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BhTV (video)

Summary: Smart people talking, mostly about politics, but sometimes about other stuff.

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 Jillian C. York & Katherine Maher | File Type: video/mp4 | Duration: 02:09:32

On Interrobang‽, Jillian and Katherine discuss threats to online freedom around the world, starting with Russia and its popular social network site VKontakte. How do developing nations differ in their views about Internet freedom? They analyze the complicated issue of online censorship in Syria. Next they discuss Turkey, which has a long history of media censorship, and how Prime Minister Erdogan is trying, fairly ineffectually, to block Twitter. Katherine explains why, despite Newt Gingrich's claims to the contrary, America is not giving up control of the Internet. Plus: Why there was a large blank spot on the front page of Pakistani editions of The International New York Times.

 Kevin Glass & Caroline Kitchens | File Type: video/mp4 | Duration: 01:12:50

On Rational Actors, Kevin talks to Caroline about the concept of "free-market feminism" and how it's different from mainstream feminism. What would a free-market feminist policy agenda look like? Is the wage gap real when non-gender factors are taken into account? Is "rape culture" a useful formulation for campus anti-rape activists? Is the methodology for studies on sexual assault flawed? Finally, will the White House initiative on sexual assault be effective?

 Glenn Loury & John McWhorter | File Type: video/mp4 | Duration: 01:23:57

On The Glenn Show, Glenn and John discuss the charge that Newark mayoral candidate Shavar Jeffries might not be "black enough" to run that city. Glenn, remembering Obama’s early failed run against Rep. Bobby Rush in Chicago, asks what’s wrong with voters objecting to a candidate who seems inauthentic. John counters that judging candidates on superficial characteristics won’t help minority communities. Glenn contends that the gut is often as important as the mind in politics. Next: Is Spike Lee right about gentrification in Brooklyn? Can gentrification benefit both old and new neighborhood residents? Plus: Why the younger generation may not care about gentrification battles.

 Daniel Drezner & Heather Hurlburt | File Type: video/mp4 | Duration: 01:21:09

On Drezburt, Dan debriefs Heather on HBO's Game of Thrones. Heather explains what the national obsession over the missing Malaysian airliner says about the zeitgeist, and what it means for national policy. Heather and Dan worry that constant coverage of flight MH370 has crowded out important events in Turkey and Venezuela. They close by wondering what TV shows President Obama is watching these days.

 Robert Farley & Adam Lowther | File Type: video/mp4 | Duration: 01:29:58

On Foreign Entanglements, Rob and Adam debate the need for an independent air force. Adam argues that the US Air Force provides an integrated vision of military airpower that the other services can't offer. Rob, on the other hand, isn't impressed by the USAF's performance. Would bombers exist without an independent air force? What lessons can we learn from the wars in Iraq? What is the Air Force's most under-appreciated service? Rob and Adam close by discussing the prospects for using airpower in Ukraine.

 Bill Scher & Justin Green | File Type: video/mp4 | Duration: 01:49:15

On The DMZ, Bill and special guest Justin discuss whether Democrats and Republicans can find common ground on Russia and Iran. Was Romney right about Russia being America's number one political foe? Bill argues that Putin's Russia should inspire liberals to embrace American exceptionalism, and Justin explores whether the libertarian wing of the GOP still does. How would Rand Paul's foreign policy positions play in the 2016 GOP primaries? Is Hillary Clinton running for president as a hawk? Is Paul Ryan's outreach on poverty and race going to convince anyone?

 David Klion & Paul Saunders | File Type: video/mp4 | Duration: 00:46:54

Will sanctions on Russia work? ... How Russia could make trouble in Iran, Afghanistan, and Syria... ... ...and also mess with Europe's energy supply ... Putin's domestic calculations ... Paul's critique of Obama's Russia policy ... What China has learned from the Crimean crisis ...

 Bryce Covert & Kay Steiger | File Type: video/mp4 | Duration: 00:38:12

The compelling new documentary "Paycheck to Paycheck" ... How the social safety net fails modern families ... Sexual harassment charges against tech company GitHub ... Can Silicon Valley fix its gender problem? ... Tweeting about being sexually assaulted ... The surprising effects of paid sick days ...

 Robert Wright & Rodney Smith | File Type: video/mp4 | Duration: 00:56:18

Rodney's book Awakening: A Paradigm Shift of the Heart ... Getting to “no self”: DIY ... Resistance is futile ... Trying to describe the indescribable feeling of not-self ... How surrendering your objection to a problem solves it ... An essential part of Buddhism is skepticism of essence ... Bob fails to awaken ...

 Greg Marx & Angie Drobnic Holan | File Type: video/mp4 | Duration: 00:38:46

PolitiFact goes local ... Does fact-checking make politicians more scripted? ... Why learning the facts doesn't always change minds ... FL special election previews national attack lines ... The challenge of thoroughness vs. readability ... Giving pundits the "Pants on Fire!" treatment ...

 Robert Wright & Michael Cohen | File Type: video/mp4 | Duration: 00:43:09

Can the US talk credibly about international law? ... Was NATO expansion stabilizing or destabilizing? ... How invading Crimea could backfire on Putin ... Is Putin open to negotiation? ... Was Yanukovych's overthrow a coup? ... Fading US power and the need for international law ...

 Harry Siegel & Joel Kotkin | File Type: video/mp4 | Duration: 00:43:31

Why NYC's tech sector is less than meets the eye ... Silicon Valley, the 51st state? ... Joel: The tech industry has stagnated ... Is Google scarier than the NSA? ... San Francisco's anti-techie backlash ... Can the public reclaim the Internet? ...

 Bill Scher & Matt K. Lewis | File Type: video/mp4 | Duration: 00:46:29

On The DMZ, Bill and Matt discuss the GOP special election victory in Florida and whether Obamacare has become a liability for Democrats. They evaluate Obama's decision to appear on Between Two Ferns with Zach Galifianakis. What if Chris Christie had decided to play Bridgegate for laughs? Is CPAC good for potential Republican presidential candidates? Was this year's conference good for Ted Cruz, and is he a threat to Rand Paul? And what were the other big stories out of CPAC?

 Conor Friedersdorf & Mark Joseph Stern | File Type: video/mp4 | Duration: 01:27:06

On an epic edition of Friedersdorf, Conor and Mark debate issues arising from the case of the New Mexico photographer who refused to shoot a gay wedding. How much does motivation—hate, animus, or religious conviction—matter in these disputes? Conor reflects on his Catholic upbringing to discuss religious believers who think encouraging same-sex marriage is sinful. Should a gay photographer be legally compelled to shoot a traditional Catholic wedding? Conor and Mark debate how non-discrimination laws should work. Does the photographer have a First Amendment case? Mark challenges Conor with a hypothetical town where the restaurants refuse to serve gay people. Finally, are we heading toward a future with more or less conflict between gay rights and religious freedom?

 David Klion & Anatol Lieven | File Type: video/mp4 | Duration: 00:30:27

Has Putin lost his mind? ... Did Western governments orchestrate the Maidan protests? ... How the thuggish Yanukovych got elected ... The Cyprus precedent for Crimea ... NATO, the EU, and a potential geopolitical crisis ... What does Russia want with Ukraine? ...


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