Bible Answer Man Podcast with Hank Hanegraaff show

Bible Answer Man Podcast with Hank Hanegraaff

Summary: Welcome to the podcast of the Bible Answer Man broadcast with bestselling author and CRI President Hank Hanegraaff! On the Bible Answer Man broadcast, Hank answers your questions with well-reasoned answers to equip you in the essentials of the historic Christian faith and strengthen your walk with the Lord. When it comes to the essentials of Christianity, there must be unity: "In essentials, unity; nonessentials, liberty; and in all things, charity."

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 MUSLIM, Islam, Sharia Law, and Q&A | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:55:00

On today's edition of the Bible Answer Man broadcast, Hank mentions today's broadcast is on Facebook and YouTube LIVE! today. Hank also mentions that Islam is the only religion with a socio-politico system of laws that demand the persecution of unbelievers. Also, a reminder of this month's resource, MUSLIM: What You Need to Know about the World's Fastest-rowing Religion. Hank also answers the following questions: A Jehovah's Witness I have been sharing with asked two questions: Why has the word Jehovah been taken out of the Bible? Why do Christians commit idolatry by worshipping the cross? Hank mentions he often gets questions about ghosts. He answers that ghosts are superstition and folklore, but demons are real. Is it wrong to dress up for Halloween and participate the "trick or treat" activities? One evening forty years ago, Dr. Walter Martin filled in for Dr. John Montgomery, and taught on Islam. He taught that the Bible is a reliable historical document, and the Qur'an, that was written hundreds of years later, is not.

 Q&A: Pharaoh, Protestants, The Bible as Literature | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:55:00

On today's edition of the Bible Answer Man broadcast, Hank answers the following questions: Can you explain God's statement to Moses in Exodus, that He was going to harden Pharaoh's heart? I have Catholic friends who claim their church is the original church, and that Protestants only go back to the reformation. Do you have anything to help me refute this? Do we know when God created everything? What about dinosaurs? Can Christians be demonized? If a demon possessed person rapes a believer, can the demon take possession of the Christian? My wife is having difficulty understanding the concept of the humanity and the divinity of Jesus Christ together in one person. Can you help explain this? I have begun to read the Bible as literature. How do I maintain the understanding that it is inspired scripture?

 Best of BAM: Abortion, Gender Dysphoria, and Islam | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:55:00

On today's edition of the Bible Answer Man broadcast, Hank discusses an article he read, "Politico whitewashes horror of aborting triplets," by Philip Wegmann. This article discusses the horror of mothers turning triplets into twins, and twins into single-baby births. Hank also mentions that California has become the first state to recognize a 3rd gender category - non-binary - after California Governor Jerry Brown signed the legislation this past Sunday. Hank also discusses the difference between the Christian canon, and the Qur'an of Islam. Hank also answers the following questions: Could you please tell me your thoughts on the views of those who describe themselves as "flat-earthers"?

 MUSLIM, Dr. Nathan Jacobs, and Q&A | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:55:00

On today's edition of the Bible Answer Man broadcast, Hank mentions his new book, MUSLIM: What You Need to Know about the World's Fastest-Growing Religion. It's time to end it. It's time to end the persecution of Christians by militant Islam. Text ENDIT to 41444 to see how. Also, Hank welcomes Dr. Nathan Jacobs to the program to discuss his film, Becoming Truly Human. This film looks at the rise of the "Nones"-those with no religious affiliation. For more information on this film, please visit: Hank also answers the following questions: I don't see the principles found in Malachi 3:10 stressed in the New Testament, rather, I see the emphasis on free-will giving. Can you address this? My in-laws are very judgmental about the fact that my husband and I take the Bible very literally. I'm struggling to hang out with them. As a Christian, how do I deal with this?

 Eschatology, Islamic and Biblical, and Q&A | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:55:00

On today's edition of the Bible Answer Man broadcast, Hank welcomes the Bible Answer Man LIVE! audience at Facebook and YouTube. Hank also discusses Muslim eschatology, and compares it with Biblical eschatology. For Christians eschatology is the thread that weaves the tapestry of Scripture into a harmonious pattern. While Christians debate various secondary aspects of eschatology, they are united in the truth that Christ will come again. Conversely, Islamic eschatology is alarmingly different. Hank also answers the following questions: From an Orthodox perspective, what is your understanding of sin and repentance? I hear a lot of preachers that are proclaiming themselves as prophets. I think that a prophet is who's saying prophesy. I believe everything has been written on the Bible that's the prophecy that I believe. Can you tell me more about this? Maybe I'm wrong. Did Heaven-as in God's abode-always exist as God always exists? I have a question about "once saved, always saved." I don't know if I believe that. Can you help me with this? Can you speak in tongues? What is your opinion of John Piper and his teaching on Christian hedonism? Why are you interested in the Islamic narrative? Isn't it better to spread your own message and leave Islam be? How can there be no more tears with Jesus in eternity when we have the knowledge that those who have rejected Christ are forever apart from us?

