United States of Geekdom show

United States of Geekdom

Summary: The United States of Geekdom is a podcast that covers all aspects of fandom. We are in our second iteration with an (mostly) all new cast and crew. Rick Gutierrez, Roy Buckingham, Heather Carouth and Sandra Frost are your hosts, Geekdom is our game! Thanks for listening! Stay Geeky!

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  • Artist: Rick Gutierrez, Roy Buckingham, Heather Carouth, Sandra Frost
  • Copyright: Copyright © 2010 Rick Gutierrez. All rights reserved.


 Amazing Comicast Redux: Episode 2: Pryde of the Podcast! | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 09:03

Welcome to the Amazing Comicast. We are revisiting this show because this year marks the 5th anniversary of the podcast that properly launched my solo career (for a time) in podcasting. This second episode is my look at the failed X-Men animated pilot, Pryde of the X-Men which was so popular among fans, it inspired an even more popular arcade game!  Enjoy and thanks for listening!

 Amazing Comicast Redux: Episode 2: Pryde of the Podcast! | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:09:03

Welcome to the Amazing Comicast. We are revisiting this show because this year marks the 5th anniversary of the podcast that properly launched my solo career (for a time) in podcasting. This second episode is my look at the failed X-Men animated pilot, Pryde of the X-Men which was so popular among fans, it inspired an even more popular arcade game!  Enjoy and thanks for listening!

 Amazing Comicast Redux Episode 1: | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 10:34

Welcome to the official first episode for Amazing Comicast.  We are revisiting this show because this year marks the 5th anniversary of the podcast that properly launched my solo career (for a time) in podcasting.  I do acknowledge that I did some short minisodes for Vadercast, but Amazing Comicast is something that will always hold a special place for me because it allowed me to learn (and continue to learn) how to use the audio editing system.  Having said that, if the audio for the intro music sounds canned somewhat, here's the deal. I didn't know what I was doing.  I had no idea there were programs that you could use the audio from the source right off the computer.  What did I do to solve this problem?  I would put the micophone up against the speaker.  All told, it was not until late last year that I learned there were easier ways to circumvent the issue. Anyway the episode.  I talk about Spider-Man and his Amazing Friends.  It was a fun episode to record and it took me HOURS to get it recorded right.  Remember, I was very much on a learning curve.  Enjoy the first episode for Amazing Comicast!    Episode 2 will be out pretty quick too.  Probably later this week!

 Amazing Comicast Redux Episode 1: | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:10:34

Welcome to the official first episode for Amazing Comicast.  We are revisiting this show because this year marks the 5th anniversary of the podcast that properly launched my solo career (for a time) in podcasting.  I do acknowledge that I did some short minisodes for Vadercast, but Amazing Comicast is something that will always hold a special place for me because it allowed me to learn (and continue to learn) how to use the audio editing system.  Having said that, if the audio for the intro music sounds canned somewhat, here's the deal. I didn't know what I was doing.  I had no idea there were programs that you could use the audio from the source right off the computer.  What did I do to solve this problem?  I would put the micophone up against the speaker.  All told, it was not until late last year that I learned there were easier ways to circumvent the issue. Anyway the episode.  I talk about Spider-Man and his Amazing Friends.  It was a fun episode to record and it took me HOURS to get it recorded right.  Remember, I was very much on a learning curve.  Enjoy the first episode for Amazing Comicast!    Episode 2 will be out pretty quick too.  Probably later this week!

 United States of Geekdom Episode 35: What do Babies Know? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:51:10

Alternate Title: "If More People Listen to Indiana Jones, the World Will be a Better Place!"  Welcome to the United States of Geekdom, the podcast that talks about what makes us geeks go tick!  We are absolutely thrilled to bring you this, our 35th episode where we take a look at the younger generation and talk about how they will one day surpass us in terms of technology, and overall geekiness. We also take a look at our own respective childhoods and how the concept of nurture came into play from our parents, with a geeky twist of course!    You can find the Comic Book Legal Defense Fund at cbldf.org.  Check them out for more information on what we are talking about in the episode!   Next episode we will be talking about one of the geekiest topics ever! What exactly?  Well, listen to this episode!  Thanks for listening!  Stay Geeky!

