Inappropriate Conversations show

Inappropriate Conversations

Summary: Too often, political and/or religious ideologies stop open dialog. It’s time to speak freely and break down the barriers that keep people separated. Let\'s have an inappropriate conversation about …

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  • Artist: IC_Greg
  • Copyright: Copyright © 2017 Greg Blanchard. All rights reserved.


 88: The Perspective of Growing Up | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:59:31

I was not a man when I first encountered "men's magazines" and I obtained beer and alcohol long before the legal drinking age, now or then.  Were these mistakes, or just typical parts of growing up?  The answers have a lot to do with age and perspective.  As a parent, I have worked to provide a different experience for my children.  On the other hand, it's possible that a childhood without any "mistakes" is the biggest mistake of all. Different Drummer: The Resident

 87: Used Record Stores and a Healthy Aquarium | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 59:56

A complete system of commerce must include a final destination point for "clearance" that serves both the needs of industry and the bottom-feeder (plecostomus). I do not use that term as an insult because it describes me quite well as a loyal customer of used record stores and bookstores. Some of my most beloved rock bands and musicians were first discovered in the dollar bins or cutout racks. It is good that others' cast-offs have found a happy home. Without such a method of filtering out the unwanted production, any retail system is incomplete or under-developed. Different Drummer: Mark E. Smith

 86: The Heart of the Matter | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 38:28

The concept "heart" describes the deepest, most personally "real" part of ourselves.  A great many people have never revealed this Self to anyone, not even a spouse or other family member.  At the same time, any hope another person has for truly knowing you depends entirely on getting to "the heart of the matter" within that relationship.  This is one of the great truths that Jesus came to share, and it rests at the core of what Christians mean by "having a relationship" with God. Different Drummer: Frederick Buechner

 85: What it Means to Worship | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 49:33

Ritual can be a part of authentic worship, but if that's all there is then it is almost certainly false.  My faith has consistently affirmed the conviction that God is "present" within worship, not as a judgmental taskmaster but as a loving, creative force.  Genuine worship changes over time, even from week to week.  Rather than being regimented, if it is truly God-focused then it will reflect the Lord's mysterious ways.  Anything less than a journey into this heart of wonder may be "religious" but it certainly isn't spiritual. Different Drummer: Rick Moyer Take Him With You

 84: Birth Control Yourself | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:01:36

People choosing to take ownership of their reproduction and sexuality is not a problem society needs to solve.  From the political rhetoric leading up to the 2012 presidential election in the United States, you might think "birth control" is the only topic Americans are debating.  While addressing the issue without the use of profanity, I am speaking frankly and aggressively.  Even the scripture I cite includes two killings (fatal smiting is the appropriate description) and sexual misconduct.  Also, sound quality was a challenge in places. Different Drummer: Laurie Anderson Reformed Whores performing "I'm A Slut!"

 83: Being a Tree on World Storytelling Day | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 54:19

I have spoken about World Storytelling Day before, years ago.  This year will be very different, though.  With the theme of "Trees" I'm releasing this podcast virtually unedited.  I've added the theme and Different Drummer music, and that's pretty much it.  If you'll pardon the slight pun, the recording of this story will have to stand on its own. Different Drummer: Imani Coppola Imani Coppola performing "I'm A Tree"

 82: Pandering from a Political Pulpit | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 47:41

Many people are beginning to believe that Christianity and the electoral process are incompatible because the obvious examples from the religious right fall into fundamentalism and fail to be true to either religion or politics.  For guidelines as simple and Biblical as "love your enemies" and "the kingdom of God is not of this earth," you would think that the politicians who most aggressively identify themselves as Christians must have sold their souls for votes.  Worse, I wonder how much of the dubious Christianity we hear being preached from the political pulpit will actually drive voters away from both the polls and the church. Different Drummer: Gautama

 81: Singing a Song for Lovers | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 50:28

Happy Valentines Day!  A couple of friends help me share an epic and ancient love poem. Different Drummer: Sophie B. Hawkins Starbase 66 podcast The Greatest Events In Sporting History

 80: Revelation Weekend | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 53:11

"It's far better to say something that should not be said, than not to say something that should be said." Twenty-five years ago on February 7th at 1:37 a.m., I heard this answer to a desperate prayer.  After glancing around the room to see who else had heard this, I challenged the response I'd received in a truly conversational exchange.  Again, I got a direct, accurate, and life-changing answer.  It was as if I drew a line in the proverbial sand, and God crossed it.  I believe in answered prayer because I have experienced it. Different Drummer: Michael Franks

 79: A Farewell Address from the Mountaintop | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 58:10

Maybe the reason I believe the Holy Spirit has guided me, perhaps even forcefully, is that I don't have a better explanation for specific experiences that defy any other reasoning.  Or maybe it's simply because it is true.  Either way, for more than three decades now I have earned the title: most likely to be found on a mountaintop in Guadalajara writing the world's most profound three-word sentence.  So to speak. Different Drummer: Aaron Altman Bullying in Rhode Island

 78: Why 'Radical' and Not Just 'Moderate' | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 59:33

There is no great credit to remaining "above" the myopia of liberal v. conservative politics, if you aren't willing to stand.  Too often, a so-called moderate position is simply a way of avoiding issues and not engaging.  The "radical" side is pushing for change, whether it be a moderating influence on those firmly entrenched in right- or left-wing politics, or trying to lead the rest to think more critically about what each side has to say.  Martin Luther King, Jr. gave us one of the best challenges to status-quo centrism in his 1963 letter from jail in Birmingham, Alabama.  Failing to heed these words will continue to bear strange and unwanted fruit in our society. Different Drummer: Billie Holiday

 77: Sportsmanship is How to Play the Game | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:03:32

Sports commentary tends to be full of cliche.  "If you're not cheating, you're not trying" is one.  Another you hear often from youth coaches: "It's not about whether you win or lose, but how you play the game."  Well, the positive values so often touted about sports rely on the assumption of fair play, but sporting play is too often the exception.  This is true of players and fans, but evidence strongly suggests that it is equally a problem for coaches, administrators, and the media as well. Different Drummer: Barry Sanders Greatest Events In Sporting History and Barry Sanders (Legends Series)

 76: Rudolph, the Audio Commentary | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:06:53

As it sounds, here is an audio commentary for the classic 1964 animated Christmas special, "Rudolph The Red-Nosed Reindeer."  The show is essential holiday viewing, along with a handful of other Rankin/Bass classics. Different Drummer: Jim Skafish Skafish 2006 NPR Interview

 75: Reason, but no Rhyme, to Poetry | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:00:47

Poems don't have to rhyme all the time.  Formalism, whether a metrical scheme or just assonance and alliteration, can inspire creativity through adherence to the form itself.  On the other hand, the most profound poetry I've ever heard or read came from more freedom to the verse. Different Drummer: Jim Carroll

 74: Adoption as Heroism | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 54:03

While recording on National Adoption Day this year, I referred back to a question I've raised in the past: whether a woman who carries an unwanted pregnancy to term and gives the child for adoption is performing a saintly act?  "Heroic" is, perhaps, a better term. Different Drummer: Thomas of Aquino National Adoption Day


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