 Bible Answer Man LIVE!, New Creation, and Q&A | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:55:00

On today's edition of the Bible Answer Man broadcast, Hank mentions the LIVE! broadcast of the Bible Answer Man yesterday. It will be LIVE! again tomorrow. Hank also discusses the biblical doctrine of the New Creation--the "N" in the acronym D-O-C-T-R-I-N-E--and compares it to the complete lack thereof in Islam. Hank also answers the following questions: Does anyone know how Pharaoh's magicians replicated the miraculous things done by Moses? Is the term "Elder" synonymous with "Pastor"? Why do you think that Islam is the fastest-growing religion in the world? How big of a problem do we face here in the United States? It seems to me that the rapid growth of Islam is in many ways due to the failure of Christianity. What are your thoughts? What is your take on the issues of post-millennialism, partial, and full preterism?

 Christian Research Institute, MUSLIM, and Q&A | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:55:00

On today's edition of the Bible Answer Man broadcast, Hank opens the broadcast by announcing the program today is on Facebook and YouTube LIVE! Hank also expresses his gratitude for the staff and supporters of CRI. In the third segment, Hank reads from the introduction of MUSLIM: What You Need to Know about the World's Fastest-Growing Religion and deals with the incarnation of Jesus Christ. Hank also answers the following questions: Is there any particular scriptural reference that would support Israel being in the land today? I've seen YouTube videos that depict demons as the dispensers of punishment in Hell. Wasn't Hell created as a place of punishment for the Devil and his demons? John MacArthur and Jimmy DeYoung are pre-tribulational in their view of eschatology. What are your thoughts? I have heard that the present inhabitants of Israel are not truly descendants of the twelve tribe if Israel, and this is the source of the trouble there currently. What are your thoughts on this? Can you provide biblical evidence for what it's like in Hell? At funerals, it's commonly said that the departed person is with the Lord, and yet the Bible says that the dead in Christ will rise when Christ returns. Can you explain this? Islam means the submission to the will of Allah, and all prophets have submitted to him. Your thoughts?

 Muffin Ministry, The Resurrection, and Q&A | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:55:00

On today's edition of the Bible Answer Man broadcast, Hank mentions he visited The Muffin Ministry in Charlotte, a ministry of the First United Methodist Church, with his family this past Sunday. The Muffin Ministry invites homeless people into their church in order to meet their physical needs. In addition to clothing, they are given muffins. A mural called the "Faces of the Homeless" was created to depict the ministry. Hank also discusses the resurrection of Jesus Christ, using the "R" in the acronym D-O-C-T-R-I-N-E. Hank compared the Biblical teaching on the resurrection to the faulty view of the resurrection found in Islam. Hank also answers the following questions: How best should I consider whether to join a church, when I don't agree with them on secondary issues? I asked my pastor what color Christ was, and he said white. I don't believe that is correct, as He was Jewish. What are your thoughts? Do the scriptures give a physical description of Jesus? After the Flood, how did all the animals get widely dispersed throughout the Earth?

 Best of BAM: The Last Christians, Iranian Nuclear Deal, and Q&A | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:55:00

On today's edition of the Bible Answer Man broadcast, Hank reminds his listeners that CRI has a great resource this month: The Last Christians, by Andreas Knapp. Hank also discusses the Iranian nuclear deal, considered a historic accord by the Obama administration. Hank also answers the following questions: How do you determine what God's will for your life is? Today I was in a Bible bookstore, and was approached by a man I believe is part of the Black Hebrew Israelite group. How can I speak with someone like this the next time I encounter one? In the book of Revelation, who is Mystery Babylon, the great whore? What can you tell me about the teaching of Robert Henderson on The Courts of Heaven? Should I stay away from this type of teaching? I just wanted to share with you that I came from Hungary. We have a long and painful history with Islam.

 Post-Modern Culture, The Trinity, and Q&A | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:55:00

On today's edition of the Bible Answer Man broadcast, Hank discusses the irony of living in a post-modern culture. Sexual morals reduced to consent; The abortion of female babies, by male doctors; Cross=gender restroom use rights proclaimed. We must be prepared to give an answer to the hope that lies within us. Hank also discusses the Trinity using the "T" in the acronym D-O-C-T-R-I-N-E. Hank compares the view of the Trinity taught by Christianity and the Bible, with the view of Allah as taught by Islam and the Qur'an. Hank also answers the following questions: Can you explain election, and the Lordship salvation idea for me? How do people come to the Lord if election to damnation is true? After studying salvation by works versus faith, I just cannot believe in the concept of salvation being a "freebie" by faith. What are your thoughts? Could you please tell me your thoughts on the views of those who describe themselves as "flat-earthers"?

