The New Message from God » Audio show

The New Message from God » Audio

Summary: for the protection and advancement of the Human Family

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 Destiny | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

right-click here to download As revealed to Marshall Vian Summers on April 12, 2011 in Boulder, Colorado The New Message is here to direct humanity and to preserve human civilization. It is the answer to innumerable prayers for the restoration of the individual and to bring greater cooperation, strength and creativity to the human family at its time of greatest need and travail. It is so great that people cannot fathom it, though they may think they understand. And yet it is so simple that people can use it today, in every situation, with every person they meet, in every set of circumstances. The New Message is to prepare humanity for living in a new world and to prepare humanity to engage with life beyond this world, an engagement that is part of your destiny and evolution. At this moment, humanity is unprepared for both of these great turning points—these great thresholds that will require greater strength, greater discernment and greater compassion from people everywhere. It is a tremendous calling for the individual to become wise and responsible, capable and perceptive. It is a gift for all peoples and nations. It is a gift for this time and the times to come. It answers questions you have not even yet learned to ask. It addresses problems that people are not yet aware of. It brings with it the wisdom of the Creator. It is sent through the Angelic Presence, who translates the Will of the Creator into words, ideas and application. The New Message provides its own commentary and practices. For it cannot be left up to people and individuals, even scholars and experts, to determine what it means and how it should be practiced. The New Message itself speaks of these things and clarifies these things so that very little is left up to human speculation and human interpretation. This is to minimize the potential for error that will always arise when people are dealing with something of this magnitude. Great care is being made to provide this teaching, application and commentary—said in many different ways, applied to different situations, expressed again and again so that its clarity may be apparent and so there will be minimal ambiguity associated with it. For the first time, a New Revelation is being given to a literate world, to a world of planetary communications, planetary commerce and for some people even planetary awareness. It is being given now in great depth and comprehensiveness so that it can bridge cultures, temperaments, nationalities and racial distinctions and so that it can be accessible and comprehensible to the individual, without having to rely upon great scholars or institutions to determine what it means, what it says and how the person should respond. The New Message calls upon the greater power of Knowledge within the individual to arise—a power beyond the realm and the reach of the intellect, a power that is incomprehensible and yet immediately part of your experience. For some, this will be very difficult to deal with. They look at everything in the world like it is a resource for their mind. But Knowledge is too great to be a resource for your mind. People who claim to be following Knowledge will be following their ideas. People who claim to be guided by Knowledge will be guided by their social conditioning or by their ambitions. And so for certain people this will be very difficult to comprehend. It is because of how they look at themselves and the world that this is the case. Not everyone will be able to apprehend the great truth at this time. But if enough people can, it gives great promise to the future, the safety and the freedom of humanity. The new world will be more perilous than the world you are accustomed to. And the Greater Community of life is far more complex and sophisticated. You will have to learn of it. You will have to learn Wisdom and Knowledge from the Greater Community. And that is something that only God can really teach you now.

