Past Podcasts


Come Let Us Reason Podcast

Welcome to Come Let Us Reason Together, the podcast from Lenny Esposito and Come Reason Ministries. Here, we dig deeply into ways Christianity shows itself as an intelligent and rational faith. Episodes include topics about faith, ethics, worldview, and philosophy from a distinctly Christian perspective. Join us each week and see just how rational faith can be!

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Sunday, April 28, 2024

Belief, Denial, and Delusion: Lessons from Jeremiah

Belief, Denial, and Delusion: Lessons from Jeremiah

People will hold their beliefs strongly. If a belief is justified, that should be the case. But what happens when we believe things that aren’t true because we simply don’t want to? We have many examples throughout history of people denying or deluding themselves into believing things about God that are simply wrong, and they even use scripture to try and prove it! In this podcast, we examine how our denial or biased understanding of God makes for dangerous, dangerous trap that can lead to significant consequences.

Sunday, April 21, 2024

Losing Culture: How Relativism Makes People More Savage

Losing Culture: How Relativism Makes People More Savage

Why do we see more incivility in our society today? We read about the increase in mass shootings, student violence against speakers with whom they disagree, and an ever-growing online belligerence. And what's worse is our country and our world are being divided among ideological lines where no thought or no charity is given to the person holding a differing view. Here, our panel explores how we are losing our culture--specifically how relativism is making people more savage, causing them to lose the understanding of what civility actually means.

Monday, April 15, 2024

Fake News! How the Misinformation Police Get It Wrong

Fake News! How the Misinformation Police Get It Wrong

What counts as misinformation, disinformation or fake news? Are people so led astray by today's social media that they continually confuse facts with opinion? Lenny examines a journalarticle by political sciientists who claim to show how people get their facts and opinions wrong. However, there's a big problem... the researchers themseves don't understand knowledge. By misdefining what counts as fact, theitr paper provides an example of how the experts are committing the very error they are lecturing others about. Find out how to think a little more clearly on this Come Le Us Reason Podcast.

Monday, April 08, 2024

Deconstruction, Doubt, and Christianity: The Bobby Conway Interview

Deconstruction, Doubt, and Christianity: The Bobby Conway Interview

Doubt about the claims of Christianity have existed since the day of Jesus's resurrection. Many young people today are deconstructing their faith based on their doubts. But what happens when the one wrestling with doubt is a pastor? How does he face his congregation each week? In this riveting interview, Lenny talks with pastor and apologist Bobby Conway about the difficulties and doubt he faced even while pastoring a church. Hear why doubt doesn't mean the end of faith and why Christianity actually gives us ways to overcome darkness and depression in our lives.

Monday, April 01, 2024

Defusing the Wars Against Men and Culture: The Nancy Pearcey Interview

Defusing the Wars Against Men and Culture: The Nancy Pearcey Interview

Our culture is in crisis in many different ways. Depression rates are soaring, young men are finding it more difficult to find their place in this world, confusion over the value that our bodies hold is commonplace, as is the idea that morality isn’t rooted in fact. In special interview with Nancy Pearcey, we discuss several of the most crucial issues that are rocking our culture today. Her books like Saving Leonardo, Total Truth, and her most recent book, The Toxic War on Masculinity, really focus on some of these most important issues that show a seismic shift in where we used to be as a culture and where we find ourselves now.

Monday, March 25, 2024

Christianity and Masculinity - What Does it Mean to Be a A Man?

Christianity and Masculinity: What Does it Mean to Be a A Man?

What does it mean to be a Christian and a man in 2024? Is it the hyper-aggressiveness and crudity of an Andrew Tate or is it a benign passivity of a Ward Cleaver? Here, we examine the extremes, the stereotypes, and the assertions of how manhood has gone wrong. But we also look to Jesus—the primary example of what being a true man is—and offer a model of biblical manhood that becomes something a bit different from what both the secularists and Christian critics try to make it.

Monday, March 18, 2024

A Paleontologist's View of Darwinism and Intelligent Design

A Paleontologist's View of Darwinism and Intelligent Design

Evolution is a hot=button issue. As our science progresses, is the evidence for evolution beoining more concrete or more tenuous? Here, I interview Dr. Günter Bechly, an evolutionary biologist and paleontologist who has devoted much of his life studying Darwinism. He highlights the incredible problems facing the modern neo-darwinian synthesis and how design makes much better sense of the data.

Monday, March 11, 2024

Does HeGetsUs Really Get Jesus Right

Does #HeGetsUS Really Get Jesus Right?

How do you reach a culture that thinks Christianity is not only unnecessary, but evil? The #HeGetsUs commercials made a huge splash during the Superbowl, but were they effective? And did they properly communicate the gospel message? Here Lenny, along with Dr. Harry Edwards and Dr. Jacob Daniel, discuss the pluses and the problems of the #HeGetsUS effort and offers a balanced, thoughtful view, shedding more light to a topic that has generated quite a bit of heat, both inside and outside the church.

