Come Let Us Reason Podcast show

Come Let Us Reason Podcast

Summary: Welcome to Come Let Us Reason Together, the podcast from Lenny Esposito and Come Reason Ministries. Here, we dig deeply into ways Christianity shows itself as an intelligent and rational faith. Episodes include topics about faith, ethics, worldview, and philosophy from a distinctly Christian perspective. Join us each week and see just how rational faith can be!

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  • Artist: Lenny Esposito
  • Copyright: (c) 2019 Come Reason Ministries, All rights reserved


 God's Sovereignty and Man's Freedom (Part 1) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

God's Sovereignty and Man's Freedom (Part 1) The Bible holds that God predestines certain people to be saved, but we're also told that we must choose to follow Jesus. Is this a contradiction? Are our choices real? In this video, Lenny explores the apparent tensions between our free will and God's foreordination and looks at possible solutions offered in theological systems like Calvinism, Arminianism and Molinism. (Part 1 of 2)

 We're Devolving: Losing Our Humanity in a Secular Age | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

We're Devolving: Losing Our Humanity in a Secular Age What does it mean to be human? How do we order our lives in such a way that we are being the best human beings we can be? While our modern society seeks the answer by following our feelings and our appetites, it has proven highly unsatisfying. Instead, we must see ourselves as God’s image bearers and recognize that our fallen nature will deceive us.

 How Can I Know God's Will for My Life? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

How Can I Know God's Will for My Life? Have you ever wondered what God has for your life? How can you know that you're in God's will? In this teaching, Lenny takes a fresh look at four famous figures from the Bible and uses their examples to show how God can use the little things placed before us right now to ultimately accomplish miraculous achievements.

 When Did Transgenderism Become Normalized? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

When Did Transgenderism Become Normalized? In just a few years it seems our culture went from holding natural marriage in high regard to not only accepting concepts like being born in the "wrong" body, but to advocating for them. This podcast recording captures a recent radio program where Lenny, Dr. Harry Edwards, and Dr. Jacob Daniel discuss the first chapter of Carl Trueman’s book “The Rise and Triumph of the Modern Self.” Specifically, they cover Philip Rieff’s cultural development of society beginning with what he calls the Political Man, then on to the Religious Man, to the Economic Man, and finally onto the Psychological Man.

 Should We Allow Public Displays of Faith in Government Settings? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Should We Allow Public Displays of Faith in Government Settings? Recently, a US Supreme Court decision stated that a high school football coach was within his constitutional rights to pray at the 50 yard line after school football games. The ruling quickly became controversial, adding to a growing tension between expressions of faith in public, especially when government entities are involved. Crosses on hilltops, Christmas nativity scenes on city hall lawns, and even the ten commandments posted on courtroom walls have all been under fire. What is the proper way to understand faith in the public square? We examine this more closely on our latest podcast.

 Examining Jordan Peterson's Message to the Christian Churches | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Jordan Peterson has offered a message to Christian Churches, instructing them to begin engaging young men in order to save the culture. Is he right? How should we understand Peterson's call or should we bother with it at all? We will examine his message a bit more closely in this week's discussion.  Examining Jordan Peterson's Message to the Christian Churches.

 After Roe: How the Dobbs Decision Changed the Abortion Debate | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

After Roe: How the Dobbs Decision Changed the Abortion Debate The overturning of Roe vs. Wade sent shockwaves through our culture. Yet, this isn’t the end of the abortion debate. It is only the end of the first chapter. In this newly restructured podcast, Lenny is joined by Raymond Gregory and Dominique Aguiar to discuss the impact of the Dobbs decision, what it really means to be pro-life, and how Christians should approach the objections of pro-abortion activists.

