The New Message from God » Audio show

Summary: right-click here to download As revealed to Marshall Vian Summers on November 6, 2008 in Boulder, Colorado It is becoming evident to ever-increasing numbers of people that great change is needed if humanity is to meet the challenges of its time. Great change is needed in how governments function, in how people behave and respond. Great change is needed in many organizations and institutions to adapt to a changing set of circumstances in the world. For Great Waves of change are coming to the world, great environmental changes. You are facing a world of diminishing resources; a world whose climate has been affected, generating violent and unpredictable weather; a world where economic and political instability are increasing; and there is a growing risk of conflict and war over the remaining resources. Surely, you cannot just hold on to your preferred way of life, blind in the face of the Great Waves of change. Many people proclaim the need for change, but they want other people to change; they themselves do not want to really change. They want to hold on to their privileges and benefits and have more and lash out at anyone or anything they think will threaten their entitlements and their possessions. There is a clamoring for change, but who will change, and what will change? People who are wealthy want to keep their wealth and have more. People who are not wealthy want wealth, and they need many practical things. And then, of course, there are vast and ever-growing numbers of people in the world who cannot even meet the daily requirements of life. They need reliable and sufficient sources of food. They need political stability. They need security. They need ethical governance. The needs are immense and growing. But you must ask yourself: Who will have to change here? And while you may point the finger at certain people or institutions, if you are really honest in your questioning, you must come down to yourself. You must assess your real needs, the deeper needs within yourself, and contrast them with your preferences and your desires. If a need is genuine, it stands apart from what you simply want. There are primary needs, of course—the need for food, water, shelter, safety and security. There is the need for true companionship, a need to be engaged with other people in meaningful and productive ways. These are essential needs. They must be met, or you cannot function in the world. Then, of course, there is the need for a greater kind of relationship based upon what you are really here to accomplish. And that begins to move you into a higher level of needs—the need of the soul, the need to find the deeper Knowledge that God has placed within you to guide you, to protect you and to lead you to a greater life within the world. There are psychological needs for creativity and productivity, for recognition from others and for honest and productive communication. To meet these needs within yourself, you must change. You have basic fundamental needs, you have psychological needs, and then you have the needs of the soul. To meet these needs, you cannot be what your past has shaped you to be so far. You may want the world to change around you, and you may agitate for this, and perhaps your requests are genuine, but, fundamentally, you must change, or you cannot meet the needs of the body, the needs of the mind and the needs of the soul. You cannot simply demand that the world give you everything you think you want, for you do not even really know what you need beyond the basic requirements of life. People say they want relationship and marriage, but they are not ready. People say they want to know their true purpose in life, but they are not ready. People say they want meaningful work in the world, but they are not ready. They have not prepared for this. They cannot have these things being the way they are now; they are not ready. They have not prepared themselves.