Pet Food Beta show

Pet Food Beta

Summary: Gamer Escape’s FINAL FANTASY XI podcast!


 Pet Food Alpha 102: Garrison | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:43:52

Ungolwen. Music. Nomad Moogles and more. Steak rides the BST train Fusion gets DNC to 75! Chin joins a new shell as a full time THF Squigg does jailers

 Pet Food Alpha 101: 100 +1 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:38:28

Luminate, Trains, BST Rants, and More! Luminate hates Dynamis Windy Steak dings 60BST Chin chills Squigg fishes?

 Pet Food Alpha 100: Pet Food Mog Break Radio Alpha | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:59:48

Pet Food Alpha. Limit Break Radio. The Mog House. Fusion hits 73 on his DNC Steak works on BST artifact Chin delevels all her jobs Squigg gives up WHM relic to Oshi

 Pet Food Alpha 099: The Spork Whisperer | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:40:36

Tedz. Oshi. Whispering and more. Fusion dings 72 DNC Steak's internet wasn't working Chin fishes... again Squigg whores AF from Dynamis-Xarcabard

 Pet Food Alpha 098: Plague | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:55:44

Kaitlin. Etiquette. Favorite PFA Moments and more. Fusion is all powerful with Spectral Jig Steak whips it out with his BST buddy Chin levels PLD Squigg gives a shout out to Sobius

 Pet Food Alpha 097: STARS! | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:23:32

Seshamaru. Vana'diel Profiles. STARS and more. Fusion does his impression of Nemesis Steak finds a BST buddy Chin puts on her shiny SCH AF Squigg levels in campaign

 Pet Food Alpha 096: Don’t Squeeze It | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:03:26

Ganiman. FFXIclopedia additions. What what and more. Fusion is not the dazzling dance diva he hoped he was Steak likes jugs Chin pimps the full SCH AF at level 60

 Pet Food Alpha 095: LOL Lohar | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:50:08

Edwyth. Lohar. Website additions and more. Fusion dives into salvage Steak does absolutely nothing Squigg pwns Dynamis-Xarcabard

 Pet Food Alpha 094: Echoes | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:33:52

Newfoundfears. Slurping. Echoes and more. Fusion gets his DNC to 65 Steak vows to level BST Chin levels her SCH Squigg fights Jailer of Love

 Pet Food Alpha 093: Irrelevant | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:02:04

Nabuto. Babies in drawers. 7-1 and more. Fusion dings 63 on his DNC Steak parties on his DRG more Chin fishes Squigg does einherbibble

 Pet Food Alpha 092: The Upper Jeuno | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 2:21:36

DJplaeskool. The Update. Logging eggs and more. Fusion gets his DNC AF Steak parties with the ROFLdrg on his DRG Squigg rants about spells

 Pet Food Alpha 091: The Sneeze | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:12:44

Update talk. SAM pants. Sneezing and more. Fusion upgrades his AF pants for Samurai Steak jumps on things Squigg continues to level Scholar

 Pet Food Alpha 090: Distant Worlds | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:04:20

Distant Worlds. Cheese Sandwich. The Egg Hunt and more. Fusion and Steak attend the Distant Worlds concert in Chicago Chin fishes and sings Squigg continues to make us feel dumb by leveling Scholar

 Pet Food Alpha 089: Steakums The Tongue Tied | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:06:00

Carletta. Update talk. Chocobo Jig and more. Fusion Dances his ass off! Steak moves to Bahamut to bug Fusion Squigg pwns Dynamis-Valkurm

 Pet Food Alpha 088: Lets talk AV | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:05:40

Kelia. Asanya. Absolute Virtue and more. Fusion obtains the rank of Captain! Squigg defeats Dynamis Lord for a second time We also have your Valentine's Day shout outs in our from the forums segment!


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