Beloved - David and Goliath

Christ Community Chapel (Audio) show

Summary: While the story of David and Goliath is one of the most recognizable in the Old Testament, many people don't realize it isn't really about David or Goliath - it's about God. When David set forth to battle Goliath on behalf of the Israelite forces, the entire outcome of a war rested on the outcome... and the physical mismatch between the towering, well-armed Goliath and the small, poorly equipped David likely didn't instill much hope in Israelite onlookers. David knew he was not alone in battle, however, and with God on his side, he could never lose. David's willingness to fight for the salvation of Israel on his own was courageous, but it was never about him as much as it was about fulfilling God's plan. Hundreds of years later, we would see Jesus take a similar course, choosing to become the champion who fought on our behalf. In both cases, the victory of the advocate became the victory of the masses - all thanks to a willingness to trust in God's will.