Time Friday | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 50:06

David Justice returns to Drive Time Friday to join Mark Call in what turns out to be quite a rousing discussion of just how "in your face" the treason masquerading as terminal incompetence has really gotten. If there's any disagreement, though, it's about just how clear we need to be about the solution.

 “Come out of her, My people” Show ~ Mark Call weekly | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 49:46

This week, Mark has a special interview with long-time friend, Torah teacher, and retired US Army Colonel Jon Behrens, now the pastor of Restoration Messianic Fellowship, in Longmont, Colorado. Jon brings a perspective based not only a great background in understanding and teaching Scripture to the table, but a special understanding of the military and the current level of what he correctly characterizes as "Stupidity on Steroids" to suggest that, in spite of the attempt to sow strife, deconstruct an entire economy, diminish America's status in the eyes of the world, and perhaps even foment civil war, there is significant cause for OPTIMISM. Jon's teachings and information is available at https://crimsonthread.com

 Living Torah | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 50:31

“When you come into The Land” Those are words that bring forth so much emotion. One day we will enter. What will we be bringing with us. The days of “dress rehearsal” are upon us. Let’s do a good job prior to the real event. Joinedtohashem.org

 Mark Call – Daily News Update Thursday | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 24:53

News and commentary for Thursday, 26 August, 2021. Runaway inflation, broken supply chains, and the Beta test of the Mark of the Beast. It's all increasingly hard to deny.

 There Has To Be More~08-27-2021 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 25:00

The Study of the book of Ya'akov -Faith for living in today's world.

 There Has To Be More~08-25-2021 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 25:00

The Study of the Book of Ya'akov- Exhortations Concerning the Wanderer

 There Has To Be More~08-23-2021 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 25:00

The Study of Ya'akov (James) - Exhortation Concerning Pray

 Set History Straight – Why are the Churches under attack with Covid? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 43:18

Many believers are getting Covid.  Doesn’t the Heavenly Father promise us protection? Is not the timing significant also? What can we learn from the outbreak at this time?  

 KADOSH SHACHAH – HOLY WORSHIP – DO NOT BE DECEIVED (rebroadcast) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 25:26

We address the Corona virus and its impact on the body of messiah and the globe all over. During this Biblical new year it is fitting there is a plague that we wish to pass-over us. Examining a meeting that took place in October 2019 we will hear from the top private and government officials that met to discuss what to do during a possible pandemic, held at John Hopkins University and funded by the Bill Gates and Rockefeller foundations. The disease they chose as the case study is intreguing and raises questions when one watches enough of the netting apart from the highlights provided on this show. Is it possible we are being deceived as our MEssiah stated in his sermon on the mount. DO NOT BE DECEIVED for many will come in my name saying I AM THE MESSIAH. Pray, Unite as brethren and come to your own conclusions as Gods wisdom and discernment guides our hearts and minds during these uncertain times.     Podcast Streams Anchor https://anchor.fm/kadosh-shachah Castbox https://castbox.fm/vc/2208477 Apple https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/kadosh-shachah-holy-worship/id1472295079 Google Podcasts https://podcasts.google.com/?feed=aHR0cHM6Ly9hbmNob3IuZm0vcy9jODE0ODg0L3BvZGNhc3QvcnNz Spotify https://open.spotify.com/show/00nCHOB2eR8XberphEmIRi Pocket Casts https://pca.st/3o49 Breaker https://www.breaker.audio/kadosh-shachah-holy-worship Radio Public https://radiopublic.com/kadosh-shachah-holy-worship-6nVNky


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