Pet Food Beta show

Pet Food Beta

Summary: Gamer Escape’s FINAL FANTASY XI podcast!


 Pet Food Alpha 161: Ding! Potato Salad | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:37:21

Yarly, Update News, Kupo d'Etat stuff, and more! Fusion did ANNMs. Steak was too busy. Chin does Valkurm. Duelly farms hides.

 Pet Food Alpha 160: Absent Minded Peiste Dung | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:47:25

Anderina. Speed Gamers. Peiste Dung and more! Fusion moves to Asura Steak thinks about taking SAM up Chin deals with more KV drama Duel works his Treasure Hunter

 Pet Food Alpha 159: Fake Chicken | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:18:37

Dealba. Fake chicken. Gobbie fellows and more! Fusion wipes to his first Odin Steak gets family aggro Chin does Odin

 Pet Food Alpha 158: One Day Early | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:22:25

Delvish, More July Update Insight, and more! Fusion gets a statue. Steak fails at Nyzul. (again) Teila gets a RDM relic hat.

 Pet Food Alpha 157: Just The Boys | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:44:32

July Update Predictions, Player Achievements, Emails, and more! Fusion sells some THF gear Duelly levels SMN Steak skills up

 Pet Food Alpha 156: 3 Whole Years | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:59:31

Aniero, Polish Tamales, Eorzeapedia, and more! Oh and Ganiman. PFA turns 3 Final Fantasy XIV discussion Emails "Best Of PFA" clips

 Pet Food Alpha 155: Rapture Woot | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 2:06:33

Opiate, Rapture talk, more Rapture talk, and more! Duelly grabs a pet shell Fusion quests for a Joyeuse Chin loves THF Steak works on RDM

 Pet Food Alpha 154: Stinky Pew Pew Pew | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 2:04:52

Yunathesecond. Onekuo. Rapture discussion and more! Steak gets BLM to 75 Fusionx gets more Denali Chin starts to merit her THF Squigg helps to un-gimp Steak Teila gets even MOAR relic

 Pet Food Alpha 153: Deila and Tuley | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:29:30

Giacomo, Surveys, Contest Art, and More! Steak almost done with BLM Fusionx forgets to mention he leveled THF btw Chin is still working on THF

 Pet Food Alpha 152: Doodle Noodle Horse Sound | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:33:56

Mog Tablets. Horse sounds. MCS and more! Steak levels Black Mage Fusionx HQs his Dancer Bangles Duelly enjoys life after the cap Chin gets some torque Teila steals all the dynamis drops

 Pet Food Alpha 151: Beastmaters Unite! | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:58:06

Makelith, QCDN, Adventurer Appreciation, Star Onions, Brady Guide, and More! Steak does BLM Fusionx spams ACP 7 Duelly is grabs a cap Chin works on THF

 Pet Food Alpha 150: Community | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:51:23

Discussion with community team member Robert Peeler and Ganiman. Robert Peeler joins us along with Ganiman to discuss various topics about the community including collecting feedback, reading community forums, community sites and more!

 Pet Food Alpha 149: ACP Under The Microscope | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 2:08:41

Final ACP Discussion, Podcast Tour Announcement. Dogbert, and more! Steak does Nyzul. Sort of Fusionx is a 5/5 DNC Duelly is 0 exp to Maat's Cap Teila lvls PUP

 Pet Food Alpha 148: The Misadventures of Bitter DRG | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 2:15:12

Corinth. Crystalline Prophecy. April Update and more! Steak takes DRG to 75 Fusionx is bitter Duelly finishes ACP Chin also finishes ACP

 Pet Food Alpha 147: Sheep Cake Fighter | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 2:55:52

Drazzan and Tedz. April update recap. In game bonuses and more! Steak levels DRG and SAM Fusionx preps for ACP Duelly has one job to go Chin gets interrupted


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