 United States of Geekdom Episode 35: What do Babies Know? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:51:10

Alternate Title: "If More People Listen to Indiana Jones, the World Will be a Better Place!"  Welcome to the United States of Geekdom, the podcast that talks about what makes us geeks go tick!  We are absolutely thrilled to bring you this, our 35th episode where we take a look at the younger generation and talk about how they will one day surpass us in terms of technology, and overall geekiness. We also take a look at our own respective childhoods and how the concept of nurture came into play from our parents, with a geeky twist of course!    You can find the Comic Book Legal Defense Fund at cbldf.org.  Check them out for more information on what we are talking about in the episode!   Next episode we will be talking about one of the geekiest topics ever! What exactly?  Well, listen to this episode!  Thanks for listening!  Stay Geeky!

 Amazing Comicast Redux: Episode 0 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 06:31

Hey Everybody Rick here with a special announcement.  I was thinking back to the old show, Amazing Comicast and how much fun it was.  I found out recently that the old host site for the audio podcasts is no longer in existence.  I was lucky enough to still have all the original episodes archived in my virtual vault.  (See!  Virtual Hoarding HAS its benefits!)  So I am going to drop a new Comicast episode, one per week. Keep in mind that many of these episodes were very much on a learning curve for me.  The audio is super rough in some episodes, but pretty decent in others.  Many of the early episodes are very short because unlike other podcasters, I need someone to bounce off of or it is a REALLY short show. You start to hear me beg for a co-host by a certain point.  I eventually get one, in the form of my friend Matt Goldfarb.  Matt ended up leaving to go back to California for a time and then Cole and Catherine jumped in on the show.  Following that, I discovered Facebook, I became friends with Steve and Ashley Swanson of the Muppetcast, and in doing so, discovered Andrew Farmer and well, you know them as part of the Core Four of United States of Geekdom. Enjoy the episodes.  They represent a period of my life where I was not sure if this whole podcasting solo thing would exactly work for me.  But here I am almost five years later, running a well received show and almost 50 episodes in on that show.  This particular podcast run also represents a period in my life where I had just turned 30, and a few months later, I found out I was going to be a father, and even still, so much more happened during the run of this show.  Anyway, here is Episode 0.

 Amazing Comicast Redux: Episode 0 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:06:31

Hey Everybody Rick here with a special announcement.  I was thinking back to the old show, Amazing Comicast and how much fun it was.  I found out recently that the old host site for the audio podcasts is no longer in existence.  I was lucky enough to still have all the original episodes archived in my virtual vault.  (See!  Virtual Hoarding HAS its benefits!)  So I am going to drop a new Comicast episode, one per week. Keep in mind that many of these episodes were very much on a learning curve for me.  The audio is super rough in some episodes, but pretty decent in others.  Many of the early episodes are very short because unlike other podcasters, I need someone to bounce off of or it is a REALLY short show. You start to hear me beg for a co-host by a certain point.  I eventually get one, in the form of my friend Matt Goldfarb.  Matt ended up leaving to go back to California for a time and then Cole and Catherine jumped in on the show.  Following that, I discovered Facebook, I became friends with Steve and Ashley Swanson of the Muppetcast, and in doing so, discovered Andrew Farmer and well, you know them as part of the Core Four of United States of Geekdom. Enjoy the episodes.  They represent a period of my life where I was not sure if this whole podcasting solo thing would exactly work for me.  But here I am almost five years later, running a well received show and almost 50 episodes in on that show.  This particular podcast run also represents a period in my life where I had just turned 30, and a few months later, I found out I was going to be a father, and even still, so much more happened during the run of this show.  Anyway, here is Episode 0.

