Bible Answer Man Podcast with Hank Hanegraaff show

Bible Answer Man Podcast with Hank Hanegraaff

Summary: Welcome to the podcast of the Bible Answer Man broadcast with bestselling author and CRI President Hank Hanegraaff! On the Bible Answer Man broadcast, Hank answers your questions with well-reasoned answers to equip you in the essentials of the historic Christian faith and strengthen your walk with the Lord. When it comes to the essentials of Christianity, there must be unity: "In essentials, unity; nonessentials, liberty; and in all things, charity."

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 Bible Answer Man LIVE! and Q&A | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:55:00

On today's edition of the Bible Answer Man broadcast, Hank opens the broadcast by announcing the upcoming changes to the Bible Answer Man broadcast starting next Monday, October 16. The Bible Answer Man broadcast will now add the digital media world to its historic broadcast resources. Bible Answer Man LIVE! will be streaming at 6:00 p.m. Eastern on Facebook and YouTube. Hank also answers the following questions: Can a person who use drugs for recreational be reached by the Gospel? Is Francis Chan a reliable teacher? Are images of Jesus idolatrous? Are Christians required to keep dietary or ceremonial laws or practices?

 The Last Christians, Iranian Nuclear Deal, and Q&A | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:55:00

On today's edition of the Bible Answer Man broadcast, Hank reminds his listeners that CRI has a great resource this month: The Last Christians, by Andreas Knapp. Hank also discusses the Iranian nuclear deal, considered a historic accord by the Obama administration. Hank also answers the following questions: How do you determine what God's will for your life is? Can you explain God's command to Adam and Eve to "replenish" the world in Genesis? Is the gift of faith given only to some? Is it true that the Holy Spirit will leave the Earth at the Rapture, or during the Tribulation? I am a former Muslim from Saudi, and I wanted to confirm that it is true that the Iranians are permitted by Islam to lie until they are strong enough to break the nuclear treaty. Where did Cain's wife come from?

 Bible Answer Man, Facebook LIVE, YouTube, and Q&A | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:55:00

On today's edition of the Bible Answer Man broadcast, Hank opens the broadcast by discussing a brand-new beginning. Soon the Bible Answer Man program will be streamed to Facebook LIVE, and YouTube, and you will be able ask your questions via social media. Hank also answers the following questions: Almost everyone I know has an LGBTQ person in their family. How can I reach them for Christ, showing compassion? Are there books or sermons I can lean on for help with this? How can I help my parents take the time to investigate other end-times views than their own? Do you have a favorite Apostle, and if so, why? After trying to reconcile with my wife for four years, is there a point in time in which I should just "throw in the towel?" My brother who was an unbeliever, died around this time last year. A few days later, we encountered a man and his son in the wilderness. His son had the same name as my brother. The man said, "Tell them what happened today," and his son said, "I accepted Jesus!" Could this have been a sign that my brother accepted the Lord shortly before he died?

 MUSLIM Release Day and Q&A | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:55:00

On today's edition of the Bible Answer Man broadcast, Hank opens the broadcast expressing his delight that today is the long-awaited release date of his newest book, MUSLIM: What You Need to Know about the World's Fastest-Growing Religion. Hank also shares reviews of MUSLIM he received today. Hank also answers the following questions: What is the difference between Islam declaring that Jesus is a prophet, and Judaism's view of Jesus? Could you do a little more on this and put MUSLIM on CD? What can you tell me about the teaching of Robert Henderson on The Courts of Heaven? Should I stay away from this type of teaching? I just wanted to share with you that I came from Hungary. We have a long and painful history with Islam.

 MUSLIM, The Qur'an, Allah, and Q&A | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:55:00

On today's edition of the Bible Answer Man broadcast, Hank mentions he is grateful to be live, in studio. He just returned from California, and was concerned he would not make it to the studio on time. Hank also mentions tomorrow's release of his new book, MUSLIM: What You Need to Know about the World's Fastest-Growing Religion. Finally, Hank discusses the sexual abuse of captives that is taught and affirmed by Allah in the Qur'an. Hank also answers the following questions: Today I was in a Bible bookstore, and was approached by a man I believe is part of the Black Hebrew Israelite group. How can I speak with someone like this the next time I encounter one? In the book of Revelation, who is Mystery Babylon, the great whore?

 Best of BAM: Q&A: Muslims, Ray Hagins, and the Council of Nicaea | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:55:00

On today's edition of the Bible Answer Man broadcast, Hank answers the following questions: A group of Muslims have bought property across the street from us, planning to build a mosque and a community. What as Christians can we do? Have you ever heard of a guy named Ray Hagins?

 Hank Unplugged, Andreas Knapp, The Last Christians - Part 2 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:55:00

On today's special edition of the Bible Answer Man broadcast, we continue with an episode of the Hank Unplugged podcast that we began on yesterday's broadcast. Hank is talking with poet, priest, and prolific writer, brother Andreas Knapp, author of The Last Christians: Stories of Persecution, Flight, and Resilience in the Middle East.

 Hank Unplugged, Andreas Knapp, The Last Christians - Part 1 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:55:00

On today's special edition of the Bible Answer Man broadcast, we present an episode of the Hank Unplugged podcast, in which Hank talked with brother Andreas Knapp, author of The Last Christians: Stories of Persecution, Flight, and Resilience in the Middle East.

