Inappropriate Conversations show

Inappropriate Conversations

Summary: Too often, political and/or religious ideologies stop open dialog. It’s time to speak freely and break down the barriers that keep people separated. Let\'s have an inappropriate conversation about …

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  • Artist: IC_Greg
  • Copyright: Copyright © 2017 Greg Blanchard. All rights reserved.


 102: Pouring Me a Vacation | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:02:49

Alcohol is a controlled substance -- a "drug" -- and it's the only one that I use. As a rule, I won't drink when I am angry or depressed. I also tend to invest more in the flavor than the feeling. More likely than not, this is another way that I don't quite fit in with most of society. My approach also doesn't work for fundamentalists. C.S. Lewis has rightly said that Christianity is not a teetotaler religion, but too many Christian legalists have found a way of compartmentalizing this fact without bothering to present a counter-argument. It's a dishonesty that I find infuriating ... but I diligently avoid getting angry or depressed. Different Drummer: John Osbourne "Pour Me A Vacation" by The Great Divide

 Promo for Inappropriate Conversations (1:22) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:22

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 Promo for Inappropriate Conversations (1:22) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:01:22

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 101: The Limited Validity of Authorial Intent | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 49:45

The notion of "authorial intent" has been used to challenge literary and film criticism for as long as humanity has discussed art.  Is the writer's vision the only point of view that matters?  What if a critic or a number of readers find valid alternative subtexts?  The dividing line may be revealed by separating the role of the author.  From an artistic perspective, he or she is another reader with an equally valid view.  I know that this marginalizes the influence of the creators on interpretations of their work.  On the other hand, the external intent of those same creators must not be ignored or diminished.  So, if you make an incendiary hate film in an attempt to start a global war, everything about your motivations and intentions are subject to scrutiny; meaning, you cannot hide behind any freedom of speech as freedom from scrutiny. Different Drummer: Maxim Vengerov

 101: The Limited Validity of Authorial Intent | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:49:45

The notion of "authorial intent" has been used to challenge literary and film criticism for as long as humanity has discussed art.  Is the writer's vision the only point of view that matters?  What if a critic or a number of readers find valid alternative subtexts?  The dividing line may be revealed by separating the role of the author.  From an artistic perspective, he or she is another reader with an equally valid view.  I know that this marginalizes the influence of the creators on interpretations of their work.  On the other hand, the external intent of those same creators must not be ignored or diminished.  So, if you make an incendiary hate film in an attempt to start a global war, everything about your motivations and intentions are subject to scrutiny; meaning, you cannot hide behind any freedom of speech as freedom from scrutiny. Different Drummer: Maxim Vengero

 100: Evolution of #IC | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:29:59

A little more than two and a half years ago, I didn't own a microphone and had never recorded an MP3 file.  My experience as a podcaster was limited to the role of listener and, occasionally, a caller on live internet broadcasts.  Now, 100 episodes later, I'm telling the story of Inappropriate Conversations through the voice of other shows, friends and fans. The extended length comes from more than 30 minutes of clips from me and others, none of which have appeared before on this show. Different Drummer: Richard Smith

 100: Evolution of #IC | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:29:59

A little more than two and a half years ago, I didn't own a microphone and had never recorded an MP3 file.  My experience as a podcaster was limited to the role of listener and, occasionally, a caller on live internet broadcasts.  Now, 100 episodes later, I'm telling the story of Inappropriate Conversations through the voice of other shows, friends and fans. The extended length comes from more than 30 minutes of clips from me and others, none of which have appeared before on this show. Different Drummer: Richard Smith

 99: Drama Without a Script | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 60:00

With stereotypes about "jocks v. nerds" it is easy to miss how much athletics have in common with other geeky fandoms.Š Quoting statistics, knowing the names of actors and characters, even those with the least screen time, and other examples are easy to note.Š Even from the perspective of the arts, I have once heard games like football described as "drama without a script."Š I've been to concerts, films, and plays this year, and I intend to see live sports now that both football and soccer are in-season.Š The fandoms may differ, but there are plenty of similarities.Š Also, I make a brief statement about why I avoided the college football opener sponsored by Chick-fil-A. Different Drummer: Tom Osborne

