Bulgarian show


Summary: Welcome to SBS Radio's Bulgarian Language Program. We offer extensive coverage of news, current affairs, arts, culture and sport through our network of correspondents in Bulgaria, Australia and around the world.

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 Australia's First Royal Commission into Family Violence | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Family violence is pervasive and has a huge human toll (Насилието в семейството е широко разпространено и е причина за огромен брой човешки жертви  )

 Erosion of Community Harmony | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

What we have to avoid is tarring entire communities with the brush of prejudice (Това, което ние трябва да избегнем е опетняването на цели общности с четката на предразсъдъците)

 The Forthcoming Local Elections in Bulgaria (Part 1) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

If today there were Parliamentary elections the configuration of the parties would be the same as it is at the moment   (Ако днес имаше избори за Парламент, вероятно конфигурацията в него щеше да бъде същата като в момента)

 Interview with Dimitrina Traykov | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

One more Bulgarian school in Brisbane, Australia (Българските деца в Бризбейн ще имат училище)

 Australia joined the new China-led Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

The opening of the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank comes just weeks before the US-led Trans-Pacific Partnership is likely to come into being (Австралия е шестият по големина акционер с 930 милиона долара  )

 "The Great Europeans" has turned itself from sound to pictures and a book | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

The book is distributed for free and there are already calls for more to be released (Kнигата се разпространява безплатно, но изчерпването й още по време на представянето, доведе до обещанието, че ще има още)

 Interview with Juliet Peeva | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Come and enjoy Bulgarian traditional pastry (banitza), drinks (boza & beer) and grilled meat (Заповядайте на българска баница, кебапчета и бира Каменица )

 RBA Drops the Cash Rate by 0.25 Per Cent | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Some economists had voiced concern a rate cut could inflate already high house prices (Някои икономисти изразиха загриженост, че понижаването на лихвите може да вдигне още повече цените на жилищата в Австралия)

 Parliament in Bulgaria Voted Against Any Limitations of Sanctions on Russia | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Bulgarian President said that Russias encouragement of religious and economic destabilisation suggests that Bulgaria should be very careful and act preventively (Президентът Плевнелиев се опасява, че Русия нагнетява напрежение и паника в България  )

 Greece with a New Leftist Government | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

External Debt in Greece is estimated at 315 billion Euro (В момента гръцкият дълг се изчислява на 315 милиарда евро  )

 Tony Abbott’s Political Judgement Under Question | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Abbott admitted he probably does need to be more consultative in the coming year (Абът призна, че би трябвало да подобри начина, по който провежда държавната политика  )

 Hard Times for Migrant Kids at School | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

For some children from newly arrived in Australia migrant/asylum seeker families the coming school year could be filled with hardship (За някои от новопристигналите в Австралия семейства на бежанци новата учебна година може да бъде изпълнена с трудности)

 Bulgaria in the Focus of Top Diplomats from UK, US and NATO | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

British Foreign Secretary Philip Hammond, US Secretary of State John Kerry and NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg visited Sofia (Британския външен министър Филип Хамънд, държавния секретар на САЩ Джон Кери и Генералният секретар на НАТО Йенс Столтенберг на посещение в София)

 Tsvetana Pironkova Crashed out of the Australian Open in the Second Round | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Bulgarian fans wished Tsvetana played in the women's singles final at Wimbledon 2015 (Феновете в Мелбърн пожелаха на Цеци да я видят на финала на Wimbledon 2015)

 The European Union Launches Anti-Terror Projects | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Thousands of people around the world have taken part in demonstrations for and against the Charlie Hebdo caricatures (Хиляди хора по целия свят участваха в демонстрации за и против карикатурите на Charlie Hebdo)


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