Business of Architecture Podcast show

Business of Architecture Podcast

Summary: Warning architects! On this show you'll discover strategies, tips and secrets for running a fun, flexible and profitable architecture practice. Host Enoch Bartlett Sears AIA interviews successful architects and consultants as they share insights for creating a competitive, great (and profitable) architecture practice.

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  • Artist: Architect Enoch Sears: discover tips and secrets for a profitable and impactful architecture practice.
  • Copyright: Copyright Business of Architecture


 295: Risk Management for Architects with Mike Koger and Salvatore Verrastro | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 28:07

Today I speak with Mike Koger and Salvatore Verrastro about risk management for architects. Listen and let me know what you think. ► Subscribe to my YouTube Channel for updates: ******* For more free tools and resources for running a profitable, impactful and fulfilling practice, connect with me on: Facebook: Instagram: Website: Twitter: Podcast: iTunes: Android Podcast Feed: ******* Access the FREE Architecture Firm Profit Map video here: Download the FREE Architecture Firm Marketing Process Flowchart video here: Come to my next live, in-person event:

 Creating an Overachieving Culture in an Architecture Firm | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 07:57

ArchitectCEO Update: How do you create an overachieving culture in your architecture firm? Recently I and 1000 other people spent Saturday in 100+ F degree (38C) heat harvesting a grape vineyard to make raisins. My church owns an 80-acre grape vineyard in Madera, California. Every year local members of the church volunteer their time to harvest the grapes. The grapes are dried into raisins which are used as part of the church's humanitarian aid program. All the proceeds from the vineyard are used to help people who have fallen on hard times. So what could motivate entire families to spend a valuable Saturday in a hot, dusty vineyard with bugs and spiders crawling all over? That's what I discuss in today's ArchitectCEO update, and how this parable relates to creating an overachieving culture in your architecture firm. If you're looking to build your DREAM Practice, and want to figure out how to create an overachieving culture - that's exactly why I created the DREAM Practice Accelerator - to help firm owners like you create a practice built on consistency, freedom, fulfillment, and exceptional finances. If you'd like to learn more, a good place to start is my upcoming LIVE Architect Masterclass on "4 Keys to Put Your Architecture Firm on Autopilot So You Can Focus on Serving Raving Fan Clients ... Instead of Dealing with Chaos (Even If You Have a Small Team and No Free Time)". Register for this FREE live Architect Masterclass here: Let me know what you think. Carpe diem. Enoch

 Is Self-Promotion Unethical? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 04:56

Is self-promotion unethical? In today's ArchitectCEO update, we address this critical question and dive into some 'architect mindset.' Let me know what you think. If you're looking to build your DREAM Practice, and want to figure out how to promote in a way that aligns with your values and vision - that's exactly why I created the DREAM Practice Accelerator - to help firm owners like you create a practice built on consistency, freedom, fulfillment, and exceptional finances. If you'd like to learn more, a good place to start is my upcoming LIVE Architect Masterclass on "4 Keys to Put Your Architecture Firm on Autopilot So You Can Focus on Serving Raving Fan Clients ... Instead of Dealing with Chaos (Even If You Have a Small Team and No Free Time)". Register for this FREE live Architect Masterclass here: Carpe diem! Enoch

 The Extra Large Soda | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 03:27

Recently at a restaurant I bought a soda fountain for each of my kids - a special treat that doesn't happen very often. My daughter asked me a very interesting question - why would anyone buy an extra large soda when they can get free refills. Good question.

 294: Should Architects Podcast? Part 2 with Enoch Sears and Rion Willard | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 31:03

Once again, we’re joined by Rion Willard, the host of Business of Architecture UK, as we get right into the nitty-gritty of the interviewing process.   Some of us like to fancy ourselves great conversationalists but even professionals, in their excitement, sometimes forget the most important element of an interview: the guest.   For part 2, Rion and I discuss our interviewing techniques, making connections through stories and how developing your interviewing skills can help you have those powerful client conversations for your business.    ► Subscribe to my YouTube Channel for updates: ******* For more free tools and resources for running a profitable, impactful and fulfilling practice, connect with me on: Facebook: Instagram: Website: Twitter: Podcast: iTunes: Android Podcast Feed: ******* Access the FREE Architecture Firm Profit Map video here: Download the FREE Architecture Firm Marketing Process Flowchart video here: Come to my next live, in-person event:

 Building a Team Beyond Yourself (Burger Shack Lesson) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 05:10

ArchitectCEO Update: Lessons from the Burger Shack Recently we went out for dinner for my son's 12th birthday. He wanted to get burgers at Five Guys, a popular burger spot. As we were ordering, I noticed a number of certificates on the call above the cash register. In today's update, you'll discover one critical key for building a 'Class A' team. If you're looking to build a team so your business can grow beyond you, that's exactly why I created the DREAM Practice Accelerator - to help firm owners like you create a practice built on consistency, freedom, fulfillment, and exceptional finances. If you'd like to learn more, a good place to start is my upcoming LIVE Architect Masterclass on "4 Keys to Put Your Architecture Firm on Autopilot So You Can Focus on Serving Raving Fan Clients ... Instead of Dealing with Chaos (Even If You Have a Small Team and No Free Time)". Register for this FREE live Architect Masterclass here: Carpe diem! Enoch

 Hamburger and Spread | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 05:01

Recently I took my kids to the burger shack for my son's 12th birthday dinner. My wife was out of town and this was his special request. While there, I was reminded of an important lesson about getting what you want out of life. Helping you get what you want is why I created the DREAM Practice Accelerator - to help you build a practice built on consistency, freedom, fulfillment, and exceptional finances. If you'd like to learn more, a good place to start is my upcoming LIVE Architect Masterclass on "4 Keys to Put Your Architecture Firm on Autopilot So You Can Focus on Serving Raving Fan Clients ... Instead of Dealing with Chaos (Even If You Have a Small Team and No Free Time)". Register for this FREE live Architect Masterclass here: Carpe diem! Enoch

 293: Should Architects Podcast? Part 1 with Enoch Sears and Rion Willard | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 31:54

Today, I’m joined by Rion Willard, the host of Business of Architecture UK, as we look back on our experience in running our individual podcasts. Opening up and sharing your process to an audience can be quite daunting - the anxiety, the shaky first few steps, the very loud, very annoying, hesitant inner voice. What do you even talk about? Why? For part 1, we start off with how podcasting not only helps you in showcasing and refining your brand but how a change in perspective can shape how we think and run our businesses. We also get into some basics from figuring out which podcasting style works for you, equipment and some set-up tips to help you get started.   ► Subscribe to my YouTube Channel for updates: ******* For more free tools and resources for running a profitable, impactful and fulfilling practice, connect with me on: Facebook: Instagram: Website: Twitter: Podcast: iTunes: Android Podcast Feed: ******* Access the FREE Architecture Firm Profit Map video here: Download the FREE Architecture Firm Marketing Process Flowchart video here: Come to my next live, in-person event: Carpe Diem!

 Time to Listen, Time to Speak | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 06:21

ArchitectCEO Update: A Time to Speak, A Time to Listen Have you ever done or something really stupid that makes you cringe when you think on it? Back when I was a newly minted architect I did such a thing. Listen to today's episode to discover my dirty little secret. Many firm owners want to get to the next level in their practice, or set up their firm to transition. That's exactly why I created the DREAM Practice Accelerator - to help firm owners create a practice built on consistency, freedom, fulfillment, and exceptional finances. If you'd like to learn more, a good place to start is my upcoming LIVE Architect Masterclass on "4 Keys to Put Your Architecture Firm on Autopilot So You Can Focus on Serving Raving Fan Clients ... Instead of Dealing with Chaos (Even If You Have a Small Team and No Free Time)". Register for this FREE live Architect Masterclass here: Carpe diem! Enoch

 3 Keys for Client Acquisition (Parable of the Dog vs. Chipmunk) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 05:54

