Infants on Thrones show

Infants on Thrones

Summary: An entertaining podcast about self-awareness and discovery. The title Infants on Thrones is an homage to the Mormon Founder Joseph Smith who said, in his lesser-known King Follet discourse, that eternity is full of thrones, upon which dwell thousands of children, reigning on thrones of glory, with not one cubit added to their stature. It is a funny image, but it also suggests that we, as amateur podcasters, do not really have all the answers we may think we do. We can't take ourselves too seriously. We are also Infants on Thrones.


 Ep 383 – That SHONE Episode thingy | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

At long last. Here it is. Glenn and a bunch of listeners guide you through the Universe. Bang. A big one. And don’t worry — you always end up right where you started when exploring the universe. Because, you know…. science.

 Ep 382 – Dr. Wendy and the Perfectionsim | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Glenn and Tom are joined by listener and licensed therapist Dr. Wendy to discuss a BYU article on Perfectionism (yes, it is intentionally misspelled in the title, cuz that is so incrdbly hillaryous) and to pitch an idea for a possible new series that may or may not be the best thing since self-slicing bread.

 Ep 381 – Bill Reel and Spiritual Abuse | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

What is Spiritual Abuse and when is enough enough? Bill Reel, faithful active host of the Mormon Discussion podcast, joins Glenn, Tom and Matt to discuss the finer points of head-butting dense brick walls.

 Ep 380 – Infant Investigative Journalism 101: Of Testimonies and 12-Year-olds | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 18:30

Glenn takes a hard-hitting, investigative journalistic approach to Fair Mormon’s recent blog post: “Of Testimonies and Twelve Year Olds.” Thank you, Fair Mormon, for placing this Savannah 12-year-old-lesbian testimony-bearing thingy into the proper context. I don’t know where we would be without you.

 Ep 379 – Outrage BONUS episode | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 81:46

Which Infant once wrote in his mission journal, “I think God hates me.  So I’m gonna do everything I can to get into the celestial kingdom — just to spite Him!”  You will find out on today’s episode as Matt, Bob, Tom, Jake and Glenn continue our discussion about outrage by reflecting on our mission experiences and reading entries from our old mission journals.  Glenn also explains more about our new Patreon page to encourage you all to support our creative efforts going forward.  Click below to find out more:  

 Ep 378 – Outrage | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 62:54

Matt, Bob, Tom, Jake and Glenn talk about outrage in today’s social media age in a fun and spirited throwback Infant-kind-of way.  We also have some excellent bonus content for listeners who join our new Patreon page to support our creative efforts going forward.  Click below to find out more:  

 Ep 377 – Zach and Friends and Mormon Cred | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

This episode of Infants on Thrones may very well change the experience of podcasting forever!  At least it will for the people who’s podcasting experiences are forever changed by this episode.  Will you be one of them? Also…  Bob’s Mormon Cred Scale.  What an Easter Egg!

 Ep 376 – For the Strength of Youth – 1965 Edition | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 89:46

Don’t you miss the good old days of pure American apple pie values?  You know, before all those damn hippies and liberals ruined it all?  Well lament no more, cuz today Heather, Randy, and Bob explore the treasure that is the 1965 edition of the LDS For the Strength of Youth pamphlet.  Now let’s all go out and just make America great again!

 Ep 375 – The Articles of (non)Faith | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 16:27

Let’s imagine for a moment that we are not in the middle of some major divisive conflicts between people we all appreciate and care about.  And instead, let’s ask ourselves the question “what are our shared moral values?”  That’s what Glenn does in this minisode.  And we desire all to receive it. Also, please take a few moments to fill out our new survey on VALUES. We really want to hear what principles are most important to you.  Thanks!

 Ep 374 – Against Empathy | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Heather, Jake, Tom and Glenn weigh the pros and cons of empathy – as informed by Paul Bloom and Brene Brown.

 Ep 373 – Why Can’t we be… Oh yeah, That’s Why | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 75:00

Randy and Glenn talk about apologetics, planting seeds, and our new best friend from down under and off to the right, Kiwi57.

 Ep 372 – Bye Bye Scouts | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 76:22

Jake, Heather, Randy and Scott smack around a DN article saying TTFN to the LDS VS program of the BSA.  Let’s hope you all got your AMBs!!  (Acronym Merit Badges)

 Ep 371 – Why Can’t We Be Friends: Part 4 – Mad Respect for Kiwi57 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 43:55

Are Mormon Priesthood holders really more powerful than Jesus?  Are Mormons really even Christians?  Listen in as Glenn responds to some very intelligent, articulate, critical comments recently made on the IOT website by faithful believing Mormon listener Kiwi57.

 Ep 369 – Froback Friday – Who Wrote the Book of Mormon | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Come back with us to October 2013 for our 3-part series “Who Wrote the Book of Mormon.”  John Hamer, Craig Criddle, and so much more.

 Ep 368 – Check-back from the Neck-flap | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 37:00

Glenn provides a brief update on the listener responses that have come in from yesterday’s episode (TLDL: no, we are not shutting down Infants on Thrones) and shares a particularly awesome mission story, if he does say so himself (And he does.  Trust me.  I know.  Cuz he is me, referring to himself in the third person.  Like a weirdo.  Trust me on that one, too).


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