Christ Community Chapel (Audio) show

Christ Community Chapel (Audio)

Summary: Welcome to the weekly podcast of Christ Community Chapel. Here you will find our Sunday morning sermons for the past ten weeks. For more sermons, please visit our website.

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  • Artist: Christ Community Chapel
  • Copyright: © 2013 Christ Community Chapel


 The Representative - Daniel and the Dream | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 30:50

Have you ever found yourself in a situation where you were sure you knew what would happen next, yet were shocked when things took an unexpected turn? The wise men of Babylon certainly knew that feeling when King Nebuchadnezzar summoned them to interpret a dream, as he often did, then demanded they tell him not only the interpretation, but the dream itself. Understandably, the advisors were bewildered, explaining that no mortal man could do such a thing. Less understandably, Nebuchadnezzar vowed to have every last wise man killed if they failed to comply. Luckily for the condemned men, Daniel was serving as a wise-man-in-training, and knew he could rely on God to reveal the truth. Daniel went before Nebuchadnezzar and explained that, while a man may not be able to see inside another's mind, all things are possible for God. Before long, he had relayed the king's dream, along with its meaning, while also witnessing to the glory of God in a foreign land. He walked the fine line of serving God, yet looking out for the welfare of those around him, gaining their trust and loyalty. It is another reminder that sometimes the best way to show God's wonders to those around us is to influence through compassion and commitment to the ways of the Lord.

 The Representative - The Story of Daniel | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 31:38

We all encounter situations where it seems more gratifying not to follow God than to abide by his ways. Indeed, we feel the pull to live as our culture says is right, rather than what God prescribes. While this presents a challenge, at least it isn't a new dilemma; it's the same sort of pressure Daniel felt when forced to relocate to Babylon to learn and train under his new rulers. Daniel, however, held fast to his trust in God. Daniel turned away the Babylonian king's finest food, likely offered to idols first, in exchange for vegetables. He decided against assimilation into the culture, maintaining his faith without openly rebelling or isolating himself. He chose integration and the work for the welfare of those around him without compromising his faith. As a result, he led by example, serving faithfully in the tasks assigned to him while maintaining his spiritual independence. And that example wasn't just for the Babylonians; it was for those of us today feeling pressured to give in and act as society deems appropriate. His story reminds us that even though we may not always agree with our neighbors' way of life, God has commissioned us to love them and work for their good all the same, staying faithful to him and serving as a testament to his goodness all the same.

 Beloved - David and Nathan: How Healing Happens | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 27:22

Beloved - David and Nathan: How Healing Happens

 Beloved - David and Bathsheba: How Sin Works | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 30:19

David was known as "a man after God's own heart," and yet he is notoriously remembered for his most famous indiscretion: initiating an affair with Bathsheba and having her husband killed. It can be easy to rationalize a Christian's sin as an insincerity that has always been brewing. But again, David was known as a great man of God despite these great sins of his. So what does this tell us about the relationship between God and our sin?

 Beloved - David Dances | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 37:44

A good photo album always tells a story. Today we see how the Bible is like a photo album, and the face we see over and over again is Jesus. Before the gospel can be good news for us, it must first be bad news about us. In order for us to realize our need for a savior, we must first realize the depths of our sin and brokenness. David danced because he saw the whole story. He saw the brokenness, but he also saw the way paved for us to be restored. The photo we look at today is of David, but Jesus' face is all over it. When the gospel runs deep into our hearts, a beautiful foolishness overflows into our lives. It is one that causes us to dance with joy, and it is one that can only be understood through a relationship with the King of kings and Lord of lords, Jesus Christ.

 Beloved - David Dances | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 28:36

A good photo album always tells a story. Today we see how the Bible is like a photo album, and the face we see over and over again is Jesus. Before the gospel can be good news for us, it must first be bad news about us. In order for us to realize our need for a savior, we must first realize the depths of our sin and brokenness. David danced because he saw the whole story. He saw the brokenness, but he also saw the way paved for us to be restored. The photo we look at today is of David, but Jesus' face is all over it. When the gospel runs deep into our hearts, a beautiful foolishness overflows into our lives. It is one that causes us to dance with joy, and it is one that can only be understood through a relationship with the King of kings and Lord of lords, Jesus Christ.

 Beloved - The Mighty Men | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 37:47

We have seen David as a man after God's own heart. Today we see how David's devotion to the Lord stimulated loyalty and bravery in the people around him. When we see people, we often see what's behind them. When people saw David, they saw a fierce love that spurred them to action. In this story, we see mighty men experience spontaneous joy in doing something for a friend - not because of some expected reward, but because they knew it would be pleasing to the Father. When we go out on whims for God, people notice. Jesus gave it all for us. What are we willing to pour out for others? Will we be passive or will we be mighty men and women, doing small acts with great love simply for the sake of bringing glory to our God?

 Beloved - The Friends | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 31:44

We often view dependency on others as a sign of weakness, but the reality is we were created to live in relationship. After creation, there was one thing that God said was not good: man being alone. Not even God was alone as he had fellowship within the trinity. Friendships are one of the most important influences a person can have, and the Bible gives us a shining example of this in the friendship between David and Jonathan. Jonathan gave up his position of royalty in order to become a loyal friend to David; but this points us to an even greater example of friendship: Jesus. He gave up his throne, came down to earth and gave his life for us, for "greater love has no one than this, that someone lay down his life for his friends." And Christ has empowered us to be loyal, transparent and challenging friends to the people around us.

