The Inspiration Show show

The Inspiration Show

Summary: Two times a week Natalie Ledwell will be sharing the journey of her book writing process, Answering your questions about the Law Of Attraction, and Interviewing Passion Peeps- gurus and inspirational people in the know.

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  • Artist: Natalie Ledwell
  • Copyright: © 2018


 Dr. Bill Dorfman | File Type: audio/x-mp3 | Duration: 15:55

Today on The Inspiration Show, Natalie Ledwell speaks with motivational speaker and co-founder of the LEAP (Leadership Excellence Accelerating Potential) Foundation, Dr. Bill Dorfman. Dr. Bill joins Natalie to discuss the outstanding job LEAP does by helping young adults uncover the ‘real-life’ skills they need to succeed in life. During the show, Dr. Bill explains that each year, hundreds of students travel across the globe to learn from some of the nation’s top leaders and speakers on how to manage their money, how to acquire confidence, how to set goals and maintain a healthy body and mind, as well as social and business etiquette skills. All these skills are fundamental to success, yet they’re not being addressed in the traditional school system. Dr. Bill also reveals the most important lesson he teaches in his program that guarantees business and personal success.

 Dr. Paul Drouin | File Type: audio/x-mp3 | Duration: 16:18

Today on The Inspiration Show, Natalie Ledwell speaks with Dr. Paul Drouin, the Dean & Director of the Quantum Science University and a professor of Integrative Medicine, to discuss his motivation for creating QSU. After losing his brother to cancer, Dr. Paul became set on a mission to seek new treatments and to even find a cure for this dreaded disease. During the show, he explains how in the last 50 years of research, Quantum Medicine has influenced science, particularly in the areas of alternative medicine. Dr. Paul also shares some important details about his upcoming World Summit of Integrative Medicine, where 49 top experts on different modalities of medicine and science, like Dr. Lissa Rankin and Dr. Joe Dispenza, will come together and share their cutting-edge work.

 Bob Proctor | File Type: audio/x-mp3 | Duration: 18:45

Today on The Inspiration Show, Natalie Ledwell speaks with one of the most respected and sought-after motivational speakers of our time, Bob Proctor. Bob joins Natalie to discuss his latest book called ‘The ABC’s of Success’ and how this book became an international best seller before even being released to the public. During the show, Bob explains that it took him over 9 years to discover why he was being successful despite of going against everything he was taught at home to do. This is why in his book, he hopes to stimulate people’s minds by asking them provoking questions about their life and own beliefs. Bob reveals that when people are programmed to live in a certain way, and they finally break this paradigm… they become winners.

 Brian Ridgway | File Type: audio/x-mp3 | Duration: 16:31

Today on The Inspiration Show, Natalie Ledwell speaks with transformational mentor, Brian Ridgway, aka ‘The Spellbreaker’. Brian joins Natalie to discuss his very inspiring spiritual journey that started when he became aware he had a strong intuitive sense at the age of 2, but kept hiding it out of fear until a few years ago. During the show, Brian explains that he was born into a situation of anger, violence and abuse, and therefore carried a self-esteem based on negative beliefs. He also shared that even though he would massively succeed, because of these beliefs, he kept self-sabotaging himself until he reached rock bottom and ended up suicidal and penniless. Brian shares the amazing series of miracles that took him from stuck to free (almost overnight) when he decided to honor his purpose in life and share it with the world. Brian is now on a mission to transform the lives of 300,000 people by 2017 by helping them break their spells and upgrade their self-image, their health, income and relationships, using the same practices that helped him reached complete joy.

 Zlata Petrak | File Type: audio/x-mp3 | Duration: 16:35

Today on The Inspiration Show, Natalie Ledwell speaks with international best-selling author, motivational speaker, life mentor and CEO of Triumph of Success Inc., Zlatoslava Petrak. Zlata joins Natalie to discuss how she came to realize that she not only wanted to study the Laws of the Universe but she also wanted to master them and teach them to others. During the show, Zlata explains that we’re all vibrational beings with unlimited potential, but are often limited by our own minds. In order to break free and access our full potential we must open our awareness and shift our mindset from feeling powerless and like a victim of our circumstances, to one of creation and manifestation. She also shares that when we align ourselves with our goals, that unlimited source of abundance and inspiration automatically opens up for us and many miracles start unfolding without effort. Plus, she reveals exactly how to align your thoughts with your feelings for successful manifestation.

 Lloyd Burnett | File Type: audio/x-mp3 | Duration: 18:55

Today on The Inspiration Show, Natalie Ledwell speaks with life coach, spiritual teacher, writer and business mindset guru, Lloyd Burnett. Lloyd joins Natalie to discuss his personal journey of self-discovery and how he was able to set himself free from his own limiting beliefs. During the show, Lloyd shares that many people can’t reach success because there’s a part of them that’s secretly scared of it. They fear that if they become too successful they won’t have enough time for their family, or they will expose themselves to being criticized. He also explains the importance of dealing with our subconscious limiting beliefs and understanding where they come from instead of hiding them or denying them. Plus, he reveals the 3 important steps to free yourself from them for good.

 Anil Gupta | File Type: audio/x-mp3 | Duration: 15:36

Today on The Inspiration Show, Natalie Ledwell speaks with Anil Gupta, a bestselling author and gifted speaker who focuses on transforming the lives of those struggling with life challenges. Anil also runs successful workshops around the world teaching his happiness principles and a methodology that he’s developed that brings proven, rapid and lasting results. During the show Anil explains he was once extremely unhappy, until he decided to shift his life perspective to a place of gratitude and serve others without expecting anything in return. He also shares that happiness does come from within, and in order to tap into that happiness we must first be aware of what we need, what’s missing in our life and what do we need to let go of. Anil also reveals the very important questions he asked himself to get out of his depression and find fulfillment. Plus, he unveils how to use his happiness principles to improve any relationship.