 The Canon of Scripture, Islam, and Q&A | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:55:00

On today's edition of the Bible Answer Man broadcast, Hank discusses the difference between the Christian canon, and the Qur'an of Islam. This is taken from the acronym D-O-C-T-R-I-N-E as found in Hank's new book, MUSLIM: What You Need to Know about the World's Fastest-Growing Religion. Hank also answers the following questions: There are three main branches in Christianity that claim to be the Universal Church: The Roman Catholic Church, the Eastern Orthodox Church, and the Coptic Church. Why do you believe the Eastern Orthodox Church is the true Universal Church? Do you believe that the final battle of Armageddon will be between the Church and Islam? Since we know that God is spirit, and does not have a physical body, what does it mean when the Bible says that Christ has been elevated to the right hand of God? So the "right hand of God" is a metaphor? You are correct that the Qur'an has ethics that should not be allowed in any century; So does the Bible. Is it true that Mormons wear a special garment under their clothes, and if so, what does this signify? What books or scriptures other than the Koran do Muslims believe in?

 Abortion, Gender Dysphoria, and Q&A | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:55:00

On today's edition of the Bible Answer Man broadcast, Hank discusses an article he read, "Politico whitewashes horror of aborting triplets," by Philip Wegmann. This article discusses the horror of mothers turning triplets into twins, and twins into single-baby births. Hank also mentions that California has become the first state to recognize a 3rd gender category - non-binary - after California Governor Jerry Brown signed the legislation this past Sunday. Hank also answers the following questions: Where did Melchizedek come from? I understand you have cancer and have been undergoing chemotherapy. I have some alternative therapy advice for you. Your monologue at the beginning of the program did not fall on deaf ears. In our area, a great amount of effort has been underway to promote LGBTQ issues. According to the Luke 21:46 and Matthew 26:41 commands to watch and pray, shouldn't we been facing these issues and with God's help try to counter them? Can you explain what Jesus is doing right now?

 The Deity of Jesus Christ and Q&A | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:55:00

On today's edition of the Bible Answer Man broadcast, Hank opens the show by letting listeners know about the next Facebook Live stream happening later in the week. Hank shares that over the next few days he wants to devote part of the broadcast to contrast Islam with Christianity. Today he focuses on how the deity of Jesus Christ is viewed in Islam and Christianity. Hank also answers the following questions: If a believer commits suicide, where will their soul reside? It's not just Muslims but also Christians that are divided on the Deity of Jesus. Jesus is not God, he is just the Son of God. Do Arabic Christians refer to the God of the Bible as "Allah"? Where did Muhammad get his message from, was it a demon or just a made-up story? Why are you focusing so heavily on Islam? I've been studying Islam for a while and I'd like to thank you for your work on this subject. My understanding is that Islam came from Muhammad to correct errors in the Bible, is this right?

 Bible Answer Man Streaming LIVE! and Q&A | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:55:00

On today's edition of the Bible Answer Man broadcast, Hank shares that he has been waiting for this day for a long time! Starting today, in addition to the traditional radio and Sirius XM radio outlets, the Bible Answer Man program is now streaming LIVE! on Facebook and YouTube. Hank shares that a dear brother, Elijah, urged Hank to add social media to the Bible Answer Man platforms. Hank also explains the details regarding E.Q.U.I.P.. Hank also answers the following questions: Considering the Trinity, how should be pray? To the Father? The Son? The Holy Spirit? What is your opinion of SBN and Jimmy Swaggart Ministries? I hope you do the audio book version of MUSLIM in your own voice. What is your take on 1 Timothy 3 and women serving as deacons? What does Orthodox mean? To some he gave the gift of faith, others ministry, teaching, knowledge, healing, prophecy, tongues, and interpretation of tongues. Are these gifts just given to men?

 Best of BAM: Legalism, Islam, and Q&A | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:55:00

On today's edition of the Bible Answer Man broadcast, Hank takes time to share some news. Typically, the Islamic State does not take credit for events that they are not truly involved with. The Islamic State is now talking about 600 people wounded or killed in Las Vegas, claiming this was done by a soldier of the Caliphate. Hank also reads and comments on an email he received today from a Pastor critical of his assertions about Islam. Hank also answers the following questions: Although I am a Mennonite, I do not perfectly follow the rules concerning clothing. Am I sinning in doing this? As a Christian I know that when I suffer, I "suffer for the Lord." How should I classify the suffering I had before I became a Christian? What is Paul talking about when he discusses the remnant and the elect in Romans 11? Will Christ reveal further truth after His Second Coming? Does Christ speak outside the Bible?


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