Monday, March 04, 2024

Beware The Language Games of the Woke

Beware! The Language Games of the Woke

Words matter. We use words in order to communicate ideas, in order to share feelings, and gain knowledge. But words can also wound and be weaponized. In fact, today political ideology has driven an intentional misuse of words and a conflict over how we even understand shared ideas.

Here Lenny exposes the intentional obfuscation of terms and points out the language shell games that are sometimes used to try and shame and coerce us into holding a specific view. However, through a proper approach of engaging and extending ideas, we can actually open a door to gospel conversations.

Monday, February 26, 2024

My LIVE Conversation with Jehovah's Witnesses

My LIVE Conversation with Jehovah's Witnesses

What do you do when a Jehovah's Witness knocks on your door? Many people have a bit of a panic attack or want to shoo them away as quickly as possible, Christians included! But you shouldn't be afraid to engage these people, for it's rare enough that someone wants to talk to us about the things of God! I had the opportunity to capture a visit that a couple of Witnesses made to my door and I take you through the entire conversation, providing my thinking and my strategy so you too may be able thoughtfully and graciously engage those who are lost to the cults.

Monday, February 19, 2024

The Lazy Approach to Evangelism

The Lazy Approach to Evangelism

Evangelism. It's a word that can strikes fear into the hearts of a lot of people. We know we're supposed to evangelize, but how do we do so? Does it require tons of study? Doesn't it require feet of iron? Maybe there's a lazy way that we can still be faithful to our gospel command and share our faith with those who don't believe in Jesus. That's our topic as I interview author and apologist Eric Hernandez on his new book The Lazy Approach to Evangelism.

Monday, February 12, 2024

Crisis of the Shrinking Family: The Tim Carney Interview

Crisis of the Shrinking Family: The Tim Carney Interview

We are in the midst of a baby-bust. For the first time in our history, the number of seniors are growing at a greater rate than the number of babies being born, which spells a dangerous future for our lives as well as our culture. Why has the millennial generation shied away from having kids? What are the *real reasons* for the hesitancy in becoming parents and what can the church do about it? In this interview with Tim Carney, author of the upcoming _Family Unfriendly: How Our Culture Made Raising Kids Much Harder Than It Needs to Be_, we discuss these questions and the underlying drivers that disincentivize growing families. it is a topic that should concern us all.

Monday, February 05, 2024

Andy Stanley, Alistair Begg, and Confusion over LGBTQ+ Issues

Andy Stanley, Alistair Begg, and Confusion over LGBTQ+ Issues

What are we to make over the recent controversies that have encircled prominent Evangelical leaders about their stances on same-sex weddings, transgender grandchildren, and the like? A few months ago, Andy Stanley hosted a conference where he invited a "married" gay couple to speak to Christian parents. Last week, Alistair Begg got into hot water for his advice about attending such unions. How are Christians to discern what the right path is?

In this podcast, Lenny examines the statements and positions of these events and offers a sensitive, nuanced explanation of how you can be loving to your LGBTQ+ family and friends while still holding to a clear biblical morality.

Sunday, January 21, 2024

Building a Bulletproof Faith in Your Kids

Building a Bulletproof Faith in Your Kids

The stats are clear. Once they leave home, Christian kids are leaving the church in alarming numbers. How can we help young believers stand up to the continual onslaught of peer-pressure, professors, and pop culture pushing them away from the faith? In this session, noted apologist Lenny Esposito provides parents and young people with specific tools to solidify their faith and help them see why Christianity makes the most sense of our world.

Monday, January 15, 2024

Losing The Family: Are Millennials Choosing Comfort Over Kids?

Losing The Family: Are Millennials Choosing Comfort Over Kids?

It’s no secret that birthrates are declining in the west and it seems to be more prevalent with the millennials. Why are young people today reluctant to start families? In this podcast Lenny, along with Kirkwood Center colleagues Anthony Costello and Dr. Jacob Daniel review a couple of recent articles written by millennial women where they tell how they actually dread the idea of motherhood and how they aren't alone in their feelings. What does this mean for society and for the future? The answers are chilling.

Monday, January 08, 2024

Would The World Be Better Without Religion?

Would The World Be Better Without Religion?

Is it true that science fly you to the moon while religion flies you into buildings? Skeptics such as Richard Dawkins often claim that the biggest evils in the world are perpetrated because of religious beliefs. Does religion cause more wars, more hatred and prejudice than other views? What would a world free of religion look like? Join Lenny as he shows why such objections have no grounding in reality.

Monday, January 01, 2024

Top Podcasts of 2023 - The Best of the Best!

Top Podcasts of 2023 - The Best of the Best!

Here it is. As we close out 2023 and welcome 2024, Lenny reviews all the interviews and roundtable discussions published over the year and highlights clips from the top five most watched podcasts of the year. Issues like neo-paganism, J.R.R. Tolkien and God in Lord of the Rings, and how Sigmund Freud shifted our culture towards a sex-saturated ideology are here. Interviews with Stephen Meyer, Austin Freeman and former militant atheist Sy Garte are included. Listen all in this final retrospective.