 Breaking News - The Premiere of United States of Geekdom News (USGN) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 04:40

The USG News presents a special report that is an important follow-up to Rick's recent Pottermania article. This is a must listen for everyone, especially those who want to follow in the footsteps of our fearless leader and pay a visit to some of Florida's geekier attractions. This is the first live report from United States of Geekdom News, but certainly not the last. As news of importance to our fellow geeks comes to our attention, it will be reported on with the same level of geeky journalistic integrity as this story. Given the earth-shattering nature of what you are about to hear we felt it was vitally important to launch the new USGN immediately. Stay well and above all stay geeky!

 Breaking News - The Premiere of United States of Geekdom News (USGN) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:04:40

The USG News presents a special report that is an important follow-up to Rick's recent Pottermania article. This is a must listen for everyone, especially those who want to follow in the footsteps of our fearless leader and pay a visit to some of Florida's geekier attractions. This is the first live report from United States of Geekdom News, but certainly not the last. As news of importance to our fellow geeks comes to our attention, it will be reported on with the same level of geeky journalistic integrity as this story. Given the earth-shattering nature of what you are about to hear we felt it was vitally important to launch the new USGN immediately. Stay well and above all stay geeky!

 Final Collector Sector for 2011 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:07:28

It's nearing Christmas, you got some moolah in your pocket but don't know what to buy? Let the collector sector crew alleviate that problem and point you towards all the goodies in store by way of comics, toys and movies. This is our final collector sector for 2011, fear not though, we will be back next year, ready to do it all over again. We wanna wish all of ya a very Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays and any other festivities you may enjoy over the season.

 Collector Sector for 12/5 to 12/11 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:33:22

It's payday, you have some extra money, and you don't know what geeky awesomeness to buy? Take some advice from the experts at the USG, and enter the Collector Sector! This week, Stu is away on assignment (AKA working his arse off 9 days straight and unable to be on the show) This week Stu is being filled in for by Rick, who in turn is being filled in for by Stu who is filling in for Rick.... it's complicated. Anyway, the Collector Sector Crew discuss the latest releases for the week of December 5th through December 11th!  Thanks for listening! Stay Geeky!

 United States of Geekdom Episode 34: | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:38:14

Welcome to the United States of Geekdom, the podcast that talks about waht makes us geeks go tick! We are absolutely thrilled to bring you this, our 34th episode where we discuss what kind of stuff we like to watch around this time of year. And the overarching inevitability that no matter how much one may may try, Christmas will always end badly and someone will wind up singing the National Anthem while the cat under the couch catches fire while chewing on the Christmas lights.  This is also the FINAL USG OF 2011!  We'll be back in 2012 kicking things off with one hell of a topic that will be some pretty great conversation but in the meantime, enjoy this new episode!  Thanks for listening this past year and we look forward to much more great content in the coming year!  Stay geeky folks and Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays! (Music used in the episode is dialogue from the movie Scrooged, "The Night Santa Went Crazy" by Weird Al Yankovich, and "Santa Claus is Smoking Reefer" by the Squirrel Nut Zippers.)

 United States of Geekdom Episode 34: | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:38:14

Welcome to the United States of Geekdom, the podcast that talks about waht makes us geeks go tick! We are absolutely thrilled to bring you this, our 34th episode where we discuss what kind of stuff we like to watch around this time of year. And the overarching inevitability that no matter how much one may may try, Christmas will always end badly and someone will wind up singing the National Anthem while the cat under the couch catches fire while chewing on the Christmas lights.  This is also the FINAL USG OF 2011!  We'll be back in 2012 kicking things off with one hell of a topic that will be some pretty great conversation but in the meantime, enjoy this new episode!  Thanks for listening this past year and we look forward to much more great content in the coming year!  Stay geeky folks and Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays! (Music used in the episode is dialogue from the movie Scrooged, "The Night Santa Went Crazy" by Weird Al Yankovich, and "Santa Claus is Smoking Reefer" by the Squirrel Nut Zippers.)

 Collector Sector for 11/28 - 12/4 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:22:21

It's payday, you have some extra money, and you don't know what geeky awesomeness to buy? Take some advice from the experts at the USG, and enter the Collector Sector! This week, Stu and the Collector Sector Crew discuss the latest releases for the week of November 21 through November 27!  Thanks for listening! Stay Geeky!


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