 Karen Russo | File Type: audio/x-mp3 | Duration: 15:21

Today on The Inspiration Show, Natalie Ledwell is joined for the second time by award-winning author and 'wealth' spiritual guide, Karen Russo. Karen has dedicated her entire career to helping both professional and spiritual seekers to overcome ‘Money Traps’ and create personal and financial prosperity. During the show, Karen explains the Prosperity Practice that’s helped her clients achieve their goals and shares the importance of practicing a wealth ritual.

 Natalie Ledwell | File Type: audio/x-mp3 | Duration: 14:15

Today on The Inspiration Show, Natalie Ledwell shares the juicy details of her brand new show, Wake Up! which will be airing every Saturday morning to 80 million households in the US beginning May 9th. During the show, Natalie reveals what it was really like to host her Ultimate Success Masterclass live event for the first time and why she feels that meeting Neale Donald Walsch, marked a new beginning in her spiritual journey. Natalie also unveils the important update that will impact the direction of The Inspiration Show from this day forward and the important projects that she has lined up for the months ahead. Plus, she reveals how you can support her TV show and win $2000 worth of prizes!

 Corey Poirier | File Type: audio/x-mp3 | Duration: 16:50

Today on The Inspiration Show, Natalie Ledwell chats with professional speaker and best selling author, Corey Poirier. Corey joins Natalie to discuss his incredible book entitled ‘Share Your Message With The World’, which is a compilation of inspirational stories by some of the most enlightened super-achievers. During the show, Corey explains that before he discovered his biggest passion in life and became a bestselling author, he used to be a stand-up comedian obsessed with the study of Super Achievement. Corey shares exactly how he went from comedian to entrepreneur, to motivational leader. Plus, he reveals the common traits these super-achievers have and unveils the most important thing you need to learn today to accomplish more in life.

 Miriam Knight | File Type: audio/x-mp3 | Duration: 15:31

Today on The Inspiration Show, Natalie Ledwell speaks with Miriam Knight, founder of New Consciousness Review, radio host and author of the book ‘What Wags The World: Tales of Conscious Awakening’. She joins Natalie to discuss the motivation behind writing this book and shares the paranormal experience that initiated her spiritual awakening and sparked her interest in becoming an energy healer. During the show, Miriam explains that there are many people who have had profound or mystical experiences but oftentimes they ignore them as they can’t find answers to explain them. This is why she’s created a book which describes the stories from more than 30 authors and filmmakers and shares how these life-changing experiences resulted in wisdom, love and a deeper understanding of their lives. Plus, she reveals one of the most valuable gifts we have as human beings, that’s often overlooked.

 Karl Gruber | File Type: audio/x-mp3 | Duration: 17:15

Today on The Inspiration Show, Natalie Ledwell speaks with motivational speaker, life coach and author of the eBook ‘The 3 Pillars: A Simple 3 Step Process to Manifest Positive & Permanent Change in Your Life’, Karl Gruber. During the show, Karl explains that the reason so many people feel frustrated when they use the Law of Attraction is because they don’t have a strong, consistent personal foundation. He also shares that we have to be physically, mentally and spiritually balanced in order to work in conjunction with the LOA. If you're unbalanced in just one of these areas, then it will be impossible to live your purpose in life with true integrity. Plus, he shares how to score a cope of his awesome eBook, for free!

 Judy van Niekerk | File Type: audio/x-mp3 | Duration: 18:55

In today’s episode of The Inspiration Show, Natalie Ledwell speaks with award winning bestselling author, speaker and trainer, Judy van Niekerk. Judy joins Natalie to discuss her courageous story of survival that started when she was only six years old when her father kept her imprisoned in her family home for over 20 years. During the show, brave Judy opens up about the years of horrific abuse and explains why she still went to visit him on his death bed. Judy shares how she went from learning to integrate into society to becoming a successful entrepreneur. She also shares that no matter what you’ve been through there are tools that you can consciously use to create the life that you want and she strongly believes that the universe gives you the experiences that you need to lead you towards your purpose.

 Michele Rosenthal | File Type: audio/x-mp3 | Duration: 15:36

Today on The Inspiration Show, Natalie Ledwell speaks with author, speaker and post-trauma coach, Michele Rosenthal. Michele joins Natalie to discuss trauma, its effects and how she has successfully helped people to recover from it. During the show, Michele opens up about being a trauma survivor who struggled with Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder for over 25 years. She explains that we can’t always find meaning in our trauma, but we can learn to make meaning come out of it. She also reveals the 3 most important steps to overcome any little or big trauma in life, which are also contained in her latest book called ‘Your Life After Trauma’. Michele’s book is recommended for anyone who wants to release the past and move into the present (and then on into the future) with an increased sense of courage, confidence and control.

 Joanne Henig | File Type: audio/x-mp3 | Duration: 16:00

Today on The Inspiration Show, Natalie Ledwell speaks with Ultimate Success Masterclass graduate and founder of ‘Joy Kids Universe’, Joanne Henig. Joanne joins Natalie to discuss the inspiring message behind her company that supports and empowers children to live joyfully, create without limits, and love without judgment. During the show, Joanne shares that since a very young age, she was always curious to find out what the purpose of life is. She also reveals that the universe did deliver the answers she was looking for and explains what they were. This is in fact why Joanne is now on a mission to bring these principles to the next generation. Plus, she unveils why her latest book ‘The Joyful Universe of Casey Rose’, should be read to every single child.


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