 The Great Love | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

right-click here to download As revealed to Marshall Vian Summers on November 23, 2007 in Boulder, Colorado Around the world love is held to be in the highest esteem, as a pinnacle of human experience. Love is sung about in songs, written about in poetry. It is exalted in great literature. It is bandied about in normal conversation. People claim they are in love, that love is the ultimate, that all you need in the world is love and everything will work out just fine. But very few people understand what love really is. And very few people have experienced love at a deeper level—beyond fascination, beyond infatuation and attachment. Few people have experienced the real power and current of love. In addition, many people associate certain kinds of behaviors, beliefs and attitudes with love—gentleness, passivity are associated with love. Peace and harmony are associated with love. But really what is this deeper love, not a love that is simply a fixation, an infatuation or an attachment, but a deeper kind of love that is redemptive, that emanates from a deeper place within the individual. And beyond this, what is God’s love, the love of God? Is this merely an infatuation, a fixation or an attachment? Most people will say no, but they are unclear what the love of God really means and how this love is expressed and how it can be translated into the world effectively. So today we will speak on Love, the greater love that lives within each individual and the greater love of God, that is the sum of all love in the Universe, and is the source of all real love everywhere—in this world and in the Greater Community of worlds. And we shall speak about what God’s New Message for the world teaches about love, for there is a New Message from God in the world, and love is part of its message. It is necessary here to begin by saying what love is not. Love is not fascination. Love is not fixation. Love is not attachment. Love is not romance where you are infatuated or taken with someone else’s appearance or some aspect of their personality. It is not idolatry, where you idolize someone, you worship someone, even a Deity, even a Messenger, even God. But these do not represent a real relationship, a working relationship, a relationship of united wills. Love is not a behavior, an attitude, a mannerism. It is not etiquette. It is not convention. Love may express itself in many different ways—softly or forcibly. Love can appear meek. Love can appear strong. Love can challenge you. Love can criticize you. Love can expose your illusions, your fantasies and your self-deception. Love is not what people really mean when they talk about love, in nearly all circumstances. Love is a deeper power that moves people to do things that are different from their ideas, their beliefs and their sense of obligation. Love is something beyond the love you hear about in conversations. In fact, it is better to demonstrate love than to talk about it, for real love is demonstrated. It is what moves people to change their lives, to refocus their priorities, to associate with something deeper and more profound within themselves. It is something that has the power to override human ambition, human selfishness, human grievance and all partisan beliefs and attitudes, religious ideology. For love is not bound by these things. It is only restrained, held back or hidden by these things. But love moves on its own accord, being associated with the deeper Knowledge that God has placed within each person. For you see, you were born with two minds—a mind to think with and a mind to know. The mind that you think with is a product of all of your social conditioning. It is a product of being in the world. It is an accumulation of ideas, associations and patterns of thinking that you have been learning since the day you were born. Much of this is useful, and some of it is hazardous and dangerous to you. Certainly,

 Real Change | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

right-click here to download As revealed to Marshall Vian Summers on November 6, 2008 in Boulder, Colorado It is becoming evident to ever-increasing numbers of people that great change is needed if humanity is to meet the challenges of its time. Great change is needed in how governments function, in how people behave and respond. Great change is needed in many organizations and institutions to adapt to a changing set of circumstances in the world. For Great Waves of change are coming to the world, great environmental changes. You are facing a world of diminishing resources; a world whose climate has been affected, generating violent and unpredictable weather; a world where economic and political instability are increasing; and there is a growing risk of conflict and war over the remaining resources. Surely, you cannot just hold on to your preferred way of life, blind in the face of the Great Waves of change. Many people proclaim the need for change, but they want other people to change; they themselves do not want to really change. They want to hold on to their privileges and benefits and have more and lash out at anyone or anything they think will threaten their entitlements and their possessions. There is a clamoring for change, but who will change, and what will change? People who are wealthy want to keep their wealth and have more. People who are not wealthy want wealth, and they need many practical things. And then, of course, there are vast and ever-growing numbers of people in the world who cannot even meet the daily requirements of life. They need reliable and sufficient sources of food. They need political stability. They need security. They need ethical governance. The needs are immense and growing. But you must ask yourself: Who will have to change here? And while you may point the finger at certain people or institutions, if you are really honest in your questioning, you must come down to yourself. You must assess your real needs, the deeper needs within yourself, and contrast them with your preferences and your desires. If a need is genuine, it stands apart from what you simply want. There are primary needs, of course—the need for food, water, shelter, safety and security. There is the need for true companionship, a need to be engaged with other people in meaningful and productive ways. These are essential needs. They must be met, or you cannot function in the world. Then, of course, there is the need for a greater kind of relationship based upon what you are really here to accomplish. And that begins to move you into a higher level of needs—the need of the soul, the need to find the deeper Knowledge that God has placed within you to guide you, to protect you and to lead you to a greater life within the world. There are psychological needs for creativity and productivity, for recognition from others and for honest and productive communication. To meet these needs within yourself, you must change. You have basic fundamental needs, you have psychological needs, and then you have the needs of the soul. To meet these needs, you cannot be what your past has shaped you to be so far. You may want the world to change around you, and you may agitate for this, and perhaps your requests are genuine, but, fundamentally, you must change, or you cannot meet the needs of the body, the needs of the mind and the needs of the soul. You cannot simply demand that the world give you everything you think you want, for you do not even really know what you need beyond the basic requirements of life. People say they want relationship and marriage, but they are not ready. People say they want to know their true purpose in life, but they are not ready. People say they want meaningful work in the world, but they are not ready. They have not prepared for this. They cannot have these things being the way they are now; they are not ready. They have not prepared themselves.