 Debunking "Bible Secrets" Television Shows (Part 4) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Debunking "Bible Secrets" Television Shows (Part 4)  YouTube, as well as cable channels like The History Channel or Discovery love to hype programs where they air supposed secret findings about the Bible. Even PBS produced "The Bible's Buried Secrets" – the latest in a list of documentaries that tries to undermine the Bible's credibility. How should we understand these shows and what are we to o with the charges from some very significant scholars? In this series, Lenny shows some of the tricks the producers use to make fringe possibilities seem definite and  exposes how these shows truly present an emperor who has no clothes. Part 4 of 4

 Debunking "Bible Secrets" Television Shows (Part 3) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Debunking "Bible Secrets" Television Shows (Part 3)  YouTube, as well as cable channels like The History Channel or Discovery love to hype programs where they air supposed secret findings about the Bible. Even PBS produced "The Bible's Buried Secrets" – the latest in a list of documentaries that tries to undermine the Bible's credibility. How should we understand these shows and what are we to o with the charges from some very significant scholars? In this series, Lenny shows some of the tricks the producers use to make fringe possibilities seem definite and  exposes how these shows truly present an emperor who has no clothes. Part 3 of 4

 Debunking "Bible Secrets" Television Shows (Part 2) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

  Debunking "Bible Secrets" Television Shows (Part 2)  YouTube, as well as cable channels like The History Channel or Discovery love to hype programs where they air supposed secret findings about the Bible. Even PBS produced "The Bible's Buried Secrets" – the latest in a list of documentaries that tries to undermine the Bible's credibility. How should we understand these shows and what are we to o with the charges from some very significant scholars? In this series, Lenny shows some of the tricks the producers use to make fringe possibilities seem definite and  exposes how these shows truly present an emperor who has no clothes. Part 2 of 4

 Debunking "Bible Secrets" Television Shows (Part 1) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Debunking "Bible Secrets" Television Shows (Part 1)  YouTube, as well as cable channels like The History Channel or Discovery love to hype programs where they air supposed secret findings about the Bible. Even PBS produced "The Bible's Buried Secrets" – the latest in a list of documentaries that tries to undermine the Bible's credibility. How should we understand these shows and what are we to o with the charges from some very significant scholars? In this series, Lenny shows some of the tricks the producers use to make fringe possibilities seem definite and  exposes how these shows truly present an emperor who has no clothes. Part 1 of 4

 Confronting Counterfeit Christianity (Part 2) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Confronting Counterfeit Christianity (Part 2) Is Christianity in the west dying? With deconversion stories and scandals making the headlines, some pundits think so. However, God’s plan was always to use imperfect people to grow his kingdom. Using Acts 13 as a backdrop, Lenny draws a distinction between the true church and the counterfeits that give Christianity a bad name. He then explores how many who claim the faith today are actually mistaking spirituality for true holiness. Part 2 of 2

 Confronting Counterfeit Christianity (Part 1) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Confronting Counterfeit Christianity (Part 1) Is Christianity in the west dying? With deconversion stories and scandals making the headlines, some pundits think so. However, God’s plan was always to use imperfect people to grow his kingdom. Using Acts 13 as a backdrop, Lenny draws a distinction between the true church and the counterfeits that give Christianity a bad name. He then explores how many who claim the faith today are actually mistaking spirituality for true holiness. Part 1 of 2

 Acts: From Heritage to Mission (Part 2) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Acts: From Heritage to Mission (Part 2) So often, people point to the book of Acts and say that it is the model of what the Christian church should be today. That’s both right and wrong, for too many people look at the structures of the early church instead of the motivations and what consequences they bring. In this introduction to the book, Lenny offers a bit of a different perspective: that Acts serves as the tale of Jesus’s ministry through his church, a program that should continue even today. Part 2 of 2

 Acts: From Heritage to Mission (Part 1) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Acts: From Heritage to Mission (Part 1) So often, people point to the book of Acts and say that it is the model of what the Christian church should be today. That’s both right and wrong, for too many people look at the structures of the early church instead of the motivations and what consequences they bring. In this introduction to the book, Lenny offers a bit of a different perspective: that Acts serves as the tale of Jesus’s ministry through his church, a program that should continue even today. Part 1 of 2


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