 Testing, Tumor, Testimony, and Q&A | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:55:00

On today's edition of the Bible Answer Man broadcast, Hank begins the broadcast by discussing his medical appointments today. His PET scan came back with mixed results. Most of his tumors are gone, but a few remain. He also had a bone marrow biopsy, and will get the results of that test soon. Hank also related a wonderful opportunity he had to visit with a young man named Donny recently. Donny shared his compelling testimony with Hank, and today Hank found comfort during his biopsy as he recalled Donny's testimony. Donny is having his own bone marrow transplant today. Hank also answers the following questions: Will Christ reveal further truth after His Second Coming? Does Christ speak outside the Bible?

 Legalism, Islamic State, and Q&A | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:55:00

On today's edition of the Bible Answer Man broadcast during the Question and Answer segment, Hank takes time to share some news. Typically, the Islamic State does not take credit for events that they are not truly involved with. The Islamic State is now talking about 600 people wounded or killed in Las Vegas, claiming this was done by a soldier of the Caliphate. Hank also reads and comments on an email he received today from a Pastor critical of his assertions about Islam. Hank also answers the following questions: Although I am a Mennonite, I do not perfectly follow the rules concerning clothing. Am I sinning in doing this? I grew up as a Christian in a Muslim country. As a Christian, there were very few places you could work. The West is very naive about Islam. We were formed on Judeo/Christian values, and are therefore far more welcoming of openness and differences in world views. I wanted to commend you for helping to make the truth about Islam so clear. My pastor teaches that once Christ returns, there will still be sin, in fact, that sin will always exist. What do you think?

 MUSLIM, Mass Murder, and Q&A | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:55:00

On today's edition of the Bible Answer Man broadcast, Hank mentions that great reviews of MUSLIM are coming in. Hank also discusses the mass shooting last night in Las Vegas, and the claim of ISIS that the shooter, Stephen Paddock was a recent convert to Islam, and was acting as one of their soldiers. Hank also answers the following questions: As a Christian I know that when I suffer, I "suffer for the Lord." How should I classify the suffering I had before I became a Christian? What is Paul talking about when he discusses the remnant and the elect in Romans 11? With all the current discussion about gender, I'm wondering, does God have a gender?

 Best of BAM: Hank Unplugged, Mary Eberstadt, MUSLIM and Q&A | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:55:00

On today's edition of the Bible Answer Man broadcast, Hank mentions he just completed a new Hank Unplugged podcast with Mary Eberstadt. Hank also reminds listeners about his new book, MUSLIM: What You Need to Know about the World's Fastest-Growing Religion. Hank also answers the following questions: How could God use the Old Testament saints who had multiple wives? Who put the Bible together, choosing the books and order? What are your thoughts about the Black Hebrew Israelite cult? Will those Jews who reject Christ be considered Anti-Christ? Would it be possible that the Internet could be the Beast? Is it true that the various languages in the world came about because of the Tower of Babel? Is it possible that the gift of tongues was given to allow the disciples to go to other nations and speak their languages?

 MUSLIM, Hugh Hefner, and Q&A | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:55:00

On today's edition of the Bible Answer Man broadcast, Hank reminds his listening audience that his new book MUSLIM is available as a CRI resource this month. MUSLIM is available in both hardcover and audio formats. Hank also mentions Hugh Hefner's legacy and the many laudatory reviews on his passing. Not every review was positive though. According to journalist David French, Hefner's mainstreaming of porn, "was immensely destructive to our nation's cultural, moral, and spiritual fabric." Hank also answers the following questions: I've heard you recently converted to Eastern Orthodox. Is that true? Why Eastern Orthodox and not Roman Catholic? Are you planning on becoming a priest in the Church? How can we reverse the sexual revolution on a cultural level or a personal level? Did the witch of Endor really raise the prophet Samuel, or was it a demon impersonating him? Who do you recommend as good biblical teachers? Would you recommend John MacArthur? Once you are truly saved, can you lose your salvation?

 The "Dash" in The Date, Hugh Hefner, and Q&A | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:55:00

On today's edition of the Bible Answer Man broadcast, Hank mentions he completed a new Hank Unplugged podcast today with Andreas Knapp, author of The Last Christians: Stories of Persecution, Flight, and Resilience in the Middle East. Hank also pointed out that we all presently live in that "dash" between the date of our birth, and the date of our death. For some it's exceptionally short, for others longer, but for all of us, that tiny dash represents the totality of our life on Earth. Everything we do has a direct impact on our eternity. Hugh Hefner "lit the skies" for a brief moment, and died yesterday at 91. What seems so long now, is less than a drop in the bucket of eternity. Hank also answers the following questions: You stated that the Jehovah's Witnesses believe that the Council of Nicaea created the doctrine of the Trinity. That is incorrect. That Council merely began the discussion of the relation of the Father to the Son, which years later was defined as the Trinity. In Ezekiel chapter 1, Ezekiel is said to be in Babylon with captives. In chapter 4, God tells him to make a model of Jerusalem to show how devastating the siege will be. How can this be since he is already living with the captives in Babylon? If people divorce for the wrong reasons and remarry, will they be living in perpetual adultery?

 Q&A: God's Will, Revelation, and Jacob | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:55:00

On today's edition of the Bible Answer Man broadcast, Hank answers the following questions: A friend of mine thinks she is sinning if she doesn't do whatever she feels God is leading her to do. Does the Bible address this type of situation? Are the events in Revelation in chronological order, so that the events of chapter 4 occur before the events in chapter 12? Why did God honor Jacob's deceitful stealing of Esau's blessing from Abraham?


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