Ada Bible Church Video Podcast (HD) show

Ada Bible Church Video Podcast (HD)

Summary: Weekly teachings by Ada Bible Church pastors. Additional resources are available at

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 Honest To God - Why Do You Hide? | File Type: video/x-m4v | Duration: Unknown

Speaker: Jeff Manion, Aaron Buer and John Dickson Scripture: Psalm 10:1-6 Pastor Aaron Buer discusses how to respond when we see things in the world that bother us. Through this conversation, we see that God offers a way through the frustration. We are challenged to tell God how we feel, tell him what we want and tell him that we trust him. Psalm 10:1-6

 Honest To God - Where Are You? | File Type: video/x-m4v | Duration: Unknown

Speaker: Jeff Manion, Aaron Buer and John Dickson Scripture: Psalm 42:9-11 Pastor Jeff Manion unpacks the internal undulations the songwriter experiences due to an external crisis. Through this conversation, we see four different responses that are honest and healthy. We are challenged to tell the truth, visit the past, talk to yourself and remember what we believe in our conversations with God. Psalm 42:9-11

 Honest To God - How Long? | File Type: video/x-m4v | Duration: Unknown

Speaker: Jeff Manion, Aaron Buer and John Dickson Scripture: Psalm 13:1-6 Senior Pastor Jeff Manion begins the series, Honest to God, exploring Psalm 13. Through this conversation, we see King David’s honest interaction with God. We are challenged to use the three invitations of lament-complain, ask and trust, to have our own honest conversations with God. Psalm 13:1-6

 The School of Contentment - Real Wealth | File Type: video/x-m4v | Duration: Unknown

Speaker: Jeff Manion and Aaron Buer Scripture: 1 Timothy 6:6-10 Pastor Aaron Buer wraps up our sermon series talking about how we can recalibrate how we view what we have, what we need and what we want with God’s help. He also gives us the formula for true wealth as we practice again and again what we learned in The School of Contentment. 1 Timothy 6:6-10

 The School of Contentment - Bags of Gold | File Type: video/x-m4v | Duration: Unknown

Speaker: Jeff Manion and Aaron Buer Scripture: Matthew 25:14-18 Pastor Aaron Buer discusses Jesus’ parable on investing. Through this conversation we see that everything we have is God’s and we are to invest it in what he is doing around the world. We are challenged to begin investing right away because there will come a day when we will give an account of how we’ve invested the things we have been given. Matthew 25:14-18

 The School of Contentment - Training the Heart | File Type: video/x-m4v | Duration: Unknown

Speaker: Jeff Manion and Aaron Buer Scripture: 1 Timothy 6:17-19 Pastor Jeff Manion discusses the challenge of wealth. Through this conversation, we see that wealth is not friend to faith. We are challenged to ask three questions to find our contentment in God instead of our possessions: Where is my hope? Where do I serve? How can I share? 1 Timothy 6:17-19

 The School of Contentment - The Competition | File Type: video/x-m4v | Duration: Unknown

Speaker: Jeff Manion and Aaron Buer Scripture: Deuteronomy 5:21; Hebrews 13:5 Pastor Jeff Manion discusses the main competition of contentment. Through this conversation, we see how the 10th commandment about coveting reveals the danger of comparison. We are challenged to find our contentment in God and his promise to take care of us, instead of in the counterfeit gods of the things we often covet. Deuteronomy 5:21; Hebrews 13:5

 A Fresh Start - A Fresh Start | File Type: video/x-m4v | Duration: Unknown

Speaker: Aaron Buer Scripture: Deuteronomy 6:4-12 Pastor Aaron Buer looks at God’s instructions to Israel on the edge of the Land of Promise. Through this conversation, we see that God has an important message for the Israelites and for us. We are challenged to love God with everything we’ve got by making him the center of our lives. Deuteronomy 6:4-12

 Christmas 2020 - Christmas 2020 | File Type: video/x-m4v | Duration: Unknown

Speaker: Jeff Manion Scripture: Luke 2:1-7 Christmas 2020. Pastor Jeff Manion helps us see the inconvenience surrounding the first Christmas. Through this conversation, we are encouraged that we are not alone, not matter what inconveniences we are experiencing. Luke 2:1-7

 The Company of Christ - Descending Into Greatness | File Type: video/x-m4v | Duration: Unknown

Speaker: Jeff Manion, Aaron Buer and John Dickson Scripture: Mark 10:32-52 Pastor Jeff Manion discusses Jesus’ definition of greatness. Through this conversation, we see that Jesus redefines greatness as humble service and lives it out with his death on the cross. We are challenged to pursue Jesus’ path to greatness, turning from the normal way of our culture. Mark 10:32-52

 The Company of Christ - The Radical Way | File Type: video/x-m4v | Duration: Unknown

Speaker: Jeff Manion, Aaron Buer and John Dickson Scripture: Mark 10:1-31 Senior Pastor Jeff Manion unpacks three implications of the cross-shaped life. Through this conversation, we see that the cross impacts marriages, status and identity. We are challenged to consider what is shaping us and what we are being shaped into. Mark 10:1-31

 The Company of Christ - The Way of the Cross | File Type: video/x-m4v | Duration: Unknown

Speaker: Jeff Manion, Aaron Buer and John Dickson Scripture: Mark 9:14-50 Senior Pastor Jeff Manion unpacks three discussions in Mark 9. Through this conversation, we see that Jesus exemplifies humility and sacrifice. We are challenged to shape our lives around the humility and sacrifice Jesus showed through his death on the cross. Mark 9:14-50

 The Company of Christ - The Messiah & Mission | File Type: video/x-m4v | Duration: Unknown

Speaker: Jeff Manion, Aaron Buer and John Dickson Scripture: Mark 8:27-9:8 Mark 8:27-9:8

 The Company of Christ - The Retest | File Type: video/x-m4v | Duration: Unknown

Speaker: Jeff Manion, Aaron Buer and John Dickson Scripture: Mark 7:31-8:26 Pastor Aaron Buer explores the disciples inability to see Jesus clearly. Through this conversation, we see the disciples are blind and deaf to who Jesus is. We are challenged to see Jesus clearly in our own lives. We are also encouraged that Jesus wasn’t done with the disciples and he isn’t done with us. Mark 8:1-26

 The Company of Christ - Matters of the Heart | File Type: video/x-m4v | Duration: Unknown

Speaker: Jeff Manion, Aaron Buer and John Dickson Scripture: Mark 7:14-15 Senior Pastor Jeff Manion looks at Jesus’ emphasis on the heart. Through this conversation, we see that it isn’t what’s on the outside that matters, but the condition of our heart. We’re challenged to have the faith of a woman who was on the outside compared to the disciples and religious leaders, but who’s faith led to her daughter being healed. Mark 7:14-15


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