  1. The God of Middle Earth: How Tolkien's Faith Fueled The Lord of the Rings
  2. Top Scientist Changes From Militant Atheist to Christian Believer - Because of Science!
  3. Four Hot Button Topics the Church Cannot Ignore
  4. Stephen C Meyer Interview: The Return of the God Hypothesis
    Part 1:
    Part 2:
  5. Freud's Poison: Corrupting Civilization Through Sex

Monday, December 25, 2023

Top Podcasts of 2023 - Part 1

Top Podcasts of 2023 - Part 1

As we look back on our first year of our newly reformatted Come Let Us Reason Together podcasts, there are several standout moments. Here, Lenny shares some clips from five of the top ten podcasts of the year, discussing issues from the resurrection of Jesus, questions on Hell, engaging Jehovah's Witnesses, why God doesn't make himself more visible, and the logic of holding Christianity instead of other faiths.

Monday, December 18, 2023

College and Faith: Can Christianity Make a Difference on the University Campus?

College and Faith: Can Christianity Make a Difference on the University Campus?

It’s no secret that the modern university is bastion of leftism and secularism., yet these institutions of higher learning play an outsized role in shaping our culture. Is it possible for Christianity to make a difference on the university campus? How should young Christians approach college life? In today’s podcast, I’m joined in the discussion by Corey Miller, the President of Ratio Christi, and my colleague at the Kirkwood Center, Anthony Costello, as we explore the state of higher education today and what is being done to fight the moral decay on campus.

Monday, December 11, 2023

Faith And Politics: Where Should Christianity Fit in the Democratic Process?

Faith And Politics: Where Should Christianity Fit in the Democratic Process?

As we get ready to enter another election year in the United States, the question arises of how faith should inform one’s politics. Faith is the basis of morality, and even the founding of the United States points to God who endows us with inalienable rights. How do we make sense of this in a pluralistic culture? Here, our panel explores questions of faith in politics and how Christianity should fit into the democratic process. Is there any virtue in voting for the lesser of two evils? Is politics an appropriate point of discussion for Christian apologetics? These questions and more are tackled in our latest episode.

Monday, December 04, 2023

Top Scientist Changes From Militant Atheist to Christian Believer - Because of Science!

Top Scientist Changes From Militant Atheist to Christian Believer - Because of Science!

It's common today to hear atheists proclaim that believing in God is anti-science and as our science progresses, faith will be abandoned. But what if doing good science actually makes a compelling case for God? In this pocast, Lenny talks wth Dr. Sy Garte, a self-described "militant atheist" whose journey as an origin of life scholar prompted hm to abandon his atheism and affirm the Christian faith.

Sy talks about his new book, Science and Faith in Harmony: Contemplations on a Distilled Doxology and the current state of origin of life research as well as how the more we learn, the more God is evident in design.

Monday, November 27, 2023

How to Talk About Jesus Without Fear: The Andy Bannister Interview

How to Talk About Jesus Without Fear: The Andy Bannister Interview

As Christians, we all want to share the life-changing belief of Jesus with others, but it can seem to tough! Will I say the right thing? Will I be ridiculed? Will I offend someone else? In this engaging interview, Lenny talks with Andy Bannister about his new book How to Talk About Jesus Without Sounding Like an Idiot about no-pressure ways you can engage others in conversations that easily open the door for the Gospel.

Monday, November 20, 2023

Resurrecting a Bold Faith

Resurrecting a Bold Faith

Have you ever wished that you could have the faith as those heroes we read about in the Bible? Bold faith isn’t something you stumble upon, it can be cultivated and strengthened. In the second part of our study of Hebrews 11, Lenny examines how faith begins with what we know and how you can make yours grow by deepening your experiences with God.

Monday, November 13, 2023

What is Faith?

What Is Faith?

In today's secular world, faith is dismissed as something akin to wishful thinking. Atheists proclaim faith is nothing more than belief without evidence. However, nothing could be further from the truth. in this, the first of a two-part series, Lenny looks at the Biblical definition of faith in Hebrews 11 and how that faith is demonstrated through the lives of key biblical figures. Learn why faith actually requires evidence in this fascinating study.

Monday, November 06, 2023

Christianity and Culture: Is Therapy Doing More Harm Than Good?

Christianity and Culture: Is Therapy Doing More Harm Than Good?

Therapy seems to be all the rage. JAMA Health Forum recently reported use of mental health services has jumped by almost 40% and for most young people today believe therapy is normal and everyone should be in it. Why then are we seeing a mental health crisis exploding across our nation and in the western world, especially among young people? And what's the difference between secular therapy and Christian therapy?

In this discussion, Lenny talks with Dr. Jacob Daniel and Tom Thomazin, a Christian counselor with over thirty years of experience to flesh out both the benefits and the limitations of our modern therapeutic mindset.

Come Reason brandmark Convincing Christianity
An invaluable addition to the realm of Christian apologetics

Mary Jo Sharp:

"Lenny Esposito's work at Come Reason Ministries is an invaluable addition to the realm of Christian apologetics. He is as knowledgeable as he is gracious. I highly recommend booking Lenny as a speaker for your next conference or workshop!"
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