Brian Ridgway

The Inspiration Show show

Summary: Today on The Inspiration Show, Natalie Ledwell speaks with transformational mentor, Brian Ridgway, aka ‘The Spellbreaker’. Brian joins Natalie to discuss his very inspiring spiritual journey that started when he became aware he had a strong intuitive sense at the age of 2, but kept hiding it out of fear until a few years ago. During the show, Brian explains that he was born into a situation of anger, violence and abuse, and therefore carried a self-esteem based on negative beliefs. He also shared that even though he would massively succeed, because of these beliefs, he kept self-sabotaging himself until he reached rock bottom and ended up suicidal and penniless. Brian shares the amazing series of miracles that took him from stuck to free (almost overnight) when he decided to honor his purpose in life and share it with the world. Brian is now on a mission to transform the lives of 300,000 people by 2017 by helping them break their spells and upgrade their self-image, their health, income and relationships, using the same practices that helped him reached complete joy.