 Beloved - David and Goliath | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 29:50

While the story of David and Goliath is one of the most recognizable in the Old Testament, many people don't realize it isn't really about David or Goliath - it's about God. When David set forth to battle Goliath on behalf of the Israelite forces, the entire outcome of a war rested on the outcome... and the physical mismatch between the towering, well-armed Goliath and the small, poorly equipped David likely didn't instill much hope in Israelite onlookers. David knew he was not alone in battle, however, and with God on his side, he could never lose. David's willingness to fight for the salvation of Israel on his own was courageous, but it was never about him as much as it was about fulfilling God's plan. Hundreds of years later, we would see Jesus take a similar course, choosing to become the champion who fought on our behalf. In both cases, the victory of the advocate became the victory of the masses - all thanks to a willingness to trust in God's will.

 Beloved - After God's Own Heart | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 29:42

When Israel was first established, there was no king in the traditional sense: God held that role. The Israelites looked at their neighbors, however, and saw human kings, ultimately demanding one of their own. God obliged, and Saul was anointed king by Samuel, but it was not to last, as Saul was not a man after God's own heart. His successor, David, was a different story. David reminds us that God judges based on what is inside a person, not looks or skills. David responded to God with praise in the face of victory and repentance in the face of sin. He made God the hero instead of himself, and in his life we see foreshadowing of how Jesus, the perfect king, would act. David was far from perfect, but he served as a reminder that our perceptions of power and greatness are shortsighted compared to God's ability to recognize those who truly put him first.

 Redeemed - The Bronze Serpent | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 30:17

The Bible is full of evidence of God's irritation with complaining, yet no matter how blessed we are, we soon distrust and doubt God's plan. Though God had just saved the Israelites from 400 years of slavery, allowed them to loot their neighbors, miraculously parted the Red Sea, led the way toward the Promised Land, and fed the people daily with bread from Heaven, the Israelites still complained. Annoyed, God sent deadly serpents among the people, who quickly realized the error of their ways. When the people repented and Moses interceded on their behalf, the Lord instructed him to craft a bronze serpent, wrapping it around a pole and holding it high. All who saw the serpent, even if bitten, would live. Thousands of years later, Jesus would be lifted high on the cross, showing all who would believe that he had died and, though the deadly venom of sin coursed through their veins, any who believed in him as savior could live eternally. What the Israelites had to learn, and what we must remember, is that relying on God's grace and goodness instead of relying on ourselves may feel unnatural at times, but it isn't cheating the system. As far as eternity is concerned, God's grace IS the system for our eternal happiness.

 Redeemed - The Glory | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 31:03

We look for identity in everything we do and every trait we possess. As a result, we often forget that our true identities lie in being children of God. The Israelites of Moses' time struggled with the same issue, ultimately creating a golden calf to worship and driving God to declare that he would no longer travel with them to the Promised Land. Moses, to his credit, interceded on behalf of the people, declaring that they were nothing without God. Pleased, God not only agreed to continue on with Moses and the Israelites, but appeared to Moses, showing him a glimpse of his glory and calling Moses by name. Moses recognized that God designed us for relationship with him, and that God desires that we respond to him. After all, relationships are a two-way street. It's a lesson we would do well not to forget today. We read that Moses' face literally glowed when leaving the presence of God, and that radiance did wonders to affect belief and reverence in the people around him. As we invest in pursuing a personal relationship with God, let's not forget that such a relationship is not only essential to uncovering our true identity, but that God's radiance still has the power to influence those around us, too.

 Redeemed - The Glory | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: mm:ss

We look for identity in everything we do and every trait we possess. As a result, we often forget that our true identities lie in being children of God. The Israelites of Moses' time struggled with the same issue, ultimately creating a golden calf to worship and driving God to declare that he would no longer travel with them to the Promised Land. Moses, to his credit, interceded on behalf of the people, declaring that they were nothing without God. Pleased, God not only agreed to continue on with Moses and the Israelites, but appeared to Moses, showing him a glimpse of his glory and calling Moses by name. Moses recognized that God designed us for relationship with him, and that God desires that we respond to him. After all, relationships are a two-way street. It's a lesson we would do well not to forget today. We read that Moses' face literally glowed when leaving the presence of God, and that radiance did wonders to affect belief and reverence in the people around him. As we invest in pursuing a personal relationship with God, let's not forget that such a relationship is not only essential to uncovering our true identity, but that God's radiance still has the power to influence those around us, too.

 Redeemed - The Power of Grace | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 33:00

The Bible's overarching theme of redemption contains a major component: grace. In God's command to Moses and his people to observe the Passover, we begin to see that grace in action. The sacrifice of a lamb protected the Jewish people from the final plague that God would strike Egypt with: death to the firstborn in every household not protected by the blood of a lamb. Did the people do anything to deserve this protection? No. And God has extended grace to us as well. We all deserve death and judgment for our sins, but Jesus came as our sacrifice so that the punishment we deserve will instead pass over us. Have you experienced the power of this grace?

 Redeemed - The Power of Grace | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 32:01

The Bible's overarching theme of redemption contains a major component: grace. In God's command to Moses and his people to observe the Passover, we begin to see that grace in action. The sacrifice of a lamb protected the Jewish people from the final plague that God would strike Egypt with: death to the firstborn in every household not protected by the blood of a lamb. Did the people do anything to deserve this protection? No. And God has extended grace to us as well. We all deserve death and judgment for our sins, but Jesus came as our sacrifice so that the punishment we deserve will instead pass over us. Have you experienced the power of this grace?


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