 99: Drama Without a Script | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:00:00

With stereotypes about "jocks v. nerds" it is easy to miss how much athletics have in common with other geeky fandoms.  Quoting statistics, knowing the names of actors and characters, even those with the least screen time, and other examples are easy to note.  Even from the perspective of the arts, I have once heard games like football described as "drama without a script."  I've been to concerts, films, and plays this year, and I intend to see live sports now that both football and soccer are in-season.  The fandoms may differ, but there are plenty of similarities.  Also, I make a brief statement about why I avoided the college football opener sponsored by Chick-fil-A. Different Drummer: Tom Osborne

 98: Planning the Road to Nowhere | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:55:52

Most of the vacation trips I've ever taken were driven by a lot of planning.  Reservations and ticket purchases in advance essentially set the schedule.  I've always been drawn to the idea of simply "hitting the road" or "going nowhere" for a dream vacation.  My wife and I have come close once, and the only trip I've enjoyed more came this year, alone together in Hawaii. Different Drummer: Wim Wenders

 98: Planning the Road to Nowhere | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 55:52

Most of the vacation trips I've ever taken were driven by a lot of planning.  Reservations and ticket purchases in advance essentially set the schedule.  I've always been drawn to the idea of simply "hitting the road" or "going nowhere" for a dream vacation.  My wife and I have come close once, and the only trip I've enjoyed more came this year, alone together in Hawaii. Different Drummer: Wim Wenders

 97: Any One Being Ashamed | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:48:20

Jesus once asked this question: "What can anyone give in exchange for their soul?" He was telling a crowd, not just 12 disciples, about what it meant to follow him. His answer had nothing to do with a "chosen people" or a "Christian nation." Jesus was speaking to a large group of individuals, and he asked each if he or she was willing to pick up their own cross and follow him. By "anyone" he meant "any one." This does not bode well for believers who think that electing the right leader or reviving some ancient laws will ensure salvation. In fact, hiding within such group-think is probably a sign that you are ashamed to follow Jesus his way. Different Drummer: Toby McKeehan DC Talk - "Jesus Freak"

 97: Any One Being Ashamed | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 48:20

Jesus once asked this question: "What can anyone give in exchange for their soul?" He was telling a crowd, not just 12 disciples, about what it meant to follow him. His answer had nothing to do with a "chosen people" or a "Christian nation." Jesus was speaking to a large group of individuals, and he asked each if he or she was willing to pick up their own cross and follow him. By "anyone" he meant "any one." This does not bode well for believers who think that electing the right leader or reviving some ancient laws will ensure salvation. In fact, hiding within such group-think is probably a sign that you are ashamed to follow Jesus his way. Different Drummer: Toby McKeehan DC Talk - "Jesus Freak"

 96: Fighting To End Fighting | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:56:47

When warfare turns ugly, as it so often does, how do we assign blame?  I often (with an almost adolescent sense of justice) ask "who started it?" or look to moments when compromise or surrender should have occurred.  It is from this perspective that I hold the Japanese military leadership during World War II responsible for the existence of nuclear warfare, even though they didn't develop the weapons that devastated Hiroshima and Nagasaki and they certainly didn't drop the bombs on their own country. Different Drummer: Terry Gross Dan Carlin's Hardcore History: Logical Insanity Extra "Logical Insanity" available for $1.9

 96: Fighting To End Fighting | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 56:47

When warfare turns ugly, as it so often does, how do we assign blame?  I often (with an almost adolescent sense of justice) ask "who started it?" or look to moments when compromise or surrender should have occurred.  It is from this perspective that I hold the Japanese military leadership during World War II responsible for the existence of nuclear warfare, even though they didn't develop the weapons that devastated Hiroshima and Nagasaki and they certainly didn't drop the bombs on their own country. Different Drummer: Terry Gross Dan Carlin's Hardcore History: Logical Insanity Extra "Logical Insanity" available for $1.99


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