Last week while camping I saw a sheepdog stalking a chipmunk sitting on a log. The dog stared intently at the chipmunk while remaining perfectly still. Every so often, the dog would take one small step forward. The chipmunk remained frozen ... perhaps wondering what was happening. I didn't stay to watch the conclusion of the battle of the dog vs. chipmunk to see if the dog got her prize, but it made me think about the game of client acquisition in your architecture firm. Just like a dog stalking a chipmunk, there is a skill to positioning your firm to attract and win your ideal clients and projects. In today's ArchitectCEO Update, you'll discover three keys for client acquisition. Listen to today's episode and let me know what you think. Want a shortcut to finding and winning your ideal clients? That's exactly why I created the DREAM Practice Accelerator for architecture firm owners - to help firm owners create a practice built on consistency, freedom, fulfillment, and exceptional finances. If you'd like to learn more, a good place to start is my upcoming LIVE Architect Masterclass on "4 Keys to Put Your Architecture Firm on Autopilot So You Can Focus on Serving Raving Fan Clients ... Instead of Dealing with Chaos (Even If You Have a Small Team and No Free Time)". Register for this FREE live Architect Masterclass here: Carpe diem! Enoch

 Manufacture Lack of Competition and Dominate Your Market (Marshmallow Marketing Lesson) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 06:43

ArchitectCEO Update: Manufacture Lack of Competition and Dominate Your Market - the parable of Marshmallow Marketing. This past weekend we camped at Huntington Lake in the Sierra Nevada mountains - sailing and getting dirty. Upon arrival (a 2 1/2 hour drive), we discovered that we'd forgotten a critical camping item ... the marshmallows. The kids were in an uproar. Oh no! What to do? Fortunately, there's a general store at the lake where I found the beloved marshmallows. Because we were in the high Sierras, I paid USD 4 for a bag of marshmallows that would normally cost $2.50 at the local grocery store. That's a monopoly - the general store can charge what they want for marshmallows because there's no place else to get them. If I want to buy marshmallows, I need to spend $4. Did I feel ripped off? Nope - $4 is a small price to pay to entertain six children for an hour. This got me to thinking about how one of the keys to being in demand and charging higher prices is to create your virtual monopoly by manufacturing lack of competition. Watch today's video to discover three ways to manufacture lack of competition in your market. Want a shortcut to manufacturing lack of competition in your market? That's exactly why I created the DREAM Practice Accelerator for architecture firm owners - to help firm owners create a practice built on freedom, fulfillment, and exceptional finances. If you'd like to learn more, a good place to start is my upcoming LIVE Architect Masterclass on "4 Keys to Put Your Architecture Firm on Autopilot So You Can Focus on Serving Raving Fan Clients ... Instead of Dealing with Chaos (Even If You Have a Small Team and No Free Time)". Register for this FREE live Architect Masterclass here: Carpe diem. Enoch

 Are Referrals a Death Knell? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 05:38

ArchitectCEO Update: why referrals can be your firm's death knell. I know today's post will be controversial - you'll discover why depending on word-of-mouth alone can be a death knell for your architecture firm. To discover how to escape the referral / death knell cycle, register for my next FREE Architect Masterclass on the 4 keys to building your DREAM Practice: Enoch

 One Key to Winning Better Projects | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 07:55

ArchitectCEO Update: One Key to Winning Better Projects and Clients. Recently I went to the auto parts store buy some oil for my car. I walked through the store and was greeted by an entire wall of oil - expensive oil, cheap oil, brand name oil and no-name oil, high performance oil and well ... regular oil. This got me thinking about the foundational key I teach every architect who I work with. This ONE KEY forms the foundation of every successful pratice I've studied and worked with. To discover more about winning better projects and clients, register for my next FREE Live Architect Masterclass:

 One Critical Architect Sales Mistake | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 08:19

ArchitectCEO Update: One Critical Sales Mistake Architects Make Truth be told, we architects don't think of ourselves as 'selling.' That's a dirty word. Architects are artists, we create not sell ... right? Semantics aside, we're ALWAYS selling, as author Daniel Pink eloquently points out in his book, "To Sell is Human." In today's ArchitectCEO Update, you'll discover the parable of the Glass Shop, and one critical error that architects make in their sales process. To discover how to avoid this mistake, register for my next FREE Architect Masterclass on the three keys to creating your DREAM Practice: Enoch  

 One Critical Firm Owner Mistake | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 06:22

ArchitectCEO Daily Update: today's topic is ... One Critical Mistake Architecture Firm Owners Make (everyone makes this mistake - me too). The other day I got a package from Amazon, and I noticed something remarkable about the box. Listen to today's ArchitectCEO Update to discover the parable of the Amazon box. Discover how to prevent this mistakes from happening in YOUR firm by attending my next free LIVE Architect Masterclass - register here: Enoch


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