 The Sacred Rendezvous | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

right-click here to download As revealed to Marshall Vian Summers on January 29, 2009 in Boulder, Colorado You are destined to meet certain people in life. You have a rendezvous with them. They will be guided to meet you as you are being gui...

 Being a Person of the New Message | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

right-click here to download As revealed to Marshall Vian Summers on September 7, 2009 in Boulder, Colorado The New Message is here to give humanity great promise and strength. The power of Knowledge that God has placed within each person is the great endowment, an endowment that is waiting to be discovered. Humanity has not yet discovered its greater powers, its greater strength, its greater integrity and its greater ethical foundation. It is still groveling, like a primitive race, driven by greed and avarice, hatred and condemnation. It is still primitive in what it prescribes and what it adheres to. But this does not deny the fact that humanity has greater strengths and greater powers that have yet to be discovered and developed. The Creator of all life has sent a New Message into the world to prepare humanity for the Great Waves of change that are coming to the world and to prepare humanity for its encounter with a universe full of intelligent life. But this preparation also requires that humanity recognize and cultivate its greater strengths and its greater integrity. But humanity cannot be taught or prepared all at once, for the instruction happens at the level of the individual, at the level of the person. To bring an individual into awareness of that individual’s greater strengths and greater powers and greater integrity is where the seeds will be planted and where humanity’s promise resides. Therefore, do not think of what all people should do, or you will always be disappointed and discouraged. Think instead of what is before you. Your societies and cultures may only want you to be a pacified consumer, a pacified worker, a member of the group, a subscriber to the culture’s values and priorities. But you have a greater promise in life, a greater promise that is assured because it is part of your deeper nature. In culture, your deeper nature is forgotten and overlooked and, in some cases, denied entirely. But you cannot deny your deeper nature forever, for it lives within you beyond the reach of culture, beyond the reach of corruption and beyond the reach of manipulation and deception. That is why it is your greater strength and holds for you your greatest abilities and indeed your greater purpose for coming into the world. What was reserved previously only for the elite, for the adept, must now become an open door for you and for other peoples of the world. For the world is facing its greatest trials, its greatest dangers. Humanity is unprepared for the Great Waves of change. Humanity is ignorant and foolish regarding its views and attitudes toward the prospect of intelligent life in the universe. So the promise of humanity is the promise of the individual, the awakening of the person. It is this that will give humanity a greater core strength and a greater possibility to exercise real wisdom in the face of such an unpredictable and uncertain future. For a person to respond to God’s Revelation, they must recognize at the outset that they cannot fulfill themselves given the usual habits, diversions and enjoyments that people around them are so deeply invested in. They must realize they have a greater need and a greater responsibility in life. This will be demonstrated at the outset by their suffering and their discouragement with the world around them as they gradually lose interest in the games and hobbies of people around them because they have a deeper need that is now emerging. If they have satisfied the needs of the body through food, clothing, shelter and security; if they have satisfied the needs of the mind through the availability of education and opportunity, then the greater need will begin to arise within them. This is the need of the soul, which can only be fulfilled by recognizing, accepting and fulfilling your greater purpose for coming here—which is something that resides entirely beyond the realm and the reach of the intellect. You cannot figure it out,


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